Return of the Tower Conqueror

Chapter 210: Empire Engulfed (XI)

Chapter 210: Empire Engulfed (XI)

Empire Engulfed (XI)

"It's here," Anna said as she came to an abrupt halt; looking forward, all Cain saw was a tall wall of dirt, as though they'd reached a dead end of the massive maze beneath the earth. "The bricks on the other side are made of softer materials than those surrounding it; even with just raw Mana, it's possible to melt the bricks within minutes. However, we should wait a few hours."

"Why?" Senna quizzed.

"For the shift change," Anna explained. "All prisoners are watched by a pair of guards at all times; shifts occur every eight hours, whereupon the guards would leave the prison and retreat to the station for a change. We can use that time to go in. What are your plans, Sir Cain?" Anna probed. Though Cain had asked her about this, he had never explicitly stated his intentions. For all she knew, he wanted to both free the prisoners as well as kill them.

"Hmm... I wonder..." Cain smiled mysteriously. Sebas and Anna didn't think too much of it and instead sat down to rest, but it was different for Senna; she'd seen that enigmatic smile far too many times to be indifferent. Though she didn't know exactly what he had in mind, she new... something big is about to get stirred up.

She worried; after all, there were in a strange, unfamiliar land, surrounded by likely enemies and full of uncertainty. Yet, despite warning others to thread lightly and keep themselves safe, he was about to go against that creed.

"You looked worried," as though having read her mind, Cain suddenly spoke out, taking out two cans of beer and handing her one. She accepted it subconsciously, looking at him.

"For a man who claims to be a coward," she said, popping open the can. "You sure do a lot of ballsy things."

"It's precisely because I'm a coward that I have to do this," Cain chuckled bitterly. "If I wasn't a coward and a weakling, would I need to be digging through underground tunnels instead of just blasting fools left and right? Your dad is such a failure, sniffle..."

"Did... did you just... say 'sniffle' out loud?!"

"Oh? Did I? Khm, I mean, auu," he actually sniffled this time around but, rather than angry, Senna surprisingly burst out into laughter. It was extremely melodic, sweet, and even entrancing to the point both Anna and Sebas lost themselves in the bells of her voice for a moment.

"W-what? Why are you looking at me like that?" Senna stopped laughing abruptly as she noticed Cain's strange look; it was mellow, warm, and calm, unlike anything she'd seen in him before.

"Don't you want to be that carefree at all times?"

"..." she stiffened an answer in her throat; she may not be the cleverest person in the world, but she wasn't dumb. She picked up on the implications immediately, but couldn't lash out. After all, the look in Cain's eyes was beyond earnest. "Do... do you think I should?" she quizzed.

"Of course," Cain replied instantaneously. "But, you can't ever force people to be happy and mindless, I've learned. It takes a certain level of inner peace to accomplish that."

"Heh. And you think I of all people have that, what, 'inner peace'?" Senna asked brashly.


"I wondered why you were so lax with us coming back into the Tower," Senna said.

"My confidence wanes with every new visit," Cain spoke honestly, surprising Senna. "When I first came back, I was absolutely certain my new life would be smooth sailing. I'd reconcile with Emma, become a proper father to Lana, venture into the Tower and conquer everything and everyone in my sights with the greatest of ease. However, in many ways... this time... it's even more painful than the last."


"In my previous life," Cain continued. "I'd risk it all more frequently, true. I'd also get hurt more often and be left limping and licking my wounds. But... all that hurt... could be dulled. And, in a quick few days, it would pass. I also never worried. Never cared. The numbness... was almost coy. Yet, in this supposed cakewalk-attempt... it ain't so."

"... it's weird."


"You!!" Senna exclaimed. "The heck are you acting so... weird for?! Just be your usual self! That's the best!"

"Did you just say I'm the best?"

"What? No--"

"Oh my god, I can't believe it," Cain suddenly lurched over and hugged unready Senna, who couldn't even process it all for a moment. She found herself in his tight embrace, still unsure as to what was going on. "You have finally opened your eyes to the truth! That your dad is the best! Aah, this... this is the most joyous occasion I nearly wanna kill myself for not packing some expensive champagne to celebrate... aah! I can't wait to tell Emma! Our little flower... has finally recognized her daddy!"

