Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Epilogue (Volume 2)

Epilogue (Volume 2)

In this chapter, new allies and enemies make their appearance!

Who will be on Razel's side or against him?

The adventurers' guild in the capital was very noisy as usual. The only difference was that this time they were annoyed.

Out of jealousy.

They heard that a monster of colossal size almost attacked the capital, but was stopped by several brave nobles who sacrificed their lives to stop him.

Among them were two young men who gave him the coup de grace.

Sitting in a chair a man ate breakfast.

The guild also served breakfast, this was not uncommon.

"Dad, have today's paper."

His daughter who was also an adventurer like him, brought him the paper.

After taking it, he thanked her, his mouth was full and food debris dripped down to the girl's covered cleavage.

As she wiped off the leftover food she sat down.

Her father was flipping through the pages of the paper looking for something interesting until....


He spat his coffee to the side.

There was no one around, so it was no problem.

"That's what you get for not chewing properly and just swallowing it."

"No! Look!"

The man showed her a certain news item. It was the article of unnecessary things for nobles, the front page, moreover.

His finger pointed to the whole headline.

"Let's see..."

"Today a celebration will be held for our beloved dukes... the daughter of the newly restored Rosenberg Household, will be betrothed to the future duke..."

"I remember hearing about that, but so what? That has nothing to do with low-ranking nobles like us."

"No! Look here!"

His finger pointed to a small part of the advertisement, it looked like they did it on purpose.

"That girl's fianc, I know him! He's the guy I sometimes went on missions with after the spider!"

"Oh, that's nice. So?"

"So? You say!"

He would get up from his seat to approach his daughter.

She recoiled as she didn't want him to approach her.

"That boy is the one who, along with the newly renamed third prince, defeated that legged calamity!"

His daughter still didn't really care about that.

"Next time I see him, I'll ask him for all the details!"

At the same time, but in another place in the empire.

A man was drinking tea of the highest quality in a tea house in his huge garden.

"D- Do you wish for more tea father?"

"Thank you."

He was with his daughter, who was pouring him tea while shivering.

The man was reading the newspaper without interest until a news item caught his attention.


"Is something wrong?" Asked his daughter interested in the expression her father made.

"Not really, it's just that I'm amazed. Apparently, His Highness Regulux was removed as the third prince in the line of succession and replaced by the fourth prince."

"...Father, which faction did you belong to?"

"That of Crown Prince Sirius. But that's not the weirdest thing."

"Isn't it?"

"Yes. It says here that the house of Duke Rosenberg had been in trouble for large sums of money. But, a young man who was one of the saviors of the capital a few days ago, is to be rewarded by being betrothed today to the duke's daughter."

"This is undoubtedly very important news. It is possible, that a new beginning for a ducal house has arrived."

It is a beautiful Saturday morning.

"Get this over there!"

Or so it was supposed to be.

"The red flowers go on the bride's side and the white flowers go on the groom's side! They did things backwards and now they have to be switched back!"

"Does anyone know where the sandwiches are that the cooks were supposed to deliver an hour ago?"

"Some guests are already arriving, shall we let them in or ask them to wait at the reception until the meantime?"

That's right, today is monumentally crazy.

The reason. I'm getting engaged.

I was reclining on a couch in a private room in a Western-style church.

After the emperor's declaration of my engagement to Eli. The officials and servants went crazy.

The first problem arose when it was the place to choose.

The prime minister was sent by the emperor to check that they spared no expense and that everything is perfect.

I had the slight chance to talk to him as I was ordered to stay at the palace.

He ordered the place to be the largest cathedral in the capital. In this place weddings were held only for important people.

The temple obviously refused. But knowing that it was ordered by the emperor, they reluctantly agreed.

The second problem was the guest list.

Rosenberg Household had no relatives or friends. My family has no other relatives or anyone who would be interested in coming.

Speaking of my family. I went to see them with Cid to tell them the news.

My mother and little sister were happy. Not for me, but for Eli.

They heard what she went through and then how her house ended up.

They said it was similar to a TV drama.

Instead, my father just said. It was your decision, so don't regret it.

I don't know whether to take it as a kind of saying "well done" or something?

The thing is, they look cheerful more for her than for me. They even said that, being a future duke, they would have nothing to do with Rosenberg Household.

We would only be related because we were family, but nothing more.

The final problem is what happens today.

