Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 361 Questions And Answers

Alexander immediately headed to the Imperial Council Building to make a statement about the use of a nuclear weapon on the capital city of the United States.

The people of Ruthenian would surely demand an answer as to why he ordered such a call by dropping a bomb that kills tens of thousands in an instant. Some would view it inhumane and cruel, but this is a war against the Black Hand, the only way for the world to gain peace, which the Black Hand continuously disrupts, is to make your hands dirty as well.

Twenty minutes later, Alexander arrived at the Imperial Council Building. A crowd of journalists surged around him, wanting to get a statement for themselves while their cameraman captured the moment.

Even when Rolan is not around, the Imperial Guards still do their job flawlessly, keeping the journalist away by moving in a formation that encircled the emperor, their hands linked tightly, acting like a chain that no people couldn't no hope of breaking in.

Alexander's eyes didn't even glance at the people, he maintained his eye level on the path he was walking down, thinking of a possible question that they might throw at him when he is in the hot seat.

At the plenary hall of the Imperial Council Building, Alexander walked over to the podium, facing the members of the Imperial Council and a select press.

He leaned forward as he prepared himself to speak in front of the microphone installed on the podium.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Alexander Romanoff, Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire. I have been summoned by the Imperial Council to answer the question you have been wondering about since yesterday," Alexander said fluidly and continued. "Yesterday, at ten thirty-four in the morning. I ordered a nuclear strike at the United States Washington D.C. through the Imperial Ruthenian Air Force Global Strike Command. So yes, I'm confirming that it's the Ruthenia Empire who caused a great explosion above Washington."

After announcing that, the journalist raised their hand, hoping to get a question. Alexander chose a male journalist.

"Good morning, Your Majesty. I'm Damian from the Ruthenian Broadcasting Company. May I ask why you order such a strike against the heartland of the United States? A country we are not at war with?"

"The reason is simple, we have actionable intelligence that the infamous organization known as the Black Hand is headquartered there."

"Headquartered? Black Hand? Can you elaborate on it?"

"The Black Hand keeps disrupting the peace and has plunged the world into a great conflict unlike it had ever seen before. They want us all destroyed so they can triumphantly rise from our suffering. That is something I won't allow to happen."

"So you use, correct me if I'm wrong, a nuclear bomb, probably the most powerful bomb in the world, to destroy their headquarters in Washington D.C. May I ask what type of headquarters it is? Is it a simple building? If so, what warranted you to use such a weapon when you can instead use precise munitions?" Damian asked again.

"Because it is not a simple building," Alexander answered. "The Black Hand headquarters is The Capitol itself. You know, where their congress is. We have retrieved evidence that led us to unravel the mystery of the Black Hand. They are not ruled by one person but by an organization of influential people in the government of the United States, including the president himself. Unfortunately, we can't release the evidence to the public yet, but trust us, we will."

"Last question. Assuming that you are right, that the Congress were members of the Black Hand, what about those innocent people that were killed? How are you going to respond to that? And what if Congress is not the Black Hand, does your appearance here mean admitting to the fact that you just slaughtered tens of thousands of people?

Everyone gasped slightly at Damian's question, Damian gulped a mouthful of saliva. He realized he just stepped out of the line, but his instincts as a journalist kicked in.

"I would never, ever, use that weapon without reason. I used the nuclear bomb in hope of eradicating the Black Hand, the one reason why we are at war with all of the western Europan here," Alexander brought up another topic.

"Just to be...clear on that point, Your Majesty?" Damian asked, this time carefully. One wrong word and he might end up in Gulag.

"The new Britannian Empire, Diana, was removed from the throne via a coup by his sister, Anne, who was now the reigning Queen of the Britannia Empire. We found out also that Anne is affiliated with the Black Hand, an executive member on top of that. She blamed us for killing the royal families who attended the crown ceremony when in fact she was the one who did it."

"So you're saying that it was the Britannian fault all along? A charade that they forced us to play?"

"It was all the Black Hand's fault, not the country's. I'm speaking to all of you now, disclosing classified information. The Foreign Intelligence Service also found out that in each country, there is an executive member of the Black Hand. They could be anyone, but most of them are high-ranking officials in the government. Do you have any questions, Damian?"

"Uhm, Yes Your Majesty. Can you tell us about the nuclear bomb that you used? Like how it works in a simple sense?"

"Nuclear is like any other type of energy but the energy is harnessed from the splitting of atoms. When atoms split, they released a tremendous amount of energy. Compact hundreds of them together, and you'll produce a great explosion. Okay, let's give chances to others."

The journalist started raising their hand again, and Alexander beckoned a woman journalist to stand up.

"Your Majesty, you are confirming that we possess a nuclear bomb, right?"

"That's right."

"Then, are they going to be used again?" the journalist asked.

"Well, I won't hesitate to use it again if our sovereignty is threatened, which is threatened right now. So let me pass a message to a country that is still at war with us, the Black Hand that is controlling the government and sending people as pawns to get rid of me. We have enough nuclear bombs that can flatten an entire city in each country. I demand that you retract your declaration of war against us. We are not your enemy, the Black Hand is our enemy. But should you continue to threaten the lives of the Ruthenian people, dare to set foot on the Ruthenia soil? Be informed that there'll be consequences! To the people living in those countries, the power is within you. Are you going to be the puppet of Black Hand for their selfish interest, or are you going to band together and save your country from total destruction? The choice is yours."

Alexander concluded and bowed his head in front of the crowd.

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