Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 76: Princess of the Empire

Chapter 76: Princess of the Empire

I opened my eyes to see a new tomorrow.

My room was different from any normal girl's room.

After all, how many girls can say their room is the same size as baseball field? And that I didn't want it bigger because I don't have that much stuff.

My beautiful king size bed is covered with pink sheets and I always ask the maid who takes care of me to spray a rose perfume in the room, so when I wake up I can smell with a wonderful scent.

I put on my bunny slippers and walk several steps to the window, open the people and the window to shout.

"Good morning capital, the imperial princess has woken up!"

And so begins a new morning for me.

Leaving the room, I headed to the bathroom, living in the palace is certainly impressive.

The hallways are as long as a bridge, there are many ornaments, paintings and luxurious carpets everywhere.

The maids greet me as they continue on their course.

"Good morning princess."

"Your Highness, good morning."

"Good morning Princess Livie."

Livie, that's my name.

I am the first princess of the imperial family. Livie Angelina von Bryes.

Livie is the name my mother chose because it reminds of her home town, Angeline was her name and she named me with one similar to hers.

Someone may wonder. "How come you are the first princess when you have several older sisters?"

Well, I am obviously not the daughter of the current empress, according to my court rank, I would be number 77, no, 75, it's because there are two other girls my age, but I beat them by date.

To make it short, my mother was a concubine of the emperor, the day I was born it was raining hard. We couldn't go to the hospital so they had to deliver me in one of the rooms.

Just at the moment I was born, the rain stopped and almost immediately a rainbow swept across the skies, no one could believe that.

But it got better as I grew up.

Just by walking near some minister, they said it brought them luck.

We even made a lot of money when I accidentally moved a document and changed the numbers on it.

Since that day the ministers have loved me, they even took me to the emperor, my father.

When I saw him, I was afraid. A tall, strong man and above all with a supreme aura surrounded him, his blond hair shone like his own and his feline red eyes looked like flames that would burn you, I was very afraid to see him.

I cried, and as a next act he carried me.

They said he did not even carry his own wife's children.

The emperor has no time to deal with children, but he carried me, I was the first child he carried.

For that reason, he named me first princess, he said I was the prettiest child in the world.

That would be all of my childhood.

I remembered the old days after bathing, it was already time for breakfast, so I went to get dressed.

"Umm... what dress shall I wear?"

My closet was so big that at least 50 people could fit in there and not feel stuck.

I usually liked gothic loli clothes, a very rare style these days.

I got hundreds of dresses just like it with minor differences.

I took one that had a label on it, for the imperial family you don't buy clothes for them, they are made in a factory exclusively for us.

The dress was black like all of them, but it had some red rose embroidery near the skirt.

I wore thigh-high black stockings, black slippers with a shine that made them look like diamonds.

When I looked in the mirror, I could see a beautiful girl, but so beautiful that it would make anyone's heart stop.

My hair was very rare, but I think it's heritage.

It starts with a honey blonde base going down to my neck where it changes to pink cake followed by my arms to a dark violet that went down to my knees.

I tied it in two twin tails and the ribbon was red in the shape of a bunny.

I wore casual eyeliner that didn't mess up a young lady's face, it was teenage makeup in other words.

My eyes are a sky blue color, my lips red as tomatoes and above all my nicely cut side bangs on the right side look spiky.

While the remaining part of the front of my hair is perfectly cut that partially crosses my cheeks and goes all the way down to my neck.

To make it simpler, my hair is a fusion between long twin pigtails and a bob cut with bangs.

Why do I have such a complicated style?

That's simple, it's because I'm a reincarnated, in my previous life I had a simplistic style like you would expect from a girl with braids, black hair, huge glasses and above all flat.

In this world, which I found out years later was that of an otome game, I was blessed with beauty, status and above all... huge breasts!

I smiled as I lifted my large, shapely breasts with my hands.

The first time I saw myself, I thought a European beauty was in front, but it was not. It was my new self that was reflected.

I finished getting dressed, all that was left was to have breakfast and wait for my appointment today.

