Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 126: Second World: Legendary Boss Face-Slapping Moment

Chapter 126: Second World: Legendary Boss Face-Slapping Moment

The video call requests rung three times before Wen Qinxi was pestered into accepting. His mouth stuffed with noodles he accepted the request feeling wronged. Didn't the Marshal see from the picture that he was still eating? Qie Ranzhe was happy he picked up the call though he didn't show it on his face. He wanted to maintain a stern demeanour with his line of sight falling on such a cute face slapping on some noodles he couldn't help quirk up his lips in amusement.

Wen Qinxi was swallowing down the mouthful of soup when he finally noticed the stupid expression in Qie Ranzhe's face, the kind of expression were you are smiling but trying to conceal it. "Why are you making that face?" asked Wen Qinxi reaching out for a napkin to wipe the corner of his mouth.

Qie Ranzhe scratched his head hiding the full-grown smile saying, "You look cute."

Wen Qinxi's entire body froze in place at the thought of being called cute by his boss. He was unblinkingly staring at the Marshal like a creepy mannequin in a clothing store. If this was the mannequin challenge Wen Qinxi would have definitely aced it. He was too convincing that Qie Ranzhe almost thought the signal was low causing his communicator to freeze. That wasn't right Valim Network was faster than the speed of light so how could it freeze? 

"Zhao Xieshu!" no response, "Xieshu!" still no reply, "Xie!"

Who knew what was going on in Wen Qinxi's mind. It was only after Qie Ranzhe called him the third time did he move. "Excuse me," he said as he abruptly stood up with the sound of his chair scraping the floor his expression unreadable. Qie Ranzhe didn't know what he had done wrong this time and wisely shut his mouth to avoid adding fuel to the flames.

What he didn't know was that a certain someone was as red as a beet as soon as he got out of camera view. 'Such a fuckin flirt,' he thought splashing some water to cool his burning face. Only when he was certain he could keep himself in check did he finally return clearing up the utensils saying, "The Marshal is indeed considerate the noodle soup was delicious," in a soft tone that tugged on Qie Ranzhe's heartstrings. 

"Not as considerate as you last night," he said testing the waters. Before he got blacklisted, he wanted to discuss last night's events but unfortunately, he shot himself in the foot earlier on. Now he very much wanted to talk about it but wasn't sure how to approach such a sensitive matter. He had never had such a conversation before.

Wen Qinxi moved with his communicator into his secret room while casually asking, "How was l considerate?" with a tone of equivocation. He really didn't remember much with fragments of his memory here and there. He remembered something to do with legs, cream and uniform nothing more. Qie Ranzhe was nervous at first but his entire body was soon drenched with icy cold water when he realised the lascivious fox didn't even recall last night's events.

Did it mean he was the only one who had a restless night tossing and turning thinking about obscene things while the one who started this mess was the least bit affected? "Xieshu you really don't remember?" asked Qie Ranzhe his heart sinking deeper with each second.

Wen Qinxi sat down into his chair while rearranging the interstellar maps on his desk. "What, did l do something stupid while I was drunk?" he asked with a raised brow. 

Feeling dejected Qie Ranzhe sighed before saying, "Never mind. Let's not speak of it again. I have to go," his voice aloof and cold. Just like that, the video call disconnected.

Wen Qinxi, "....."

Wen Qinxi scratched his head all he wants trying to recall the events of the previous night but his brain wouldn't budge. He might be a genius when it comes to programming but when his brain was intoxicated it turned to mush his memory resembling that of a goldfish. Left with no choice, he had to ask the only other witness who could shed some light on this matter and that witness was, 

"Jolie!" he said calling out the system but who would have expected the scoundrel of a system to ask him to make it invisible otherwise it wouldn't spill the beans. After ten minutes of negotiating, Wen Qinxi caved in asking Hei Bao to return the system's default setting.

"There, you got rid of the skirt now talk," he said folding his arm across his chest his ears itching to find out what made Qie Ranzhe so upset.

"Geez, relax. I will tell you but boy does it feel great being invisible again. You can't tell where l am. Am l here l here? Ha!" said the system celebrating the restoration of its freedom.

Wen Qinxi ignored its idiotic act with a bone-chilling gaze which somehow landed on the invisible system.

Puzzled, it asked, "Can you see me?..... Never mind I will tell you what I know up until Xia Bai took pity on me." The system didn't save Wen Qinxi any face retelling every single detail even how Wen Qinxi shamelessly hooked his legs around the Marshal's waist begging to be carried. As to what happened in the pavilion, it didn't know as the programming gods took pity on the sassy system granting it safe passage to flee and remain a pure soul.

" are fuckin with me, right? Okay, I see. So I turn you into a little girl and you slander my good name. Put my leg on whose thigh? Me.....never, l refuse. Wrapping my legs on him.....psst like I would believe it?" he confidently said not believing a single word. 

"You see, I knew this would happen but you know what? This time l recorded everything. Would you like to see?" said the system ready for a legendary boss face-slapping moment. 

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