Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 166: Role Reversal

Chapter 166: Role Reversal

Daniel grit his teeth as blood seeped from the corner of his mouth. Their brand new ship was in total disarray.

The sides were warped, holes had been punched into the side, and they were taking on a lot of water. Despite that, it was still afloat. Barely.

He gazed at the beast responsible. Enormous beady eyes emerged from a cone shaped head that loomed out of the water's surface. Large, spiked tentacles flanked them on all sides. Each of them had the might of Rob and they numbered in the dozens. Despite that, they were still hanging on.

Daniel followed the red line in his vision, the tentacle followed in the next second. His power of prediction–Pathfinding, allowed him to see the trajectory of the attack.

He sprinted to the other side of the ship, then with his hand on his sword, a blue line intersected the red line. Daniel slashed his blade along the blue line. It travelled far faster than an ordinary swing and by the time the tentacle had followed the red trajectory line–it was already severed.

Blood spurted, but it came at a cost. Daniel brushed his finger across his eye as he tried his best to ignore the droning pain. He couldn’t use it too many times. Not if he wanted to continue the fight.

But it wasn’t just him. Everyone was using their secret techniques. The Skills they had to keep out of vision from any potential enemies.

Rachelle spurt out balls of spiralling fire that they cauterise the wound. Stopping it from being healed.

Rob was still using the Jailer’s Eternal Chains they had obtained from the dungeon. But even with the strength of an Epic set equipment, it was only able to hold it still for a mere moment. He tried to stop an incoming tentacle, but it broke through the ethereal chains in an instant. Snarling, Rob hefted up his tower shield. Frost emerged from his feet and quickly covered his shield in its entirety. The tentacle struck. His feet slid back, but the weight of the hit was far too great for him to endure. His slide turned into a tumbling crash as his body smashed through the metal plating of the ship.

Losef shot to the side and his spear snapped through the tentacle that had struck Rob.

Lisa grit her teeth as Rob plunged into the turbulent waters. They were spawn infested and it was her job to keep them at bay. She loosed dozens of arrows in the matter of seconds as they tore through the air like a supernatural missile.

Each arrow struck its mark, boring through the spawn that threatened to rip Rob into shreds. However, there were too many of them.

They had come out of nowhere. With no way of detecting them, they were set upon as soon as they emerged. Originally, they had ended the expedition within the town early to secure the ship. That was when they attacked.

Daniel knew the situation was dire. They were stuck here in the middle of the ocean with no backup set to arrive. After all, they were no longer with the Wayfarers. They were in charge of their own lives.

He saw another red line approach. This time he didn’t attack. He stepped to the side as the tentacle pierced the top floor of the ship. With now way of escaping, he had to sacrifice the structural integrity of the ship. All for a chance of attack.

Leaping up and onto the tentacle, he used it as a bridge, and sprinted toward the monster's main body. But the sea monster wouldn’t allow him to get close. At the corner of his vision, multiple red lines approached him at a staggering speed. Before they had even arrived, he could feel the air against his salt sprayed cheeks.

Daniel jumped, then somersaulted through the air to avoid the incoming lines. He managed to dodge most of them, but he felt a tear against his stomach. Warm wet liquid followed. Ignoring it, he landed, then continued.

Taking a breath, the blue line within his vision increased from a threaded line, to that of a coiled rope. Red seeped from the corner of his eyes as he felt them strain. However, if he wanted his team out of here alive, he had to risk it.

The mana within his container surged and he controlled it from the pit of his stomach, into his dominant right hand. It followed his command and emerged from his palm and into his blade, then transformed into a spectral slash.

It flew through the air toward the pitch black line scored into the beast's face. It was his kill line. It had never failed him. No matter how tough the situation became, he could get his team out of the worst situations imaginable.

This time is no different. Daniel smirked as his blade soared towards its mark.

However, life was cruel. The moment the blade was about to hit its mark, a new set of eyes emerged from the water. Like a newly formed waterfall, the water cascaded off of the new monsters.

Although new, it was two of the exact same monster. Daneils heart dropped. His spectral blade that he had mustered with half of his mana, was intercepted by a wall of tentacles from the other sea monsters.

Shit. Red lines formed within his vision. It was the most he had ever seen. It would be impossible to dodge. Hundreds of them made his way to escape nothing but a dream.

