Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 188: Back to the Underbelly

Chapter 188: Back to the Underbelly

Astrid spent another entire day attempting to find the body, and she actually managed to find something hidden away in the far corners of the living quarters.

Within the service tunnels, she walked until the narrow passageways opened up into a small room. Objects like brushes, cleaning detergent, tools, and other equipment lined the walls.

However, it wasn’t the old rusted tools that grabbed her attention–it was the floor. Marks marred the dusty stone floor, but it was the mana that she could sense that tugged at Astrid’s mind. She bent down and brushed her fingers against it in an attempt to form a connection with it.

The moment her touch interacted with the mana, the entire room exploded in a violent mixture of fire, and ice.

Astrid already had her Mind Barrier erected as she was still cautious about any attacks that may surprise her, just like now. She was blasted out of the room, and her layers of shields were vaporised as she struck the tunnel walls.

Thanks to her voidbent armour, the only pain came from within. She grunted, then climbed out of the hole that she had just been embedded within.

If at first it wasn’t clear what the mana was, it was made evident after the trap was activated. The people responsible were still inside Rebirth.

Were they hiding within one of the high nobles residences? Or were they somewhere else? The only other place Astrid could think of was the underbelly. Since the eradication mission when she had awakened, it was used as a level gainer for the weaker system users. But Astrid knew exactly how expansive that place was, if there was one place to hide–it would be there.

It would require investigation.

Astrid wiped the blood from her mouth, then spat it in the direction of the magic formation. She was angry not from the hit, although she would definitely get her revenge. No, she was pissed off that they had a space mage.

It was an incredibly rare class, and the only recorded family with the bloodline were the Gilgards. However, Astrid was careful not to rush to a hasty assumption. With the black blobs, or symbiotes as the ‘Order’ called them, it was now difficult to base classes from bloodlines.

Astrid was the perfect example of that.

Of course she couldn’t outright deny the possibility–she just had to be careful. Noble families didn’t just have high personal strength, but they had managed to survive for hundreds of years because of their influence. They had hundreds of high tier warriors under their command that had undying loyalty to their families. Sinwen was the same.

If she offended one, it wouldn’t just be her in danger. She would create trouble for her entire family. With her golden hair, it was impossible to separate her from her blood.

Whoever it was–Astrid had to return and brief the others. Acting on her own was a good way to turn the situation into chaos… although chaos was good sometimes.

Clearing her throat, Astrid returned back to the survivor colony. She smiled as she saw the families catch up with each-other, but it was ruined because of their appearance.

Astrid could see that some of the family members remained a respectable distance away as they glanced at the changed appearances of their loved ones.

There were also those who embraced their new appearance, and had made the difficult choice of leaving all together. Astrid refused to comment on it. Everyone had their own path. It was up to them how they walked it.

Then she glanced at the wall. Daniel, Malone, Freya, and others from various noble families were all talking with each-other. And judging by their relieved expressions, there was good news.

She approached. Floating in front of the wall in front of the others, their attention was glued to her.

“Astrid, if not for your help, we would have remained in trouble,” A nobleman said with a kind smile.

He was wearing fine clothing with a thin layer of armour over the top of his suit. It would be quite the valiant appearance if not for the lack of blood spots on his clothes, or weapon. In fact, they looked like they had just come out of the fresh press. The blade hadn’t seen combat in forever, and his Level was evidence of that fact.

For a noble–he was weak.

It meant he was more like an administrator for the family. One that was in charge of other aspects, but definitely not relied upon with important family decisions.

Not all noble families were equal in that respect. Many had turned lackadaisical in their training. They believed others would protect them, and because of their ancestors' sacrifice, they no longer needed to battle.

Astrid nodded her head. She had made the mistake before of looking down on Freya without realising that personal strength isn't everything. Maybe he was the same?

“Astrid, we’ve received word from Lord Sinwen’s squad. It won’t be long before they return.” Freya smiled.

“They?” Astrid asked with hope.

“They are all well,” She said. “Although they didn’t tell me what exactly was going on, we will be notified upon their return.”

“That’s great,” Astrid continued after a sigh of relief. “I managed to find a trace of space magic with one of the service tunnels in the residential area. It was also enchanted with trap magic, not low level either.” Astrid crossed her arms.

“If they trapped it, that means they don’t want scryers attempting to find their location.” Freya frowned.

“Yeah, and that means they are still within Rebirth.” Daniel added, then turned to Brett, and Lisa. “Scout the area–”

“Scout the lower district,” Astrid interrupted. “The underbelly, to be exact.”

