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7 months ago
The World's Number 1 Most Wanted Thief, the Black Cobra, an Egyptian youth specialized in ancient... Read more The World's Number 1 Most Wanted Thief, the Black Cobra, an Egyptian youth specialized in ancient artifacts, was killed in an explosion he set up after being chased into a dead end in New York. Around his middle finger which he pointed at the face of every chaser from every world superpower, he carried the most prized item in the world, the Ring of Horus.When he kicked off life with a Bang! He returned with a lot of barf and vomit as poison was being cleansed of his body and a series of messages kept popping up. Long story short, he reincarnated into the body of Leon, an antagonist from a game he used to play and supposedly one who should already be dead. However, the Hunt for his Life never ended and he became the most wanted after reincarnation overnight. And there is System and Magic and Harem and Overpowered Oversmart Overcharismatic Hero who believes in gender equality and human's right to stay silent when he stabs them… good stuff, turly!***(Author Note: The story tries to avoid the cliches and focuses on crime and politics. Not sure about titles with the same quality as this one but I take elements from the usual isekai and mash them with the Korean style characters and attention to details while avoiding the Chinese repetitive plots and the Japanese beta male leads. This is an Egyptian MC whom you have never seen any like before. He kisses babies and slaps bitches… or kisses bitches and slaps babies… depending on which day of the week it is. He's a mean guy and he knows kung fu. One time an author tried to write him in a novel, the novel almost absorbed the author and he went into a torturous isekai. What more can I say? Read it already!) Collapse Anti-Magic, Antihero Protagonist, Assassins, Cautious Protagonist, Charismatic Protagonist, Crime, Criminals, Cunning Protagonist, Domestic Affairs, Fast Learner, Game Ranking System, Kingdom Building, Level System, Magical Technology, Mythology, Necromancer, Organized Crime, Protagonist Strong from the Start, Royalty, Secret Identity, Secret Organizations, Slow Romance, Strong to Stronger, Thieves The novel is pretty amazing. The plot is well planned. Its just that mc never has control over his situation, his plans always seem to fail. His current situation where he goes on rampages randomly is kind of spoiling the novel. Its a solid 3.5 star 4 if he didn't have that weird condition. A eso se le llama realismo, en la vida real los planes y las estrategias no suelen funcionar el 100% de las veces. Not bad of a novel, 3.8 starts.Story development: 3 (rampages)Writing quality: 4 (92 chapters in 2 days, duh)World background: 4 (there are whole chapters dedicated to it)Character design: 4 (They are interesting)If anyone is interested if he will have a woman, he did sleep with one.I need to tell you that the first chapter may seem messy. We don't know anything and action just plays. You can skip the first part, I will write what's in it. SpoilerWe've got shady who is the greatest thief of all time. He belongs to the organization from Egypt, that takes back what was taken from their country. They plan to make the greatest heist of all time. They want to steal the Ring of Horus that has been suddenly discovered. Shady manages to steal the ring, but when running away it turns out he was betrayed. He dies in an explosion he created accidentaly killing his friend, Nadia, in it. He's reborn in a world of a harem game he played. He becomes a character that has just got beaten by the protagonist (prince). His mentality becomes unstable and basicslly massacre happens.Leon has some serious mental problems. His memory of the past Leon is unaccesable. As the story progresses we get to know more and more characters from Leons past. At first the current Leon (Black Cobra) wasn't interested in what happend in the past. Now (chapter 92) however he is kinda intrested, but not because of anything sentimental. The problem of his reincarnation is having 2 souls in one body. While Shady(Black Cobra) is the cool headed psychopath, Leon is just pure hate. The combination of both and some other things makes Leon go on rampages. When Shady is the one controlling the body, Leon seems like a very intelliget person, psychopath nonethless. He is also a genius.So, if you want some antihero to read about, with cool backstory and interesting world building, you should check out this book. I hate when Authors say they will avoid the cliches, because usually they focus on that too much that they miss the good elements in these Chinese/Japanese novels. Yep a natural progression is most imp and sometimes if it happens with cliche then it is what it is. You can pick any theme/trope and ppl will call it cliche anyway. The guy didn't even choose mage as his class and yet the title has the word mage in it. If you decided to drop the novel because of it, you should pick it back. SpoilerHe can switch between the classes I'll try Not bad but that's it It's just a novel to kill some time, but I think it deserves it's rating. Yeah a novel you can't get immersed in but it's good for killing time Harem, f#cking harem everywhere damn. They all f#cking suck Ayo, At least it's better than yaoi Fujoshi's around the world want to know of your location Not a problem, as long as they are all women Another mental ill MC … I feel like every novel that tries to go for harem and cautious/smart mc is very likely to fail badly at it and very rarely have a really good one poison testers? Dead long ago Seems interesting by the information.