Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 724 Opponent on his Knees

Chapter 724 Opponent on his Knees

When the hand of the colossal Delgron fell on a building, it shook everything and immediately brought the building down. Accompanied by this shaking, a shrill scream of pain echoed from the lone head on this bizarre body.


Delgron's deafening scream reverberated across the battlefield, sending shivers down the spines of all the players.

Kaizen, with his gleaming sword, gritted his teeth at the demon's monstrous strength, but he didn't allow himself to be afraid, so he took advantage of the demon's moment of weakness and charged forward with even more fury. He struck out with the King's Sword, aiming for one of the colossal monster's joints, and his blade cut deep into the scaly skin.

With the opening of the monster's defense and the first taste of its blood, chaos quickly spread across the battlefield.

Pashar's magic spear, dyed with Delgron's blood, was once again thrown towards the demon. It pierced the hard flesh, causing a roar of pain from the monster, because Kaizen had made a point of increasing the speed of its rotation, just as he did when he used spears in his early days.

The magicians' spells continued to rain down on Delgron, creating explosions and colored flames that lit up the dark night like magical fireworks.

Meanwhile, the Tanks, sturdy and resistant warriors, formed a defensive line, the other warriors from Delgron's desperate attacks. They raised their imposing shields, blocking the debris that the demon threw in his fury.

The archers continued to fire their arrows, but their attack power was almost useless because of Delgron's thick skin. Seeing this, one of the mages went in front of a squad of archers and opened a huge window in the air.

"Shoot through the window! Any projectile that goes through it has its damage doubled!"

The collaboration strategy proposed by Kaizen was working so well that some people were even being proactive, and the demon was weakening with each blow. However, Delgron was no ordinary enemy; he was practically a force of nature, an ancient creature awakened to protect the third circle of hell.

As the battle continued apace, Kaizen carefully observed Delgron's attack patterns. He noticed a momentary opening in the monster's guard and shouted to the players around him:

"Now's our chance! Everyone, concentrate your attacks on Delgron's front left knee joint!"

The players followed Kaizen's orders, directing their blows and spells at the demon's vulnerable joint.

Pashar leapt into the air with grace and strength, her spear glowing with the energy of the <Ikki> skill. With a precise movement, she pierced Delgron's knee, causing the demon to momentarily lose his balance.

At that moment, the mages channeled their magic to create a magical barrier around Delgron, temporarily trapping him in a field of glowing energy. The Tanks advanced, hitting the demon with all their might.

However, Delgron's resistance was relentless. Even with his wounded knee, the demon continued to fight with incredible ferocity. With a deafening roar, he raised one of his huge claws and unleashed a wave of magical energy that turned into fiery flames, bringing down a wave of buildings. The flames enveloped the Tanks in a whirlwind of heat, causing some of them to retreat momentarily because their shields and armor were smoking and cracking.

Kaizen, observing the situation, acted quickly. With his gleaming sword, he cut through the air, creating a protective psychic barrier around the Tanks, dissipating the flames before they could cause irreparable damage. At the same time, the mages cast ice spells to contain the flames and protect the warriors from the scorching heat.

Xisrith, determined to defeat Delgron, lunged with her sword, aiming for the demon's blind left eye. She moved with elegance and speed, dodging Delgron's blows with grace and using his own body as a platform. With a precise movement, she pierced the demon's eye, eliciting a cry of pain.

Meanwhile, the archers took advantage of Delgron's momentary distraction and fired their arrows. The arrows hit the demon's face, penetrating its skin and causing it even more pain.

The mages conjured up a wave of lightning and thunder, hurling them at Delgron, aiming to weaken his magical resistance.

However, Delgron was not just a colossal beast; he was a demon master of the infernal magical arts. With a wave of one of his hands, he conjured up black flames that turned into spheres of fire above his head, and they flew towards the warriors.

At that moment, Kaizen's eyes widened and he did all he could to force everyone in the air to dodge.

The spheres exploded on contact with the ground, creating intense heat waves and flames that consumed everything in their path.

The players scattered at the push of Kaizen who, with determined eyes, saw an opportunity. He quickly approached the demon, deftly dodging its magical attacks, and drove his sword into Delgron's wrist joint. The demon roared in pain, but his anger only increased.

At that moment, Xisrith realized what Kaizen had in mind. She quickly communicated with the mages, devising a plan to weaken Delgron even further. The mages channeled their magic, creating a magical whirlpool around the demon, sucking out his life energy.

Delgron struggled against the force of the whirlpool, but to no avail. His magical energy was slowly drained, gradually weakening him.

The Tanks, recovered from the fiery attack, advanced again, striking Delgron with their powerful weapons. The archers, with arrows shrouded in magic, fired at the demon, hitting several points.

The mages, maintaining the magical whirlwind, weakened Delgron's magical defenses, making him vulnerable to the players' attacks.

The battle continued with increasing intensity. Delgron, weakened and wounded, launched his last desperate attack. He conjured up a firestorm, filling the battlefield with voracious flames and suffocating heat. The players fought to protect themselves, creating magical barriers and using every skill they possessed to resist the demon's overwhelming power, but many died in the process.

Even so, Kaizen led the players in a final counterattack. He channeled all his energy into the King's Sword, which shone with an intense light, cutting through the flames of the storm. Suddenly, an anguished cry echoed across the battlefield as Delgron staggered, his colossal form rapidly weakening. With a deafening crash, the demon fell to his knees, his body trembling before finally collapsing to the ground, defeated.

The players, exhausted and wounded, looked at Delgron's immense body with a mixture of relief and admiration.

"We won?"

"We won, didn't we?"

"That's it, lads!"

Of course, it wasn't going to be that easy. Delgron, with his once impenetrable scaly skin, was now riddled with cracks, and his breathing had become ragged, and this for an ancient demon like him was like the crack of an egg, and the inner you of this aberration was a much more refined form of his own being.

Delgron, weakened and almost defeated, muttered incomprehensible words. His form began to twitch and shrink, surprising the players.

Suddenly, a tremendously intoxicating aura enveloped the room and the monster's cracks began to shatter. Thus, when all the flesh rotted away and fell to the ground, crumbling, its true form was revealed, smaller and more humanoid.

Delgron was transformed into a man, naked and thinner than most of the warriors present.

He looked at the players with cold eyes. His expression of pain and regret had disappeared, as had his monstrous form. The players didn't know what to do or how to react.

"What exactly happened? Who is this guy?"

"The Boss's life bar is back to 100%, but the monster has disappeared and all that's left is this guy..."

"What I'm thinking isn't happening, is it? Tell me it's not!"

The players began to get anxious and desperate. They were so tired, so exhausted, and most of the mages were almost out of mana from having used so many spells, so finding out Delgron still hadn't been defeated was a shock.

For his part, Kaizen clenched his fists and ground his teeth in frustration. 'I should have thought that a creature that surpasses the Legendary Rank wouldn't be defeated simply by spamming attacks, but then this is his strongest form? I thought it had turned into that giant creature precisely because it was more powerful.

Delgron, in his more humanoid, pale-skinned form, threw back his long, beautiful hair, looked at Kaizen and said:

"I didn't want to show my most beautiful form to this rabble that accompanies you, but you forced me to, so I'll have to kill all of you, after all, my beauty is such that it's a grave sin for ugly, weak people like you to be contemplating it. Get ready, because I won't be sorry."


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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