Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 63: Mission Prep

Chapter 63: Mission Prep

While Brett was sharing stories of their adventures with the new recruits, Astrid nudged Rob’s arm. He glanced to the side, then down as he looked at Astrid. Astrid checked if the coast was clear and took out the metallic chain bracelet from her pocket.

Rob’s eyes widened. Astrid shoved it forward and placed it into his enormous, calloused hands. Her fingers brushed up against his palm, it was tough and was more akin to a solid object rather than skin, like a high-level monster hide. He shimmied around in his seat as it creaked.

“Woah there Rob,” Brett warned. "You’re gonna break it if you ain’t careful."

“Mmm.” Rob smiled, a sparkle of sweat glistened from the side of his forehead.

His vision snapped back to Astrid. He gazed at Astrid’s eyes. They were filled with an intensity that made his argument die down within his throat. Rob pocketed the chain rather hesitatingly.

Astrid nodded in satisfaction. She could probably guess what he was thinking. Rob didn’t seem to be the type to ever think about stealing. She just hoped he would use it, if news got out that they had it, then she would take full responsibility. But until then, it may save their lives. It was a risk worth taking, and one that she would gladly take for her friends.

Thinking about responsibility… She wondered why the Humanity Corps hadn’t approached her yet about what had happened back at the auction. It was their job to police HMS Rebirth. Although it was probably thanks to her brother or father that had talked to them.

Thank the Goddess. I hate talking with them, they’re like a bunch of robots. Astrid recalled a memory when she was younger. She would always attempt to play with them, but they simply just stood there. Guarding. Like human statues, with not even a word ever being uttered from their mouths. As a child, she would often sulk at being ignored. Astrid had once kicked up a fuss to her father and from that day on, they were required to at least smile and bow.

I was so childish back then– Oh, chocolate! Astrid raised her shoulders as Charlotte brought out a tray of baked goods and placed it on the counter.

Gloria and Astrid were the first ones to latch their petite hands on the tray. Gloria chose a rectangle chocolate square block, while Astrid grabbed hold of a fresh cookie with chocolate pieces melted within. She took a deep sniff of the baked delight. The aroma of cooked cookie dough and melted chocolate tickled her fine nose hairs, she had to force herself not to salivate. The exterior was crispy, but not overly so. But the middle was her favourite, gooey, soft, and squishy. She took a bite and sighed in satisfaction.

“Is it good?” Charlotte asked with anticipation.

“Of course it’s good, have you seen her face?” Brett joked.

“It rivals Garrett’s.” Astrid said.

“Thank you, it’s my mother's recipe.” Charlotte said.

“Make sure to give her my thanks.” Astrid finished the cookie in record time.

“I will do," Charlotte paused. "I’m sure she’d be pleased to hear that coming from you.”

Astrid noticed her shoulders flinch, and Maggie's comforting touch, but she didn’t press on the details. The last thing Astrid wanted was to resurface any dark memories.

“Guys, should we go now?” Josh said. “I want to know what mission we’re going on.”

“Right, me too!” Froderick said.

“What?” Brett frowned. “Are we boring you or something?”

“Ah wait–no, not at all!” Froderick frantically waved his hands in the air.

Daniel chuckled. “He’s pulling your leg, go on then.”

Astrid smiled at the exasperated expression on Froderick’s face. He looked like a sore thumb fidgeting in between Rob and Brett. He couldn’t take it any longer, and with the permission from Daniel, he jumped to his feet alongside Josh.

“If we don’t see you off for your mission," Daniel said. "Good luck, lass.”

“I’ll bring back some souvenirs for you all.” Astrid patted Rob on the shoulder and stood up.

“Like what?” Brett finished off his drink. “Eyeballs or something?”

“If that’s really what you want, I can bring them back in abundance.”

“Yeah no thanks, I’m not an alchemist,” Brett said. “Besides, they stink.”

“The eyeballs or the Alchemists?” Astrid asked.

“Both, you never know what those damned scientists are concocting,” Brett continued. “It’s alright when they are doing their jobs and creating a bunch of health potions, but that changes once they start experimenting on weird shit.”

“Like?” Astrid wondered.

“Like when they decided it’s a good idea to combine animal innards and human hair. That kinda stuff,” Brett said. “Some things are better left to the imagination, you know?”

“Oh? What’s in your mind right now?” Astrid asked.

“No!” Lisa interrupted. “That’s better left unheard Astrid.”

“Yeah… Good point.” Astrid shivered. “We better go.”

Astrid waved to everyone. She opened the door of the pub and walked back out on the street. Charlotte's pub was a pleasant experience. Unlike the Wayfarer’s pub that was filled with toxic smoke and sticky countertops. Oh, and all the fighting… Never mind, she enjoyed the fighting.