I left the room and went straight to the end of the hallway to take the elevator down to the dining room.

The palace is huge, the largest hotel in the world cannot be compared to it, after all, it measures more than 150 floors, has more than ten thousand rooms and above all has secret subway rooms where important matters are kept.

After exiting the elevator, I walked a little way to the dining room.

There I could see a few of my older sisters and brothers, even the younger ones.

I greeted them with love.

"Good morning everyone~."

"Good morning Livie."

They all greeted me with the same tone, I can feel in my sisters a little jealousy. They are pretty too, but only I was blessed with big breasts, big butt and nice thighs, even my waist is slim like gooseneck despite eating a lot.

As I sit in my seat, oops, I forgot, each seat is marked with the name and rank of the prince and princess.

Failure to respect the seat would bring trouble.

Sometimes the simplest things are the riskiest for a member of the imperial family.

My breakfast was expensive fine food. Something like this a former Japanese person like me could not afford in my wildest dreams.

The food was a mix between balanced, nutritious, and fatty, everything was perfect, there is even a schedule to go to the gym and lose the weight gained.

Fortunately for me the weight gained goes to my breasts, butt, and thighs. So I just have to do what I need to do to not look fat.

After finishing breakfast, I thank the maid and the chef, I head back to the elevator where my personal maid was.

I say to her.

"Have they arrived?"

"We received the report that they couldn't come yesterday, but today they did, they apologize if they will be late."

"I see."

I said those words and headed to the library to wait until meanwhile.

After all, in this place is my reason for meeting that background character, Razel Bartlet.

When I regained my consciousness I was glad to know that I was in that otome game I played to escape the reality of my terrible family.

I was glad to know that the third prince Regulux onii-chan was my older brother, I am 16 years old so I will soon be going to the academy like everyone else.

The imperial family is not required to attend, but many do so to get a taste of life outside the palace.

Life in here is wonderful, it's like having a closed world in this place, but they don't let us out because we can be kidnapped and extorted.

I heard that if you know how to take care of yourself you can only go out on your own, in the case of my older brother, Cidfert nii-san, he was despised by some just because he was the son of a woman who left the palace.

My mother is still alive, but she has a weak body, from time to time I visit her to see how she is, she is very loving and cares a lot about me... too bad my Japanese mother always demanded me to be like my older sister, but it doesn't matter anymore, let's waste time a little bit.

"Ah mou, I told you not to go to the bathroom in the palace, Razel, we're late!"

When Barbara's problem was solved, Eli said to hurry up, I told her it was okay, but we should eat first.

Since I went all day without eating yesterday, I feasted today.

After I finished eating I had to go to the bathroom as usual, Eli prevented it and forcibly took me to the limo.

It took us the usual time to get to the entrance of the palace where the guard asked us for identification and if we had an appointment.

Even if he knew our faces, even if he was told who was coming and why, the guard would always have to act as if the person in front of him was a stranger.

Eli presented a credential indicating her identity, I did not have one because this was only given to people related in some way to the palace.

That is, if I was the son of a peasant, I could not enter and would have to wait for someone from inside to come and speak for me.

Instead, Eli, she is the daughter of one of the ducal houses so having this was normal.

I was informed that when I became a duke I would have one.

The guard let the three of us in.

Yes, all three of us, Lily came too. Apparently the letter expressed that, according to this mysterious princess, she wanted to see the three of us.

Inside the elevator my stomach was churning as if an alien bug wanted to get out of there.

I told her I couldn't stand it so I ran to a bathroom.

It felt good to release everything, although I feel sorry for the janitor.

I showed my condolences to its nose.

On the way out, Eli and Lily were waiting for me, Eli looked at her watch and said we were late so we ran.

That's how we got to this place, in front of us was a door designated for visits.

It said "Rosenberg-Livie meeting" on a sign.

We went in, but no one was there yet.

Eli told me that this was normal, so we would have to wait.

Arriving late even if the host is late is rude.

That's why we came in our best clothes.

I asked Eli.

"Who is this Princess Livie and what does she want from us?"

As we sat down, Eli deflated.


