Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 235 – Defiance

Chapter 235 – Defiance

(Aardavar) <Wow… look at how big that guy is!>

(Thor) “Aye… this is like Ragnarök all over again… shite! How do we take that fucker down?”

(Thor) “It’s unorthodox brother but arrows, lots and lots of arrows. There isn’t an axe quality enough to break whatever that thing is”

(Loki) “I knew I shouldn’t have left these islands! We’re going to die to that worm… I can’t even throw my poisons that far!”

(Freyja) “Oh, my lovely Artemis must be shaking in her boots knowing something this terrible exists in this world”

‘Backup arrives, too late and useless as usual’

Ragnarök with their pet dragon, aka my grandfather, arrive just in the nick of time to do absolutely nothing. Maybe I’m being cynical but if father’s kill all attack still can’t bring that beast down, then what chance do we have? Be positive Ikarus, there has to be a chance.

Both the creature and father turn purple as father’s words reach its target.  Then, a sight that makes me sick. Like a submarine imploding, blood explodes from both of them…

Thankfully for him and Asmodeus, they appear to remain intact but the knockback is huge, tossing the black dragon and his rider a mile away. Unfortunately, if it isn’t obvious, the creature still lives. Charybdis continues to remains intact but unlike we’ve seen before, the ocean is stained with the monster’s blood. If it can bleed, it can die.


[Name: Charybdis  |  Species: Undefined  |  Level: Undefined]

[Health    168,931/1,000,000]

[Stamina 994,001/1,000,000]

[Magicka 940,078/1,000,000]

‘Damn. Guess father really did help a load’

Charybdis still remains staggered so all of us spend another round frankly doing whatever we can. Magic and fire lights up the stormy sky as all attacks hit.

‘Are we actually beating its regeneration or not? Status again’

[Name: Charybdis  |  Species: Undefined  |  Level: Undefined]

[Health    166,312/1,000,000]

[Stamina 994,001/1,000,000]

[Magicka 940,079/1,000,000]

But of course, every round of our attacks barely scratch the being. I could waste all my magicka, Petra exhaust all her demonic power, Apollo piercing the creature’s eyes, Charlotte flash banging the creature to space, mother spitting flame with all those on her back, Zeki’s power of toxicity and all those from Ragnarök. It still won’t be enough to totally drain its HP.

‘How much magic is left in the tank, Aesa?’

[<Down to 62% Ikarus. Aesa think’s we’ll need a different approach>]


(Aardavar) <Let’s get it!>

Even when all the batshit crazy Norse Gods fire off shouts, arrows and spears, we still are barely making any progress. You’d think they’d have some brilliant abilities hidden away but I’m expecting too much from a group famous for using axes, pillaging, enslaving and rape. Look it up if you don’t believe me, Vikings may be badass but they’re just as horrible as the rest of history.

And so, we all end up in a sideways freefall again, being sucked toward that fuckers mouth…

‘Huh? It just… stopped?’

Mid inhale, the creature closes its mouth and looks as confused as us. It hasn’t grown a conscious mid battle or something? No Ikarus, you lost that nativity years ago.

Everything goes quiet, the lighting stops as something or someone appears to be interfering. Then, the water parts and shows something I really wasn’t expecting.

“Apologies my children, Chaos was keeping me busy with… other commitments. I promise nothing will happen to you while I draw mortal breath”




Speaking with honestly the softest sounding voice I’ve heard, for some reason Nyx’s presence seems to put a huge weight off my shoulders. Wait, I haven’t met Nyx before… or have I? Ah, that tournament arc we did, she purposely lost in the first round but I forgot how she looked. I honestly never realized just how similar to Petra she looks… it’s uncanny. If you exclude the abs, the bigger breasts and the curly hair. I’m not losing the plot; she does look like Petra!

Anyways, pointless distractions aside like question why she referred to us as her children, the sheer power of Nyx raising from the ocean seems to make time stop. It’s kinda like she’s an anomaly interfering in a place beyond her concern.

None of that matters though. All she does is lift her slender arms and all the ships in close range, even Ariza gets pushed back to a much more reasonable distance. Wasn’t Nyx supposed to be even more powerful than normal Gods? If she can do just that with a flick of her wrist, we may have a chance now.

