Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 168: The Lost Arc

Chapter 168: The Lost Arc

The harbour was protected by a gargantuan wall. It would have surrounded the entire island, but there was no need for it. The wall stopped where the mountain of the island loomed upward. It was a natural defence that enabled the residents to survive against the countless Spawn and monsters that threatened them.

Astrid was about to fly over the top, but she stopped when dozens of ballista mounted on the top of the walls aimed at her. She looked at Daniel.

“Take us down, they need to inspect us first.” Daniel said.

Their legs bent as Astrid brought them down to the water's surface and plopped them into the ocean.

“Halt, we’ll begin inspection.” A grizzly voice said from high up on the wall. As his words ended, four men leapt from the top of the wall. A line was attached to a harness on their body, slowing down their descent. It was a good thing too. If it didn’t, the impact from hitting water at such a height would most likely scramble their insides.

In a matter of seconds, the four tower watchmen descended. They took off a black board from their back, and placed it on the water.

It’s like a surfboard. Astrid thought in amusement. She had seen the noble children use them on the surface of the water once a year in the summer when the threat of monsters was the lowest. But the nobles' surfboards were equipped with a small engine, while the watchmen’s ones didn’t.

Nevertheless, the water was kicked to the side as the board brought them toward Astrid’s ship. A man in a long coat and a ruffled white beard approached them from the front, while the others flanked the ship to inspect it.

“Business or pleasure?” The grizzly man said.



Daniel and Brett said at the same time, only for Leena to jab her elbow into Brett’s side once more.

“Ah it’s Daniel and the gang, It’s been a while since you were chased out.”

“Craig, it’s nice to see you again,” Daniel chuckled, then glanced at Brett with a helpless look. “Yes, well that won’t be happening again, that’s for certain. Right Brett?”

“Oh c’mon, how was I meant to know who that mutt belonged to.”

“Huh?” Astrd tilted her head, confused as to what they were talking about.

“The Pyre Mage Yursa,” Lisa said.

“Ohh!” Astrid remembered. It was a while ago since they were talking about it. Thinking back, it was on her first mission during the subjugation where Brett was being teased about saying something to Yursa’s beloved pet dog.

It couldn’t look that bad, right?

“Well just don’t be going around offending people this time,” Craig rose his brows, then slumped his shoulder with an exhale. “The seas aren’t the same as they used to be. Just look at the walls now.” Craig nudged his head toward the large chunks gnawed into the gigantic stone walls.

“Damn.” Daniel said, shocked. “First time I’ve seen the walls damaged to this extent.”

“Right, and that’s after we repaired them.” Craig continued. “Fact is, be careful around these parts. Many have lost their comrades these days. The threat of the Spawn is looming, and if my guess is correct, it won’t be long before we face some very dark days.”

Astrid listened to the senior watchman’s words, but her attention remained on a tower that was smashed. Deep gouges were marked into the wall. “Did they also do that?”

Craig followed her gaze before tutting. “Thankfully nothing that powerful has wandered too close to Hullbeck. No, that’s been there for hundreds of years. It was the Leviathan.”

Astrid took a breath. Leviathan. Humanity's greatest enemy. Although she hadn’t seen it since the day of her awakening, the might of the beast remained in the annals of history till this day.

When would it reappear? It was the same question everyone was asking around the world. Mothers and fathers used it as a threat to tuck their children into bed, while those on the frontlines used it as an excuse to get stronger.

One thing was for certain however, it was only a matter of time before it came back to terrorise humanity once more.

Or would it? Astrid couldn’t help but ponder. There must have been a reason the Leviathan didn’t continue its attack that day. She wondered if it really was because her father and the other elders were too strong, making it risky for the Leviathan to continue its assault.

Maybe it has something to do with Pupil? Just as Astrid was thinking to herself, the watchman Craig opened his mouth to talk.

“Well don’t think about it too much eh, if it comes, it comes. We’ll just have to be ready.” Craig looked at the other watchmen as they nodded together.

Astrid agreed. There was no point in worrying about something they couldn’t help. She just had to continue getting stronger, and hopefully the day it arrived once more, she would have enough strength to deal with it.

“Alright, go ahead then.” Craig controlled his board back to the wall, along with the other three men and women in his team. “Oh, and I guess I should say that Yursa is also here.”

“What?” Brett gulped at the sudden news.