The arrangements for the ceremony are wrong.

Some things are broken, the flower arrangements have not arrived or are the wrong ones, the banquet food is not yet ready.

Feel sorry for the officials and servants who must work hard for me despite not being acquaintances or allies.

"There is indeed a great commotion outside. There are still a few hours to go, but they have almost nothing ready."

The one who made that honest comment was Cid.

We were both dressed smartly.

Except he wore a black suit and I was wearing a white one with a white rose near my heart.

Unlike me, Cid looks great. It's because he's a handsome guy, an extra target of the game.

Unlike me, he's not ugly.

I may be ugly, but I will compromise with a beauty.

I'm a winner.

A scared winner.

He seemed to be relaxed, but he was actually trembling with fear.

Compromise. The word I never thought would happen in my old life or my new life.

It said things like commit, but it was just talk.

I never imagined something like that would happen!

That they would say to you. "Hey, you're getting engaged today, right? You must be happy, right?" And I would answer them. "Sure, nothing would make me happier than what will happen today."


(I would say that just so they wouldn't think badly of me!)

(I don't want to commit!)

(I'm still a fucking teenager!)

I want to form a harem just because I can and I want to. But something like having responsibilities would be too chaotic for a guy like me!

I don't want to engage, have a girlfriend sure, but no engagement! Help me!

"By the way Razel."

Cid was calling me while having my terrifying monologues about commitment.


"It's not a big deal. I was just remembering what we saw that day and I appreciated being funny about your situation."

"That day?"

"You know. When we went to the duchess house after seeing your parents."

"Oh, that day. How could I not forget...?"

That day was the craziest day of the whole week.

After leaving my family with the invitation to my engagement, I headed to the old Rosenberg mansion.

Since they regained their land and prestige again, the duchess and her daughter were happy.

My things were there, so I had to collect them as I was still sleeping in the palace.

I told the chief butler not to let me know that I had arrived.

The reason I said was that I did not want to see the bride-to-be before the promised day.

It was a lie. I did not want to be thanked as it would make me blush and feel very embarrassed.

This cruel murderer of malefactors is also human.

Cid and I walked stealthily until we reached the exit.

We had to pass through the large room before that leads to the only front door.

At that I found something strange.

Lily was talking to the duchess and Eli.

I told Cid that I wanted to hear their conversation.

"This...what did you wish to call me Duchess?"

Eli's mother was staring at her. Her daughter was also with a very steady gaze.

According to them, they were supposed to have become friends after Xerxes attack.

At the same time, they both found out that one was my girlfriend, and the other was my future wife.

I never planned for the latter to actually come true.

"Lily-san, I heard from my daughter everything that happened that day. Especially about how you were Razel-kun's secret girlfriend."

Apparently I'm the topic of conversation.


Lily looked a little scared.

"I see, you know he's going to be the future head of this house now don't you?"


"You know that he will also be my daughter's husband when they finish the academy right?"


Lily ducked her head at the Duchess intense words.

She didn't know what to do.

The duchess didn't blink.

Her mouth twitched...

"For that reason you..."

But she stopped for some reason.

She clutched her dress as if she were a child asking permission to go to the bathroom.

Her head was bent down.

As I lifted her up, I noticed something even stranger.


Her eyes were teary.

"Would you like to join this family!"

"I... huh?" Lily expressed a face of not understanding what was going on.

"... Huh?" Me and Cid equally made the same face.

The duchess was crying like a little girl.

"... Despite not belonging to our family, nor being the daughter of a vassal nor much less a noble. You have done so much for my daughter... I... I really don't know how to thank you."

Her tears slipping down her cheeks, her daughter began to cry as well.

"In my whole life so far, only you and Razel have been the only good things in it. My mother gets in there too, but she's in another position."

Duchess reached over to take Lily's hands.

"This family was in ruins until Razel-kun saved us. My daughter had no one to depend on but him and Prince Cidfert. But you came along too, thanks to you, she never spent alone. And even during that incident, you came back to help her."

"You're wrong."

Lily began to make a sad face as she looked at the two of them.

"I... I never tried to run away, I was just afraid! I was afraid that something would happen to Eli-chan, but I didn't know how to react! We were nothing yet, so I didn't know how to take it! As an order or a favor, but seeing her being attacked, I couldn't take it anymore and decided to act only when she was in danger. I'm a bad person for delaying."