"She's... how shall I put it? She's certainly one to be feared."

"She's scary?"

I asked intrigued.

"Yes. She is, so be careful."

Eli looked at us very seriously, Lily and I swallowed saliva.

What would this mysterious NPC princess want from us?

"I see."

I had been here I don't know how long really.

The reason for coming to the imperial library was because before I got my memories back, I wanted to look for if there were any manga or light novels to read.

Yes, it's weird for me to say that despite having no memories, but probably my soul wanted to read something that reminded me of home even if it didn't exist.

The inside of the library is so big that it almost looks like a shopping mall as it has many sections and floors.

On the fourth floor are the ancient documents, usually without authorization you cannot enter even if it is a member of the imperial family.

Only the emperor, the prime minister, the crown prince and some ministers as designated knights.

I could enter because I was the first princess, meaning, if I tell my daddy that I was denied to enter, their heads would roll.

Obviously I wouldn't tell him, I know he is capable of doing that, the emperor is a terrifying man in many ways and forms.

In this bookcase where I find myself I read a certain small book, it's a diary.

I found it when I was moving books around because it seemed nicer to do it that way.

Rummaging and moving I found a false wall inside the bookcase.

Touching it, I couldn't feel the hardness of the wood, it felt like something soft.

I removed it and hidden inside was a very dirty brown book.

I wiped away the cobwebs and dust.

It was a little difficult to read because the language is old.

But over the years I learned what word and vowel means to the point that I can read it all.

The diary is of none other than the last king of Arklight, the first emperor, Theodore Gazef von Arklight.

I was very surprised to read what was in here.

It talks about things they never said in the game, nor in what I was taught.

Without a doubt, this world is very mysterious and even more so because it feels a little... real. I mean, I feel like this is not a game world at all but a totally real world, as if what I knew was just a divination that was going to happen.

"Princess Livie, are you here? Your guests have arrived."

Someone was calling my name, I had become too immersed in reading.

"Yes, yes, I'm coming~."

Making your guests wait is rude even if you're the emperor.

I hurried to close the book, I put it away where it was, I don't know why they hid it here, but there must be some reason and that's why I do the same.

I rushed to where the maid was and she pointed out the room number.

I hurried out and went running, as I reached the door I took out a pocket mirror and checked my hair and appearance.

I opened the door and greeted gracefully like those drill-haired girls in anime.

"Good afternoon dear guests, sorry to keep you... waiting..."

Opening my eyes, I was shocked by what I saw.

"Razel spit it out!"

"Don't die, Razel-kun!"


Two beautiful girls were helping a muscular boy in the classic distress position. He seemed to have gotten stuck on something.

They were pressing hard on his stomach and when it looked like the boy was going to choke to death...


He spat out what was in his throat, it was a completely whole rice cracker.

Wait. He ate the cracker like that?

Is it even a dog to do that?

After a brief moment of watching them on the ground perspiring, the pigtailed girl became aware of my presence.

"Ah. Eli-chan, look."

Then the girl who was looking at the ceiling and breathing heavily raised her head.

Our gazes met.

This I definitely never expected.

We sat down, my face looking at the three people in front of me who were doing something weird wouldn't come off.

"Err, Princess Livie, why did you motivate summon us here?"

The first to speak was someone I knew very well, Elize von Rosenberg.

I distinctly remember when we were five years old we were introduced to each other. The reason we got together was because there were no girls my age that I was allowed to play with.

That's because at that time there were many who wanted to engage their sons and daughters.

For that reason, my father entrusted me to the Rosenbergs' daughter.

At first I was nervous, but as time went on I realized something.

"It's been a while, Elize."

"... Yes, it's been a while."

I stood up and walked beside her, the two people at her side had no idea that she and I have a peculiar relationship.

"It's been a whole year without being able to hug you, Elize-tan!"


Elize-tan screamed like a frightened cat.

I hugged her as if she were a teddy bear.

Someone would ask, why do I call her that? Well it's simple to explain.

I had a cat named Erisu-tan and its name like hers look alike, about my reasons for hugging her...

