Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 206: Lord Darian

Chapter 206: Lord Darian

Of course, she needed a different plan of action than last time. Maybe the people of this castle would think that she’s a threat by flying toward them?

Astrid barely understood the etiquette of her own world, let alone an alien one. So with that in mind, Astrid returned to the floor, and used her own two legs to approach the settlement.

Her guard was raised as multiple eyeballs of her own rested behind different trees, and buildings for a quick escape if she needed it.

The people on the outskirts were dirty, but it wasn’t difficult to see why. Here, they were focused on cultivating the land, preparing it for crops. That meant that they had to do a lot of manual labour like cutting down trees, burning the foliage on top of the jungle floor, then raking the land once the fire had done its job.

Their hands were bloodied from blisters, clothes covered in ash, and dirt, yet their clothes were still intact. It meant that they were given changes of clothes.

I guess the leader isn’t terrible then? Astrid nodded.

Back on Ruitera, she had personally seen the conditions of clothes within the lower district of Rebirth. It was because the leaders didn’t help them. The top nobles just let the lower district get on with their lives. Whether they lived, or died, mattered little to them.

That’s how Astrid saw it, anyway.

Although it was a bit better now with them having the hunting grounds in the underbelly. The younger generation, and their fathers, and mothers, now had better jobs that could more effectively pay their bills. Food and water was no longer an issue with the help of their dangerous new income.

However, Astrid’s mind couldn’t help but sour.

It was just getting better, and now they were faced with destruction.

Shaking her head, Astrid focused on her surroundings. Everyone was now aware that she had arrived, and the people of this village weren’t exactly welcoming.

The farmers and manual labourers grabbed hold of their rakes, axes, and pitchforks as they gazed at Astrid. Wary as a mouse in front of a cat.

Smile, Astrid. You need to look welcoming.

Astrod reminded herself as she put a wide smile on her face, and nodded to the farmers in a pleasant manner.

No one can be mad at a beautiful girl with a smile, surely?

The people on the outer layer of the village seemed off. Not that they looked shifty, or bad or anything, but usually one would say something. Anything. Like ‘hey, stop right there’. Their eyes went from her, then glanced at a tall man with lean muscle.

He had shoulder length black hair with sharp eyebrows, and even sharper eyes. His beard was well groomed, but a scar had erased the hair from his upper lip, down past his chin.

Stopping himself from chopping another log for firewood, he looked over at Astrid with a confused frown.

Just by appearances alone, he was an odd addition to those toiling within the fields. However, it wasn’t his striking good looks that made Astrid pay attention.

It was the air around him.

Noble, grand, and overpowering. The man reminded Astrid of her father. He approached.

“Who are you?” The man took out a handkerchief from his back pocket and wiped the dirt from his hands.

Uh shit. What should I say? Hey, I’m a traveller from another world. Most likely another galaxy, and I'm here to complete a mission from a being that calls herself the Eye-Queen? Astrid sighed. Yeah, I probably shouldn't say that.

“I got lost in the jungle,” Astrid said.

“Really? Lost in the jungle? Is that the best you can come up with?”

“Hey, long time no see, Pupil.” Astrid said within her mind.

“This place gives me a lot more energy than back on your planet! Can’t you stay here forever Astrid?

“That’s not going to happen,” Astrid shot down the suggestion right away. “I need to get back as fast as I can.”

“Uh, Astrid?”

Astrid stomped. “I need to get back.”

“That man is giving you a funny look.”


Shaking her head, she glanced at the nobleman not ten metres away from here. His look of caution now had turned to that of ready for battle.

“Lost in the jungle?”

“Yep.” Astrid nodded.

“You’re not very good at lying, are you, girl?”

“I’m not a girl!” Astrid pouted. “I should be sixteen… soon.” Her eyes rose in surprise. “It’s in twenty days time, actually. I’ll be sixteen.”

The man gazed at her with inspecting eyes. His iris turned from grey, to a bright vivid green. Then, they returned to normal the next second. After that, he sighed.

“What was that?” Astrid asked.

“I have an ability to see the character of those I meet,” He said. “Those who are green, are not a threat to me, or my people.”

Astrid wondered how the ability worked. Her mission was to steal whatever was under the castle in the distance, and that surely meant robbing the man of his treasures. Yet the light was green? Did the skill have certain restrictions, only showing the man if she meant to harm them physically?

