Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 85: Reward (2)

Chapter 85: Reward (2)

Barbara took me to a remote part where everyone was, we left the beach to go a little into the forest.

The fireflies around here were special as they are used as lamps.

For that reason, we could see perfectly even if it was dark.

As we walked away from the beach, she turned around.

She placed her hands behind her back and smiled at me.

"You still haven't told me what you think."

Talk about her swimsuit.

Of course, I didn't want to do it before as it was too gratifying to say it in front of everyone.

Here I go.

"It's super wonderful! No, it's splendid! There's no place where it's not beautiful!"

"I want to assault you right now! I'm thankful you're my wife now!"

I was about to blurt out more truths when she closed my mouth with a kiss.

It lasted a little while as it was short.

But in those seconds we kissed we could enjoy the pleasant sensation of showing our feelings.

Our tongues curled around each other, neither wanting to let the other go.

I wanted to savor Barbara's tongue and mouth longer.

But she was the first to withdraw.

Leaving a bridge of saliva as she closed her mouth, she giggled a little.

"Fufufu. You were really craving that kiss."

I replied.

"Now that everyone knows and Eli accepted it, I can kiss you and do whatever I want to you since you are my woman."

I moved closer to her, pressed my body together with hers.

The soft feel of her belly touching mine was majestic.

It is different from the times we have done it, now that womb carries my child and she is my woman.

I want to do more things with her that are rewarding for both of us.

Barbara said to me as she crossed her arms behind my neck.

"I'm wishing I could do it with you officially as your wife too, but I'm holding back."

"You are?"

That took me aback, why do that?

However, she reassured me.

"It's because I'm preparing something special. Please wait until tomorrow, I just wanted to come here to tell you so I could have some time alone."

"Alone time?"

"Yes. I want to talk, like you do with them."

"It's wonderful to be able to enjoy body-to-body contact, but sometimes a woman wishes her partner would listen to her."

A pure, sweet light shone in her eyes.

"In the past I used to talk this over with Alvin with my ex-husband. That's why I haven't been able to properly converse with you."

"That's why, if you like... we can sit down and talk."

Her blushing face says that she really wants to have a nice couple moment.

I'm a little disappointed that she doesn't want to have some intimacy with me.

But it doesn't matter, there are moment like this that are not unpleasant.

"Alright, let's make ourselves comfortable."

I sat down next to her and took her hand, Barbara snuggled up next to me.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Anything. I want to know things you haven't told me before, even the trouble you've gotten yourself into. It's unfair that only Eli and the others can know about your fights against mysterious enemies."

If I told you that many of them defeated me and almost killed me, you wouldn't want me to fight again.

"Well, let's see..."

"How cute."

On the beach, the girls were lighting a worm-like firework.

They had to lift it up and from the dangling tip they lit it.

This caused a strange feeling of joy in all of them.

Lily said to Eli as hers almost went out.

"Are you enjoying it?"

"Yes. It's fun to do things like this once in a while. I'd like to go back sometime."

"We'll have lots more times like this together. Don't worry about it, besides it's only the first day, we have two weeks yet to enjoy it."


Lily smiled heartily at hearing that they could recreate these moments again, her worm went out.


They said stunned both of them.

While the others were also with other fireworks.

Glenn set one similar to a rocket, Cordelia lit it.

After a few seconds it flew into the sky generating a large cloud of smoke and dust of many colors.

"How wonderful it is." (Celes)

"In the capital you can't appreciate this." (Cordelia)

"Tamaya~." (Yukihime)

"What's that weird noise you made?" (Celes)

"In my land, shouting this is synonymous with happiness. Fireworks represent good fortune and many other things, that's why we did it in specific seasons and shouted that together." (Yukihime)

"I see, in that case. tamaya!" (Cordelia).

Everyone started shouting the same thing, even the twin lolis.

The only people who didn't was Leila who covered her ears.

"Leila hates loud noises! Turn them off!"

And the other person was Livie, who was looking at the bucket of ash water where the worms fell as they finished extinguishing their fire.

She was remembering her past.

"Shiomiya-san, aren't you ashamed to come with that awful hair every day to school?"

Again it was the same thing, Suguro's group was bullying me.

The reason why they do that is because I'm weak and couldn't say anything to them.

In fact, they are also bullied by another girl, they take it out on me by saying hurtful things to me because the same thing happened to them.

I have tried several times to tell the teachers, but no one pays attention to me, they say talk it over with them, if a problem happens, the school will lose reputation.

Suguro grabbed my hair.

"Just look at it. The worst thing about someone who has black hair is to have it unkempt."

"It's dirty, it smells bad, and just look at the ends, you look just like those otaku who don't bathe, haha."

The reason my hair is like this is because of my older sister.

She hogs everything.

I had to put up with her hurtful insults for a long time.

Eventually school ended and I went back home.

We lived in a luxurious apartment, it's because my older sister earns a lot of money as a model.

When I entered the house, I found the lights off.

No one was there, I thought they were sleeping early.

I went to the kitchen and found a note that said "Kanade, I went out with my boyfriend, I left you money for dinner, mom and dad and went out for dinner too, don't wait up for us and do your homework, kisses".

That's what she said.

But I know it's a lie what they say.

The truth is I heard them yesterday saying they wanted to go to a concert of a world famous artist.

My sister could only afford five tickets.

Counting her boyfriend there were five people.

The reason they didn't take me was because I don't have fancy clothes to wear and show off.

I sat in the living room waiting for the food I ordered to arrive.

I could watch as the fireworks for today's festival were launched.

Before I knew it, I could feel a wet, painful sensation running down my cheek.

Truly, I hate my life.

"Princess, are you okay?"

Christina was asking Livie, she looked stunned.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine. I was just walking around thinking."

She said as she raised her hands in a funny way.

But she thought otherwise as she reassured her caregiver.

(Forget it already.)

(That person no longer exists.)

(You are someone else now, the past won't come back.)

As Livie thought that, Eli noticed something.

"Hey, where's mom and Razel? I don't see them anywhere."

"That's right."

"Ah, they ran away!"

Eli shouted.

"Leila, look for them!"

"Don't give me orders!"

Dog-like, Eli ordered Leila to go get them.

"Leila, listen to her."

"On command."

But Amy ordered her and she ran after them.

Livie watched them silently.

(You came here to enjoy the vacations with people who aren't your family.)

(Whether in your past life or your current one. My family will always be distant, so I'm sure at least with Elize I can be happy since she and I are the same.)

(We were born to suffer.)

"I found them, they're over here!"

They all went to the direction Leila indicated.

Amy stayed on the beach along with Livie and Christina.

She was lost in thought.

(Again he blew me off.)

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