‘Got a feeling this won’t work… status’

[<Status scan doesn’t work on the being known as Nyx, Ikarus>]

“Bah, get to me Hera! We’re leaving right now!”

The clearly damaged Zeus, looks upon Nyx’s eyes and immediately wants to hightail it out of here. We’ve been so distracted with this beast that we’ve only just noticed Zeus is slightly damaged and appear to lost a lot of that advantage after Aesa nuked everything. Hera however, she seems to be beating Athena and Poseidon to a pulp.

“I’m seeing this through, my adorable Zeusy. If we leave now, then they may be able to gain control over this beast!”

“Bah, don’t think I won’t leave without you Hera, because I will! I’m not fighting that joke of a primordial being without being at full strength”

“But I can fight her! Wait… you’re actually leaving… GET THE FUCK BACK HERE!!!”

As Zeus activates whatever smoke bomb-teleporting effect they’ve used countless times before, Hera screeches while running into the smoke.

When the smoke fades, she’s all alone.

“It’s always you woman that drive my Zeusy astray, no matter. Today, every one of you lecherous bitches will suffer!”

The bitch Goddess loses her composure and begins to swings wildly at both Athena and Poseidon, both of which have next to no chance of calming her down. At least Poseidon seems to be able to take a hit or two, those bulging muscles like the rest of the three siblings never leave anything to be desired.

“Please my mortal children, I cannot keep this up for long so if you wish to rescue those up above, now’s the time”

Charybdis’ mouth continues to remain shut so while everyone’s pumping it full of lead, I use my dragon body to full effect and to dash over and swoop both of them up in one big… well, swipe.


[<-Magma walker- and -star blaze- are now in effect>]

Every little helps so while I’m doing that, the top of Charybdis head turns to magma and I burn the living crap out of it using the fireball that grows within and around me. Also temporarily trapping Hera but we already know, the feminine gender can’t do shit to her.

Maybe it’s just delusion, but I do feel like both those attacks have done more than a lot of others have done. Up close and personal seems to be the trick.

“How dare you keep interfering in important matters, stupid bird! You should’ve been made an example of to all, you ungrateful runts! FUCK YOU ALL!!!”

(Nathan) “Fuck you too Hera”

(Charlotte) “Nat… language”

‘Wait, why the hell has everyone followed us… oh my God. We’ve actually broken this beast!’

All that can fly excluding Nyx flock to my aid and this confuses the hell out of me. I was about to back off and return to the front and continue the battle… I’m so stupid at times.

Having an Ikarus moment, it’s taken me this long to realize this creature’s fatal weakness. We couldn’t get close to it but now that we are, it can’t hurt us at all. If we just ignore that crazy psycho bitch waving her sword about, we can’t be hurt. It sucks all around it but the one exception is the very top of its head.

Regardless of this, it does open its mouth again to continue consuming the world. Thanks to Nyx’s intervention, we’re now able to bop this thing on the head. If it wasn’t for Ariza and the dwarves still down below, I wouldn’t be concerned at all.

“My children, you’ve all done your jobs excellently. Now…”

<…I can handle the rest>

Switching to telecommunications, I think this means Nyx is really getting serious. Our odds may have increased but she’s still got a load to do.


[Name: Charybdis  |  Species: Undefined  |  Level: Undefined]

[Health    132,931/1,000,000]

[Stamina 993,002/1,000,000]

[Magicka 930,084/1,000,000]

The entire world, storm and all fall into a void like darkness as the power of the night shadows over us all.

And then, what I see approaching where Nyx just was… is a dragon!? Black eyes, black scales, reeking of death, she has the size of mother but the evilness of father. Who’d have thought she was capable of possessing such a form?

Like looking into the abyss, her eyes are full of nothingness. It’s like Petra’s blind stare she used to have combined with the demonic one she uses now. It’s terrifying. A world of pure nothingness.

