Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 163: Intelligent Choices

Chapter 163: Intelligent Choices

Astrid felt the excitement well up within her as she gazed at the new Skills she had the choice of selecting. Once she saw the first, it was obvious the Stage 4 Milestone Skill was a turning point within her class.

Mana Dominator: You are the dominator of mana. You control the mana within the world as if it is your own.

| increase your mana regeneration by 50%.

| Increases the damage done by all mana Skills by 25%.

Astrid smiled. It was an upgraded version of Avatar of Mana, but with extras tacked onto the end of it. It was amazing. Everything she had heard about Stage 4 Milestone Skills were made true.

But they also held a unique aspect that the others didn’t have. They were made unique to the user's Class. The next Skill only reaffirmed that.

Mind of the Endless Void: From your interactions with the void, it has begun to consume your mind. Will you fall victim to the Endless Void, or will you battle against it, coming out victorious?

| All dark matter Skills have their damage increased by 50% and are 25% easier to control.

| Warning: You will need to battle against the corruption of the Endless Void.

What the hell is the Endless Void? She thought, but once she gazed at the System message, there was a jolting pain within her left eye. Her eye of the void.

Placing her palm against her eye, did it have something to do with the Endless Void? Again, there were too many questions. She guessed she would find out if she took the Skill, but it was a huge risk to her as she didn’t know anything about the risks involved.

Perhaps she would be able to endure it considering her mental defences. Then there was the introduction of her Transcendent Class. But, the unknown variables made her wary.

If it was something to do with the dungeon; Voidmare, then maybe she would select it. Well, she had other choices to look through right now.

Bloodline Unlock - Unlock your bloodline.

| ???

As Astrid gazed at the text, she could feel something ancient gazing back at her. It reminded her of the primal mana that Avemoth had, but this felt far older.

But then it disappeared. Although it lasted only for a second, it left a deep imprint within her mind.

Bloodline. Astrid mumbled.

Taking a breath, Astrid gazed at the next choice.

Attacking Psychokinesis: Your blood runs deep with the need for violence. There is nothing better for you than to attack. Whether that’s [Crashing] matter, using your own body to punch, and kick, or pulling out the eyes of your enemies.

| All damage dealt by Psychokinesis is increased by 25%. Range is also increased by 25%.

It wasn’t worth the pain of trying to figure it out right now. At least not before looking at the final choice.

All Seeing Eyes: There is nothing that can sneak past your line of sight, and whatever lies beyond it. Your eyes are special–for they are not restricted.

| Increases perception. Can see farther. Control with matter is increased by 100%.

Astrid decided against the final choice. With her Dominating Sovereigns Eye, it made the choice obsolete. More than that, it was impossible to compare it with a Transcendent tier Skill.

So that made her choice between the Bloodline Unlock, and Attacking Psychokinesis.

She squirmed on the spot, then began pacing around the chaotic cave. Not even the allure of the beast's eyes could awaken her from her thoughts.

Did she want to walk on a straightforward path, or risk walking into the unknown. The words of the Bloodline Unlock remained in her mind like a hammered nail. Although she didn’t truly know what a bloodline meant, or what it would bring her. There was something about unlocking her true self that resonated with her.

Walk my own path, or follow one? Astrid mused. Zephyrion had realised in his dying times that he had wasted all his life trying to take attacking Psychokinesis to the peak. But Astrid found that laughable. He seemed like a respectable man, but in no way did he ever reach the peak.

The Eye-Queen was evidence of that.

Besides, she had Classes that he didn’t have the luxury to even see. Let alone grasp. But he did make sense with some of his words. She would walk on her own path.

Astrid had already made up her mind.

You have selected - Bloodline Unlock.

You have unlocked your Bloodline.

The moment the words appeared, a primal feeling deep within her rumbled. Her blood boiled to the point that she had to pull her collar open. It was hot. Too hot.

Then, a stinging pain within her right eye made her jolt backwards. It was a strange sensation, but she felt like her Sovereign's eye was… fighting against the boiling within. As if the heat was fighting the cold. But it was instantly made clear what was more powerful.

The heat overtook the cold, and continued its might throughout her entire body. A bone gnawing pain gushed into her mind as numerous explosions rattled her body.

