Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 251

Chapter 251

Freya was busy getting everything ready for moving out. Astrid still hadnt woken, but they didnt have any more time to wait. The world's mana was greying, the world was groaning; as if begging for the intruders to stop their destruction. But they had no intention of stopping.

Everyone was all hands on deck. Everyone from the Lower District joined the Middle, and Upper to help the battle preparations. Finally, after so many years, they were united as one.

Lord Sinwen, Lady Sinwen, and the other Grand Elders were at the bow of the ship. They were discussing their plans of attack, but Freya was too busy with everything else to be a part of it. Not that she would want to, either. She knew her talents, knew that they were all far more capable in war than she was. No, her specialties lay in organisation.

No, not there! Freya spun on her heels, ponting at Kreka. You need to place it over the other boxes so that they can ship out immediately.

So bossy, Kreka muttered under his breath, but nonetheless did as he was told.

Freya massaged her temples. Deep bags and already scored underneath her eyes, and she could feel the fatigue in her arms and legs. It wasnt just her. Everyone was tired. It had been over 1 month now since they had arrived, and everyone was trying their best to help.

The warriors were trying everything they could to level up and become stronger. Every day, they would return with nasty wounds, some even missing limbs. They could be restored, of course, but no doubt it would hurt. A lot.

With the weight of their world coming to an end, the grim air pressed against their shoulders. Even with suffering severe injuries, theyd come back, get healed, then leave once more the following day to continue.

But the Dead Seas were dangerous. Far more treacherous than the open oceans. Oftentimes, the warriors didnt come back. However, the level increased more than made up for it. Those who did return, came back far stronger than before, with new skills, and classes.

Since today was the day they would mount their final attack, the warriors of Rebirth were all on the ship. Some relaxed, others were busy polishing their attacks.

Brett, Lisa, Rachelle, Rob, and Losef, were leaning against a back wall with the backdrop of the consuming pillar of light behind them. Vision locked, light reflecting against their iris, Freya could feel their fighting spirit. She understood it well. They wanted revenge.

Brother Tennyson

Slicing through her tiredness, Freya was proud. Proud that the people of Rebirth could all work together for a good cause. There was no politics, no infighting, or crime. Everyone, no matter if they were strong, weak, old, or young, forged ahead with smiles on their faces.

This was Rebirththe last standing bastion of humanity.

It was then that the Grand Elders whirled around. Freya felt it in the next second; a violent, chaotic mana turned her mind a mess, making her breathless. Everyone on the upper decks felt it. They all watched high up in the towers of the noble district as a golden haired young woman floated towards them. Multiple godly eyes hovered around her. As if she was unabashedly displaying her true self.

Her hair looked as if it had been struck by lightning, flowing upwards. As she neared, it felt as if someone had sheared off a mountain top, and it was now moving straight towards them. She looked older now, and taller, too; as if she had just aged 2 or 3 years in the span of a month. Her eyes, one filled with the void, the other with a mysterious X scored within.

Freya took a deep breath as her eyes locked onto Astrids own. They were boundless, and as vast as the infinite expanse of the space above.

It was from that moment that Freya understood something. Astrid had evolved beyond regular means. Although she was close in physicality, in spirit, she was so, so far away. Like water through her clasped fingers, she felt unfamiliaralien.

Its Astrid?

She looks a lot older?

Tha mana Its crazy!

Monster, Freya mumbled under her breath.

This tale has been unlawfully lifted from Royal Road. If you spot it on Amazon, please report it.

Just how did she do it? Meditation? Her growth obliterated her sense of understanding. She was 16, and yet, Freya had never seen her talent before. Her rate of improvement, the way she was nowthere was only one word to describe it.


Astrid landed in front of her. Freya shivered upon seeing her wicked smile.

Cousin, Astrid said, embracing her in a tight hug. Lets kill them all.


Astrid POV.

