Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 717 Doubts and Reencounters (Part 2)

Chapter 717 Doubts and Reencounters (Part 2)

The embrace between Kaizen and Ravastine was warm and genuine, as if they were old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time. The tension Kaizen had been carrying about seeing Leohorn dissipated in that warm gesture of affection.

When they finally walked away, Ravastine, holding Kaizen's shoulders, looked at him with gratitude in her red eyes. "Thank you, Kaizen. You always show up when I need you most. How's the siege of the Royal Capital going?" She said, turning to pour some of the tea on the table next to the sofa on which Kaizen sat.

Kaizen took a deep breath before answering, his expression becoming more serious. "We're preparing for an attack. We have a plan that doesn't involve so many adventurers, just a select group, for a combined attack intended to distract. But before that, we have to resolve some other issues."

Ravastine nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation. "It's a difficult task, but I know you and the group are capable. And you, how are you? How have you been lately? Didn't you ever visit us at the Palace?"

"Does Hellround miss you?" Kaizen asked, raising his head, but more as a joke. He already knew the answer.

"Actually, he and my father are getting on very well. I think Hellround treats him so badly that it makes my father forget he's a King." Ravastine said, laughing a little.

Kaizen smiled slightly, because just thinking about Ravastine was enough to remind him of all the ground he had covered so far. "Well, I've been very busy. The store is selling like never before, I've had to look for materials in faraway places and I've also met up with friends again, with whom I want to set up a guild. However, none of this would have been possible without the friendships I've made along the way, like you."

As Ravastine poured the coffee, she heard Kaizen say this and was distracted for a moment, looking at him and before she knew it, she was making the tea overflow from the cup.

The iced tea ran down Ravastine's hands, staining the colorful carpet. She looked at the momentary disaster, surprised and a little embarrassed. Kaizen quickly used <Psychokinesis> to knock all the tea droplets out of the air and back into the teapot.

"Don't worry, Ravastine. Accidents happen." he said with a gentle smile, as he took care of the spilled tea.

Ravastine smiled, grateful for Kaizen's friendly gesture. Seconds later, she sat down, took a sip of her tea and said:

"You've always been like that, Kaizen. Always looking out for others," commented Ravastine, admiring the calm in Kaizen's eyes. "That's why everyone trusts you."

Kaizen lowered his gaze for a moment, humbled by Ravastine's compliment. "I just try to do what I think is right, especially when it comes to those who have helped me."

As they finished cleaning up the spilled tea, Ravastine resumed the conversation. "I'm glad you've found friends to create a guild. You deserve to have people by your side who appreciate your loyal and courageous spirit."

Kaizen nodded, grateful for Ravastine's understanding. "And how have you been, Ravastine? How is the Royal Palace?"

Ravastine sighed, his red eyes losing some of their shine. "The Palace is calm, but tense. I confess that my father is overwhelmed by the pressure of the latest attacks and he told me that you intended to try to form an alliance with Vrikhodour to prevent an attack from Mibothen, but it seems that everything went from bad to worse with that happened to Mibothen. Vrikhodour thinks that Tretidian may be involved, and my father's new advisors also think that Vrikhodour may be the cause of all this."

"Advisors are for foolish, young kings. Steveren must lead his kingdom with his own experience, he is an experienced man."

Ravastine looked at Kaizen with a look as if someone had finally answered her. "That's exactly what I told him, but my father believes he may have been misinformed because he's been away from the throne for so long. And to calm the nobles' euphoria, he uses the advice of the family commanders to do so."

Kaizen noticed the concern in Ravastine's eyes as she spoke. "It's a complicated situation, no doubt," said Kaizen, choosing her words carefully. "Politics always brings with it challenges, especially in times of crisis. But he will find a way to guide his kingdom through these turbulent waters, and when all this about The Eye of Hermodr is settled here, the ghost of war on the other borders will go away."

"Look, who would have thought that you would become such a wise man. You used to be more of a doer than a talker."