“Do you think they are there?” The noble said again.

Astrid nodded and said, “I felt a minor connection with the mana. Although I can’t be exact, it should be somewhere where mana detection is difficult. Whether that’s in the noble houses on top, or the deepest the ship can go.”

“Alright, I’ll head with Losef, and Lisa to the upper district. Astrid, head with the others down below.”

“I’ll join you.” Freya walked next to Daniel. “The noble families won’t allow you within their walls without another high noble.”

“Wait,” The nobleman said. “Even with a high noble, it will cause great offence to tread on their land, and question their morales.”

“Then what do you suggest, Miles?” Freya asked.

“We simply have to wait for Lord Sinwen and the other nobles to arrive.” Miles shook his head. “Without an elder, approaching on their territory will not only be seen as an act of contempt, it may result in unfavourable conditions.”

“Then Lisa, stay on top of, and make sure you have other scouts stationed all across the upper. If someone so much as breathes high level space mana, I want to know about it.” Daniel said.

“Of course.” Lisa nodded.

“Then we have no other choice but to all head into the underbelly.” Daniel took out his curved blade and checked the edge before nodding in satisfaction. He turned to Freya. “I’ll need your help to clear the lower district. I don’t want any casualties happening if a battle occurs.”

“I’ll gather the Sinwen guards.” Freya said without hesitation.

“Won’t that leave the manor unguarded?” Leena asked.

“A manor is walls made of stone, while the people are the blood that create it. The status of a Sinwen isn’t the building they reside within, it is the blood under their flesh.” Freya waved, then began moving with a group of guards by her side.

“Powerful words,” Miles said in appreciation.

“Yeah, she’s awesome.” Astrid grinned with pride.

“Then let’s set off.”

With Daniel’s words, they all headed into the lower district. At their appearance, they were bombarded with countless questions, to the point even Astrid was becoming overwhelmed. She wasn’t trained for this, neither was Daniel, or any of the others.

All they knew how to do was fight.

Thankfully, Freya was lightning quick, and within a few moments had already joined them. With a litany of words, the crowd was placated, and the masses made way for them.

It took a while to reach the lower parts of the lower district and once again, Astrid faced the enormous metal doors of the underbelly.

What was once used as a storage hanger, was now rife with darkness. Although the strongest spawn had been dealt with, more kept on appearing. The engineers fixed the walls, but the metal they had access to couldn’t be compared to the material the arc was made from. In the end, they only managed to patch it up for a few months before the spawn entered once more.

However, it was clear from the younger generation around that this new source of danger was one they benefited from. With levels, came strength, with strength came money. Most of them had upgraded from poor make-shift weapons and armour, and now they had basic equipment that even a Wayfarer would go out with.

Whether it was leather armour made from a strong beast, or flexible metal. Of course, they were the outliers. A lot of the people were still poor. Either because they were new, or they simply didn’t have the mental capacity to fight.

Freya approached a few of the stronger people hanging in front of the underbelly gates. They were old–to Astrid anyway–but they were in their mid-to-late thirties. Apparently, they were guides for the younger generation. They would give them a cut of their gains, plus what they obtained themselves.

For those in the lower district, it was a good way to earn an income.

They were wary of the guards, but it was the same for the others that weren’t being approached by a Sinwen. Everyone was nervous.

No doubt the happenings of the middle district, and the upper had sent fear into everyone's hearts.

Freya asked one of the women if they had encountered strange robed men carrying a corpse. But the answer was no. She had even asked all the others who had stayed outside of the gates for hours, but none of them had seen anything suspicious.

“It’s clear they managed to teleport straight into the underbelly if they are there,” Freya deduced.

“Alright, then let’s head on in and pay a welcome to the traitors then, huh?” Brett flipped his dagger. It was evident he was itching to pay them a lesson. It was a feeling shared by everyone in the group.

This was their home, and they were tarnishing it. Turning it into a hell hole and killing those who had nothing to do with anything.

“Go without me,” Freya said. “I’ll wait for Lord Sinwen and update him on what’s going on. If you find them, and if they are too strong, hide. Reinforcements will come. Please, be careful.”

Astrid nodded, then walked forward.

The moment Astrid walked within the gates, she could feel danger creep up onto the fine hairs on the nape of her neck. Someone, or something–was incredibly powerful deep within. She looked at the others, and it was clear that only she could feel it.

Is it because of my sensitive psychic mana? Astrid thought.

“Be careful, something powerful resides deep within.” Astrid reminded them.

Their bodies became tense. They nodded and took out their weapons. Something was going on, and whatever it was–wasn’t good.

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