Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 197: The Eighth Wave

Chapter 197: The Eighth Wave

People who were turned to leave quickly turned back when they heard the shout of the youth and saw a purple light on the hydra's stomach.

"Your royal highness, what's happening?"

Philea asked as Princess Audrey frowned


Suddenly Hydra's scream reverberated the arena as well as the outside. While screaming the Hydra violently shook its body and the heads started to collide with each other.

Bolts of lightning rained down around the hydra from the dark clouds above it while Audrey noticed the scream of the Hydra had become weaker as the purple light shade on its belly grew brighter.

When no one expected the belly of the hydra exploded and they saw a huge hole in his belly.


The hydra made a weak scream as the dark clouds started to disappear.

"Is that?"

The youths pointed out the belly of the beast and saw a figure stepping out of the belly bathed in blood.

A while ago when he was in the hydra's stomach, he drank three bottles of healing potion and heard the voice in his mind chant something as the pain in his chest that caused by the nails completely disappeared. He didn't know what the voice chanted except his battle energy totally replenished by the voice.

No one would have guessed that the hydra was indeed invulnerable to physical and magical attacks but it was on the outside. Of course, no one had the guts to jump into the hydra's mouth, even Don wouldn't have done that if it wasn't for the voice that told him to do so.

Even if they did know about this, not everyone could have done it as it required an extreme level of agility, speed, and skill to jump into the hydra's mouth without being roasted by the hydra's lightning bolts.

All said and done, when Don stepped out of the belly of the beast, Audrey stood up from her throne, like someone set a fire under it. Not only Audrey, every single one of them felt goosebumps on their body as he was bathed in blood and looked like a mythical demon.

After the last breath of the hydra left its body, a black lightning bolt landed before Don's feet as he saw a metal tablet lying on the ground. Don picked up the tablet and saw a figure of a ship on its surface.

When he closely looked at the tablet, he realized that the tablet was an instruction guide to assemble an ancient warship. He was glad that he had decided to stay in the area or he wouldn't have gotten this extremely valuable tablet. Putting the tablet in his ring, he walked towards the dead body of the hydra and cut its three heads with the sword he got earlier.

"What is he doing?"

No one had any idea why he was cutting the heads but only Don knew that the tablet required the heads of hydra as a material to build the ship.

After cutting the heads, he pulled out his shield from the hydra's mouth.

"The next wave will begin in two minutes"

Suddenly they heard a mechanical voice saying this and were shocked to hear it because this was the first time they heard this voice.

The light gateway shone brighter than usual but Don didn't plan to get out considering now he had full strength unlike before. While he was standing there, he unexpectedly sensed a burning sensation on his body as he looked at his arms to see the blood of the hydra disappearing into his flesh.

He felt his bones and muscles getting refined by the blood; he never felt this stronger before as he could feel his organs and everything getting powered up. Noticing the miracle effects of the hydra's blood, Don quickly ran towards its body and started to slash the body to get more blood for Knight and his men, yet, the blood evaporated soon as it came out of its body.

"The blood refined his body"

Rosaline realized why he slashed the body after seeing the blood on his disappear from his body.

Don thought about going inside of its body again and tried to the vials with its blood and put it into his space ring before something happened. But in a flash, the body of the hydra dried up and reduced into ashes.

"I would have paid a lot if he had gotten the blood"

Rosaline said and every rich kid was thinking the same.

"The next wave will begin in one minute"

The mechanical voice sounded again as Don collected the arrows lying on the ground.

"I wonder if he sells the heads"

A youth asked his friend in a rather loud voice and his question reached everyone's ear.


Knight cursed the one who had just said because these were the guys who would say something like this and push the rich arrogant kids to fight for something that wasn't theirs in the first place.

Knight knew that the youth wanted Audrey or Rosaline or the crown prince of Star empire or anyone who had the strength to bully others to take the heads from Don. These psychos would take pleasure seeing the superpowers bully a nobody like Don and take his treasures from him.

"If he's from the Star Empire, it's his duty to turn over treasures like the heads to the emperor"

The crown prince's greed overcame his senses as he wanted to get his hands on the heads.

However, Audrey or Rosaline or anyone from the moon empire superpowers didn't say anything because they guessed that the heads might have been turned into ashes like its body inside his space ring or simply the heads would have no uses.

And even if the heads were treasures, inside this dungeon, no one would be his match but if he stepped outside, it would be another story as all the superpowers would want to examine his ring to check the value of the heads and the tablet he got after defeating the hydra.

"Remind me to kill that bastard"

Knight sent a telepathic message to Arrora as she nodded and etched his face in her mind.

Except for the arrows that he used as steps before, he collected the others.

"The next wave will begin in twenty seconds"

Don stretched his arms and legs as he waited for the next wave to begin.

"How could this be possible?"

Audrey was utterly confused as everyone said that the seventh wave couldn't be beaten and even her brothers and sister didn't cross the wave.

Furthermore, the greatest and most powerful mage of the moon empire had been proven wrong and she was starting to feel inferior compared to the archer.

Her heart respected him as a fellow warrior but her mind wanted to fight with him and prove her superiority again. When the count reached ten seconds, the dead bodies lying around him disappeared as well as the light gateway.

"The Eighth wave"

Many youths and beasts looked excited and looked at the projection with full of anticipation in their eyes.

Just as the timer reaches zero, the number eight appeared before Don as a six feet mythical werewolf materialized on the other side of the arena.

When they saw the werewolf, many of them were disappointed as they expected something huge and magical like the hydra.

However, the arena surprised them by materializing more and more werewolves around Don. A new projection of number fifty appeared on the top of the arena and he could count the exact number of werewolves standing around him.

Like the hydra, Princess Audrey only heard about the mythical werewolves from her teacher and the stories she had heard from her mother. According to the legends, the werewolves were once powerful cultivators and turned into werewolves by a powerful curse as for who cursed them, remained unknown.

These cursed ones shouldn't be taken lightly because the werewolves had superior agility, strength, speed and strategic mind. A single werewolf could pose an immense threat to any grandmaster level cultivator and he had to face fifty of them.


The werewolf stuttered with its hoarse voice and sent a cold chill running through the audience's spines. There was nothing humanly about the werewolves as they had yellow dirty teeth, grayish fur covered their body, and had a murderous aura surrounding them.

Even though they had superiority in number, they didn't run towards Don like mad beasts but took their steps slowly and cautiously because they realized that if he survived the previous seven waves, he would not be easy prey to kill.

While they were taking their steps, Don adjusted the glimmer to show the magical fluctuations of a mid-level master because he planned to use his full power to beat this wave.

The shield hummed as the werewolves stepped closer and Don felt a connection with his new shield. Sensing the connection, Don tested his newfound connection by ordering the shield to fly to him and attach itself on his back. The moment he ordered in his mind, the shield soared through the air and attached to his back like he said and surprised him.

"He got another cool toy"

Knight couldn't wait to try this shield of him as the others stared at the shield with jealousy flowing out of their eyes.

" not bad, not bad at all"

He knew that he would grow to like this shield more as it felt like an extension of his body.

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