Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 363 The Queens Of Britannia Empire

After having his final conversation with Sevastian, Alexander briefly went to the Command Ops to get an update on the war situation. As expected, it was the same, a stalemate.

Even though the Ruthenia Empire is dominating the field, their lack of personnel couldn't capitalize on their victory. They are stretched out, forming a defensive line against an invasion. They could have gone on for the kill, but going in would mean making an opening for an enemy to move by encircling the army.

Even with their superior technology, if they are overwhelmed, they'll be eventually defeated.

It's why every movement of the Ruthenian military is planned thoroughly, to avoid it from happening. So far, it has been good news in the frontline. Meaning, he doesn't have to stay in the Command Ops for too long, instead, he'll visit his guest.

The operation to extract the Special Forces and the kidnapped royals just arrived in the Ruthenia Empire. The two major fleets of the Ruthenia Empire, the Baltic and North Fleet continued their blockade. It's only a matter of time before Britannia feels the effect of having isolated itself by the Imperial Ruthenian Navy from the world.

Currently, they are at the Mikhailovsky Palace, a state house for foreign dignitaries who wished to conduct business with the Ruthenia Empire.

Alexander went there as soon as he got out of the General Staff Building. It's only ten minutes away from the General Staff Building so he got there quickly.

Escorted by the select Imperial Guards, they went inside the Palace and into the room where they are currently holding Anne and Diana.

When the Imperial Guards opened the door, Alexander saw the sisters, sitting across from each other. They are beautiful, like a princess from a fairytale. The only difference is that one of them is a bitch with her hands cuffed.

Alexander stepped inside, prompting Anne and Diana to look at him as soon as they heard a footstep.

Diana's eyes widened while Anne's brows furrowed, doubtful if the man walking towards them is Alexander.

"Have you already talked with one another?" Alexander asked, sitting next to Diana.

Diana moved inches away from him and spoke.

"Yes, and it wasn't pleasant."

"Hmm? That was sad. I was wishing that you two get along for now as I will need your cooperation to track down the remaining Black Hand that is currently controlling other countries," Alexander said, his eyes locked on Anne.

"If it isn't the shortest reigning Queen of the Britannia Empire herself," Alexander smirked. "It's been a while."

"Are you…even Alexander? Is what I'm seeing correct?" Anne stammered as she asked, probably the drug had some side effects of making the person injected to be a little paranoid.

Alexander smirked again and grabbed her suddenly by the arm, and gripped it tightly.

"Ouch…" Anne let out a startled gasp while Diana's eyes narrowed, wondering why Alexander did that.

"See? I'm the real me. Sorry if I fooled you. The drug worked effectively I guess."

"What are you talking about?" Diana asked curiously.

"Well, before we got to you Diana, we conducted an operation in London to take Anne. The man who performed the operation is no other than Rolan himself. The one who saved your life in Westminster Abbey."

After saying that, Alexander let go of her hand.

"Right?" Diana hummed. "I appreciate your help but I need to get back to the Britannia Empire and fix everything the mess my sister created. I only stayed here because you ordered it, Alexander. But in fact, I want to strangle her so fucking bad! She murdered my family. That bitch doesn't deserve to live!" she screamed, her eyes tearing up, her face reddening with rage.

Anne looked at her with an unfazed look. "Many people have died in the name of our family. Don't you think that those people you killed in the name of imperialism don't deserve justice?"

"I'll shove those stupid ideals of yours down your throat," Diana said harshly and jumped at her, pulling her hair. Her fingers dug through her long pink strands of hair until she finally reached her scalp. Anne gasped in pain and tried protecting herself by raising her arm. But she couldn't push her away because her wrists were cuffed.

"That's enough," Alexander intervened when they fought viciously. He wrapped his arms around Diana and pulled her away from Anne, preventing further violence. But, Diana won't let go of Anne's hair, so Alexander signaled the Imperial Guards stationed inside the room to help him.

They rushed in. Diana growled and tried to break free from his grip. She struggled and couldn't move his arm away due to his strong grip. "Let me go, Alexander! This has nothing to do with you!"

"Diana stopped!" Alexander yelled, forcing Diana to look at him. She immediately stopped trying to attack. His glare made her stop and calm down slightly.

"As I said, I understand your feelings. The Black Hand took my mother, and father, and tried to take me away from my family. I too share your resentment."

Diana gradually stopped resisting. Anne was pulled away by the Imperial Guards, distancing her from Diana.

"She killed my family..!" Diana whimpered, and tears broke out from her eyes. "She killed my family Alex..!"

Diana wailed, tears all over her face. Alexander nodded sympathetically and buried her face in his chest as he hugged her.

Her cry was muffled in his chest, her voice hoarse and filled with pain. Alexander had never seen Diana be overwhelmed by grief.

His hand started rubbing circles on her back, soothing her. "Hush now, Diana…Shh. It's alright. Let it all out…." Diana calmed down after a few seconds, her cries reduced to occasional sniffles.

He gently lifted Diana's head off him, wiped away any remaining tears, and held her face with both hands. His thumb ran over her cheekbones, brushing stray drops of tears away. "I made a vow that I will eradicate the Black Hand from this world. I just ordered a nuclear strike against Washington D.C. eliminating the leadership of Black Hand. They are now at their weakest, soon they will collapse, and we will find them one by one and bring them to justice."

"Alex…" Diana softly sobbed, closing her eyes as she leaned her forehead against Alexander's chest. "I'm sorry for showing this pathetic side of mine…"

Alexander chuckled. "What are you talking about? My impression of you never changed. We always have something that we don't want others to see. The Black Hand preaching for equality and peace doesn't have that. They openly share with the world just how ruthless they are. We all have our bad sides. So hush now, I want you to cooperate with me as I interrogate your sister."

"What will happen to her after?" Diana asked, her face still buried in Alexander's chest.

"Well, you are the legitimate Queen of the Britannia Empire, it's in your hands how you will deal with her after," Alexander said.

"I understand," Diana slowly lifted her gaze up and stared straight into his eyes.

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