While we were having tea as children, I inadvertently got dirty and we both went to bathe together.

Her being left alone was bad, someone would think she was undesirable, so we went to bathe together.

While we were in that sea of bubbles, seeing her covered in transparent white, something inside me woke up. And that was.

"Elize-tan is supeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer adorable! You're like a doll, besides..."

My hands switched from her neck to her breasts.

"Look at these breasts! They're firm, big and springy! What did you eat to make you turn into a cow?"

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! That's why I didn't want to come! I hate your sexual harassment! Razel, save meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Ever since we were little girls I would cuddle her, even once treating her as my personal bear and sleeping together all night.

The look of anxiety and exasperation on her face was wonderful.

As I groped the super breasts of the adorable villainess, my gaze focused on the girl with also firm and large breasts.

Lily the heroine.

In the game, she always tried to solve everything with a smile and made everyone fall in love with her charisma and charm.

I think that's why I hated her back then, I was even purposely looking for her to die.

I'm sorry heroine-chan. Like any ugly girl I was envious of you, you were beautiful, radiant as the sun and people loved you.

All different from how I was at the time.

... This got annoying, so let's change the target.

My eyes now focused on the boy with plain looks and exaggerated muscles.

He was a background character in every sense of the word... at least in his face, because his body looks too good, I dare say that even the pretty boys at my school don't compare to him.

Oops, I left my target.

I left Elize's firm breasts and returned to my seat.

She covered herself and with tears in her eyes said.

"My breasts hurt..."

"I'm sorry about that. It's just that I was so excited to see you. It's been over a year, hasn't it?"

Elize-tan was rubbing her breasts while hiding half of her body behind the boy mob.

She answered me.

"Yes, it's been a long time."

With a smile I told her.

"Sorry for what my stupid onii-chan and his friends did to you."

Seeing that I was serious, she pulled her face.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I left it in the past, after all, if it wasn't for that."

She stood up and hugged the two people at her side.

"I wouldn't have the two people who have made my life better, one of them is my new little sister and the other is my fianc."

"Uh... he's your... huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!"

I stood up and shouted like a fool.

"He's your fianc! I thought he was just a bodyguard!"

She looked at me with a weird face, like I was a weirdo.

"Princess... what are you talking about? Razel is my fianc, he's the one here."

I looked at him again.

"He's Razel! But... wasn't he supposed to be a hottie straight out of a romance novel!"

"He challenged the imperial family for a suffering girl! He fought heirs and a prince! He even defeated a beast that even two sword saints present couldn't defeat and even paid off your family's debt!"

"Are you saying that, that wonderful fantasy prince that would make any girl fall in love is this chunky guy with a silly face!?"

"... There was no needed to tell me that I have a tone face... it's already enough that the emperor makes fun of me..."

I could hear him muttering something, he looked depressed.

Elize-tan stood up, she looked totally pissed off, she walked towards me and used an iron claw on my head.

"Livie... no, Princess Livie."

Her red eyes looked at me as if she was a fierce demon.

"Let that be the last and first time you say something like that about my future husband. For what you know, Razel is a very attractive man when you get to know him in depth."

(That means he usually isn't or you just don't care about his face!)

(Gyaaah my head!)

The pain was so much, I felt like she was going to crack my skull like I was a coconut being hit by a cleaver.

I told her to let go of me.

"I'm sorry... I won't say it again... forgive me Elize-tan..."

"Fine, let's keep it that way."

She released me and sat up, the mob boy looked at her and said.

"Emm, Eli... was it okay to be mad at the princess?"

"It is. After all, it was the only way to keep her sexual harassment from escalating to possible rape."

"... I think you're exaggerating."

"She undressed me while I was sleeping. So I had to use force."


Everyone stared at me. I certainly undressed her, but it was because I wanted to see how her flat breasts grew into those big fruits.

I tried to quickly change the subject so they wouldn't think I was a pervert or a lesbian.

"B-By the way, Elize-tan. You wrote me once why I didn't ask you to come over, do you remember?"

"Yes, I remember."

She replied in a dry and discouraged tone.