(Ehhhh! Are you so pure to call yourself a bad person for such an abnormal act as not running away?)

"It's okay. The important thing is that you were the hand my daughter needed."

The duchess took both of the tearful Lily's hands.

"That's why, Lily-san. I would like to ask you to be an official member of this family."


This never happened in the game. Not even being declared a saint, let alone getting engaged to the gallants.

"It will be hard I won't lie. Being a commoner, and not a distant relative nor daughter of a knightly house. Your adoption into a duke's family will be a very troublesome thing to fill. But, if you want. I would go through all those peripteries to can call you daughter."

"...Do you wish to be part of our family?"

Once again, Lily was shedding a flood of tears.

"I... something like this... it's not fair."

Hiccups came from deep inside her.

"I always wanted to have a real family. But for you to propose to me like this, and more so when Eli-chan will be the future husband of the man I love."

"You shouldn't worry about that either."

"Oh no?" Me and Lily said, only mine was under our breath.

"Of course. Being a member of this family, we'll be able to officially name me as a concubine. After all, Rosenberg Household no longer has any relatives. We need a lot of babies so that our blood doesn't disappear. Nothing would make me happier than to see my daughters and grandchildren in the garden playing and reading books."

Ehhhhhhhhhhh! Have you even visualized the future?

"I'll tell you one more time. Lily-san, no. Lily-chan. do you want to be my daughter and an official member of Rosenberg Household?"

With a smile on her face, Lily replied.

"Of course ma'am- it would be my pleasure to be your daughter, mother."

"My little girl!

The duchess hugged Lily in a very loving and tender way.

But her huge breasts buried her whole head. It's a bit of an enviable situation.

Once those meat bags left her, she and Eli looked at each other.

They got close to the point where their noses were touching.

Then they intertwined their hands in a childish manner as they stood in the air.

"Eli-chan, with this, we'll be sisters."

"Nothing makes me happier that my best friend is my sister. Besides, we'll both have the same husband so we don't have to worry about status things or courtship. We will be happy together with Razel. I'll make sure you have your ceremony too. My lovely sister."

"Yes. My onee-sama."

The two embraced.

It was a touching moment.

Even their large breasts were touching to the point of squeezing each other.

But there was a problem.

What the heck just happened!!!

This wasn't in the game!

The villainess and the protagonist as best friends and now sisters?!? What kind of crazy person would come up with such a bizarre idea like this!?!?


No. You know what. Screw the game. I have more dangerous things to worry about than the beginning of a sisterly love.

"It was weird for sure."

"But I'm happy. It proves that Rosenberg Household ended up winning in the end unlike those five."

"Yeah... wait... what became of those idiots?"


Just as Cid was about to answer me, someone knocked on the door.

It was a maid, apparently more guests were already arriving and they were being moved to the main event location.

Cid said goodbye and went out.

Hey, don't leave me in suspense, what happened to those other four after the duel?

Once the families of the capture targets found out what happened in the game, they showed nothing but joy.

That was the reaction of some NPCs. But in reality.

They were very, very angry with all of them.

Regulux was the one who ended up worse off than anyone else.

He lost his position as the third in line.

His faction was destroyed in a snap.

He no longer had any power or influence despite being the future white knight.

His life from now on would be uncertain.

With Lambert it was not so different.

His father, Margrave Attley, punished him severely.

Not for what he did. But for losing despite declaring that he would win and that he would not allow the prince to fight.

The disappointment and anger on his father's face was something Lambert never saw.

Even his aunt was upset with him.

"What they did to that girl is unforgivable! As a woman I would be really hurt and would seek to have that bastard's family punished! You should be thankful that your fianc's family is very understanding and asked us to make you reflect!

Something similar happened with Bellange and Oscar.

Their parents yelled at them for losing. For losing to a nobody.

Their mothers and other female relatives looked at them with a disgusted look on their faces.

Oscar's grandfather even said to him. "Using magic for something as horrible as that... you are a disappointment to the Pleven family name."

Both of their engagements were called off by their fianc's families.

They didn't want a horrible man anywhere near their daughters.

Bellange was beaten by his father and brothers even.

As for Jake... he didn't want to go home.

But knights from the palace dragged him home.

There, inside a huge room that was the study of a certain person.

Two figures were looking at him very annoyed.

The one on the right who was a woman, gave him a very disappointing look.

