Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 735  Wild Spirit

Chapter 735  Wild Spirit

The confrontation on the main street continued and Kaizen, despite his apparent disadvantage, remained admirably calm. He watched Azrakthar's every move, finding the smallest gaps to keep dodging. The street was littered with debris and dust, mute witnesses to the clash between demons and players.

Azrakthar, blinded by fury and impatience, advanced again and again with his claws, trying to land a clean blow. Kaizen, however, remained focused and dodged once again with a graceful movement, narrowly avoiding another attack that could have been fatal.

The hooded figure in the shadows continued to watch, his piercing eyes analyzing every detail of the battle. According to Zylok, she should only interfere when everything was close, so as not to hinder Kaizen's development, and she seemed to be ahead of such a moment, but deep down she felt she could wait a little longer before acting.

Meanwhile, Delgron, still under Og'tharoz's oppression, roared with frustration.

"... Azrakthar, finish him off and show that the superiority of demons cannot be questioned."

Azrakthar, despite his apparent physical superiority, was beginning to show signs of fatigue. The blows he had used earlier had been powerful and had worn him down, and this combined with the effort he was putting into attacking Kaizen, each movement seemed slower than before, and a shadow of doubt began to hang over the demon.

"Kaizen isn't trying to beat Azrakthar yet. He's buying time, preparing to end it once and for all." Og'tharoz explained, holding his broken shoulder, but with a smile on his face.

Delgron looked up and replied with difficulty:

"It's a mistake for you to underestimate Azrakthar like that. Especially you, don't you think you're being too reckless by not killing me yet and leaving your ally in this situation against Azrakthar? He could die at any moment."

"No, it's you who are underestimating Kaizen. It may not seem like it, but right now he's resting." Og'tharoz said. "The fight wasn't over before because Kaizen didn't have the energy to finish off Azrakthar, he didn't have the strength, but if he gets a little more time, he can effectively defeat Azrakthar, even though he's so much weaker. That's what makes Kaizen special, and I want you to see the moment when the humans finally overcame the demons."

"What? Is he buying time? Shit, Azrakthar is smart, but he's arrogant, he mustn't have realized it yet, so I have to..." Delgron thought aloud, wide-eyed, only before he could actually shout something to his companion, Og'tharoz sunk his head into the ground with a stomp that created a huge crack.

"I won't let you shout anything to your friend. You'll see him dying and you won't be able to do anything about it, so you'll understand a little of the feeling that everyone here shares, so you'll finally understand what it's like to see someone you care about die and you can't do anything to help." Og'tharoz said angrily.

Then Og'tharoz bent down a little and picked Delgron's head up off the ground, leaving him panting and his eyes full of rage.

"Pay close attention and be quiet. Otherwise, I'll kill you right now."

The tension on the battlefield reached a new peak, and all the players on the main street could do was move as little as possible so as not to get in Kaizen's way, because he was fighting at a different level of speed.

Kaizen, ever attentive, noticed that Azrakthar's movements were getting slower, a sign that he was getting tired. 'Just a little more and I'll go...'

Suddenly, however, an explosion occurred and a cloud of debris and dust rose up, momentarily stopping the fight. The dust hung in the air after the explosion, obscuring the vision of everyone on the main street. Kaizen, Azrakthar, Og'tharoz and the hooded figure were momentarily blinded by the cloud of debris, unable to identify the source of the echoing laughter.

And among all that cloud of dust, a loud laugh echoed, filling the tense silence that followed the explosion. "DRAHAHAHAHAHA! I'M HOME, YOU BASTARDS!"

The cloud of dust slowly began to dissipate, revealing an imposing figure above the wreckage of yet another building. It was a man of enormous stature, dark-skinned, shirtless and wearing wild clothes, in fact, he wore a wolf carcass over his head, thus making him easily identifiable.

"Cephal?!" Xisrith exclaimed, falling to the ground from the impact wave of the explosion earlier.

Cephal descended from the wreckage of the building, landing with a brutality befitting his ferocious appearance. He maintained a confident smile, revealing sharp fangs, and his eyes shone with a mixture of insanity and disdain.

