Reborn Girl's New Life

Chapter 818 - Do You See It Now?

Chapter 818 Do You See It Now?

Yang Yang didn’t dare to think too much, but she just couldn’t stop thinking that way.

She waited behind the door, her fingers shaking.

The man stopped knocking and began to beat against the door, calling her English name in a mature voice.

Yang Yang didn’t open the door.

The man out of the door was obviously getting impatient.

He cursed as he pulled out the gun from his waist pocket and shot the door lock.

Yang Yang looked at the scene through the access control equipment when the man’s movement scared the crap out of her.

She could not help but turn back, hide in her room in a flurry, and begin to rummage for her phone.

She could not die. She must survive.

At least, she could not die here.

One had a strong desire for life, especially when death was coming.

Yang Yang was no exception. She wanted to live so badly.

So the first thing that came to her mind was to call the police.

She had to call the police for help.

But she hadn’t been abroad for long and had no idea what number she should dial, so she could only hold the phone tightly, tolerating the loud bangs as the man beat against the door.

When she got desperate, one thing popped up in her head: Song Yunxuan’s phone number.

Song Yunxuan had given her a business card before leaving.

She didn’t toss it away because she knew Song Yunxuan was rich.

To make a rich friend would bring her a lot of money.

She wouldn’t throw away any expensive and upmarket card from when she was a young girl.

She inhaled deeply when the bangs of beating paused. Noticing the pause, Yang Yang clenched the card in her hand with a frown but didn’t call out immediately.

If the killer left, there would be no need to call Song Yunxuan for help.

A cunning woman like Song Yunxuan would definitely make her pay the price if she asked Song Yunxuan for help.

Song Yunxuan was a businesswoman, so she would never allow herself to take a loss.

Yang Yang opened the door of her room noiselessly and looked out of it.

It was silent outside. Yang Yang let out a sigh of relief and moved to the door.

When she just stepped out of her room, a strange noise from the kitchen hissed in her ears.

As she turned to the glass door of the kitchen, she saw the man that had knocked at her door jumped in through the window and then pulled out the gun from his waist pocket.

She recoiled in horror and almost stumbled back to her room.

She no longer hesitated and called Song Yunxuan right after that.

At home, seeing that Yang Yang was calling, Song Yunxuan didn’t pick it up immediately but laughed slightly.

Next to her, Mei Qi saw the pleasant languor on Song Yunxuan’s face, the kind of look one might wear when playing with a kitten.

He could not help but ask, “We could lose the propitious moment, couldn’t we?”

“Not at all,” Song Yunxuan said when she picked up her phone. Instead of answering it, she smiled at the number on the screen, saying, “The harder she feels, the more appreciated she will be after being rescued.”

Song Yunxuan waited patiently for a good time to answer the call.

Meanwhile, the man broke in and began to knock at the door of the bedroom. Yang Yang was so frightened that she could barely hold the phone.

Now she only hoped that Song Yunxuan could answer her call.

If Song Yunxuan could answer the call,

And if Song Yunxuan could save her life here, she was willing to give up Gu Changle, her ungrateful daughter.

“Pick it up, please! Hurry up! I can give you anything as long as you answer my call!”

Yang Yang said to herself, holding the phone tightly.

She kept praying for herself silently, hoping that Song Yunxuan could answer the phone.

Finally, Song Yunxuan seemed to hear her prayer.

After a loud shot, Song Yunxuan finally answered the phone. “Hello, who is it?” Song Yunxuan asked.

Her voice was rather cold.

Yang Yang replied immediately, “I promise! I promise to do everything you want as long as you save me!”

On the other side, a look of cunning came into Song Yunxuan’s smiling eyes when she heard Yang Yang’s words. Yang Yang, however, couldn’t see it.

“Calm down and just tell me about your situation. I’ve already sent you a rescuer.”

Yang Yang had no time to think about what Song Yunxuan said but cried, “Someone came to me with a gun and is now knocking at my door!”

“How many?”

“Just one.”

“Open the door, then.”

Song Yunxuan said on the phone.

Her voice burst upon Yang Yang’s ears.

Hearing that, Yang Yang froze a moment, feeling that Song Yunxuan was kidding.

“Are you crazy? He’ll kill me! How can I open the door for...?”


When she almost finished her last sentence, a bullet tore through the window and fell on the crystal table lamp on the bed table.

The crystal lamp broke into pieces.

Yang Yang froze instantly.

And there were still loud bangs from the door.

“There are a lot of people trying to kill me!”

She couldn’t help but cry in horror.

Song Yunxuan said, “Don’t be scared. I told you that my man is already there to help. Just open the door for him!”