"I don't understand why my Jake-chan did that? You are a good boy. Your mom taught you to respect women, but what you did made your fianc's family. With whom we had good connections and several years of trust, we had to break it off because of the shame you brought upon us."

"... No, listen mother, I..."

"Dorothea. Don't meddle."

When Jake heard the seated man's voice, his skin went pale and his hair stood up as if electrified.

He was sitting in a dogezas position ready to do it in any moment.

The elegant man stood up. His red hair seemed to take the shape of horns. His blue eyes were so bright that they looked like those of a wildcat about to attack.

As the man approached at a slow pace toward his son, Jake broke out in a cold sweat.

He cried out from the bottom of his heart.

"Father, listen to me first! Yes? I did it because I thought it would be best for our house!"

"You thought?"

His father, Duke Fitzclarence. A terrible man who rejected the leading lady as unworthy of a future duke's wife, stopped to question his son.

"Yes! I... I did it believing that, with this, we would stop having a bad image and relationship with the palace! I understand that my actions against a girl and moreover a fellow duke are acts that deserve punishment! But I did it believing that the prince would be someone important because of his charisma!"

Her father's mouth paused momentarily, but after a while....

"You... how much an asshole are you? Don't I remember marrying a prostitute so that my heir would be a first-rate asshole?"

"Dear. Jake-chan said he did it for the house."

"Dorothea, please don't interrupt me!"

Despite the strong tone in her voice, her elegance and respect were not removed.

"In the first place; that girl's house was among the few nobles with whom your opinion I can take into account besides being trustworthy. Thanks to you, the shame we went through would cause them to be humiliated as well, in order not to infect them with our shame, I broke their engagement to you. That was a massive damage to this house."

Jake wanted to cry.

"Secondly; I don't care if it is a duke or a marquis or a margrave you have offended. The Fitzclarence principality is called that because we don't trust the palace. You think your stupid act would erase centuries and centuries of mutual distrust, huh!?"

Jake was already crying.

"And, last but not least, but not important to me. As a man, you should be ashamed of yourself for challenging a woman. But that's not why I'm upset, your mother will take care of that punishment. What I am truly upset about is..."

His teeth pressed together, generating a loud shriek.

"You... you testified in front of many witnesses that you would win and that's why you were the first one out."

Jake wanted to bolt, his father's face contorting.

"The real disgrace you brought to this house was bluffing and coming out first! You stupid idiot child!"

"I'm so sorry!"

"Shut up!"

The duke's right arm was raised as high as it could go. His palm was open, appreciating a sword ready to slash.

"Father, I'm sorry!"

"It's time for your divine punishment! Fatherly strike!"


In the princely castle, voices of distress could be heard as various rumblings accompanied it.

The moment of truth had arrived.

The guests were in their seats. On the left side were my family and Cid.

On the right were the duchess and Lily as well as some servants.

Officials sent by the prime minister were seated on both sides.

I am terrified, something like this is not something I am used to as it never crossed my mind.

"The bride has arrived! Stand up!"

An official shouted and everyone present stood up.

Since my family did not have a coat of arms to represent us, on our side also waved the emblem of the Rosenberg Household.

Like its name, it had a red rose in a golden frame.

The doors opened.

Music played.

I heard people's voices commenting on things that only frightened me.

"Miss Elize looks very beautiful."

"Her dress was designed by a very famous fashion designer."

"It makes me very happy to see her smile."

I don't want to look.

The doors opened.

Music was playing.

I heard people's voices commenting on things that only scared me.

"Miss Elize looks very beautiful."

"Her dress was designed by a very famous fashion designer."

"It makes me very happy to see her smile."

I don't want to look.

Even if she looks very beautiful, I don't want to look. I'm terrified, engagement is something-


Before I knew it, she was behind me.

I turned around in a manner similar to horror movies.

My eyes were closed... but I couldn't make her feel bad again.


Elize was being illuminated by the sunlight coming through the door.

She removed the veil from her face and I could see her beautiful face.

Tears were falling as she looked at me.

There are no words to explain how beautiful she looked. But if I could compare her to anything, it would be an angel.

"Razel. At first you were my first friend and then the person I hated the most. But now it's different."

Elize walked until she was next to me.

I watched her cry.

"I... I thought I would be in this place with Prince Regulux. But I'm so glad that the person I'll be with in the future is you."

