Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 32: The Lich's Equipment

Chapter 32: The Lich's Equipment

Despite her higher than normal constitution, Astrid found herself in a fit of giggles. The chocolate sent a tingling sensation throughout her body. They were–moreish. Rob was sent hurtling back into the pub. Astrid shot up and onto her feet with a silly grin.

Her mind connected to the tables and chairs as they rose in the air. With a twitch of Psychokinesis, they shot towards Rob and the other Wayfarers that were fighting. They dashed to the side, dodging the incoming projectiles.   Darren scowled to the side, helpless, as the Wayfarers began throwing the furniture through the room. Right there and then, they had created dodgeball. Only, it was with heavy barrels and bar stools.

Your Happiness has reached 76/100.

A laugh spluttered forth from her mouth. It was hard to control it. Her body became lighter, to the point she rose into the air. The weaker people within the room grabbed hold of anything they could as Astrid hoisted them into the air. Their legs kicked and arms flailed, but it was of no use.

Then, a force grabbed at her ankle and pulled her back down. She gazed at the treat filled plate, she wanted to pluck another delicious chocolate but a slap deviated her plan. Her brows knotted as she glowered at Daniel.

Your Happiness has reached 29/100.

“Woah there, missy. Don’t you want to talk about your next mission?” Daniel said, his lips curled, beadlets of sweat formed on his forehead..

“Mission?” Astrid’s ears perked up.

“HMS Rebirth is halting in three days' time over a cluster of bubbles.” Daniel struck up a cigarette and puffed a ploom of smoke. “HQ has tasked me alongside other teams to go into the town for one week. If you’re ready–”

“I’m ready!” Astrid shoutedt.

“It’ll differ vastly from the previous mission you were on. The science lads have given out a warning to the Wayfarers. They believe the Leviathan has somehow powered up the monsters within.” Daniel said, savouring the cigarette in his mouth as if it was the last one.

“Not only that, this one is mostly unexplored.” Losef said from the side.

“Unexplored?” Leena said as she wrapped herself around Astrid’s swaying arm, making sure she didn’t fall.

“Why couldn’t they have discovered that information before we left for the mission?” Astrid said.

Rachelle scoffed. “If we relied on those science freaks on giving timely information, we’d have been dead long ago. Only ones we can rely on are ourselves.”

“Well, it’s not strictly their fault.” Lisa continued. “Just like Wayfarers, their thoughts and research need to go through rounds of examination. Then it has to go through the Board of Science to get approved.”

“Yeah, and by the time it comes out, it’s far too late. As you experienced yourself.” Daniel said. “As Rachelle said, the best we can do is prepare as much as possible for any scenario that might crop up.”

“That reminds me.” Astrid turned to Rachelle, the buzz from the chocolates already dissipating thanks to her high intelligence. “Did we get anything from the Lich?”

“Of course we did.” Rachelle said. Her hands reached behind her, pulling out a rusted bracelet.

Astrid’s eyes widened. It was the same one Astrid thought she had destroyed around the Lich's ankle. Taking it into her hands, it was frigid to the touch. Instead, she connected to it with her mind. A strange connection formed, like it was guided by a piece of string.

Without using identify, the item’s use appeared with her vision.

You gained an epic piece of class equipment!

Mage Class - Level 45 - Lich’s Mind Embrace Anklet: Created from unknown material. Origin unknown. Imbued with ice magic.

| 35 added intelligence.

| 30 added wisdom.

| Psychic Skills deal 10% extra damage.

| Psychic Skills are 20% easier to control.

| Mana regenerates 5% faster.

| Control Skills have a freezing effect.

Stat increases locked until level 40.

“You didn’t sell it?” Astrid said, her eyes glancing at everyone in the group.

“Why would we? We want you to join our group for good.” Lisa said.

“Count it as a welcoming gift, lass.” Brett said.

“Mmm.” Rob mumbled as he returned from his fight.

“Well, count me in!” Astrid swallowed her drink all at once, then placed the anklet around her anklet. Just as it described, she felt nothing despite it being locked around her ankle.

“To endless adventure!”

“To endless adventure!”

The clattering of glass filled the pub. Astrid spent the entire day dancing, singing horrible songs, and drinking copious amounts of alcohol–all at the protest of her personal maid.

Leena supported Astrid as they retreated to the Upper District. Her mind was constantly revolving with thoughts about the future. She had just experienced a near death experience, but instead of dreading it. It pulled her forward.

“Leena, let’s get stronger together–and kill the Leviathan once and for all. Then no one would have to worry again. Father wouldn’t have to give his life…” Astrid rested her head against her maid's shoulder.

“Together–always–my lady.” Leena’s hands tightened around Astrid’s arms.

The next day, Astrid and Leena were wandering through the Middle District, shopping for any supplies they could find. Astrid ended up using most of her hard earned money on potions, and higher quality daggers to use with her Psychokinesis. She had realised that even with the strength of her Skill; it was getting harder for the base level daggers to penetrate skin and bone.

Thankfully, they weren’t that expensive as the metal used to forge them was little and the technique differed from longer blades. Or so the Blacksmith said. Astrid didn’t really care–as long as it could kill—she was happy.

Next up was basic, long life rations. They were quite expensive, as the highest quality was from the monsters down in the bubbles. They were highly condensed, so an entire wolf would only supply three little bags worth of jerky. But, they were tasty at least.