He gazed back at his team as time seemed to stop to a crawl. The mana within his eyes flared as a stinging sensation pervaded to the back of his mind.

His parents had always warned him never to fall into desperation. He always wondered why. Why was his parents, and the rest of his team's parents, so adamant on why they had to be so careful.

Daniel had heard from others that their parents were unstoppable. Together with Lord Sinwen, they were the executioners of the ocean. No-one, or nothing could stop them. Then one day, they disappeared into a city–never to be seen again.

They were only left with their families Classes. A gift from their bloodline. Their heritage.

Fuck it. Daniel snarled. He controlled the mana even further, to the point he had never travelled before. It was a new path. It was a painful one.

All the lines changed to a vivid black and white. Before, the black was just a faint line, but now it was practically vibrating, and just as he was about to completely let go, the ocean exploded.

A party of humans floated in the air as a massive translucent barrier covered them completely.

His gaze ignored the other humans, even their faces didn’t even register within his mind. His vision was glued to the woman in the middle.

She had long flowing golden hair that was braided on either side, giving her a slight heroic presence. But it was the eyes that floated behind her, and the grinning mask. Instinctively–he knew it was Astrid.

The monsters were about to attack, their tentacles snapped at Daniel at a crazed speed. Without him realising how or why. Without a hint of mana to give forewarning there was going to be an attack, the tentacles blew up in a storm of mangled flesh, and bone.

Fire followed.

The heat was crazy as it brushed against his flesh. He almost looked away to avoid the heat, but what he witnessed next completely warped any knowledge he had about a first year adventurer.

The young girl raised her arms into the air and at her command, the eyeballs of the beasts were torn from their sockets. Her brows didn’t furrow, nor did her mana container struggle. It was like she was plucking a ripe fruit from its branch.

She didn’t stop there. The enormous bodies of the sea monsters rose out of the ocean, then, finally her brows furrowed. The bodies of the monsters warped under the pressure she was putting them under.

Numerous cracks followed as the monster was crushed into something unrecognisable. A blazing fire chased, as if it was an after effect of whatever she was doing.

The strange fire sizzled against its flesh. It crackled and popped. Despite the water nature of the monster, the fire remained. Unable to be put out.

Daniel thought it was going to be over as the trio of ocean monsters that had recently just threatened his life had transformed into a flesh ball. But knowing Astrid, it was far from over.

Another Astrid popped out of the ocean holding an arrow of purple energy. Daniel sucked in a breath as he noticed the destructive capabilities of the energy. It then shot out from her palm.

Despite his ability to track attacks, he couldn’t track this one. There was no path. It’s destination was already predestined. It shot into the first, then in a blink of an eye, it exited the third monster. As it did so, the monsters exploded into a red mist.

A giggle left her mouth as Astrid soared higher up into the air. In a span of seconds, hundreds of round balls formed in the air. They weren’t made of mana, but something else. Then she unleashed them.

A storm of projectiles peppered the Spawn that infested the oceans. Red spilled into the water, hazing it over in a scarlet blanket mixed with an assortment of different body parts.

Noticing the sharp drop in life, the Spawn intelligently turned tail and ran.

“Holy shit.” Daniel looked in utter disbelief at the young girl he was tasked to protect.

Who the hell was going to do the protecting now?


You defeated - Deep-Sea Octopus - Level 163!

You defeated - Deep-Sea Octopus - Level 176!

You defeated - Deep-Sea Octopus - Level 180!

You have Levelled up!

Oculus Witch Level 146 -> Oculus Witch Level 148

Voidmare Level 146 -> Voidmare Level 148

You have gained 20 stat points.

You now have 1246 Intelligence

Astrid ignored the fleshy and bloody mess she had made of the deep blue ocean, and set her vision on the rest of her teammates. A bubbling warmth filled her stomach.

She controlled Leena and the rest, and moved them onto the boat.

Jonathan was also on his boat, but it was a lot more dire than the one Daniel was on. Most of it was already under the water and a few of them had even died. Wounds covered his body and even a wound was bored into his shoulder–leaving a ghastly hole.

She had made it just in time. Astrid slung both her arms around Daniel and Losef’s Shoulders. They tried to pry themself from her clutches, but they simply didn’t have the strength to contend against the powerful body altered psychic.

“I missed you guys!” Astrid said. Her eyes stung.

Your loneliness has reached 85/100.

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