Yang Yang doubted it.

Song Yunxuan knew that Yang Yang didn’t do as she said.

“I expected your daughter who refused to recognize you would send people to kill you, so I sent my people to find your address and take you away in advance. It seems that you shut the door against him.”

Yang Yang didn’t know whether Song Yunxuan was lying.

So she frowned, saying, “Don’t lie to me.”

“Why should I lie? You’re useful to me only when you’re alive,” Song Yunxuan urged, “Now open the door for Mark. He’ll protect you.”

Yang Yang’s pupils trembled violently. She didn’t have any other choice at the moment.

She was like an animal locked in a cage that was to be slaughtered.

Those killers would break in, anyway, even if she didn’t open the door.

She would rather trust Song Yunxuan this time and dash out to her rescuer than lay down and die.

Yang Yang gnashed her teeth.

And she rose suddenly to open the door.

The moment when she sprang towards the door, someone fired a dozen times at the place she had hidden.

Yang Yang was frightened. She couldn’t help thinking that if she hadn’t moved, she would have been now dead meat.

Yang Yang gnashed her teeth.

She opened the door and saw a foreign man wearing a dark jacket standing in front of her. The man picked Yang Yang up, put her over his shoulder, and then walked out.

On the way out, the gunfire kept running out.

Yang Yang couldn’t help closing her eyes and creaming since she was horrified by the sound and the gun battle scene.

And she did scream out.

The man who carried her was annoyed by her screaming.

With a frown, he said to Song Yunxuan over the radio, “The woman is so noisy.”

Song Yunxuan laughed slightly and gave him an order relentlessly.

“Just knock her unconscious.”

Mark, the mercenary, beat Yang Yang senseless immediately as Song Yunxuan asked.

And the whole world quieted down after Yang Yang passed out.

Meanwhile, on the outside, those who aimed at Yang Yang’s room also stopped firing.

“What now?” Mark asked.

“Make her feel pain, and then she’ll know how cruel her daughter is.”

Hearing that, Mark shot Yang Yang’s leg without hesitation.

Song Yunxuan smiled when she heard the gunshot. “Where did you shoot?” she asked.

“Her left leg.”

Mark answered immediately.

Song Yunxuan said in a reproachful tone, “How could you shoot her leg? Now she has to attend her daughter’s betrothal feast in a wheelchair since her leg got hurt.”

“Well, you said to make her feel pain.”

Mark didn’t care about this kind of detail.

He finished almost all the tasks Song Yunxuan had given him, after all.

And now he just wanted to go back and have some drink.

“Should I send her to you?”

“Nope. Make sure she’s safe, and I’ll bring her back by myself.”

Next to her, Mei Qi heard what she said and reminded, “You don’t have to leave Yuncheng, Manager Song. I’ll go and bring her back.”

“It might seem insincere if I don’t do it myself.”

Song Yunxuan rose from the chair and asked Mei Qi, “Book the plane tickets. We’ll soon start off.”

It was pretty easy for Song Yunxuan to come and meet her.

Besides, Mark shot Yang Yang’s leg, but he was still worried that she would wake up, which would be difficult to handle.

So he gave her an injection to make her sleep.

When Song Yunxuan arrived, Yang Yang just emerged from a coma.

Yang Yang woke up, feeling a sharp pain in her left leg.

She reached out to feel her left leg.

Song Yunxuan took her fingers to stop her from touching the wound. She explained to Yang Yang, “Your left leg got shot, but we’ve already taken out the bullet. It’s just that you can’t walk in the next few weeks.”

“Can I walk again? It won’t cripple me, will it?”

Yang Yang asked nervously.

Song Yunxuan smiled, saying, “Don’t worry. It won’t cripple you. It’s just a gunshot wound and not as bad as you think.”

Song Yunxuan explained.

Hearing that, Yang Yang was relieved slightly.

After she rested assured,

She felt her heart swelled with anger at what Gu Changle did to her.

She couldn’t help gnashing her teeth with all her strength, saying, “I never expected that my daughter would do this to me.”

“Your existence really upsets her, so...”

Song Yunxuan didn’t finish her last sentence.

But she believed that Yang Yang could understand the meaning of her unuttered words since Yang Yang was a smart woman.

After that, Yang Yang asked, “Thank you for saving my life. What do you want me to do, then?” There was a sad look in her eyes and a resentful tone in her voice when she said that.

“I think you already learned what kind of people your daughter is, didn’t you?”

Yang Yang nodded, saying, “Totally.”

“Then just make her find her origin. Even a bad girl needs to recognize her mother.”

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