“Good luck.” Craig chuckled as he reattached the cable to his harness. He gave the upper wall a thumbs up and he was hoisted up along with his team. It was the same equipment the engineers used back on Rebirth to repair the ship. Although these ones seemed to be more mobile than the others. The cable was thin, springy, and durable.

They must use it to fight the Spawn. Astrid noted. She could imagine seeing hundreds of warriors all fighting from hanging on the wall. It would be a grand spectacle of war, although she wanted to see how they all worked together while hanging from the top wall, she didn’t wish for it. War was cruel, and the Spawn never let anyone off lightly. Not even innocents.

Craig must have given the approval as the enormous set of metal gates opened. The water gushed through them, only for it to quickly settle as it met the waters on the other side of the extensive walls.

Astrid pushed the ship forward, and luckily there was already someone waving toward them. Daniel told her to head over to where the waving man was located, and parked the ship in the available space.

Losef threw a heavy rope over to the waving man. He caught it, then wrapped it around a large metal anvil on the stone harbour. The ship crawled to a stop.

“Alright, gather around.” Daniel clapped. “I’ll be going with Lisa and Brett to see about gathering supplies. The rest of you are in charge of going to see about repairs for the long journey back to Rebirth. Losef, It will also help if you can obtain some blueprints for the engine. If our golden lassy can repair it, then there would no longer be a need to spend our precious coin on repairs.”

“Aw man, but I want to visit the Rosary.” Brett pouted. “I’m not needed to look at supplies. Can’t you bring someone else with you?”

“That’s exactly why I’m bringing you with me.” Daniel shot him down with a glare. “Since Yursa is here, then you can bet that she’ll be there.”

“Well, having Astrid do all the repairs sounds good to me.” Rachelle shrugged

“Any extra coin in your pocket is good for you, isn’t it?” Astrid stuck out her tongue.

“Of course,” Rachelle was about to turn around, but her vision latched onto Astrid. “Did you bring back any goodies for us?”

“Not this time.” Astrid admitted. She felt bad. Everything she had gained was for herself. Truthfully, she hadn’t gained anything else. It was a rather bland dungeon for equipment all things considered.

But it seemed that the others had managed to find a fair few items. Rachelle sported a new staff, Lisa a cool looking bow, and Losef some new armour. The same went for Daniel.

“Well, it doesn't matter.” Rachelle shook her head, displaying her unhidden disappointment in the lack of loot. “There’s always next time, besides, we managed to get everything from that town thanks to the everyones disappearing act.”

“Did you manage to find whatever forced you into the dungeon?” Daniel said, curious.

“Nope.” Astrid shrugged. “It’s not in that town. The moment I escaped from its domain, I could feel its energy far away.”

“It managed to control our minds from… how far away exactly?” Brett asked.

“I don’t know.” Astrid continued. “It could have been from the next town over, or–” Her thoughts trailed off. If it was a psychic of such great strength, then surely it wouldn't come from a town.

Astrid recalled where they were during that town expedition. It was close to a city.

“Or Acrophia?” Daniel said exactly what Astrid was thinking.

She nodded. “It’s the only place I can think of. It was one week away, right?”

“Yeah, and it’s the one we are scheduled to face at the end of the year.”

“Right, Rebirth should be laying her anchor soon.” Astrid said.

“Yep, anyway, we’ll talk later.” Rachelle leapt off the ship and onto the pier, she turned to Daniel. “Oh, and make sure to buy some good stuff. Don’t skimp on the food, and especially the drink!” Her words only became more excited at the mention of drink.

“Yeah yeah.” Daniel waved his hand.

Astrid and the others quickly followed Rachelle. As her boots struck the pier, she gazed at all the other ships around her. The vast majority of them were damaged, some were even completely shattered. Only the main parts were scavenged from the seas such as the engine, and the propellers. It seemed the Spawn were out in full force, just like Pierce had said.

First up was buying the supplies. Thankfully, Losef knew exactly where to go. It seemed the duty of gathering supplies had also fallen on him last time they were here. Well it made sense since alongside Lisa, Losef was the mature one of the team.

As they entered, it was clear the houses were built on top of the mountain. The streets wound everywhere like a labyrinth, and many of the buildings loomed overhead.

They were making the best of the environment to make sure that there were as many buildings as possible.

But instead of going to the shops, they bypassed them without a second glance. Astrid was about to guess why, until she passed a highrise house.

The gigantic ship came into view. It had similarities to HMS Rebirth, but the style was a little different.

Rebirth had long built houses on top, but this one didn’t have them. It was unfurnished. It was a second arc.

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