Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 581 Something Does Not Seem Right

Chapter 581 Something Does Not Seem Right

"Eh…what the…Are you serious? Even if I am a genius doctor, I am not a god or anything to stop a man from dying from old age. It's already a miracle he managed to live this long with the help of that treasure," Damien said as he looked at the ancient-looking amulet around Elor's neck.

The moment he learned that Elor was Reva's grandfather and had been staying alive all this while after even having his cultivation crippled astonished Damien since this was the first time he was seeing a cripple live this long.

But later on, he learned from Elor himself that the only reason he was able to live so long was because of the ancient yet powerful amulet around his neck that was originating from the old world.

Supposedly, it was a treasure that his ancestor Anton Vahn had passed down the generations, but nobody used it since its only function was to prolong the life of an ordinary person longer than their original person.

There were no specific instructions or information about the amulet, and all one had to do was simply wear it.

Damien felt that such a treasure would have caused quite a sensation if it was found in the world in his past life where people were willing to kill just to live a few months longer, let alone centuries.

"What kind of a doctor are you if you already assume the patient's condition without checking him once?" Luna said with a cold scoff, making Damien speechless.

In his defense, both Irene and Reva were constantly checking on Elor, and Irene especially told him Elor was suffering from ailments that any ordinary human or even cultivators would suffer from reaching the end of their life span. Their bodies just wouldn't have enough energy anymore to sustain their life, and no amount of medicines in this world could prevent that.

And Damien already knew the scope of his abilities, and only if there were any injuries or ailments caused by external factors, then only he would be of any help.

Still, now that Luna told him, he thought that he should check at least once and stepped forward, "Grandpa…please let me inspect your body…maybe I can try and see if I could be of help…"

Irene and Reva didn't know why but they felt hopeful just by seeing Damien step up even if they knew Elor's state was beyond saving.

If it was any other person or even the best royal physician in the continent, they wouldn't feel much hope, but since it was Damien who produced miracles one after the other, they could only desperately pray that he produces a miracle.

Elor weakly smiled as he said, "Damien…you are the…grandson I never had…I have already…l-lived more than I was…supposed to…so you don't…have to feel…bad…for seeing me go…like this…but thank you…for coming into our lives…"

The reason Elor wasn't feeling that sad about his own condition was that he knew he could trust this young man standing before him to take care of his family, especially Reva. Otherwise, he wouldn't be feeling at peace now.

"Stop saying that!" Irene suddenly spoke up, her tone emotional as she continued, "Why do you feel so eager to die? If it's because of me, then I will atone in any way I can so that you wouldn't feel like leaving us. But please…let this boy try and save you…he is the one who killed a god, and if he says he might be able to help you, then he might really have a chance. So just let him do his thing, and you just stay quiet and rest. At least do it for Reva."

Elor felt his eyes getting misty, seeing how much Irene still needed him beside her, despite being a cripple. He knew best how powerful Irene was, and even her elderly appearance was something she deliberately was putting up with so that he wouldn't feel bad.

Otherwise, with her profound cultivation, she could make herself appear younger till she died of old age. That was the immense power and potential of the higher realms of ethereal cultivation.

,m Reva also tugged at Elor's hands, making him turn his gaze towards her, and could see how she was also silently beseeching him to listen to her grandmother.

Seeing how these two wanted him alive, Elor suddenly wasn't feeling good about dying. He wanted to spend more time with these two. In fact, he always did, but he didn't also want to burden them as a cripple, due to which he was okay with letting go.

And so Elor nodded at Damien as he said, "Sigh…go on son…but remember even if you can't…help me…you already did…more than enough…for me…and my family…"

Damien softly smiled as he nodded and sat on the bed beside Elor and held his wrist while closing his eyes to focus and send a wisp of his ethereal energy into Elor's body.

Since Elor was a cripple, Damien had to make sure his ethereal energy was very low in quantity and move it slowly through his body. Otherwise, with his powerful cultivation, he would only do more harm than good.

"Okay, Luna, his organs are dying just like I expected and just what Irene told me. And his ethereal core is literally dead as expected…again. I don't sense any…wait a second…what is this seal around his ethereal core…" Damien mumbled while talking to Luna, who was still remaining silent to let Damien discover things on his own.

Since Luna didn't seem like telling him anything, Damien asked Irene, "I can sense a seal around his ethereal core. What is that?"

Irene and Reva had blinking expressions as they glanced at each other before looking at Damien with a look of disbelief, "You can sense the Cursed Seal??"

"That is the Cursed Seal? The one which supposedly cripples Zirians if they plan to rebel? But..wasn't grandpa already crippled when he received the punishment? What was the point of the seal?" Damien asked with a puzzled expression.

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