Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 203: Retreat

Chapter 203: Retreat

You defeated a Shadow Dimensioner - Level 284!

You defeated a Shadow Dimensioner - Level 291!

| Extra experience is granted for defeating an enemy many levels above!

You have Levelled up!

| Oculus Witch Level 215-> Oculus Witch Level 225

| Voidmare Level 215 -> Voidmare Level 225

You have gained 100 stat points.

| You now have 2016 Intelligence.

Milestone reached - 2000 Intelligence.

| Intelligence [ Stage 4 ] failed to upgrade.

| Conditions not met.

| Conditions still to meet: defeat a Level 350 with mana. Enter the Eye-Queen trials. Finish the first trial 50% complete.

Not again! Astrid shouted internally as her clone kept a lookout from what was happening above her. It seemed the action hadn’t stopped as Noah was clashing against a powerful entity.

It was a risk to enter her System, but she had hoped for a power increase to help her during the city. She was wrong.

Eye-Queen Trials? Astrid flinched as a Shadow Dimensioner was blasted into pieces just five metres away from her.

With disease on Rebirth, and now a psychopathic group of terrorists trying to summon the Leviathan from its depths, she had forgotten all about the trials.

Well I can’t enter them now. Astrid thought as the fight continued.

Havel stood on a piece of stair that remained standing, while all the other warriors were cramped just behind him.

With the top of the building removed, there was little space for the warriors to manoeuvre. Even the rangers and mages were having a tough time finding an opening. It was chaos.

“We can’t fight here!” Havel shouted. “Retreat down into the streets below!”

No-one questioned Havel’s command as the second strongest here. Even Kaylan who had kept quiet during this time agreed with the plan.

“I’ll keep the barrier up for the descent!” Astrid shouted over the sounds of fighting from above.

Kaylan nodded, turned, and sprinted with the others to get to the bottom.

Attacks ravaged Astrid’s barrier by the second. Each one was capable of tearing past layer upon layer, but thanks to Astrid’s powerful mind, she was able to recreate them just as fast as they were being destroyed.

However, it wouldn’t last long. Despite her monstrously high mana capacity, creating such powerful mana barriers, and then having them break, crushed any advantage she held.

Astrid frowned as a scythe blade tore past all the layers, and sliced against her voidbent armour. From the level difference, not even the durable metal could endure the disastrous blade as it cut through, and into her shoulder’s brittle flesh.

Groaning in pain, Astrid resisted the urge to use Omni-Kinesis, and empower her body. If she did so, the barrier would shatter from the lack of stats, and attacks would rain onto the warriors from below. Her team would be injured, but also her family: Kaylan, and Leena.

Instead, she funnelled more man into the barrier as the scythe belonging to a high level Shadow Dimensioner was pushed outward.

Thankfully, she didn’t have to wait long. Some had abilities to float down the middle of the stairwell, while the strong bodies of the warriors descended at lightning speed.

Noah was still fighting above, but honestly, there was nothing Astrid could do about it. She was stretched thin as it was. It wasn’t a fight that Astrid could enter.

Blood dripped from the wound in her shoulder. Astrid glanced down. She couldn’t see any of the others. It was time to drop the barrier.

Dropping the barrier, Astrid had one thing to do. Jump. She forced the weight of her body down with Psykokinesis, and along with the voidbent armour around her body, she dropped with the weight of a building.

Astrid still held a barrier so that she didn’t become food for the dimensioners, but it was solely concentrated around her own body now. It was tougher, thicker, and even the monster from before couldn’t penetrate it without a few more attacks.

Gazing up, dimensions had long broken out of their shadows, and emerged into view. They were vicious, and each one, if close, could rip Astrid apart.

The stronger one had thick forearms, thorns around its head as if it was wearing a crown, and a vicious scythe poked out of its arm like a natural disaster weapon.

Screeching with fanged teeth, it fell straight for her, scythe at the ready.

Astrid blasted it with a few [Crashes], slamming it onto the wall, but it recovered like a moving blur. Shooting back after her in less than a second.

The monster was gaining on her.

Damn you and your tough body. Astrid scowled, and instead aimed right for its eyes.

The higher level the monster, the tougher it was to connect to their eyes. At first Astrid thought she struggled because of their constitution, but maybe it was because they were connected to its mind?

Not sure of the reason, she pulled them anyway.