Astrid pinched her chin, removing her thoughts from the man’s skill. “Then you’re the leader of these people!”

“My name is Darian Birthright,” He said with a gentle smile, putting his hand forward for a handshake. “But others within Eborax call me the Lord Vanquisher.”

“I’m Astrid, but others call me the–” Astrid paused. No, I don’t want others calling me a witch! “Others just call me Astrid.” She reached forward, clasping his hand in her own. Astrid could almost feel his aura. Bright, and blazing. It caused her soul to tremble. He’s powerful.

“Pardon my intrusion,” Astrid hid her grimace from those words before continuing, “but is this a new settlement?”

“It is.” Darian motioned his hand down the lane toward the gilded castle. Astrid followed his steps. “Because of some… unforeseen circumstances, I was forced to move here. Out of all places.”

“Was there nowhere else?” Astrid asked.

Darian gazed into the distance with shrunken shoulders. For a second, his grandeur diminished. Only for it to return when he looked back at Astrid. “Nowhere, I’m afraid. But I’m curious, what brings you so far south?”

“Ah, I’m on a mission sent by my father to chart this jungle,” Astrid nodded, becoming more convinced of her lie.

Of course, she could attempt to enter her Mind Domain, but something was telling her that was a bad idea. The man in front of her was no simple man. The reasons for setting up a large settlement here, with such a grand castle, and walls, was obviously no small matter.

What was within this jungle for him to want to be here? It must be something special. The treasure… Astrid recalled the mission. The Eye-Queen had tasked her to enter the castle and find the treasure. Maybe that’s why Darian had created his castle here?

“Is that so?” Darian asked with a playful smile.

“You think I’m lying?”

“Oh no, I’m sure you were at least telling half the truth.”

How does he know? Astrid gasped internally. Maybe he’s a mind reader. Hey Darian, you smell!

Astrid waited for a reaction, but none arrived. Not even a twitch of his finger. I’m onto you, mind reader.

“So how many people reside here?” Astrid asked as she glanced at the people outside the castle walls.

There were buildings of all sorts, but they were fashioned in the same style. Stone walls from nearby quarries, mixed with the wood from the iron-like palm trees.

“You ask a lot of suspicious questions, young Astrid.”

“They’re not suspicious!” Astrid said. “I’m just interested, that’s all. It’s not often I get to travel to new lands. Besides, your people all seem happy. That’s not always the case when one travels to different areas to settle, right?”

“It isn’t the land that one calls home, Astrid.” Darian nodded his head to the passing farmer. Walking by a loose axe, he picked it up, then placed it into the hands of a woodcutter who had dropped it. “Home is where the people are at. It doesn’t matter if you travel ten miles, a hundred miles, or tens of thousands of miles away from your kingdom. My people are here, so that’s where home is.”

Astrid nodded along. She agreed with his words. If they found a better place to call home back on Ruitera, then you’d bet that Rebirth would be abandoned for a more permanent solution.

“Would you like to stay for dinner?” Darian asked. “It’s not often we have guests. Not of the non-fleshing eating kind, anyway.”

“Oh? That would be great, I’m actually quite hungry.” Astrid waved to a woman that was busy carving something out of sticks. She waved back, confused. “That reminds me, are you not close to those pyramid people?”

“Pyramid People?” Darian asked, then he clicked his tongue in realisation. “The Ixtalians. They are an ancient race gifted with raw mana control. They are very protective of their borders, and it is because of them we suffer constant attacks.”

“That’s a big problem, right?”

“Quite so,” Darian replied. “But there is nothing we can do about it. What they throw at us we can handle. If we retaliate with force, it will only promote bloodshed, and violence. I didn’t travel here to wage war. I want peace.”

His final words were filled with some sort of power to them. Like a promise he had sworn in the past.

“How would you deal with the problem?” Dairan looked at Astrid, awaiting an answer.

Astrid thought about it for a moment. What would she do? If people were attacking her people, killing them, then there was only one choice left…

“I would slaughter them.” Astrid gazed at Darian’s surprised expression as if the answer was obvious to her.

Darian coughed. “Those are aggressive words for someone so young.” Darian shook his head, then stopped as he approached the castle walls.

“Well, let me introduce you to Birthright castle. Let’s give you a tour, shall we?”

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