Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 68: Camp Preparation

Chapter 68: Camp Preparation

You defeated - Kobold - level 29

You defeated - Kobold - level 34

You defeated - Kobold Chieftain - 40

Experience is reduced for defeating enemies lower than your level.

Skill level up!

Mind Domain level 1 - Mind Domain level 2

Experience gained!

No level up. Astrid thought.

It looked like fighting monsters lower than her current level would be a pain to level up. She was used to gaining a level from every victory from being with Daniel and the others. It would take some time getting used to the slow grind.

Astrid whispered to Leena. “I’m thinking about scouting out the area at night. If it’s safe, I may take you around to level.”

“Just us?” Leena asked.

Astrid nodded. “I can’t gain levels like this. Besides, I highly doubt anything here is in the hundreds. But I still understand the importance of caution.”

“It’s still risky, but I understand.”

“It is, and it’s a risk I need to take,” Astrid said. “I can’t waste my time killing one low levelled kobold at a time. If I continued to slaughter everything we come across, it wouldn’t be fair to the others.”

“Then we wait until nightfall.”

“We will travel together at first, then if it truly is safe and there are no surprises, we will go our own way.”

“What are you gossiping about?” Froderick craned his head.

“Me and Leena will scout the area at night to see if it’s safe.”

“Someone has already scouted it?”

“Yes?” Gloria said. “And so was our first exam mission.”

“Okay, good point.” Froderick's shoulders recoiled. “Even so, that’s dangerous, right?”

“She wants to level,” Gloria continued. “It’s painful to admit it, but Astrid is leaving us in the dust. We should also do the same. Split off from the primary group and go our own way.”

“I get wanting to–” Froderick dipped his head. It was only for a moment until he held his head high once more and nodded. “Alright, I’m in.”

“Well, that was easy.” Gloria grinned.

“You’re right,” Froderick said. “After watching Astrids display of strength, it’s clear I’ve been thinking the wrong way. This world is unforgiving, and if I don’t reach out and forge my path, I’ll forever be weak.”

Astrid placed her hand on Froderick’s shoulder.

“Mina, Nick, what do you think?” Josh held his newly gained axe in one hand. “Should we separate from the main group and level independently? I don’t want to decide if you're not comfortable doing so.”

“Of course we agree with it.” Nick smiled. “Can’t have Astrid stealing all the attention.”

“Alright, it’s decided then,” Josh said. “Once Astrid and Leena have scouted out the area and confirmed whether it’s safe, we will go our own way. From the fight before, it’s clear we can handle them. Although the Chieftain might cause some problems if we run into another.”

“We can take that creature on,” Gloria said. “I have a few new skills under my sleeve that I’m itching to use.” She brimmed with confidence.

“Equipment too, by the looks of it.” Astrid glanced at her new slim armour. It was some sort of monsters hide. A purple thread stitched together the pitch black leather and that, too, was probably at a quality that Astrid could only dream of right now.

Like always, the noble families don’t shrink back with their high quality equipment. Astrid pouted. If only her family had the same rules as the others. But no, if the Sinwens didn’t gain their equipment with their own two hands and spend at least some blood, then they weren’t allowed it.

She thought back to the time that her mother had given her the items behind her father’s back. If the Lord found out, then he would be forced to punish her. After all, one couldn’t be caught out favouring one child over the other.

The mission force marched through the forest at a slow pace. Calum had noticed that a bunch of the first years were struggling after their first fight. They were more cautious than before, and that hindered their ability to keep up. It forced Calum to slow down to accommodate them.

Astrid watched. She had the habit of scrutinising others leading capabilities. Not that she thought herself a better leader, but it was a way for her to compare and improve her thinking. What would she do differently to Calum?

She thought about it for a minute before it came to her. Instead of slowing down and moving at the first years pace, she would force them to match her own. She would tell them that being slow was dangerous. But she did not know if that was the right call or not.

I’m still inexperienced. Astrid sighed.

The march was going on longer than she had expected. The forest seemed endless.

“They weren’t kidding when they said this Bubbled Town was larger than a lot of the others.” Froderick glanced at the surrounding trees.

“Compared to our first mission, we would have already made it long into the centre by now,” Nick said.

“Our second mission was larger, though,” Mina said.

“Oh, you went on another mission?” Astrid continued. “How did it go?”

Now that I think about it, it makes sense. She gazed at them all, one by one. They seemed a lot calmer than before, and she recalled the fight against the kobolds. There was no longer any hesitation.

“We did.” Froderick stuck out his nose. “You’re not the only one running around as a Wayfarer.”