Fear aside, barely visible shadows begin to crawl all over the snake like body of Charybdis, biting and chewing their way through the creature’s flesh and tearing it asunder. It makes my own skin crawl seeing this… never ever piss off Nyx, Ikarus. Two lessons in life, happy wife equal’s happy life and never piss off a primordial God.

Splat! All chewing stops when a sudden noise comes from inside the beast. All it takes is a gust of wind and Charybdis literally collapses upon itself. The sight isn’t grotesque, the creature just literally falls to the ocean, ash falls all around and creates a floating island.

‘It’s… dead. Like actually dead’

But wait, where the hell is Her-… oh, still right below us. For some reason, I was kinda hoping she’d flee but I guess this really is it for her. Can we really kill her right now? Might as well try.

“I’m sorry my children, but you’ll have to handle her together. I haven’t the strength I once did. Possessing this mortal body… I cannot scratch her”

Back to her normal body and floating back down the ocean, Nyx obviously hasn’t got the third leg required for defeating Hera… that sounds wrong on so many levels. She can rest for as long as she wants though. Without her and everyone else, we’d be dead. Just Zeus fleeing is enough reason to owe her our lives.

Already knowing this is down to the gender thing, I get ready to change form mid landing and do the most cliché superhero landing you can imagine, leaving my scaly form as well. It’s time for

‘Damn… that really isn’t great on the knees’

(Poseidon) “Please Hera, listen up. It’s over! You can still redeem yourself if you just surrender”

(Athena) “A harsh punishment is due but we can always be lenient if you stop this madness now”

(Hera) “Both of you are so naïve and weak. You think what your friends have done here gives you bargaining power? No *spits*. Today, I’ll bring my Zeusy all the heads of those who have betray-… YOU!”

Instancing noticing me even in a different body, I barely pay attention to the scowling Goddess because of something way more important. I’m technically crossdressing right now.

‘Stupid enchanted female clothes being too tight on this stupid male body. Just forget it Ikarus, there’s nothing wrong with a guy going commando and wearing a skirt’


---Okay, I couldn’t get the colour scheme right and the proportions perfectly… kinda works because Brookyln is supposed to look feminine after all. Don’t tell me he isn’t rocking both of those outfits!



Aye, when I was a daft wee scoundrel, the summer breeze down by the loch when wearing a kilt was-… okay, I’m not offending all of Scotland by doing an accent. Let’s kill this fucking bitch…

‘It finally now makes sense to activate this Aesa’

[<-Plot protection mark 2- is now in effect>]

Not being alone in this final showdown against the woman, we have pretty much everyone here ready to strike down this total bitch. While not everyone holds extreme distaste and hatred for the woman, we all have a common goal. Hera must die.

Some of us speak while others remain quiet. After that difficult fight, I can’t even think of something cringe worthy to say… what stays inside my head is cringe worthy enough.

(Nathan) “So many foes and not a single friend in sight. You brought this upon yourself, Hera”

(Dionysus) “It’s finally time. Everything you’ve ever done will be repaid today”

(Artemis) “Let’s begin by cutting out her fucking guts! Then, chop her into little pieces and feed her to the fish!”

(Zeki) “Erk, you stole my idea, flat Goddess!”

(Artemis) “N-Not this again, I’m not f-flat!”

(Aphrodite) “I think I’m useless fighting like this. I’ll give you all moral support instead!”

(Penelope) “Oh no, I think I’ve exhausted all my magicka! Oh well, I can smash her with rocky instead!”

(Aardavar) <Let’s get her Kell. I’ll blow wind up her ass… does that sound strange?>

‘I’ve just realized something. Pink people are completely useless in this world and my grandfather is weirder than I thought’

(Kellearzar) <We won’t end up in a stalemate this time around, this is for Dermakvar>

(Loki) “After the hellish working environment you put me through, it’s time to die! How dare you make me work overtime!”

In a moment, all of us surround the woman and messily attack her from all sides. Flame spews from my still flying mother, wind from my grandfather, potions fly from the maid Loki, axes from Ragnarök, spears and swords from our party. We basically begin the slow process of death by a thousand cuts. The women may not be able to hurt her here, but they are able to get in her way.


