Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 727 OG

Chapter 727 OG

The arrival of Og'tharoz changed the general perspective of the battlefield.

The confidence of Delgron, one of the superior demons, had been seriously shaken, and the presence of the mysterious demon Og'tharoz was overwhelming for the other players, who were also very confused. If Og'tharoz really was a demon as he claimed, why was he helping? No player apart from Kaizen and Xisrith knew the answer to that.

So, while everyone was tense, Og'tharoz held Delgron suspended in the air, his outstretched hand emanating an aura of darkness that enveloped the superior demon. Delgron's face was contorted with pain, his eyes filled with terror and he struggled helplessly against Og'tharoz's overwhelming strength, clutching this hand that was invisible to human eyes.

Kaizen could barely stand and was as surprised as everyone at Og'tharoz's arrival, after all, since meeting the demon, he had never left the estate he was so attached to because of the past, so to see him so, so far from home was a shock.

'Did he come all this way for me?' Kaizen asked himself mentally.

He didn't fully understand the situation, but one thing was clear: Og'tharoz had arrived at the right time. A few more seconds in that situation and Delgron would surely have killed Kaizene and Xisrith.

So Kaizen finally had time to open his inventory and take out an advanced healing potion. With great effort, he opened the cork of the bottle with his teeth and drank all the red liquid from the potion bottle.

For her part, Xisrith was paralyzed. She had never seen Og'tharoz from the perspective of his nature and although Kaizen had told her about his store 'partner's' past during their meeting in the café, she still didn't fear him, at least not until now. Delgron's aura was eclipsed by the overwhelming presence of Og'tharoz, who seemed to control the very atmosphere of the room. The battlefield was tense, all the players watching the scene with a mixture of fear and fascination.

"You think you're invincible, but in the grand scheme of things, you're just a pawn in the hands of the gods and Surtr..." said Og'tharoz to Delgron, his voice echoing across the battlefield like a dark whisper.

Delgron, despite his previous bravery, was clearly defeated in the face of Og'tharoz's overwhelming strength. His eyes burned with frustration and impotence as he tried to resist the elder demon's domination.

"What does an old man like you know about our plans?" Delgron asked, struggling to pronounce each word.

"Much more than you can even imagine." Og'tharoz replied, with a confident smile at the corner of his mouth.

Silence stretched across the battlefield, the air thick with tension as Og'tharoz kept his hand raised. The superior demon was writhing in vain, his muscles tight and his expression of despair clearly visible. Kaizen and Xisrith, along with the other players, were almost on their knees, totally overwhelmed by the overwhelming aura emanating from the elder demon.

While everyone was paralyzed by Og'tharoz's power, a new presence made itself felt on the battlefield. An even more intense and sinister aura enveloped everyone present. Kaizen felt a shiver run down his spine. Without moving his head, he hesitantly raised his eyes to see an imposing demon in the sky, with flaming eyes and outstretched black wings, blocking out the moonlight.

The new demon, with a deep, grave laugh, said:

"Why, Og'tharoz, you've always been a fool, thinking you could control your destiny. But don't worry, Surtr doesn't care about you anymore."

"Azrakthar..." Og'tharoz muttered, annoyed.

Azrakthar's presence was just as overwhelming as Og'tharoz's, perhaps even more so, especially for Kaizen, who could see how his dark energy was enveloping the entire battlefield now, like a black storm.

Kaizen felt his heart pounding in his chest as he watched the two demons Og'tharoz and Azrakthar. A fight between the two would surely destroy everything within a radius of kilometers.

Og'tharoz, despite his imposing aura, seemed to hesitate at the threat posed by Azrakthar.

"Don't get involved in this anymore, my old friend, or I'll have to kill you." Azrakthar said.

"I have a debt to pay, a promise to keep." Og'tharoz replied.

Azrakthar let out a sinister laugh. "Promises and debts, Og'tharoz? You are pathetic. Your loyalty to this fallen race is what makes you weak. You should join us, fully embrace the power that runs through you and become part of the new order that is coming."