"I've arrived at the perfect moment, haven't I? Just to see what a mess you've made. This street is going to be my new playground!" announced Cephal in a sarcastic tone of voice.

Kaizen, still recovering from the surprise of the explosion, sighed.

Azrakthar, despite his fatigue, gave Cephal a suspicious look, because he didn't know him. "Who is that man? And why is he here?" he asked, remaining calm despite his surprise.

Cephal laughed out loud, ignoring Azrakthar's question. "You're a fucking demon, right? So don't worry about knowing my name, you ugly thing. The important thing is that I'm here to have fun. And look, I think you were already having fun without me! Kaizen, I can kill him, can't I?"

The hooded figure in the shadows took a deep breath too. 'It looks like things here will sort themselves out without my interference, so I need to run as fast as I can to help Zylok.

"Don't worry, man. He's all yours." Kaizen said and took two steps back.

Cephal's smile widened on his face at Kaizen's response, and Azrakthar frowned, not understanding exactly what was going on.

Cephal glanced at Azrakthar, making him feel a chill, and then turned his attention to the players on the street. "Oh, sorry, guys! I didn't realize there were so many people here." He said, scratching the back of his head as he walked forward.

The cloud of dust continued to dissipate, revealing the extent of the damage caused by the explosion and the surprised and frightened faces of thousands of players.

'He's surprisingly polite!' Xisrith and Kaizen thought with narrowed eyes.

Azrakthar, even tired, bared his sharp teeth in a fierce expression. "Who is this, Cephal? Another fool who wants to challenge the superiority of demons?"

Cephal laughed lightly. "Who am I? Well..." Cephal began to say, prolonging the suspense as his intense red eyes scanned the battlefield. He then extended an arm towards Azrakthar, pointing dismissively at the wounded demon. "You can call me the Demon Reaper, the Shadow Predator, the one who makes the demons themselves tremble just by hearing his name, because I will kill any and all demons on the way to find Zylok."

The hooded figure in the shadows shuddered slightly when he heard Cephal's words. 'That means he's still angry with us...'

Xisrith, still on the ground, wanted to get up, but his left ankle hurt with any movement. 'Shit, I can't...'

Azrakthar, however, held his ground, even in the face of Cephal's defiance. "Do you consider yourself a demon slayer? Mere words mean nothing without proof."

Cephal laughed, a guttural laugh that reverberated through the street once more. "Proof, huh? Come on, demon. I'll show you a souvenir I carry with me." He raised his hand and, with a theatrical gesture, revealed a small hourglass made of dark shadows. "This hourglass contains the essence of a demon I met a while ago... What was her name again? She screamed it before she died... Oh, I remember! She was Lysan!"

Azrakthar, suspicious, narrowed his eyes as he looked at the shadowy hourglass. Of course, he didn't believe it at first, after all, Lysan was very strong and fast, but when he looked more closely at the hourglass, he felt Lysan's presence in the object.

"I bet you're wondering who the hell did this, aren't you?" Cephal teased, twirling the hourglass between his fingers. "That's right, it was me who put her in this little hourglass, to use her as a hostage to use against others of you, but if I've already found you, that means..."

"No, wait!" Delgron shouted, rising from Og'tharoz's grasp for a moment.

However, Cephal wasn't the type to hesitate or wait. So he silently made good on his promise and without pity broke the hourglass in the palm of his hand.

The moment the hourglass was broken, black sand ran down the fingers of Cephal's hand and a wolf's roar could be heard throughout the street.

Cephal's attitude rang out like thunder among those present.

Kaizen arched an eyebrow, while Xisrith, despite being on the ground, flashed a satisfied smile.

The hooded figure in the shadows remained silent, but a subtle tremor indicated his surprise.

Azrakthar, on the other hand, showed an unmistakable expression of shock. "Damn you, you know what you've done! You just killed 

one of the most powerful demons in hell, your soul will have a fate that no other has ever had!"


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