Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 239: ( Webtoon Announcement )

Chapter 239: ( Webtoon Announcement )

The holy light of healing cast a multicoloured illumination above the Bishop. Astrid hadnt seen anything like it before, and she could tell that just from a glance of his mana container, he was of high Level.

The Bishop clenched his hands into fists underneath his wide sleeves. A burst of energy seared Bretts flesh. He tried to leap back into the shadows, but the light surrounding the holy man was so pure, so natural, that it ate away at the darkness.

Instead, Brett jumped to the side, hiding behind a pillar.

Astrid was going to make a move, but her mother stopped her by raising her hand.

Mother, youre injured, She said in worry. Her vision hovered over the void left behind from not having a right arm. Her loose sleeve dangled in the wind caused by the billowing holy mana.

My dear daughter, Eli said, glancing back at Astrid. My fighting style has no need for arms.

Her mother crouched down and rushed forward. In the blink of an eye, she reached the Bishop. Her leg snapped to his body, but it didnt make it that far. Her leg struck solid air. Her leg blazed over with white flame which transformed into a black and orange inferno. She struck a barrier. It shattered the moment her leg made contact. The momentum brought her leg forward. It struck his chest, sending him careening through the air. He smashed through the thick doors of the grand building, and through numerous other walls.

Uh, I guess I dont need to help, Astrid said with a sigh.

A few moments later, Eli walked out of the building clutching the semi-bald mans nape like a farmer would with a chicken.

She threw him to the floor. He was still alive.

Astrid marvelled at her mothers strength. It was difficult to take in when she was down in the city, but now it was laid bare. Her mother wasnt someone to be trifled with. All the times she showed that sweet smile Ive been betrayed!

Astrid had heard of her mothers talent before, but she had never seen it. In fact, she was only getting stronger. How? The last time her mother had gone on an adventure was years ago.

You didnt kill him, Astrid asked.

We may have a need for his skills later, Her mother said. As a leader, it is easy to kill. Whats not easy, however, is knowing when to hold your hand. He may be a criminal, but his healing magic is the best of Rebirth. What do you know about the Dead Seas?

Astrid thought for a moment, picking her mind, then said, The Dead Seas has four sections broken up into the North, East, South, and West. Each section is rumoured to hold a King. Each one is capable of defeating even the Grand Elders. That's not to mention the monsters under their control. They are much stronger than the average beast.

Hmm, Eli said with a kind smile. And what else?

Jonathan spoke up. Each section is further split up by differing biomes. Science users have come to the conclusion that each of the Kings have warped their surroundings because of their powerful mana. Because of this, seafaring within is incredibly dangerous.

Not to mention the sea diseases that spread there, Brett said. He picked at the scabs from the burning he had suffered from the Bishop.

Why do we know all of this when no-one has returned alive Astrid said, but then she realised. There was only one person to return from the Dead Seas alive.

And speak of the devil Noah sauntered through the gateways of Sanctuary and gazed down at the Bishop with a look like he was nothing but an insect.

I wasnt entirely forthcoming with the public, Astrid, Noah said.

So you told the nobles the true events that happened when you were sucked into the Dead Seas? Astrd said in realisation.

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After I returned from my time in the Dead Seas, I headed straight to Lord Sinwen to let him know what had happened there, Noah said.

What really happened? Astrid asked.

She had always wanted to hear about the Dead Seas from the woman herself; the Pirate King of Kings, Noah. Of course, many, if not most, believed that Noah was faking her story, spreading it around as a rumour to cement her position as the strongest on the seas. But given her mothers trust in Noahs plan, her story obviously held merit.

She wanted to know how the powerful ice-haired woman intended on taking Rebirth into the Dead Seas. Even if the entire forces of the arc battled the Kings of the Dead Seas, they wouldn't emerge in one piece, if at all.

Noah sighed, and said, Ten years ago I was on a scavenging mission with my team. Although it was close to the Dead Seas, we were still far away from its reaches. But obviously we werent far enough. My ship was caught in a rogue current. Like a water tunnel, it funnelled us straight through the harrowed grounds at the entrance of the Dead Seas.

Thats how we intend to enter the Dead Sea? Astrid asked.

Noah smiled in response, and continued, Although we made it, it was by the skin of our teeth. What I named the Boreteeth Espers, vile monsters with strange magic, transformed our ship into nought but scrap metal. The tunnel brought us into the southern sector. It is an area of poison waters, and venomous monsters. After only a single day, the environment, and those lurking within, wiped out my entire crew.

Astrid sucked in a breath. If Noah remembered, then at the time Noah was second in command to a Pirate King. Although she was younger, she already showed terrifying potential. And those in her crew were also powerful in their own right. Despite that, it took only a single day to wipe them out.

And this is meant to make us feel better? Brett asked. It seems like were just heading to our deaths.

Noah shook her head. Normally, that would be the case. But we have methods up our sleeves.

The strong hull of Rebirth? Leena asked.

Thats right, Eli said. The powerful metal of the arc should hopefully resist against the attacks of the Boreteeth Espers, and anything else within the Dead Seas that isnt a King. Well travel from the south, to the west, which is more manageable. From there, we will defend Rebirth until it is safe to resurface.

Should? Jonathan stepped forward and asked.

Eli smiled. We have enough confidence that this will work. I dont have the habit of playing with humanitys lives. We have gone over every plan, every method, but this is the only one where we have a chance of emerging on the other end with our heads still attached. It will be tough. People will die. But we will continue. Like we always have, and always will.

Jonathan forced a nod. It was the same with the others here. The nobles and the elite warriors of Rebirth also held grim expressions. The horrors of the Dead Seas was a story parents told their children to make them behave. It wasnt an easy pill to swallow. But it was the only pill they had.

Okay, Astrid said. The lower district has calmed. We have dealt with the Bishop, but what of the others? She looked at the other Sanctity Healers. They were all on their knees, the military forces of Rebirth held their swords to their throats.

Edward? Eli asked, looking into the crowd of healers.

An average sized man stood up, blades still attached to his throat. He dusted the dirt from his robes then hurried over. The man had medium length chestnut hair with bright eyes that sparked with intelligence.

He stood in front of her mother, and bowed. Lady Sinwen.

How many remain loyal to Rebirth? She asked.

Fourteen, my Lady, Edward said.

Astrid squinted her eyes, appraising the man. She could barely sense a hint of mana in his container. But from the way he stood, it was evident he held a sense of supreme confidence in himself. Not to mention the other healers in the surrounding area looked at him with respect.

Astrid had never seen him before.

Major Steele,

Major Steele approached, saluting hand over heart. Yes, Lady Sinwen?

Gather those un-loyal, and throw the rest into the Iron Guard until they change their mind, Eli said.

Your will is my command, he replied, shouting orders to the other militant forces. In a storm of heavy boots, those that werent loyal were dragged out of Sanctuary with their feet dragging along the floor.

Now thats done, Eli said. Well have the Engineers focus on fortifying Rebirth wherever possible. We have a lot still to do before we reach the Dead Seas.

I can help with the repairs, Astrid said.

Me too! Kreka shouted from behind Sanctuarys walls. He rushed into the compound. We have a new explodey cannon to test, Astrid! This one makes a bigger boom. Do you want to see it?

Astrid smiled. Of course I want to see it.

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