“It went well,” Josh said. “Much better than last time, that’s for sure.”

“Right, there weren't any overpowered orcs threatening to crush our skulls in.” Gloria added.

“What monsters were there?” Astrid asked in curiosity.

“Gibberlings.” Nick shivered.

“Gibberlings…” Astrid mumbled.

“Not very strong, but damn the noises they make and having to fight them at night was terrifying.” Froderick glanced around.

Mina said, “with their wailing howls, ghastly screeching, clicking, and their insane chattering, I couldn’t sleep for days.”

“Were you with second years?” Astrid asked.

“It was third years for that mission,” Gloria said.

Astrid was about to ask some more questions when the mission team stopped. A large hill loomed to the left side, while dense barbed shrubbery lay to the other side. It was a good place to make camp as they could control the hill for visibility and the bushes created a natural defence on their other flank.

“We’ll make camp here.” Calum placed down his backpack. “From the scouting report, we know that there are three tribes of kobolds and the strongest of them are in control of the town. We’ll make this our temporary base until we find something better.”

Astrid didn’t wait for a command. Instead, she set off further into the trees.


Astrid turned around as Calum stood in the lead.

“I understand you’re stronger, but I’m the designated leader for this mission.” Calum said. “I can’t have you walking on your own without me knowing where you’re going. I won’t tie you down, but we are here to collect resources, not level. That is our mission, and it’s best if you take that into consideration.”

Astrid nodded. “I am going to collect firewood. I understand your position. Don’t worry.” Astrid flashed a grin as she spun on her heels and walked into the forest.

Astrid wandered through the forest. She didn’t really know how to track, but she tried anyway. Now and then she would crouch down in an area that was disturbed, but it was hard to tell what exactly it was. There were claw marks, but that could be a wolf or a kobold. Without the experience, she couldn’t tell the difference.

Continuing, she gathered up a mass of wood as it obediently followed at her flank. She was hoping to find some monsters, but it seemed like the information for the mission report was true. There weren't that many monsters within this town, despite the sheer size of it.

From reading the memories of that chieftain, he was the leader of a tribe. So that meant there were two others, but the kobold leader in the town was nothing to scoff at. The chieftain’s memory of the town leader was nothing but fear and awe.

Astrid rubbed her hands together. She wanted to fight it. Maybe she could read its mind and gather more information. Perhaps it knew some secrets that lesser lifeforms didn’t know about, like the dungeons? It was a longshot.

Disappointed at the lack of battle, she returned with enough firewood for a bonfire. At least they wouldn't be cold. She stacked the wood in formation while a fire user ignited the tinder. The fiery flame placed a smile on her face. There was still a lot of work to be done, and Astrid wasn’t one to laze around.

She watched as the earth users created a wall of rock, while Leena enforced it with the large amounts of metal she had absorbed from Astrid’s Psych Warp. She created an elevated platform so that ranged users could attack from behind the wall.

“Hey Astrid, did you find a water source while out there?” Tony said.

He was on the same team as Calum. He had medium length hair that almost dipped past his green eyes. The bow and leather armour gave away his class without her needing to identify him. He was the teams lead scout and that would make him the highest level scout they had.

“I didn’t.”

“I’m forming a search team,” Tony continued. “I’d feel a hell of a lot safer if you came along with us.”

“Sure thing, we can also hunt for some fresh food while we’re at it.” Astrid perked up her shoulders. “Maybe we can find some pigs for bacon.”

“I doubt it–but we can try.” Tony chuckled, then turned to the group. “Alright, everyone, let’s head on out.”

It was mostly second years, with the odd smattering of the more adept first years.

“I’ll be taking my friends with me,” Astrid said.

“They seem to know how to handle themselves well,” Tony said. “I have no qualms with having more experienced people at my back.”

Astrid walked over to Josh and the others as they were busy setting up their sleeping area and told them about the search mission for water.

“Alright, only take what you want to carry and leave your primary water container here,” Tony said. “Obviously, bring your secondary container.”

Josh took out a larger pouch from his backpack, the chinking of glass sounded out from the pouch.

“You bought them then?” Mina asked.

Josh took one out and showed it to them. Instead of cheap glass like the more common potions, it was made of dense crystal.

“Better to invest in something that will last,” Josh said.

“I just thought of an excellent business idea.” Astrid’s eyes sparkled. “A potion dispenser shop where you can bring in your own bottles!”

“Let’s go.” Gloria nudged past her.

“Was it a bad idea?” Astrid stomped.

“It’s a wonderful idea, my lady.” Leena giggled.

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