The Wayfarer’s Headquarters was built into the side of the ship, just like the training hall that Astrid had entered when she took part in the exam. There was no door, instead a hulking metal rolling gate opened up the headquarters to the sea. The opening allowed rapid access to the ocean. Boats of various sizes lined the opening in the wall as they were all ready to descend at a moment's notice in preparation of an attack.

In the middle of the room lay an enormous shaft that ascended into darkness. It travelled all the way to the surface of the ship. It provided quick, and mass access to Rebirth’s surface in emergencies. Astrid guessed that troops within the thousands could all easily fit onto the lift.

Josh took the lead as they headed for the counter at the back of the hall. A young man stood behind it wearing common adventuring clothes, a hard-wearing jacket and durable jeans. He had a squished nose, and it looked like someone had battered his ears with a hammer.

They were puffy, the cartilage must have taken some damage for them to be like that. A wayfarer’s badge was pinned to his chest. He looked bored, although he tried to hide it, but Astrid knew that look anywhere.

The number of hours she spent within her own room dying of boredom from the exclusion of her peers was mind numbing.

They approached.

“Hi there, we have a mission in a few days,” Josh said with a polite smile. “Can you give us a brief on what we need to do?”

“Sure thing. I’m Raul, but most just call me Rocky, up to you which you use.” Rocky twirled a pen in between his fingers. “I’ll be needing your name.”

“All of us?” Josh asked.

“Just you will be fine," Rocky said. "Once I check your name, the others will pop up."

“Josh Gale.”

“Right, give me a sec–” Rocky placed his hand on a crystal and a light blue screen that could only be seen from his end flickered to life. Astrid attempted to peer around the screen for a look when Rocky sent a flitting glare. Astrid slacked her shoulders and stepped back.

“Can’t you behave?” Gloria whispered.

“I was curious, alright?” Astrid tapped her foot against the floor.

“Yes, so you have a resource collecting mission within F-23,” Rocky said. “That’s in three days, dawn start as usual.”

“Thanks, anything we need to–”

Rocky slid over a clipboard filled with writing. Astrid peered over Josh's shoulder as he picked it up. It detailed many items that they would need to bring for the mission. Just as Daniel had said, one of the many items was rope, alongside bandages, balm, insect repellent and more. Some items the Wayfarer’s provided, and judging by the pickaxe on the list, it would be a mining resource they had to bring back.

Gloria joined Astrid as she glanced at the list.

“Figured you were new recruits,” Rocky said.

“That obvious huh?” Josh chuckled.

“Pickaxe?” Gloria said, “we need to mine?”

“Expecting others to do it for you?” Rocky asked, then tapped his finger against the counter. “Sorry, just back from a mission. Still cooling down, my bad.” Rocky nodded to Gloria

“No,” Gloria’s eyebrows spasmed. “I’ve just never mined in my life.”

“The second years will show you how,” Rocky continued, “But honestly, you just hit the pickaxe against the rock. That’s all there is to it.”

“Where do we buy the supplies?” Nick said, his head glancing around in different directions.

They had never stepped inside the headquarters, for the first mission they were simply sent back home. For Astrid, Daniel as the team leader was in charge of filing in the report for their excursions.

“Yeah, so you just walk through the hall behind me, just as you enter, you’ll see in big letters: General Store.” Rocky motioned towards the large doorway to the hall. It was more like a vast tunnel that travelled deeper into the ship.

Astrid had already set off towards the doorway when she heard Josh’s voice.

“Is there anything we need to look out for?” Josh asked, “Like dangerous monsters, or strange geography?”

“For F-23?” Rocky tapped the counter. “It’s a dense forest with a large mountain in the middle, although larger than most towns, its danger level is quite low. There is a goblin tribe within, rock golems, and the odd wolf pack. And kobolds. Recent scouts have reported intense infighting between tribes. Watch out for them, they’re craftly little bastards.”

“Thanks for all the help, Rocky,” Josh said.

“No problem, if I can give you one piece of advice down there and this goes for all your future missions.” Rocky turned serious. “Don’t fall out with your team members. They are your lifeline if shit hits the fan. Last thing you want is another enemy at your back.”

Josh nodded, and quickly caught up to Astrid as they all walked through the hallway.

“That’s good advice,” Astrid said.

The images of those who attempted to steal from them…to kill them, was still clear in her mind. It wasn’t just emotions they had to be careful of, but the most dangerous of them all, greed.

Next time I get a high-quality item, I’ll keep it a secret until we get back. Astrid thought. It would prevent that situation from happening once more. The faces of her attackers still replayed in her mind wherever she slept, only to be awoken in a cold sweat.

Why can’t we just face the monsters? Astrid sighed.

Because humans are monsters too.

An alien voice entered her mind, it was high pitched and excited, just like a child while it was playing in jubilation.

Astrid clutched at her ears as her face filled with horror. A prick of familiar pain touched her eye.

Who’s there?! Astrid shouted within her mind; she knew it was coming from within. Her experience with her psychic mind told her so.

Is it the System?! Black blob?

There was no answer.

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