Standing at the bow of her ship, Astrid felt nothing but excitement. She knew that today, her enemies would die. Was it a newfound confidence because of her newly acquired strength, or was she ready for any possible outcome?

Astrid wasnt sure. All she knew was that she wanted to protect her friends and family. She wouldnt let them get hurt.

Tennyson, Asdtrid thought, clenching her fists until her knuckles turned white. She would have her revenge.

So, lass Brett said, looking at Astrid, salty wind messing his air. Yet another strength increase, little monster. Id wager you're at the same level as your father now. As bloody crazy as that sounds.

You think so? Astrid asked. It was difficult to tell as she gazed ahead at the Sinwens battleship. In her heart, her father would always remain the strongest.

Thankfully, most of the ships had been raised into the hull for storage, meaning that they were mostly undamaged.

She added, But it seems like Im not the only one stronger.

By the look of their wounds, and the aura of strength radiating from their bodies, it was obvious.

We did a little training, aye, Brett said, smiling. We all grew, but not as much as Leena.

His words rang true. Leena had also gone through a metamorphosis. Astrid quickly checked.

Leena Level 163.

What had she gone through to reach such a level? Astrid could tell the answer of that thought just by looking at the experience scored into her iris.

Astrid wanted to catch up, to ask what she had been through during the month she was gone. But they didnt have time.

They arrived at the battlefield, the leviathan looming high above as a marker of war to be.

The Great No-Eyed One, her mother, and numerous other troops descended into the depths of the ocean, where the source of the pillar was located.


Immediately, skills of all kinds blotted the skies. It was like a new years night display, but this one was vicious. Each side aimed to annihilate the other.

Astrid and the other mages erected barriers to defend against the initial barrage of attacks, while letting their comrades bombardment to go through. However, their side wasnt the only one capable of erecting a barrier. Each sides attacks smashed into a translucent shield, each one making a dent, but not enough damage to break through.

That was until a long, red haired man threw a fireball forwards from the enemies side. It broke through the air, moving at a speed that shocked the lower levelled troops.

The blazing ball of fire rocketed passed the first layer of shields, breaking it like a brick through glass. It ravaged the next layer, and the layer after that. It had no sign of stopping as it shattered more than 5 layers of carefully erected mana barriers.

That was until it reached Astrids.

Impacting against her wall of psychic energy, the fire fizzled out into nothingbarely leaving so much as a dent.

Astrid could see the veins bulge from his forehead. The man was angry. Taking in a deep breath, the mana surrounding him turned ablaze, as if he was the lord of fire himself. The ball of fire in his land looked like it was adorned with a crown. He threw it with all the weight of his body behind it. In the blink of an eye, it arrived.

Smiling, Astrid waited for it with arms wide open.

The high levelled attack exploded against her barrier. Astrid felt the intensity of the attack. If it was the her from before, then there was no-way she could withstand it head-on. But it was different now. The attack crashed, cracking itbut that was all. Even the heat from the flame couldnt pass through.

The attacks only lasted for a second before Lord Sinwen made his move. He waved his arms, and the skies listened to his unwavering command. The entire skyline crackled with lightning, and then it descended like gods spear.

While that was happening, Astrid bypassed the barriers set by the enemy, and yanked out their eyes by the hundreds. Thanks to her Title, she felt the increase of Intelligence, the power, surge within her like a raging storm. Then, she readied her own attacka cataclysmic spirling ball of void energy.

Scoffing, the Golden pope atop the Leviathans head summoned his own attack: a golden ray of light. Colliding against the lightning above, it was clear one was stronger than the other. The golden light pressed against the lightning, dissolving it into nothing. Only crackling strings of electricity remained, before they fizzled back into the air.

Astrid yelled out, and threw the ball of pure, destructive void in her palm. Piercing the veil of both attacks, the ball moved at blinding speeds. The entire mana in the area screamed under the pressure, slamming into the Leviathan.

In the blink of an eye, the Astrid completely obliterated the Leviathans head from the rest of its body.

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