But she couldn’t create a connection. When the monster blinked, it was clear why. It had double eyelids, like a snake. They weren’t normal either. Rather, they were hardened, creating a defence that Astrid wondered why it needed them.

However, in the next second, it was evident why. What appeared to be a cone shape emerged out of its back, then, mana swirled within it. Mana activating, a blast of kinetic energy surged forth from the cone, like a ship, and its engine.

Roaring to life, the dimensioner’s body slammed into Astrid’s with enough force to warp the strongest armour. And it did.

Blood ejected out of Astrid’s mouth, and if not for the altered pain reduction in her mind, perhaps she would have lost functionality of her body entirely.

Thankfully that wasn’t the case. Astrid was able to keep her mind in order as the monster raised its scythe. It wanted to decapitate her.

But another massive force blasted Astrid from behind. They had finally reached the bottom, and while the dust was blossoming in the air, sweeping around the streets; the dimensioner's scythe had embedded deep into the earth right next to Astrid’s face.

Pain surged all throughout Astrid’s body, but she wasn’t here alone.

The air swirled, and in the next instant, a superpowered arrow pierced through the air. It clanged against the dimensioner, nudging it off of Astrid, but it clearly didn’t have the penetrative power to deal lasting damage.

Lisa looked on with a frown as she quickly knocked an arrow, but it would be too late.

Then Kaylan arrived like a phantom blur. His body crackled with static electricity, and thunder trailed from his eyes. Like a lesser version of Lord Sinwen, he slashed his sword in a powerful arc, and lopped off the head of the dimensioner as it rolled through the thick dust, and debris.

“Quickly get up, they are coming,” Kaylan warned, and moved his body in front of Astrid.

Despite his words, the monsters had already arrived.

Crashing down on the floor. Half of them were visible, while the others relied on their high tiered stealthing capabilities.

Astrid scrambled behind the others as she took out a health stimulant from her Void Storage. Injecting it into her veins, she took a sharp breath as the bones in her body miraculously snapped back into place. It was a high tiered one, but she didn’t care.

Still in pain, Astrid bombarded the bottom of the starwell where she had just fallen.

She wasn’t the only one. The archers and mages used everything they had and tore through them like war cannons. But it wasn’t enough.

Some were also dropping from the windows at the side of the building, and they were now mixing in with other monsters. Orcs, apes, they were all charging at them now.

Astrid needed a plan, and as she glanced at the chaotic barrage of skills, an idea formed.

“Focus on the foundations!” Astrid shouted, her voice barely able to be heard over the chaos.

“Are you crazy? Whatever Noah’s fighting will fall down here,” Haval snapped.

“Noah can use it to her advantage!”

It was exactly what Astrid would do. If Astrid was Noah, she would make the monster fight the others, lessening the tension on her team.

“Plus, don’t forget I have illusions!” Astrid screamed. “Now tear down the damned building before we all die anyway!

Her words swayed not just Havel, but the others as well. Before their sub-leader could give the order, Lisa, and Rachelle, were the first of the ranged users to act.

Rachelle was especially affected with her brand new staff. The air in the surrounding area rose by an order of magnitude as the heat licked Astrid’s face, making her uncomfortable within her sauna-like armour.

Then she pushed the flames forward in a wide arc, melting everything, and anything in its path. Most of the dimensioners resisted the flames, but the same couldn’t be said about the building around them.

The lobby was burned to cinders in seconds, and then the metal beams of the foundations began melting at a rapid pace.

A wind user that belonged to Kaylan’s party that had long white hair, a moustache, and ice blue robes, sent gusts of air chasing after it.

Like fuel to a fire, Rachelle’s blaze only strengthened. And in the next moment, the entire structure of the building groaned in protest.

“Retreat!” Astrid shouted, but she didn’t have to tell them that.

In formation, they retreated while defending the ranged users just like they had done before countless times. They didn’t run under panic, everyone was highly trained professionals.

Managing to retreat two blocks away, the building fiercely groaned, then tilted until it was moving all the way to one side. It was falling.

Sounds of battle were still emitted from the building, but then they stopped for a moment while the building crashed against the other buildings in the city, crushing them into nothing.

A cloud of smoke surged through straight for them. Astrid widened her eyes, and covered everyone in a huge shield. Debris pelted her barrier, but it wasn’t enough to even cause a scratch.

In a second, the entire city was engulfed in a plume of obscuring dust. Silence remained, flitting through Astrid’s mind like a rolling tumbleweed.

Had she just murdered Noah?

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