Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 193: Spilled Blood

Chapter 193: Spilled Blood

Astrid summoned hundreds of bullets in the air, then shot them at the nobles. However, they weren’t just some lambs for the slaughter. They were high nobles, and a lot of them had forged their superiority with strength.

Of course, not every noble was equal. Some hid under their blanket of supremacy. One that Astrid nipped in the bud as her bullets met their target.

They weakest of the nobles relied upon rare treasures and armour, but they were limited in scope. Astrid’s control had reached a point where if it was an attack with Psychokinesis, she could change its trajectory, or halt it as she wished.

With a flick of her mind, the bullet of highly condensed mana thudded into the chink in their armour. Blood spilled as they fell to the ground.

Against Astrid’s highly accurate, high powered attacks, their high grade armour might as well be paper. However, the armour was still that–high grade. If any other warrior had it equipped, they could dodge or stop her attack, but the nobles couldn’t. They didn’t have the strength. They didn’t want to risk their lives for no reason out at sea, or down in the towns.

They relied on a golden spoon that was easily bent in front of something that wanted to destroy it.

Bodies fell to the ground, but those capable of fighting mounted an attack. They roared, multiple lights flashed of varying colours. Their equipment activated.

Astrid held no satisfaction for this fight. It was just a waste.

Summoning countless illusions, she sent out their eyes, and blinked. In a primal storm of psychokinetic attacks, Astrid [Crashed] her mind into them as relentless as a storm. Unarmoured body parts flew, red descended, their screams cut short.

Despite Astrid being stronger than them thanks to the unique properties of her class, and bonuses, the fight dragged on longer than she expected.

It was the first time she had to deal with the noble’s wealth. High grade weapons, armour, defensive artefacts. That wasn’t all, some of the stronger nobles even relied upon their families heirloom.

A high noble in particular held a unique item. A man with wet swept back hair wearing a tidy three piece suit that was popular among the young men. He was of the Carledge family. A merchant household that dealt in peculiar pieces of treasure that surfaced within Rebirth and the world beyond.

The item he held countered her attack in a way that left her dumbfounded. When she used [Crash] against him, the damage was redirected at her. Although it wasn’t the full amount, Astrid guessed it was around seventy percent.

She thought it would be like the demon eye she faced within the Voidmare dungeon, but she was wrong. Even after cutting the connection of her attack, the rebounding force still attacked her. Astrid was unable to dodge.

Blood seeped out her mouth. But it wasn’t just the Carledge nobleman that was being a pain in the ass.

There was an older woman, maybe about the age of fifty. She had her hair tied in a high bun, and her long flowing dress squirmed as if it had a life on its own.

Every attack Astrid fired at her, the dress would block the attack. No matter how fast Astrid’s assault was, the dress reacted faster than she could. It was living. Much like Brett’s new arm.

The fight was dragging on, and an hour had passed. They were defending, but now without cost. Despite their defensive artefacts blocking the hits, it wasn’t a true block. Her attacks were slowly whittling them down.

Astrid blinked to the man’s side as a spiralling purple drill tore within her hand. The energy within caused the man to gulp in a sharp breath of air as the sparkling purple point made contact against his breastplate. Orange, purple, white, and black. Sparks flew.

He screamed as his artefact armour screeched in protest.


Astrid grit her teeth and shoved it forward with increased strength.

The noble woman took the time to descend her boat. Leaping in, it descended.

Astrid couldn't’ afford to pay her any attention as she pressed the noble from Carledge. She could feel the resistance lessening, but the hole she was forming was quickly repaired around the drill. Only for it to shatter once more. The self-repairing of the armour wasn’t fast enough.

Just as Astrid’s arm was about to pierce further, a mighty roar split the skies.


Her heart tightened at the might of the high pitched scream. It sent her mind tumbling, blood streamed from her ears at the sound. She bit her tongue. The grand nobles had finally arrived.

Images of the Carledge noble working with the order flashed within her thoughts. Death, blood, corruption.

Mind filled with venom, she heaved a final push forward. Red spilled as the man’s scream turned into a gurgled desperation. Then it ended.

The red in his heart vanished.

A wave of high powered mana swept toward her like a primal tide filled with blades. The sky blotted dark, and the squawk of crows festered in her ear canals.

Grand noble Milana peered over from the edge of Rebirth. The images of crows swarmed her like a haze of black and purple.

The sight caused Astrid’s heart to drop. She raised her defences as the wave of purple and black crows swept toward her.

“Grand noble Milana, who do you think you are threatening?”