"..." a queer expression appeared on Senna's face, but she just sighed. For a moment, she found it bizarre -- as though she wasn't herself. Just half a year ago... she'd recoil at anyone's touch, and would rather head-dive into concrete than hug someone. Yet... his hug,was remarkably calming. Even if he was just messing around and making jokes, his arms were warm and all-encompassing; within them, she felt incomparably safe, as though there was nothing in the world that could harm her.

"To be honest," Cain's serious voice trickled into her ears a moment later. "I was fully prepared to break a rib or two here."

"... just what kind of a person do you think I am?!" Senna rolled her eyes angrily.

"A classic anime tsundere type, for sure!" Cain exclaimed without an ounce of hesitation. "You were a bit too tsun-tsun and not enough dere-dere, but the balance has been restored recently."

"Are you seriously putting my entire person on the same level as some shitty-ass character trope?!!!"

"No, no, you misunderstand--tsunderes are universally loved! No, wait--well, maybe not universally but definitely... loved. I think. No, definitely loved. Yup. Khm."

"Although those two likely thought we were weird," Senna suddenly said, smiling bitterly. He was still hugging her, and for some reason, she still didn't try to wiggle herself out. "Only god knows what they're thinking right now."

"They're just thinking 'oh, how close that daddy and his daughter are; so cute'."

"Won't Lana get jealous if I tell her how much you've been 'doting' on me?" Senna asked mischeviously.

"Eh? Why would she get jealous?" Senna immediately regretted engaging in the war of tongues with him. "I love all my kids beyond the concept of love itself! I'll strip the universe of its lying facade if it means showing you just how much I love you!"

"Fine, fine, fine," Senna relented, finally freeing herself. "You love me aplenty. I'm a suuuper lucky kid. Waa waa."

"... I'm the lucky one," Cain said. "To think my daddy charms have taken a future psychotic maniac and turned her into such an adorable little girl. Aah, maybe I should start an orphanage or something?"

"..." Senna couldn't even begin to figure out a response to that... so she merely smiled. She found herself undergoing an astounding change; though she still huffed and puffed against him around others, it was more out of habit rather than anything else. When it was just the two of them, though, even that fake resistance mellowed. He'd won her over; whether, indeed, it were his 'daddy charms', or something else entirely, it didn't matter. For her who thought she'd never feel pure, unconditional love in her life to be on the receiving end of the overwhelming amount of it... was almost too much. For so long she believed he had to have some ulterior motives; perhaps he was after her, or perhaps her talents, or maybe something else entirely. Yet, the simplest of all answers--he'd simply taken a liking to her and wanted to protect her--she rejected at every corner.

She believed she couldn't be blamed for it, though; after all, wasn't it strange? Who goes around collecting semi-lost people and bringing them together without any pretense? It wasn't even as though he was collecting fighters to go with him into the Tower -- by now, everyone in the group realized Cain didn't care for that. If anything, Senna was certain he'd be far happier if she just stayed outside and played with Lana.

Hours passed in the contemplative silence, until Anna finally broke it. "It's time," her voice signaled the beginning of something but, just a mere moment later, Senna froze. Cain took something very familiar from his inventory, but also very different.

"Please put these on before we go inside," Cain plastered on his most dashing smile as he handed Sebas and Anna a pair of masks.

"What... are these?" Anna asked, staring queerly at the... masks in front of her. They were giant, depicting heads of some strange and bizarre-looking men.

"These? Ah, these are just men who've shaped our lovely nation back home," Cain replied as he turned toward Senna. "Since I love you very much, I saved the best one for you."



"This is... Bush."

"Hm," Cain nodded. "After all, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."



"I take back everything I said today."

"Hey, hey, don't be like that! Look, look, I'm George Washington! As the founding father of our nation, I felt close link with him; after all, I'm also kinda forming my own nation of lovable misfits that will one day..." Senna, however, tuned out. Out of his words. Out of this life. This... was the end.

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