Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 112: Second World: A Date With A Zerg

Chapter 112: Second World: A Date With A Zerg

"Haha, no just felt like hugging something," he said while nervously laughing looking around for his spoilt mecha that was crying like a child abandoned by its mother. 

The bright yellow mecha stood taut with a stance that seemed to say 'l am angry' but Wen Qinxi didn't care dashing over to coax his mecha while touching it all over as though eating tofu. Being treated like this, the mecha AI was appeased joyous yelling, "Mummy still loves me," but Wen Qinxi's body tensed up being called mummy by a thing. 

'Whose your fuckin mummy? Daddy sounds better,' he thought with a brimming smile on his face desperate to take this mecha out for a spin.

"Prof, can l take it home?" he yelled from the cockpit wishing he could just go into the simulator and have a go but his bubble soon burst at the professor's response,

"Not done with the upgrade besides don't you have a date with a zerg?"

"Stupid fuckin zerg," thought Wen Qinxi reluctantly getting out of his precious mecha. He couldn't help but want to beat the zerg to death. Can't a man just enjoy his mecha in peace?

Without wasting time, he stomped to the interrogation room where the zerg was strapped in like a patient in the psycho ward. The captain was standing outside observing the zerg through the two-way mirror lost in thought. She just couldn't understand how three zergs could make it past several security measures and end up in the heart of Valim. It was impossible unless the creatures had inside help but who would willingly jeopardize his own people's safety?

"Captain Rueda, what's on your mind?" asked Wen Qinxi drawing the brooding captain back to earth. 

She tossed a chip at Zhao Xieshu saying, "The DNA target for the zerg was set for the Marshal, this was an assassination attempt. Can you get him to talk," with real concern. Though she had deserted the fleet she had mad respect for the Marshal and this situation was totally unacceptable. "I know you two aren't getting along but I am sure you can understand the importance of the Marshal," she said with a pensive look all over her face.

Wen Qinxi smiled and tossed the chip back saying, "Don't worry l won't let personal issues affect my judgement," he said before walking into the interrogation room.

The zerg suddenly opened its eyes sensing that familiar scent and quietly watched him pacing into the room. Wen Qinxi didn't say anything with the room brimming with still silence. The impatient zerg finally spoke, "Are you going to torture me now?" expecting the handsome terrain to take out some kind of torture device. Both races were known to be vicious to each other when captured, it was no secret that the zerg tore the heads of Valim prisoners while the Valim army dissected captured zerg.

"Well, no I am not. You see, I already know who sent you on the premise of exacting revenge on the UPSF fleet by cutting off its head," said Wen Qinxi lazily leaning against the wall. The zerg didn't react to his words possibly thinking it was just a bluff.

"Let me guess, they caught you and gave you this proposition to help you revenge for all your fallen brothers?..... Huh, l bet they forgot to mention what UPSF fleet would do to your dwindling population once you successfully killed the Marshal?" he said feeling pity for this cannon fodder who had been used to accomplish someone else's greedy desires. Actually, the zerg in this territory weren't natives of this Planetary system. They were a shunned race that crossed galaxies running away from their stronger counterparts who sought to eliminate the weaker zerg. Somehow this so-called weaker zerg race ended up here wreaking havoc.

Though few in numbers they still harboured the same conquering culture of their mother nation. It was only because of their numbers, that they were easily suppressed by the UPSF fleet confining them to a desolate planet. 

"Let me tell you something. If you succeeded in killing the Marshal it would have been the end of your entire race," he said with a terrifying smile that instigated a reaction from the zerg.

"So l should let you vile terrains kill my people with no retaliation?" it said looking away not interested in gazing at this enchanting terrain who was as fierce as the overloads in its former race.

Wen Qinxi walked over and faced the zerg that was hiding from him. With bright sincere eyes, he said, "I will protect you as long as you keep your hands off the Marshal. You want to live in peace then l am your solution."

The zerg peered at him for a while before saying, "You must love your Marshal so much. I envy him," with envy gleaming its creepy yellow eyes.

"Hahaha, no.....lets not fuckin go there," replied Wen Qinxi with a light chortle.

No one knew what the rest of the zerg and omega's conversation entailed of but they seemed to come up with a mutual understanding before Wen Qinxi released the zerg providing it with a personal escort off Valim. This zerg race was vital in saving Qie Ranzhe from the inevitable accident caused by Emperor Zhao in the future which is why Wen Qinxi formed an alliance with it against his team's advisement.


While Wen Qinxi was letting go of the zerg, the emperor was throwing an angry fit in the palace. His plan had been foiled by a ghost, a shadow he had never seen let alone heard of. This Marshal had to fall one way or the other but how to achieve that? He had absolutely no idea especially with this ghost organization screwing with him.

"Find this man who dared to go against me," he angrily said throwing his crown on the floor.

The cloaked man who had come to report today's events sighed while walking away thinking, "I don't get paid enough to deal with this shit."

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