Lighting crackled through the darkened sky, illuminating it, destroying the mighty image as if it was a fragile piece of paper. Milana’s face turned to white as the lightning bolt slammed into her walking stick, before the power evaporated into nothing.

Her father, like the lord of thunder, had arrived–along with the other grand nobles. Along with them was the woman that had attempted to escape.

Astrid’s mind flared as she gazed at the woman’s unscrupulous appearance. She seemed content standing beside Milana.

“Lord Sinwen, this can not go unpunished.” Milana said with vengeance. “You know of the noble rules. One can not harm a noble. One can not–”

Lord Sinwen grunted. A lightning bolt spawned into existence, then skewered the noble-woman’s heart in an instant.

Silence pervaded the upper decks as Milana’s old face twisted into bubbling fury.

Lord Sinwen’s eyes crackled with lightning. “I have already been informed of the situation. Mark my words, those who are responsible will be exterminated. Noble or not. The old rules of Rebirth–under my command–are altered.”

Grand noble Vihaan rose above the walls, then slammed down onto the upper decks. He looked at the sight of the woman’s crackling corpse, then to Milana’s face.

“Ah shit, I missed the fun, didn’t I?”

Milana ignored Vihaan’s childish words. “Lord Sinwen, are you aware of the weight of your words? They are those of a tyrant.”

“Then a tyrant I shall be.” Lord Sinwen walked forward along with her mother, Eli, and placed his hand on Astrid’s head. “A little girl once told me that those that are powerful should be held responsible. I agree. Milana, tell me, how would you deal with those that have conspired, and wish to destroy Rebirth?”

Milana sighed. “As a noble Rebirth tradition, they should be held at trial. To be sentenced if found guilty.”

“Milana, you hold on to the old even when it is rusted and crumbling within your hands,” Lord Sinwen said. “We are at war. To be tried, judged, then executed takes time. Time we don’t have. We need to go on the offensive.”

“Then at least we go to a vote.” Milana stamped her staff into the floor.

“No. It’s as you said. I will play the role of a tyrant. If you all wish to rip me from my position, then wait until I have restored order. After that, I will relinquish my position as a grand noble.”

“Father–” Astrid frowned, looking up at her father’s face.

“Astrid. That is the responsibility of a noble.” Lord Sinwen removed his hand.

Nodding, Astrid had more pressing matters to speak of. She swallowed back her emotions.

“I have uncovered the ‘Order’s’ plan.” Astrid scoured the faces of the grand nobles. Thanks to her class, she had an acute sense for anything relating to emotions, but she couldn’t detect anything from those in front of her.

Each and every one of them were the pinnacle of Rebirth. Even just standing in their presence, she could feel their might. But unlike before when she gave up her badge, she felt she could stand up to them. No in power, but aura.

Astrid didn’t budge her eyes as she inspected the old timers.

She was looking out for any tells. Any twitch in their face that would notify them that they were affected by her words. But there was nothing.

At most, the only expression she could make out was that of surprise. It was difficult to tell if anyone was behind it with just that.

“Father, I will only tell you.”

Lord Sinwen nodded. He understood what she meant by that. No-one could be trusted. Thankfully, the other grand nobles also seemed to understand the grim situation. Someone among them could well be within the Order.

They know about the Order. Astrid thought. If they didn’t, then she would be mortified at their incompetence.

Vihaan, Faris, Heath, Milana, Lord Sinwen. Together, they were the cornerstone of Rebirth.

Astrid, Lord Sinwen, and Eli headed back to the manor. The outside walls were ravaged, but they didn’t even give a single glance to them. Their eyes were glued to Astrid.

“What’s the matter?” She tilted her head, confused.

“You have grown.”

“You have grown.”

Her parents both spoke at the same time, a warm smile plastered on their faces. It was infectious.

Skipping to the side, Astrid hooked her arms around their waists. “But I’ll always be your child. That reminds me, where are my brothers?”

“They are staying within Apocryphia, holding their position. We chased the Order, but they escaped. But we felt your gaze and knew something was wrong.”

“So that’s why you’re here earlier than expected.” Astrid rose her brows in knowing.

Nodding, they headed into the large hall. Lord Sinwen clicked his fingers as a shroud of static electricity formed a dome around them as the centre.

Astrid attempted to sense anything outside, but it was impossible. The static was too strong to bear.

“Well then, tell us everything.” Eli moved a strand of hair out from in front of Astrid’s face, and tucked it behind her ear.

Finally, she could tell them everything.

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