[Name: Hera   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 1500]

[Health    83,013/100,000]

[Stamina 74,924/100,000]

[Magicka 84,010/100,000]

“I-I… will not bow down to you ungrateful brats! You have no idea what sacrifices we’ve made-, AHHHHH!”

Screaming wildly, all the women attacking Hera fall to their knees and seem unable to continue. The only unaffected is mother, probably because dragons are in their own category?

But of course, all us wielding third legs and marbles are able to withstand her rage. Words cannot express how much I hate how easy it is to sit or accidently knock the family jewels… enough with this Ikarus! Just because the pain is comparable to pregnancy… sometimes I want to strangle my own wandering brain.

All of us able to continue to slash and strike at her with me leading the charge, all the while mother sprays a pointless flame that only blinds the bitch of a Goddess. It does help though; she’s can do nothing but block as we keep up are relentless charge. It’s physically not possible to block when you’ve got weapons striking you from every angle.

“You will all obey and defend your mistress, hear my call!”

Then, all the women under Hera’s spell begin to stand and their eyes glow a crimson red. Is this… some sort of mind control? Oh no, I’m going to have to fight Petra! I freaking hate that cliché…

“Uh, no! I’m not allowing you to control them like that!”

(Zeki) “Yeah, fuck you bitch! Ain’t no one going to best brother at mind control!”

Hearing the faintest blue phoenix echoing in the wind, all Hera’s mind control stops when Ariza demands it so, as if phoenixes could be controlled anyways. You’re not going to beat a system designed around mind manipulation even if you are the God of all women!


Spears, arrows, swords, magic, more and more flow into the dying desperate bitch. Little by little, every cut staggers her even more so this is just a matter of when, not if now.

[<MP reserves are now down to 14% Ikarus>]

“I’m not finished just yet!”

Placing a hand in the air, these weird looking dolls hover around her and spit bolts of lightning… oh my God. Are they… supposed to look like foetuses? I know Hera has some relation to childbirth, but what the fuck?

“Not going to happen… this really is sinister”

All of them end up being incinerated by my dark eyed wife, her hellfire seems to consume and burn them all. Guess abilities don’t count towards the gender-based damage thing… should I be worried she can kill of a bunch of doll foetuses without blinking an eye?

“Erk! Why won’t you just fucking die!?”

Again, she activates that same attack only to be met by Zeki’s new arsenal of abilities. Spinning shields and spears strike them down… I’m less concerned about Zeki destroying a bunch of creepy lifelike dolls. It’s to be expected with him.


[Name: Hera   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 1500]

[Health    47,013/100,000]

[Stamina 72,610/100,000]

[Magicka 78,011/100,000]

“Then… I’ll h-have to use what my Zeusy gave me as a last resort”

Still being stabbed and prodded, she activates another ability that this time does have a serious effect.

‘Fuck… that hurts’

(Loki) “Not this crap again! It wasn’t bad enough that grumpy guy doing this to me, now this bitch as well!?!”

Electricity ripples off the bitch, flowing through all of us and making every it feel like we’re being pinched and stabbed all over. The pain is excruciating, but… none of us let up for a minute.

She fends off rapid attacks from both Nathan and Dionysus, struggles to defend against the axes of Thor and Odin, leaving me with a perfect opportunity…


She ducks, making my decapitation cut off a large part of her hair and some of her scalp. That’s… not pretty to look at.

‘We’re still getting electrocuted… status’

[Name: Hera   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 1500]

[Health    11,013/100,000]

[Stamina 71,837/100,000]

[Magicka 68,011/100,000]

[Name: Ikarus   |   Species: Phoenix (Demon Lord)   |   Level: 1000]

[Health    131,913/166,666]

[Stamina 158,028/166,666]

[Magicka 166,666/166,666]

[You currently have 50001 unassigned points]

‘Oh right, silly Ikarus, plot protection is still in effect. It hurts like a bitch though’

It matters little that my stats are no longer being doubled. This bitch is so close to death and the knockback from all that electrocuting is only making her demise come sooner. All I need is one good strike…

And said strike is incoming as this woman no longer has any strength in her blocks. A spear penetrates into her shoulder, an axe into her hip, flame burns by her feet and both my weapons about to land completely undefended…

“I-I… failed. All of you… youngsters… should burn…”

With one final attack, Excalibur plunges deep into the woman’s heart. Spluttering blood with her final breath, that’s finally it, both Ares and Hera are dead. Two down… just one more to go.

