Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 177: Overload: Loneliness

Chapter 177: Overload: Loneliness

Astrid left the Mind Domain and gulped down a mana potion. With the process complete within her illusionary world, she was confident in her abilities to eradicate the corruption in the real world.

Glancing from side-to-side, the others looked at her in both worry, and a knowing that it was an impossible task to cure the young man.

However, Astrid simply replied with action. She placed her hand against Ronnie’s body, and sunk her Psych Domain within his flesh. She repeated the process, and before long, her friends jolted forward in shock.

One by one the corruption spots were disappearing, and ten or so minutes later, she defeated the egg within Ronnie’s mind. His eyes struggled to open, as if they had been glued shut, but with a few twitches; they broke free from the imprisonment of his body. A bright green peeled open. Blinking, he looked at the people in the room. When his vision landed on the scientist, he recoiled back in fear. He knew who the man was.

“You–you cured it?” The scientist looked on in marvel.

However, his words only served as a reminder that he was the one responsible. Astrid’s alien-like eyes snapped onto his frail body. Her mana flared, and with a crack, his neck snapped under the intense psychic pressure.

“You did it.” Ronnie’s voice trembled, as if something was stuck in his throat.

“I did.” Astrid beamed a smile as satisfaction coursed throughout her body, but as her vision glanced around the room, she was made aware that it was just the beginning. There were hundreds left to save. She wasn’t happy with just one.

So she rolled up her sleeves and got to work.


Hours had passed, or was it days? Astrid wasn’t certain, but her mind was absorbed in her work. With the first subjects, it took her ten minutes, but as she became more familiar with the process; her speed increased drastically.

Only now did she realise how difficult it was to be a surgeon, or a healer. Working with someone else’s body was a daunting mission. She wasn’t worried when she was experimenting with her own, but with the innocent lives in front of her, it was scary. One small mistake and their blood vessels would explode, or it might even go further. Implosion.

Thankfully she had taken her time, and not one accident had occurred.

As she finished with one, Lisa took them into another room within the arc where food, and a bed awaited them.

Of course, as the hours had passed, the curiosity of the adventurers down below only continued to grow. People were closing in on the arc, and she could feel the surge of powerful mages approaching from the distance.

Astrid took a breath, and focused on her patient. It was a little girl, and she was the last one within the room. She left her to last on purpose, as her corruption was by far the worst out of everyone within the room. And it was made clear as to why as soon as her mind penetrated her body.

Even compared to the other children, her body was weak. Her blood was thin, veins struggled to spread blood, and her bones were brittle. The harsh disease had an easy time corrupting the body, devouring the flesh, and mind.

Astrid had to use all of her focus in order to combat the non-stop spreading of the virus. When she destroyed one, two would take its place. Like cutting the head off a hydra, Astrid was forced to speed up the process.

It meant the chances of making a mistake would heighten, but Astrid had no other way. It was either that, or she would stay corrupted for the rest of her life. It was a fate worse than death.

Rekindling her efforts, Astrid annihilated the corruption faster than it could spread. But what she was worried would occur, happened. From her increased speed, she was unable to entirely lock the corruption up with Mind Barrier, causing the blood vessels to pop.

Her mind flared, and blood boiled until she was able to get it under control. Sweat dripped from her Astrid’s, and her legs had become weak, but she ignored her own suffering. After all, it was nothing compared to what the little girl was going through.

Through the scaly face, tears dripped from the corner of her eyes, and blood seeped from her ears.

Astrid nibbled her lips and forced herself to continue. Unlike the other times, ten minutes turned into twenty. Astrid wasn’t aware of it, but her lips were forced open, and a gentle pair of hands tipped her head back; helping her drink a high tiered mana potion.

The mana potion was like honeyed nectar as it slid down her throat, filling her with an endless energy she desperately needed. It was a sensation that was even greater than the psycho’s high tiered stimulant before, a testament to how great the mana potion was.

With a fresh spirit, Astrid blasted through the rest of the corruption. The result was good, but also bad. The disease was erased, but the little girl's body had undergone a violent war. Red seeped through her eyes, mouth, nose, and ears, and all the veins in her body were damaged beyond regular repair. Yet, breath was still there.

Astrid sensed the indomitable fighting spirit the girl had, it was no less than hers, or any other Sinwen she had met–to the point of absurdity.

Having had her mind in her body for so long, she could tell the girl held extraordinary capabilities. And from a quick scour of her mind, Astrid found out that she was recently made parentless.

Her heart soured. To be without parents so young.

Astrid finally pried open her eyes, revealing a cute girl with light freckles. Rachelle, with sweat dripping from her forehead, was already healing her, or to be exact; she was helping Astrid since the injuries began.

