Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 333 The Britannia Empire Declared War

Somewhere along the English Channel. The HIMRS Burnyi Class Destroyer was sailing along the channel towards the point of interception with the Ruthenian Baltic Fleet.

Aboard it was His Majesty, Alexander Romanoff, who was sifting through the papers, performing his constitutional duty. Although he wasn't officially back at becoming the chief-of-staff as they are still within the territory of the Britannia Empire, he already regained some of his powers such as being the high authority in the warship itself.

There was a knock on the door.

"Your Majesty, may I come in? I have something urgent."

Surprisingly, the voice didn't belong to Sevastian, but to Rolan Makarov.

"Come in," Alexander said simply. Despite warnings from Sevastian, Alexander didn't abide by them.

"Your Majesty, may I have your permission to speak my mind," Rolan said.

"I thought this was something urgent?" Alexander said, staring at the papers.

"Well, yes Your Majesty but we are still verifying it. For now, I want you to listen as I'm feeling a little bit off about Sevastian."

"What about him?" Alexander prompted him to continue, still not looking at him.

"Your Majesty, did something happen? Sevastian is avoiding me and gives me a subtle glare whenever he passes by. And did you really tell him that you wanted to be alone? Because although you nod your head, I can feel that you weren't on board with it."

"You read me well, Rolan," Alexander's head slowly rose, looking at his face. "I'm not going to beat around the bush. Rolan, are you the mole who provided information to the Black Hand about our escape route?"

"Your Majesty…what's with that question? Of course, I would not," Rolan said truthfully. Though that truth is yet to be analyzed by Alexander who was looking at his countenance as if reading him like a book.

Alexander sighed. "As I expected, you're not the mole."

"Your Majesty…" Rolan uttered.

"I led Sevastian to think that you are the mole and are currently investigating you as we speak. It's why he was wary of you. But we know that only three people in this room know exactly the escape route. The director of the Foreign Intelligence Services, The Chief of Staff of the Imperial Guards, and the National Security Advisor," Alexander stated. "Now, if not you, who do you think would have provided such a classified detail to the Black Hand?"

"To be honest Your Majesty, I do not know. A proper background check and investigation must be conducted on the three of us."

"Three of you?" Alexander tilted his head to the side, puzzledly.

"Yes Your Majesty, the three of us. I want you to be assured that I'm not really part of the Black Hand," Sevastian explained. "Though may I ask, why did you lead Sevastian to think that I'm the mole?"

"It's to make him feel vulnerable, Rolan," Alexander answered. He rose to his feet and walked over beside him. "It's a simple psychological trip, Rolan. You'll find out eventually. So once we dock in the secure ground, we will head back to St. Petersburg. Though I will ask for your cooperation later, about my plan. This is the time to flush my administration of a mole."

"Your words are my command, Your Majesty. Anything for your sake as well as for the country," Rolan knelt in front of him reverently.

"You may rise up now, Rolan,"

Rolan did what he was told.

"So, what's this about something urgent?" Alexander asked.

"Your Majesty, you'll have to come with me to the bridge deck."


In the bridge deck of the Burnyi Class Destroyer, everyone rose to their feet and turned to face the approaching emperor, and performed a salute.

"As you were gentlemen," Alexander beckoned them to sit down and returned to their work.

"Your Majesty!" Sevastian called from the halls, running towards the bridge deck. "I got here as soon as I got informed," he glanced at Rolan, who was standing beside his Majesty. He wanted to point out that he is standing to his scapegoat and considered generous but that would be a bad idea. So he let it go.

"So what's this all about?" Alexander asked again.

"Your Majesty, there was an emergency broadcast in the capital of Britannia Empire. They are saying that it's an important announcement," the captain said.

"Turn on the television and see what it is," Alexander ordered.

"Yes Your Majesty," the captain signaled one of his crew to turn on the television.

The television flickered open. Behind the podium was Her Royal Highness, Anne Edinburgh.

"Why is Her Royal Highness Anne behind the podium? Where is Her Majesty, Diana?" Rolan asked.

Alexander hummed and muttered under his breath. "I'm feeling about this."

Sevastian's interest was piqued and focused his attention on television.

"Good evening, people of the Britannia Empire. Today we have experienced the worst tragedy in our nation. An attack on the very heart of our empire. However, thanks to the authorities who fought valiantly to retake our streets, we have officially quelled them down," Anne declared.

"Something must have happened to Diana," Alexander commented. "It's odd, why is she the one making the announcement?"

"Same thoughts here, Your Majesty," Sevastian added.

Anne continued. "I wished we could celebrate but we must respect the casualties, especially the attendees of my sister's crown ceremony."

Alexander's eyes dilated like a saucer the moment he heard that. "Casualties?"

"We have confirmed the deaths of the Emperor of the Sardegna Empire, Austrean Empire, King of Belgium, King of Dutch, King of Denmark, King of Norway, King of Sweden, the President of the Francois Republic, the Emperor of the Deutschland Empire, Crown Prince of the Yamato Empire, and lastly," Anne trailed off her voice breaking. "My sister…The Queen of the Britannia Empire."

Everyone in the bridge deck gasped at the announcement.

"Contact every one of our assets in London right now and confirm this," Alexander ordered Sevastian and Rolan.

"Yes Your Majesty," Rolan and Sevastian intoned together.

"What's happening?" the captain asked incredulously. "So that means, the new Queen is the one speaking?"

"You may now be asking a question. Who would do such a thing? We searched for an answer, we conducted an investigation and it turns out it wasn't an act of terrorism, but an attack made by another country," Anne stammered.

"Wait what?" Alexander scoffed. "It was definitely the Black Hand," he said, stating the obvious.

"Based on our investigation, and the enemy our military authorities have faced in the streets of London, we concluded that this was an attack made by the Ruthenian Empire.

Alexander's mouth hung open. "Huh?!"

Anne continued. "As you can see here, on my side, are the captured military personnel of the Ruthenia Empire, hiding in buildings around Westminster Abbey."

The cameraman pointed in another direction, showing people walking near the podium with their necks, legs, and hands tied. Their mouths were gagged to prevent them from speaking. They were wearing Ruthenian Special Forces and Imperial Guards uniforms.

"Shit…" Alexander cursed.

"Those are my men," Rolan pointed. "How did they get captured?"

"One of them had already confessed. That it was the will of the Ruthenian Emperor to attack my sister. No, my sister," tears began to trickle down her face. "My sister…who is now in heaven, and my family…they are all gone..!" she whimpered.

"I really have a feeling that Anne is part of the Black Hand," Alexander remarked. "Now he is using my men who were tasked to protect me to be a scapegoat…" he clenched his fist.

"So…in view of this wanton act of unprovoked aggression, committed in flagrant violation of International Law and particularly of Article I of the Hague Convention relative to the opening of hostilities, to which both Ruthenia Empire and the Britannia Empire are parties, I have instructed my ambassador in St. Petersburg to the Ruthenia Empire Government in the name of my government that a state of war exists between our two countries…" Anne announced and everyone's expression in the bridge deck sank.

Alexander's lips trembled, his hands shaking in infuriation. "So that's how you want to play it huh?" he muttered softly before returning to his normal voice. "Contact the Central Command and inform them that we are moving into battle-readiness level 2. I'll preside over as the commander-in-chief of the Ruthenia Empire," Alexander declared.

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