I didn't respond as my heart was beating like a locomotive.

The pastor began to talk the typical crap you would expect in a church.

"I accept."

Elize said. I didn't hear what the pastor said, but now he was looking at me.

I responded in kind without even knowing what he said.

"I A-Accept."

"With that, the engagement is complete. You may kiss your fianc to close the engagement."

We both turned in the direction where we were staring at each other.

I didn't know what to say, but Elize seemed to understand my heart.

"It's okay. I'm scared too, but it doesn't matter. I'll be by your side forever. Even if I'm a little clumsy, I'll support you in everything you do."

My heart felt a little calmer hearing that.

"I'll be a pain in the ass. Rest assured."

"I know. I was several years thinking about hitting you when I see you. But now it's something else I want to give you."

Elize was leaning her body and her red lips in position for a kiss.

Her still closed eyes were letting tears fall.

"Razel, I'm ready to be your woman."

With a big kiss, we closed this day.

The day was fun I won't lie.

Once the ceremony was concluded. There was a banquet and then a dance.

I didn't know how to dance, so I refrained from making a fool of myself.

My parents danced, it blew me away how well my dad moved with that big body of his.

After the party was over. We went back home.

My parents went back to their house and Cid to the palace.

In my case I had to go stay at the Rosenberg mansion.

I was officially introduced to the servants.

Elize would not leave my arm alone.

We are engaged.

In a few years, my title of baron like my surname will be nothing.

I will become the future Duke Rosenberg.

Fortunately, I don't have the antecedent surname so, I won't be treated as someone important.

My life as a background character who does not stand out is not ruined.

After what happened with Xerxes. Many assume that it was Cid who defeated it and I was in his corner.

In fact, they also say that it was him and not me who defeated the idiots.

It's better that way, I won't highlight.

Now, that things have taken an unimaginable turn.

Only the most important minuscule details remain.

The white knight is an idiot. I'm terrified that he might actually become emperor as he might retaliate against us.

Lily as the saint is something that will help us when danger has entered the capital and there is no one who can save us.

That only leaves the five true threats that I will have to see how I deal with in these two years left before the prologue ends.

The black crows and their mission to screw up Lily's life.

The remaining deadly sins. How I killed one of them and as much as possibly Eli, Amy and Cid have become allies of mine.

Their future antagonistic role would not happen.

I would leave only the sins that are truly enemies. Sloth, gluttony and greed. Two of them belong to the same person, so it will be difficult to fight that individual sooner or later.

The four dark knights of the Ideal Empire.

The Ideal Empire itself, but to be exact, the emperor and the archdukes.

And finally, the most annoying of all. The four demon kings.

I don't know how I'll do when they show up, but thanks to my knowledge of the game. One of them will be killed by another demon king. Then another demon king will be killed by the twilight saint off camera and the last one will be killed by the dragon gods after rebelling against his master.

That would only leave the most dangerous of all, Desmond. I wish someone would kill him so he wouldn't cause me any trouble in the future.

"Razel, are you awake?"

Someone was knocking on my door.

"Yes. Come in."

I can tell from the voice that it's Lily calling me.

It's late already, I don't know what they'll want at this hour.

"Is something wr... ong?"

I gaped at what my eyes were seeing.

Eli and Lily were standing in the doorway in very erotic attire.

The only clothing they had on was just a thin cloth that covered their breasts and came down to their hips.

Black floss underwear was visible along with their beautiful thighs.

They smelled great, their hair was damp and unbound.

With her hands behind her back they walked a few steps.

Lily closed the door as Eli said to me.

"I know it's just our first night as a couple. But, I wanted it to be special."

Lily walked over to Eli.

"We wanted to wait until after the wedding to have that 'special night', but..."

She was holding her hand as their faces were red and their eyes were very moist.

"We realized that thinking about you. We were getting really weird."

They were getting closer.

"My heart is beating so fast. I want to be one with you." Lily said as she climbed onto the bed and crawled like a cat.

"Me too. I love you, I don't want to wait until two years from now to satiate this desire. Besides, I don't want another woman to take away your first time."

Eli was getting closer too. Her braless breasts hung like udders because of how big they were.

Hey, what are you talking about? Let me tell you, another woman already did.


"Let's have a lot of fun the three of us together before we enter class. what do you say? Dar~ling~"

The girls were pressing their big breasts against my face in a very playful way.