The two healers, one Class given, the other an eyeball obsessed psychic, nodded to each-other with exhausted smiles.

The little girl with blood on her face took in gulping breaths. Her beady eyes rested on Astrid. Half filled with sadness, the other of trust.

Leena walked forward with a Rare tiered health potion and offered it to the girl, but she took a panicked step back. Her eyes remained vigilant as they stared at Astrid.

Shaking her head, Astrid took the potion from Leena’s hands, and walked toward the girl. Surprisingly, she didn’t back away from her approach.

Astrid squatted in front of the girl and held out the potion. “It will make you feel better, you’ve been through a lot–huh?”

The little girl bobbed her head as fresh tears formed at the corner of her eyes. She took the potion from Astrid’s hands and drank it. After a few seconds, a rose tint emerged from her freckled cheeks.

Little did she know that she had just consumed a drink that was worth more than a house.

“What’s your name?” Astrid asked.

“Lila,” She mumbled while still having the bottle lid attached to her lips. She sucked whatever liquid was still there, as if it tasted like a delicious treat. No doubt the warmth from the healing elixir was a great relief.

“I don’t know how to say this without coming across as a would-be kidnapper but,” Astrid smiled. “Would you like to come back with us?”

Lila placed the bottle on the ground and began twiddling with her thumbs. She contempted for a moment, before finally nodding her head in agreement.

“What is your name?” She asked in a sweet voice, but it was clear. Unlike what her age led Astrid to believe. At least when she was that age, her voice was still a jumbled mess. Although that was out of trying, rather than an inability.

“Astrid.” She grinned and held out her hand. It took only a moment for Lila to reciprocate the hand-shake.

“Guys, we need to get out of here.” Daniel rushed into the room, and couldn’t help but smile as he realised that everyone was cured.

“What’s wrong?” Leena asked the team leader.

“Yursa’s coming, along with a group of others,” Daniel continued. “I don’t want to stay and answer questions if I don’t have to. Besides, who knows when Umair will show up.”

“Then I’ll make sure to take his eyes as my prize,” Astrid said with a scowl.

“I love the ferocity, but the ship is ready.” Daniel checked the straps of his sheath, making sure everything was tight in-case there was a fight. “Would you rather face Umair, or get back to Rebirth?”

Of course Astrid already knew that Umair had a high possibility of being at Rebirth.

“Let’s get out of here.” Astrid nodded.

They set out from the sewers with Lila in Astrid’s arms. Currently, it was the safest place she could be. Using the power of illusions, they rushed past the watchtowers.

Astrid recognised a familiar face. It was difficult not to. Fire red hair, and a strange looking rat-dog hybrid cradled within her arms. The woman’s face twitched as she looked over in Astrid’s direction.

Astrid’s heart tightened, but it eased once they passed the famous Pyre Mage. She wasn’t sure if Yursa could detect her through the illusions, but she didn’t want to stay to find out.

Standing foot on the port, Astrid floated into the air to step foot onto the repaired ship. Lila’s eyes widened at the weightless sensation in wonder.

Daniel rushed to get the engine ready, while Losef, and the others reeled in the ropes attaching the ship to the pier.

The engine rumbled, only for it to cut out the next moment.

“C’mon sweetheart, do your thing.”

Astrid could hear a faint mumble from the captain's wheelhouse. Daniel tried once more. It coughed and spluttered, until it finally roared to life. The entire ship trembled, then set off into the waters.

Sighing in relief, Astrid sat on the front of the ship, along with Lila within her lap. They gazed out toward the endless sea as the sun was threatening to disappear into the horizon. The vivid orange expanded from one point of the horizon, all the way to the other. It was endless–just like the ocean they traversed on.

“Are we going to Rebirth?” Lila asked.

The little girl didn’t mention her parents, and Astrid didn’t intend to pry either. If she wanted to talk about it, Astrid would listen.

“We are.”

“I can’t wait,” Lila said with her eyes glued to the horizon. “Papa told me it’s the centre of humanity. The last beacon of hope for mankind where the strongest live. My papa and mama always wanted to go there, but it was too far to travel with our boat. But this one’s so big!”

“It is,” Astrid said with a smile, but internally, she was worried about home.

How was her mother, father, brothers, or cousins doing? Were they okay, and uninjured? Astrid tightened her hug around Lila.

I want to see them. Astrid thought.

Your Loneliness has reached 96/100

Your Loneliness has reached 97/100.

Your Loneliness has reached 98/100.

Oh no. Astrid quickly tried to think of anything to cheer up, but nothing worked. All she could feel was an all consuming, all devouring loneliness.

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