Lastly, she purchased utility items such as flares, light stones, rope, and even medicinal ointment for external wounds. It was a waste to use valuable potions on cuts and abrasions, after all.

Astrid pouted as her hand brushed up against her rapidly thinning money pouch. Despite her disappearing money, she was happy. After their day-long shopping trip, there was no pain in her feet. Even with the heavy bag slung over her shoulder, she carried it effortlessly. She no longer had to rely on her Psychokinesis to lift the heavy bag.

Astrid glanced at a haggard young man that was just leaving the magic shop.

Jonathan. It looked like dark circles were drawn just below his eyes. His previous clean-shaven face was stuck with thick stubble. Despite that, there was a hint of seriousness around him. Astrid was used to seeing him walking around with his head held high, and a stick up his backside. But now, he walked with a newfound purpose. His previous friends were nowhere to be seen.

“Jonathan.” Astrid called out as he turned his head.

“Astrid, I heard you passed your Wayfarer exam.” Jonathan held a new, packaged staff in his hands.

“Well, I’m sure you heard I almost died.” Astrid said.

“I did. I’m glad you made it. Truly. I’ve got to go. I have a mission to prepare for.” Jonathan said. He quickly left the shopping district, disappearing into the crowd.

“He’s different.”

“He’s been through a lot, my lady. He watched his friend almost die back in the Underbelly. Like you, I’m sure he wants to gain the strength to protect those close to him.” Leena said, glancing at Astrid.

Astrid nodded. “Although I’m going to miss his pompous words.”

“You mean you’re going to miss attacking him back from those pompous words?” Leena added.

“Hmmm.” Astrid paused. “Do we need anything else?”

“That’s everything I can think of.” Leena had two entire bags slung over her shoulders.

“Cousin? Doing a little shopping?” Freya walked forward. She also had bags by her side, but they were far more extravagant and smaller.

“Freya.” Astrid’s eyes twitched. “Still enjoying the peaceful life?”

“Not everyone has the desire to get their hands dirty.” Freya continued. “Besides, I heard you almost died–again. You really ought to be more careful, Astrid.”

“What are you doing with yourself nowadays, anyway?" Astrid shrugged. "Surely not every day can be filled with shopping?”

“Who do you take me for?” Freya said. “Unlike you bunch of warriors, my mind is better used elsewhere rather than toiling around the bubbles, looking for ancient artefacts I can't use.”

Astrid said. “Those artefacts are our hope of strength.”

“And I’ll leave that to others more talented in that field." Freya said. "I know what my strengths are, Astrid.”

“You say that as if you aren’t a Sinwen yourself.” Astrid shook her head. “Anyway, I thought you’d be with your friends?”

“I was, but I have a private lesson with Mr Greig in the afternoon.”

“Politics? Boring.” Astrid continued. “Well, I’m gonna go, just in case your bunch of harpy friends show up.”

“Politics keeps this ship running.” Freya said with a gentle smile. “Goodbye, and take care of yourself.”

Astrid left with quickened steps. It felt like a spider’s hairy legs were tickling her nape. I hate dealing with Freya.

Back in her room, her bottom was perched on the edge of her seat. She was hunched over her study table with her mind strained. Her psychic mana swirled within her head as she connected to the matter being controlled on the dense wooden table.

An illusion of a silver butter knife lay in front of her, it looked real at first glance, but if one was to look closer it was constantly flickering. It was almost like a cartoon from a projector. Although Astrid attributed that to one of two things. Either her intelligence level was too low. Or the Skill wasn’t high enough yet.

Astrid’s hands hovered around the illusion. From the butt of the knife, the colour changed–and harden. Veins emerged from her forehead. The solid metal crept its way up the handle. With a pop, all the tension within her mind snapped–like a string being snipped.

The illusion shattered, leaving only a half-way finished handle on the table. She plucked it up with her fingers and closely gazed at it.

Dammit, so close. Astrid sighed as she gently caressed her temples. She took a sip from her crystal cup. A blue liquid sloshed within. The dull pain in her mind settled.

Just a little more intelligence and I’ll be able to create the knife. The monotonous clicking of the grand clock looming within the room woke Astrid from her contemplation. It was already late, but her mind was left buzzing. Tomorrow it would be her first mission as an official member of a Wayfarer party.

Daniel and the others. Astrid plopped herself on the bed as her thoughts travelled to her team. They would be her team from now on, forever–until either they died. Astrid knew that from tomorrow onwards, her life would be filled with blood–and death. But also adventure, excitement, friendship, and freedom.

I can’t sleep. Astrid tousled and turned inside her smooth bed sheets. Crawling out of her bed, she wandered over to the opened window. The fresh sea air tugged at her hair. Gazing out at the ocean, her heart dampened. It wouldn’t be long until the Leviathan was knocking at their doorstep. Blasting their ship and summoning hordes of Spawn to assault the last bastion of humanity once more.

She thought about the time Rachelle had told her about Daniel’s theory of the Leviathan appearing from the Bubbles. If that’s really the case, then the secret would lie within the city–not a small town. And for that, I’ll need to be far stronger than I am right now.

Astrid clenched her hands into a fist as she sat on the floor. Cups, books, and plates all began spinning around her like she was at the centre of a storm. They then rotated and spun–her control was increasing.

Bring on tomorrow. Astrid fidgeted with the cold metal chain around her ankle. Her blood boiled.

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