Kaizen smiled modestly, lightly touching Ravastine's arm. "It's the least I can do for you, Ravastine. You've always been a loyal and courageous friend. Your father trusts you, and so do I."

Suddenly, interrupting them both, a large man stepped through the curtains at the entrance to the tent. This man wore red armor and had several scars all over him, in addition to his grey hair.

Kaizen immediately stood up, a little surprised. "Arthas?" He asked.

Arthas didn't seem to have been informed of Kaizen's presence and was surprised too. "Kaizen, what are you doing here?" he asked, approaching with a smile and his arms open to embrace him."

Kaizen stood up and opened his arms too, greeting the former Captain of the Royal Guard with a hug. "I heard you were alive, but how on earth are you already able to come to an imminent battlefield? I heard that you were unconscious for days and days, even with several magicians healing you."

"Ah, I survived by some miracle, I have to say. However, thanks to Princess Lydia's efforts, she used a different kind of magic that made my body heal itself little by little."

"Different magic?" Kaizen asked, as they walked away.

"I think she used an ancient magic to speed up my recovery. I'm eternally grateful for that."

Ravastine nodded. "My sister is a scholar and spent days in the Capital's library, searching for a solution while the mages made time for her."

"I'm in her debt." Arthas said, bowing his head slightly. "And Kaizen, although I've decided to retire from the Kingsguard because I can no longer devote myself fully to protecting the royal family, I'm here to help in any way I can," said Arthas, his voice firm and resolute. "I believe everyone needs all the help they can get right now. I have crucial information about war strategies and I can fight too."

Ravastine frowned, worried. "You said you wouldn't fight, Arthas."

Arthas sighed, his evidently tired eyes reflecting the weight of his age and the long recovery he was still undergoing. "Princess, I can't stand by and watch young warriors and adventurers die on the battlefield, I have to follow the natural order of things. The old generation must sacrifice itself so that the new one has a chance to prosper in the future."

Kaizen clenched his fist and laughed. "Are you kidding? Of course none of the young people out there want to see an old man protecting them. Don't worry, Arthas, you won't fight, but it's good to have your support, I want you to go to the meeting table, your experience will be paramount. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

Arthas smiled and didn't retort, after all, he himself knew that his body no longer responded as it did when he was young, nor were his muscles as dense as they used to be. Besides, with what arguments could he retort Kaizen's words? Could he say he was stronger than the young Psyker? Of course not, so he just nodded gratefully and left the tent, walking to the meeting area.

Ravastine accompanied Kaizen outside, where the clouds had finally parted a little, making it possible to see the stars that dotted the dark sky. There was music playing on all sides, and coincidentally when Kaizen left Ravastine's stall, Bloody Lily left hers too. Their gazes met, and Ravastine noticed the tension, so she pushed him forward, encouraging him to go and talk to her.

Kaizen looked back over his shoulder and Ravastine whispered:

"Go and talk to her."

He nodded and went to talk to the red-haired woman, who started walking, but not towards the meeting area. He caught up with her in a few steps and Bloody Lily asked:

"Did you manage to bring a Princess to the battlefield? Looks like I'm going to have to keep a closer eye on your gallantry skills than I thought." She joked.

Kaizen smiled. "Don't worry, Ravastine is like an apprentice to me and I bet she doesn't see me any other way."

"I wouldn't be so sure. Anyway, Araxie said that part of division four has gone missing, I'm going there to investigate to make sure they've only logged off or if something attacked them?" Bloody Lily explained as she walked hurriedly.

"Division four? What's that?"

"Each division is made up of a group of players, and their number indicates the order in which they arrived. Division four is made up of twenty players from a guild called Wake Barbarians, they're known for causing trouble and were excited about this battle. I just hope they weren't impatient and entered the city. Attacking the city now would be like attacking one of those nine demons and if they are provoked, make sure they don't stop until the whole army is dead."

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