Gnashing her teeth, she took a glimpse within her body. She needed to know what was going on. The moment she did so, she was shocked to see what was happening.

Blood vessel after blood vessel was being destroyed–ravaged. It was then repaired and the primal energy moved onto the next. She could no longer feel the mana within her right eye, as if something behind it had taken control.

She knew deep down it was her own body doing it. Like how her mind controls her fingers, or how she’s able to walk. Astrid was doing it subconsciously.

The more blood vessels were destroyed, she quickly realised the energy wasn’t destroying them, but it was altering them to what they should have been. What they originally were. Somehow during the generations of life, it was altered, and wiped–until now.

Even with cutting off a significant portion of the pain that was slicing into her consciousness, it still caused her to scream in pain.

Enduring it, she rolled along the floor as blood dripped from her eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. Only after what felt like an eternity did it stop. Whether it was minutes, hours, or days–she had no way of knowing.

Her mind was completely overwhelmed.

With the process ending, Astrid levitated back onto her feet. She felt her arms then legs. It was like weights had been lifted off of her body. Her thoughts ran clear, and her limbs followed them perfectly. Not only that, but she felt stronger than before.

You have awakened your bloodline.

“Tell me more!” Astrid stomped on the ground, then gazed at the new message.

Bloodline of the Primordial God-Queen: You have awakened to the bloodline of the Primordial God-Queen. You are destined to fight. War courses through your blood like a neverending battlefield. Attack all those who stand in your path, for war is your destination.

| Increases the damage of all Psychic Skills by 50%.

| Increases Intelligence by 15%.

| Increases matter control by 25%.

| Omni-Kinesis Intelligence conversion rate is increased by 25%.

| Psych Warp when creating armour and weapons have their damage/durability increased by 50%.

| Damage using the environment is increased by 100%.

“That’s what I’m talking about.” Astrid grinned at the description. All the damage increases caused her hands to itch. She wanted to test them out on a new target. However, it caused her head to tilt in confusion.

Common sense would lead her to believe that a bloodline was something like a human heritage. Astrid thought she would receive a Sinwen bloodline, but what she received couldn’t be further from what she imagined.

Primordial God-Queen. It sounded incredible, but it didn’t sound very human to her.

Her family line was dated all the way back until the apocalypse occurred. Her family was just a regular old military family. In no way was one of her family members ever a supernatural God-Queen. Whatever that was.

For some reason, she couldn’t help but think it was the Eye-Queen’s doing. Mainly because it had Queen in the name. Her other thought was if Pupil had something to do with it. After all, there was no way of knowing how the black blob had altered her body. Or what it did.

Thankfully a new message within her System managed to bring her mind away from all the questions.

You have received the dungeon reward for defeating Avemoth.

| From the difficulty of the mission, and for defeating the Primal Butterfly - Avemoth, all on your own, your Epic equipment reward has been upgraded.

| Reward: Legendary - Level 150 - Primal Grinning Mask: Stripped from Avemoths very own wing, the mask holds the power of the Primal Butterfly that almost bloomed.

| 200 added Intelligence.

| Empowers your Psychic Skills with primal fire.

| Smoke or other hazardous gases within the air no longer has any effect on you.

Astrid grabbed the mask as it fell down in front of her. It truly was just a piece of Avemoth’s wing fashioned into the shape of a cloth face-mask.

Before touching it, she didn’t know what to expect, but she definitely didn’t consider it having the feeling of silk. It was lush, just like the bedsheets that her mother had personally sewn together.

However, that wasn’t all. On the face of the mask was a wide toothy grin that faintly glowed within the dark. Just like the visage of the Eye-Queen.

Tying around the back of her face, she felt the extra Intelligence buzz within her mind.

Her hands itched. Not only for the extra power, but from the added effect of fire. How cool was that. Astrid grinned.

She connected to the matter at the other side of the cave and [Crashed] it. Usually it just looked like a puff of air, followed by the loud booming of an explosion, but not anymore. In its place was a blazing fire that remained even after the explosion had ended.

It was darker than regular fire, and hotter, just like Avemoth’s own.

After testing her increased strength, Astrid set her eyes onto Avemoth’s eyes.

There was even more power to be had.

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