"I was studying hard, a lot of things happened here in the palace and that's why I couldn't ask you to come. Even when Regulux onii-chan's problem happened, I couldn't do anything since I wasn't aware, sorry."

"Don't worry. There was nothing I could do anyway."

She kept glaring at me.

Elize-tan, your face is so cute even when you look at me in that cold way.

"Don't worry, I gave him a few good whacks for that! See he decided to leave the cute fiance he had for a"

True, the villainess doom event happened because he had chosen the commoner over his fiance.

But in that situation it only happened on a whim of his. Heroine-chan didn't do anything. So... it's possible that it was all the background character-kun's doing.

"Mob-kun... I mean, Razel-kun. Why did you defend Elize-tan?"

"Did you know she was going to end badly or did you know that monster was going to attack them and that's why you took advantage of the situation?"

I want to know who he really is, no matter how you look at it, it's weird, worst of all, that diary also makes me see weird things after reading it.

He saw me with a serious face and said.

"I did it because I wanted to save her. I was a coward to leave her alone, but I vowed never to make her cry again. For that reason, I decided to fight the prince, even if I lost which was what happened, I was going to fight for her and not leave her alone."



The two girls beside him, their warm and moist gazes showed that they were crazy in love. They even hugged him.

Despite his average appearance, his words alone made a girl's heartbeat. That was the charm of catching targets in an otome game.

It's what I would have liked to have, or at least a real friend at the time...

I shook my head and said to them.

"There's something important I want to ask you. Your maid Cordelia said you were going on a trip, where are you going?"

"We were planning to go to the coast. We want to enjoy what's left of the vacations for some nice family time."

"I see. There's very little time left in fact for the vacation to be over. Will you be able to do everything you want to do in a short time?"

"I don't think so."

She replied with honesty and disappointment.

"I understand. I have a request, if you fulfill it, I'll do you a huge favor."

"Request? About what?"

I smiled in the best possible way.

"You see..."

The ministers were hard at work, the emperor was listening to reports from the court mages on the status of the mana zones in the country.

Giant steps were approaching the big door which was fully opened.

"Daddy, I need a favor!"

Livie had entered the chamber that only serious people could enter.

Her beaming face did not match everyone's expressions.

She approached the large pyramid of stairs, climbed each step with a smile, making her breasts jump with glee and her pink underwear was seen a little.

When she reached the top, there were three men, one of them was the emperor's right hand man, her uncle and the prime minister as the only grand duke of the empire.

He also looked too much like his older brother because they were twins.

To the left of the emperor was a man dressed in red armor with horns facing forward. He was the twilight saint.

The emperor would normally look down on or try to kill anyone who interrupted him. Even if it was a serious situation.

But at the sight of his daughter, the first princess, he smiled.

"Oh, Livie, my daughter, what's wrong?"

The emperor's love for his daughter was something strange to everyone, perhaps it is because of her beauty or her smile that captivated him.

She sat on his lap and said.

"Papa~, I need a favor from you~. Consider it an early birthday present from you."

"Hmm, what is it?"

With a cheek-to-cheek smile she said.

"Please~, extend the vacation week a little longer. One week is enough, okay~."

The prime minister said in astonishment.

"L-Livie, that's crazy!"

"The academy has already delayed the class period a lot due to your brother's passing and in the search for his killer!"

"I know. I just really want to go on vacation and certainly a week will do~."

She said pouting with her lips resembling those of a fish.

The emperor after a moment's thought said.

"Alright, if it's only a week it's fine."

"Your Majesty!"

The prime minister tried to stop him, but it was useless.

"No buts. My daughter wants to enjoy the vacation so she will have one more week off, I decree it as emperor. Inform the academy."

The prime minister dropped his arms.

Livie celebrated her victory.

"Yes~, I love you so much papa~."

She pressed several kisses to her father's hairy cheek.

Everyone's mouths dropped open.

Even Razel and his girls. They watched Livie make good on her promise.

She told them. "I'll give you guys an extra week of time if you let me have fun with you."

With that said, the Rosenberg family's first vacation will begin tomorrow.

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