If someone had the chance to have the protagonist and villainess as girlfriends. would I let them go?

In my case... with a demon I wouldn't!

I decided to leave for another the fate of the world while my mind and body enjoyed two beautiful flowers for me.

Now, which of my girlfriends should I start with?

It was late afternoon in a room lit only by sunlight.

An almost damaged cooler was the only thing cooling that place.

Two men were sitting conversing in armchairs facing each other.

The one in front poured himself a glass of cheap whiskey in a scratched glass cup.

"Would you like some?"

"No thanks, I don't drink yet."

"Hahaha, how conservative you are."

"No, I just respect the age requirement for drinking strong drinks."

The boy who turned him down had blue hair with a bit of brown in it, his eyes were hazel green.

He looked like a delinquent from his face, but he was a quiet boy.

He was Serge Seburg, one of the extra capture targets.

"So. What would you like to know today?"

A man in a wrinkled white shirt asked his guest in a normal manner.

His hair was pale gray and his eyes dark red, he had a small scar near his chin.

"Same as last time. I want to join."

Serge was aware of this man as he and his father were acquaintances.

Once he overheard them talking about something important.

"The answer is again no."


"You are still a child. You know nothing of the world."

The man, whose name was Linus, drank from his glass calmly.

Serge's expression was one of discomfort.

"I am aware of what I am saying. I just... wish to do justice for my little sister, but not only for her, also for the others who have suffered for the empire."

This conversation was a critical piece during the event of the commoner's rebellion or the story of Serge's revolution depending on his route.

Both connected to the same.

Only Serge appeared in one, but not the other.

This man was a key player in that event.

For years now, there have been people showing discontent with the current situation in the empire.

The nobles had gone too far.

That was what they thought.

Linus watched Serge, finishing his drink, he set it down on the table before speaking.

"You should know my situation, right?"

"Yes. But, still-"

"You don't know anything."

"Once upon a time, there was an idiot who was the newly appointed head of an important house that was a supporter of the imperial family."

"Arcs Household was known to all as one of the few families that can rival that of a duke without having that much power."

"One day. That idiot man was present at a crime. The ministers and officials didn't do anything. A nobleman was committing various crimes and they ignored him. Then, that man committed the stupidest act of all."

Serge swallowed saliva.

"He decided to tell the emperor. The emperor looked at him with a face that implied he didn't care. The ministers heard about it. They decided to ruin that house for meddling."

"They gambled until they broke that man's daughters and wives. His heir they ran over and then threw his corpse into a river. The former head of the house they broke in half after torturing him. Finally, declare that man guilty of treason and he had to flee to this hole that is hell on earth itself."

His thumb pointed to a back window.

"The lawless city. A place where scum gather and can corrupt human life in broad daylight."

Because of the sunlight, a large object made a shadow burying through the window.

It was a tower.

A huge, long tower that seemed to reach all the way to the sky.

The tower was totally black, but it had windows.

Serge watched that as he listened to Linus story.

"Once you enter this place, there is no turning back. It's the only place in the whole world where they wouldn't look for a fugitive."

He poured himself some whiskey again.

"That's why, kid, whatever you think you hear or know. It's false, no one can go against the royal palace. Forget about your revenge, just live your life, your little sister would have wanted that for you."


Serge looked at the table, a plate of snacks was there.

An image of a little girl playing was going through his head.

One day, that little girl was with him.

They were poor but happy.

He had to let go of her hand because he had to help a friend get his cat down from a tree.

Serge was the best at climbing trees, he told her not to go far away.

It took only a few seconds.

As he climbed down, his eyes rolled all over the place looking for his sister.

It was almost dark, he had been desperately looking for her for hours.

"Cleo! Where are you?"

Serge called out to her, but she didn't answer.

As he walked, some people in suits and dogs were crossing near him.

He stepped aside. They were nobles, he didn't want to get involved with them, but he didn't know what they were doing here.

Before he left, he noticed that one of the dogs had a piece of cloth in its mouth.

He continued searching, until he found a crowd.

As he approached to see if it was his little sister crying.

"Are you there Cleo?"

Serge was horrified to find a scene from a bloody horror movie.

"Apparently some nobles have done it again."

"But, with such a little girl."

"They're barbarians, we can only pray it to not happens to us."

The crowd left.

Serge stood there. He fell to his knees and they touched a puddle that reflected the light of a red moon.