The entire world seems to shudder and weep from the woman’s death, none of that matters right now though. There still is a huge elephant in the room… or floating in the ocean.

‘Phew… think we can no-, father! Shit!’

Switching back to bird, I have to time for Petra admiring Brooklyn considering someone we’ve left him for far too long now. It’s time to go help… I think he should be over there… damn.

Scales torn, blood staining the ocean and looking gnarly as fuck, my floating father has definitely seen better days. Alongside him however motionless… is Asmodeus.

Ariza is already here, tending to my father’s wounds as she must’ve moved on from the ships the second the beast fell. Petra joins us and blankly stares at the face of who’s already dead.

“Uh, it’s not working Ikarus. I’ve tried everything and my magic is just flowing right through him!”

“*Cough cough*… already told you that won’t work, blue one. Get little one to use her box to confirm it, you can’t heal this curse”

‘Oh damn, how bad does he think his health is? Status’

[Name: Dermakvar  |  Species: Dragon  |  Level: 401]

[Health    -1/100]

[Stamina -1/50,000]

[Magicka -1/50,000]

‘Da fuck? Aesa? That can’t be right’

Father’s level has dropped by over hundred, his health is under the minimum a dragon can have and everything is in the minuses. Just what the fuck did that attack do!?!

[<Aesa doesn’t know Ikarus. Aesa can detect remnants of the curse you once possessed, -dragon descendant->]

‘Then shouldn’t he be fine? I have an ability for that!’

The ability dungeon blessed says it removes curses for me and can be used on others with a timer cooldown. I’ve got something to deal with this so let’s use it!

[<It’s not being described as a curse though, Ikarus, it won’t do anything. Aesa… doesn’t know to say>]

Getting some healents out as fast and desperately as possible, I pour the entire bottle on my grumpy father yet nothing seems to happen. How the fuck do you heal someone who less than zero health? This isn’t making sense!

<Hmph… this hurts less so I’ll use this little one, funny how the fates allow me the strength for these moments. Overextended myself there… may have survived it if I were a few hundred years younger. Time catches up with everyone, I suppose>

“Don’t speak like that father! There’s got to be something we can do… just hold on for a little longer!”

<Hmph, still so naïve little one. You can relax… the water is surprisingly relaxing to these old bones. Even living a perfect life… you’ll lose more than just this grumpy ol’dinosaur>

Still franticly trying to come up with anything, I refuse to accept the fact this is it. He can’t actually die, right? What kind of bullshit twist is this!?

“What i-if… I revive you after? That’ll fix things, w-won’t it?”

<Don’t bother little one, don’t want it and it’ll only go to waste. That box you have would confirm it, I’m too weak. I’m telling you… my time is now. The fates have chosen this moment>

“W-What about Asmodeus? If y-you’re refusing it… should I u-use it on him?”

I’ll do it if both Petra and father want it so but if it’s my own choice… I’m not reviving him. Look, I’m long past the days of hating the demonic dickhead, but I’d rather save it for someone I love.

<The demon would’ve known this is his time as well, lit-, no. Just let me see your face Ikarus… tears make you look ugl-…>

The first face I’ve seen in this world… and I end up being the last thing he sees. I-.

‘Can we at least try bringing him back to life, Aesa?’

[<We can Ikarus but Aesa can’t guarantee its success, Aesa doesn’t know how long he’d last even if 100 HP is restored. Aesa thinks it means… there’s nothing we can do>]

To add even more salt into my wounds, Asmodeus’s body floats by with that stupid grin adorned on his face. Of all times even when dead, his smile continue to mock me. It’s just unfortunate I can’t replace this sorrow with anger because I’d love to burn his corpse right now.

“Why the hell would he be happy going out lik-… always w-with the vagueness. H-He must’ve known this w-was coming”

The ocean lost a lot of water today, so all I’m doing is helping it refill a little. That’s all this is really…

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