Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 627: Thor's Plan and Kenichi's Refusal

Chapter 627: Thor's Plan and Kenichi's Refusal

[Guys please read my other novel «From Hollywood to King of The World» I want your opinion and see where I can correct it or make it better.

Synopsis - Rowan awakens his superpowers and can enter in the film and television works he has worked.

Gain spy skills by acting in spy movies.

Gain scientific knowledge by participating in science fiction films.

Anyone who stars in a superhero movie can gain new superpowers.

Every movie is a life.

Gaining all the skills he can from the movies, he will become the King of the World]

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"The difference, my son, is that I will win." Odin said

Back on Earth, Darcy paces around her apartment as Ian is sat watching the news on TV.

"Neither Kenichi nor Jane called me back. Erik isn't calling me back. Stupid SHIELD isn't calling me back!" Darcy grumbles

"What's SHIELD?" Ian Boothby asked

"It's a secret." Darcy replied then picked up her phone and called Erik again but he didn't pick up so she leaves a voice message for Erik. "Uh...hey, Erik. It's Darcy again. Uh...Thor came back, he took Jane to Asgard with Kenichi and um...I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do." As Ian is watching the news they start reporting about Erik being arrested at Stonehenge.

"Something else went missing this week when Astrophysicist, Dr. Erik Selvig, notable for his involvement in the Alien invasion in New York streaked nude across Stonehenge." The news reporter said

" Darcy, you really need to look at this. Your friend Erik, what was his last name again?" Ian said and Darcy looks at the news report on TV

"...disrobed and began shouting at visitors at the historic site. He was later taken into police custody for psychiatric evaluation. The police are still refusing to confirm... "

Ian presses the pause button on Erik's face from footage taken at Stonehenge, Darcy sits in dismay as she looks at Erik's face on the TV.


In Asgard, Thor is sitting alone when Heimdall walks up to him

"You're not in Odin's war council?" Thor asked

"The Bifrost is closed by your father's orders. No one is to come or to go." Heimdall replied as he takes off his helmet and places it on the table. "We face an enemy that is invisible even to me. Of what use is a guardian such as that?" he sits down looking defeated.

"Malekith will return, you know this. I'll need your help." Thor said

"I cannot overrule my King's wishes, not even for you." Heimdall replied

"I am not asking you to. The Realms need their All-Father strong and unchallenged, whether he is or not. But he is blinded, Heimdall, by hatred if it wasn't for mother who knows what he would have done." Thor stated

"We all are filled with Hatred and Grief my prince to blind us"

"Well I see clearly enough." Thor stated

"The risks are too great." Heimdall said

"Everything that we do from here on is a risk, there is no other way." Thor stated

"Have you even asked your friend Kenichi Shirahama if he is ready for it? Because I don't think he has any problem staying here seeing as he quitely sits in his room without making a fuss. I have seen what he can do if he wanted he could have easily gotten away." Heimdall stated

"I know I can convince him Heimdall, like me Kenichi Shirahama is a warrior and I have never seen him back down from a fight if given a chance he would fight those dark elves with me. So do not worry about Kenichi and tell if you can help me." Thor stated

Heimdall hesitates before replying "What do you require of me?"

"What I'm about to ask of you is treason of the highest order. Success will bring us exile and failure shall mean our death. Malekith knew the Aether was here, he can sense its power. If we do nothing he will come for it again, but this time lay waste to all of Asgard." Thor said as he brought Heimdall with him to hold a meeting with Sif, Fandral, Volstagg. "We must move Kenichi off world."

"The Bifrost has been shut down and we don't have the Tesseract"

"There are other paths off Asgard, ways known only to a few." Heimdall said

"One, actually." Thor said and the others suddenly realize he means Loki.

Volstagg stood up and said "No."

"And you are forgetting the fact the even if you trust Loki, your mortal friend may not" Sif stated

"Yeah, you are really forgetting that it was him who caught Loki, do you think Loki would miss a chance to stab him in the back" Fandral added

"Don't worry after this I will personally talk with Kenichi and explain him the situation" Thor said

And Thor did he explained to Kenichi the whole plan but he didn't expect Kenichi's reply.

"No! Hell No! Fuck No!" Kenichi said, "I am not going to the Dark Elves home ground with Loki as my back-up "

"What? Why? How? Do you also think that we will lose like my father?" Thor asked

"Yes we will lose do you wanna know why because you are not thinking straight. Let me remind you about that giant monster elf that took my ki attack and your lighting without even a scratch on its skin neither the me nor the current you can win against him." Kenichi said

"Just because you lost against him doesn't mean I will" Thor argued back

"Oh! You think you can defeat him? You! The guy who is still using his childhood toy as a weapon " Kenichi said while pointing towards Mjolnir in Thor's hand.

"Mjolnir is not a toy, it my weapon" Thor said

"It's crutch Thor a crutch that you can't let go of, are you Thor the God of Thunder or Good of Hammer?" Kenichi asked causing Thor to lose it and grab Kenichi by the collar.

Thor brought Kenichi's face course to his own and said, "I thought you were a warrior like me but I was wrong you are a coward who only fights when he knows he can win"

"It's not that I can't fight in a losing fight Thor but I had to be able to fight. Although that Elf wasn't successful the first time the next time he may be able to take the Aether or if my body at that time I will be vulnerable and loose my strength to fight surrounded by enemies and only you as backup because I don't put it past Loki to stab me at that moment "

Thor understood what Kenichi was saying so he let go of him and said "We can destroy Aether, the dark elves will lose their momentum if they see their hope getting destroyed in front of their eyes"

"Again with the popycock, Thor your grandfather sealed the Aether he sealed because he couldn't destroy it and you think you can do what he can't when you still can't even fight without Mjolnir " Kenichi said and Thor knew his plan was full of holes but he couldn't back down now.

"Yes, I can" Thor said

"Yes you can what? Destroy the Aether which your grandfather couldn't or fight without Mjolnir?" Kenichi asked

"I can fight without Mjolnir" Thor replied

"Oh really then let's see if you can back up your words"

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