He touched a piece of flesh that was once a human face and began to cry.

Serge came to his senses after remembering his reason for accepting his father's request to move in with him.

He wanted revenge on those who did this to his sister, but he wanted something like this to never happen again.

He stood up.

"If you're not going to tell me anything, I'm leaving."

Before he left, Linus called out to him.

"I heard some very interesting things have been happening at the academy, is that true?"

"It's always boring."

With a big thump as he closed, Linus continued to sip his drink.

"The darkness of the imperial palace is so big it can swallow you up. One day, the darkness will be erased, but much blood will be shed for that."

The shadow of the great tower continued to grow as the sun descended.

Arriving in the capital, Serge entered a bar.

It was a very elegant one, complete with piano.

"Why are you a bartender, Gunter?"

"Hehehe, it's my part-time job. You know, not all of us have a father who pays our expenses."


Serge didn't answer, he was irritated.

"Sorry, you looked like you needed a few laughs."

Gunter, poured a non-alcoholic, but strong tasting drink to Serge.

He looked at the liquid poured into the small glass.

"I guess as long as I don't prove to be a reliable adult, I'll still be seen as a child."

He drank some of his life.

"It's delicious. Thank you, the specialty of the place is strong drinks, but there are people who can't tolerate it much so we prepare drinks like that too."

"I see. Give me another one."

"It was free, this one I'll charge you now."

"Sounds good to me."

Serge smiled at his friend who was trying to cheer him up.

Gunter wasn't a major character in the game, he didn't even come out.

But he was certainly a key player for the future of the rebellion and revolution arc that was planned for the future.

"By the way, the academy notified that-"

The bell that was placed on the front door rang.

A tall, nearly six-foot-tall man entered.


"Smells good."

The man approached the bar.

"Say that again. What did the academy say after that? It feels weird to have so much time on my hands."

"Let me take care of the customer."

"Smells good. A very perfect smell."

"What would you like to order?"

Serge sipped from his drink while Gunter waited on the customer.

"Time to eat."

It all happened in a split second.

Serge, felt he saw something.

As he checked to see what it was his eye saw.

He was stunned speechless.

There was nothing out of the ordinary, but without a doubt, it was something unimaginable what his eyes saw.

The tall man wearing a large beige leather coat, gray hair combed back and eyes as red as fire. He was inserting his right arm into Gunter's stomach.


As he withdrew his arm, a large red stain covered his coat and leather.


Removing it completely, a large amount of red liquid poured out of Gunter's stomach as he collapsed to the ground.

"Thank you for the food."

The man raised his arm and brought it down at great speed, thus wiping the red stains in their entirety.

"I'm not full yet."

Serge watched his friend, the one who would one day be the one to bring the news of the rebellion to take place, the one who would provide information to the allies, and above all, the one who would give his life to protect him.

At this moment, that event was crushed.

"... Gunter."

Serge didn't know how to react, the man playing the piano didn't realize it until when he watched the man in the coat leave.

A loud scream rang out.

Once outside, the man heard a loud shout.

He walked through the crowd in a normal manner.

As if he hadn't murdered someone recently.

His conscience was clear, that was because he was an animal and not a man.

His smile of victory was a sign of how very happy he was.

"Today I have more than 19 prey. Yesterday it was 39. I'm going very slow and it's almost the end of the day, gijiji."

A woman checking her shopping sheet said something revealing.

"Excuse me sir, are you a cosplayer? Your costume is very good."

The monster posing as a man, had small eyebrows, looked grumpy from his expression.

He simply walked on ignoring the woman.

"It's a good costume. I mean, just look at those horns, they look real."

Two bow-shaped horns were reflected on his head.

The color was black with red tips.

That woman, neither Serge nor anyone else around. She knows who is walking the streets as if she is no one important.

He' s not only a character in the game, but his role is not exactly one that someone would like to meet.

"I want to get to a large number like yesterday."

It's because this individual was, none other than one of the four demon kings.

Desmond, the strongest and most dangerous creature on the face of the earth.

The only one who could defeat the main demon king and be the one Lily and the white knight were fighting against to save the world.

"My mouth is watering to taste more snacks."

Saliva dripped from his mouth in search of his next victim.


Reincarnated in an otome game as the ugly character in the background volume 2 end.

Arc: The Battle to save the villainess from her end.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.