Og'tharoz clenched his teeth in fury. "I will never bow to Surtr again. This world does not deserve to become another branch of hell and I will protect it, even if it means facing my former best friend."

The determination in Og'tharoz's eyes was clear, and Kaizen felt a pang of hope in his chest. Maybe, just maybe, they had a chance against this threat, but it was two demons against one, and Kaizen wasn't even close to being strong enough to hold off Delgron.

Xisrith, who had been silent until now, looked at Kaizen with determination and whispered:

"We need to help him. Og'tharoz is risking everything for us and if he believes we can win, then we must fight alongside him."

Kaizen nodded, his jaw clenched with determination. He stood up, resisting the imposing aura of the three demons together and the eyes of all three turned towards him.

Azrakthar frowned and, with a serious look on his face, looked at Kaizen, in fact, at the sword in his hands. "Um... So, this is the human that Zylok mentioned, the bearer of the oldest elven sword, the legacy of a historic partnership between the dwarves and the elves, two races that almost hate each other." Azrakthar was shrewd and noticed how Og'tharoz looked at Kaizen when he stood up, so he quickly assumed something. "Don't tell me, Og'tharoz, that you're here to help that human."

Og'tharoz stared at Azrakthar with blazing eyes, his voice cutting through the air heavy with tension. "Kaizen is much more than he seems. His bravery and persistence are unparalleled, and he has something that goes beyond physical strength; he has hope and love for what he does, something that you, even with all your power, can never understand."

Kaizen was surprised by Og'tharoz's words, but felt an unknown wave of security welling up inside him. He gripped the elven sword tightly, feeling the primordial power coursing through his veins. It was almost as if the blade was reacting to his call, responding with its own energy.

"Og'tharoz, you mention hope as if it had the potential to rescue this kingdom from its inevitable downfall." Azrakthar's scornful laughter filled the air. "Hope is nothing more than a mirage, a delicate construction that crumbles in the presence of genuine supremacy. Humans are fragile, fleeting beings who still cling to fanciful stories, which is why so many will end up in hell."

It took a visible effort for Delgron to raise his head, as he was still partially under Og'tharoz's control. "That's right!" He said with a troubled smile.

As Kaizen held the elven sword, he could feel the tension on the battlefield. The blade pulsed with an energy that was both ancient and powerful, and Azrakthar's gaze fell upon him with a weight that seemed almost physical. Despite the imminent threat, Og'tharoz remained steadfast in his determination to defend the humans, ready to fight to the bitter end.

With unwavering courage, Kaizen turned to the demon Azrakthar and spoke with conviction:

"Although you may consider all this foolish, hope is what has always driven humans towards the unknown." Kaizen declared, and it was hope that fueled his fight, not only for his own sake, but for the well-being of all the creatures in Midgard.

Azrakthar's laughter resounded throughout the battlefield once again, a sinister cacophony that sent shivers down the spines of those watching. Despite being under Og'tharoz's influence, Delgron struggled to regain control, his gaze flickering between clarity and obscurity. Xisrith raised his sword, unwavering in his determination to enter the fray.

"Kaizen is right!" said Xisrith, his voice echoing with confidence. "We won't let darkness prevail. We will fight to the last breath, if necessary."

Og'tharoz cast a grateful glance at Kaizen and Xisrith before turning to Azrakthar with a hardened expression. "You may not understand the power of hope, but it is what makes us more powerful than you realize. You underestimate the ability of humans to resist, to unite against adversity."

As he said these words, several of the players began to stand up, bravely resisting the demons' overwhelming auras and the effects applied to them as a result.

Azrakthar noticed this and let out a bitter laugh, but a low one this time. "You are fools if you think you can defy the greatest force in hell. Darkness is inevitable, and I will make sure to crush any spark of hope that dares to emerge."

With one swift movement, Azrakthar advanced towards Og'tharoz, his black wings beating powerfully, creating stormy winds, and before he could touch Og'tharoz, Kaizen struck him with the King's Sword, throwing him several meters backwards.

"OG, finish this worm off soon. In the meantime, I'll try to hold off the other one." Kaizen said, looking out of the corner of his eye at Og'tharoz and Delgron.

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