Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 349 Prince Sevastian Alexandrovich Part 2

So he did. Sevastian decided to apply for a job as an advisor to the Emperor. He has the capabilities to do so and this would offer him an opportunity to know more about the mysterious change of the emperor.

But before attempting to do so, he knew to himself that it would be rude if he just applied outright. In the days of uncertainty for the Royal Family, Sevastian was observing, behind the scenes. Fortunately, there was a chance at the time of Alexander's coronation ceremony and he attended it.

It was in the Grand Kremlin Palace where he first saw Alexander in the last couple of years. What thing he noticed was the aura Alexander was giving off. It was authoritative that if a person entered his room and Alexander shot them a glare, they'll subconsciously start to get submissive and bow their head.

Alas, it happened to him. He complimented the clothes he is wearing for the coronation ceremony but instead of receiving a warm reply like thank you or I'm honored, he received an indifferent tone of acknowledgment. It was as if he was displeased at his existence. There's no way he can apply for a job with a man who had a bad impression on him.

Despite that, Sevastian didn't give in. Just like all the attendees, he attended the coronation. The coronation was also a time of chaos when the Ruthenian television broadcasting the coronation event abroad exploded. The Ruthenia Empire was implicated in the incident and almost went to war with the affected countries.

Fortunately, that incident was averted.

Days passed and he learned that Alexander was looking for new personnel.

He went to the Winter Palace and had a personal audience with the Emperor. Alexander interviewed him, asking him questions like how can he trust him when they barely even met.

Sevastian answered that he is loyal to the crown and to the country deceptively, hiding his true emotions deep inside the abyss where Alexander was gazing into.

Alexander took his word for it and made him his National Security Advisor. Basically, the right hand of the King. It was a high-ranking position that gave him direct access to the government.

Playing the role of the National Security Advisor, Sevastian worked hard to gain Alexander's trust. He did well to the point Alexander is praising him for doing the job. He received the praises warmly and Sevastian is slowly leaning towards trusting Alexander.

His governance skill was impressive and the confidence of the people in the emperor was always at an all-time high. Not until a tragedy happened in the Yamato Empire. Alexander's sisters were on a state visit and an ultranationalist group within the Yamato Empire who were bitter at the result of the Rutho-Yamato War, tried to kill the Grand Duchess.

His perception of Alexander changed when indecisiveness got the best of him. His sister was in danger, and although they were saved, Alexander was being too lenient, concerned that conducting an air raid on the capital of the Yamato Empire would bring international backslash. Not to mention the fact that Yamato conducted an air raid on Vladivostok. Alexander was more worried about killing women and children in Tokyo than what could've happened if the Yamato were to successfully penetrate the air defense of Vladivostok and kill women and children.

His hate for the monarchy rekindled at that time. Alexander didn't care about the people, he cared about his reputation. Alexander was saved by his superior military.

The war ended with a Ruthenian victory. Sevastian gave Alexander the benefit of a doubt. He was leaning towards serving the emperor since his vision for the Ruthenia Empire was being implemented by Alexander. Like a shared vision, a strong and respected Empire.

But, during the civil war in the Hanese Dynasty, Alexander's leniency showed up again. He is always worried about what the other country would say about him if he does this or that. Sevastian was infuriated deep inside, why does Alexander always factor in the reaction of the international community? And those international communities were looking down on the Ruthenia Empire when they were at its weakest.

That's when Sevastian had enough. Under Alexander's leadership, the Ruthenia Empire would become stale, afraid to do what it wanted to do because of Alexander's incompetence. Why is he worried about a country that he can destroy with just one call?

This has to end. Sevastian thought, and so he planned. A day before the crown ceremony of the Britannia Empire. When Sevastian was wandering around Buckingham Palace, a Black Hand operative approached him.

Sevastian handed a file, including the evacuation protocol of Alexander should an attack happen in the crown ceremony. The Buckingham Palace was plagued with Black Hand operatives, posed as maids, manservants, royal guards, and others. Unbeknownst to Sevastian, a Foreign Intelligence Service had already infiltrated Buckingham Palace and taken a picture of the exchange.

And that's how, along with the files recovered from his estate, they caught Sevastian.

"Sevastian, I really trusted you when you applied to work for me. But, I don't trust a person too easily, that's why I ordered the Foreign Intelligence Services and Ministry of Internal Affairs to watch your movement after the interview," Alexander said.

"What His Majesty whispered to me that time was," Dmitri stepped forward as he spoke. "To execute the plan of infiltrating your estate while you are here. We gathered as much evidence, including the one document that tells about the Sevastianist, so that we can charge you formally with treason."

"The plan was to keep it only within ourselves," Bobrinsky added. "To reduce the risk of leakage. Those who were tailing you, capturing the image of you making an exchange, were FIS operatives that I handpicked. I believe you know him, he goes by the name—Zero."

"I led you to believe that I was suspicious of Rolan being the mole. After all, there are only three people who have access to the detailed evacuation protocol. It couldn't be the Director of the FIS, and it wasn't Rolan either because we are also watching his movement. So it all leads down to you," Alexander said. "I'm so disappointed, very disappointed. It would have been better if you were part of the Black Hand but you are not, making you the greatest traitor in the history of the Ruthenia Empire!"

"YOU'RE WRONG!" Sevastian shouted. "My intention was to make the Ruthenia Empire stronger, better, a country that put its people above others. Working with you made me realize that you are not acting in the interest of the Ruthenia Empire. All this concern about what a weak country would say about your decision…it's just stupid! Many people have died in the name of Romanoff, just because you change doesn't mean everyone has moved on, especially those who were oppressed during the reign of your father and grandfather."

"And you think you could do better if you were the emperor?" Alexander countered. "You see, the power that I currently possess comes with great responsibility. It must not be misused for self-satisfaction and greed. If I were to act like you want me to be, the world you knew would be destroyed before you can even realize the consequences. So I apologize that I didn't live up to your expectations. Ruthenia, as it is right now, is a glorious and respected nation. And our neighbors will learn it the hard way."

Sevastian was speechless as the Imperial Guards cuffed his hands.

"This is a goodbye, cousin. Don't worry, the Black Hand that you'd hope would get you what you want, we are going to exterminate them along with you, now that we have the Shepherdess in our hands."

Sevastian was towed away by the Imperial Guards in a temporary holding cell in the Command Ops. Everyone was still processing what happened. Their National Security Advisor was the mole and a traitor.

"Let's return to work," Alexander said as he returned to his seat as if nothing happened.

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