Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 128: Second World: Joy Riding A Mecha

Chapter 128: Second World: Joy Riding A Mecha

"Eagle to Shadow, Eagle to Shadow what's your twenty?" said a thrilled Wen Qinxi driving a mecha out of the palace like he owned it. It only took a few seconds for Meng Huangse to hack into White Eagle, Zhao Linzhie's mecha ruthlessly shutting down the AI before it could even issue out a warning. The omega was now roaming the skies with a mecha that didn't belong to him.

"We are three minutes away from the target.....look at you, taking advantage of a ride that doesn't belong to you," said Hauidan heading towards the captain's location.

"If I were you I would scrap that tin can for parts after I am done with it," said Xiao Hua casually pacing in front of a giant screen in the control room while monitoring Captain Rueda's location.

Wen Qinxi skillfully flew the mecha tracking down the enemy's location which was a piece of cake for this omega. Even though the mechas pursuing the captain were cloaked with a shield masking their signal making them invisible even to the UPSF fleet but with Xianxi's technology, it was like a fighter jet competing with an army drone. 

"Absolutely, l intend to turn this brat's mecha into scrap metal and watch him run back to his daddy in tears...There's that fucking ghost. Time to activate ghost buster mode," he said aiming at the three invisible mechas pursuing Captain Rueda.

"What the fuck is ghost buster mode? How come I don't have it?" complained a clueless Tong typing at light speed infiltrating the surveillance system so as not to alert the UPSF fleet. It would be bad if the Marshal happens to pay them a visit at this moment intruding on their fun.

"Mummy meant it as a metaphor not literally," said Meng Huangse, Zhao Xieshu's AI that was now running White Eagle. 

"Call me mummy one more time and I swear l will replace you," he threatened firing a laser cannon at an unsuspecting chestnut mecha, the fastest of the three. Bomb! A massive explosion resounded in the sky with the unfortunate mecha blown to bits with smoke as the only evidence of its prior existence.

"It's a good day to blow shit up, isn't it Xie Xie!" said Teng, her fingers itching to pull the trigger. Too bad she was ordered to stay in the base otherwise she would have unleashed hell on the enemy.

"This feels so fuckin good!" said Wen Qinxi his blood comprising of mostly adrenaline. It was as though he had been injected with chicken blood vanquishing the last two mechas like it was nothing.

"I got the captain, heading off to base now," said Hauidan in a sullen tone. Why was he sad? It was because he didn't get to shoot at anything. It's safe to say that these omegas were trigger happy with a burning desire for combat but these were peaceful times and it was rare for them to get such an opportunity.

"Okay, I will play with Lazhie's mecha a little while longer. You head back first.....what the fuck is that?" said Wen Qinxi faced by a invisible gigantic warship, its weapons armed and ready to engage.

"Xie Xie, I am coming to provide support. Hang in there," said a panicked Xiao Hua about to exit the control room.

Wen Qinxi scrutinized the warship that seemed so familiar but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before. He quickly sifted through the game files only to discover that this warship was designed by Zhao Xieshu's grandfather but the design was never made public meaning Emperor Zhao seized it with the rest of the family property.

"No need, I will keep them distracted. Hauidan take care of the captain," he said engaging his weapons.

He could hear voices speaking to him but his eyes remained fixated on the warship as memories from the past flooded his mind. It was a memory of Master Gu sitting down with his two year old grandson explaining his design. That same design was the blueprint of this warship right in front of him. 

With no room for negotiation, laser beams were shot at him but Wen Qinxi was extremely nimble, even in a backward mecha he escaped unscathed. He managed to dodge all their attacks, all but one which ruthlessly pierced through his lower abdomen.

Taken by surprise he looked down checking the amount of damage in bewilderment but this reminded him of something. His knowledge of the blueprint meant he knew the warship's weakness this meant he knew how to cripple this spaceship.

An eerie grin suddenly appeared on his face, his frightening piercing gaze fixed on the Bridge of the warship. With a smirk he gave them the middle finger before suddenly vanishing into thin air.

In the Bridge, a cloaked man rooted on the spot watched as the ever so familiar mecha give him the middle finger. He had fired those warning shots to discourage Prince Lazhie not to interfere but who would have expected he did get the middle finger. Seeing the prince's childish behavior he wasn't angry but laughed instead thinking the White Eagle mecha was gone.

He was just about to report to the emperor about the situation when suddenly, a warning alert systems set off jostling the cloaked man. "Sir, we have lost ninety percent of our security shield and each attempt to repair the barrier results in a one percent drop!" said a panicked operations chief on the Bridge.

"Fifty percent, no sixty percent of our weapons just went offline I can't seem to regain control even after a reboot!" said another officer not sure how to proceed.

The cloaked man scowled angrily barking out orders when a loud sound crackled in the sky followed by tremors in the warship as though struck by an earthquake. "Shit!" he cursed before striding to the hangar getting into his mecha intending to personally deal with the pest. Wen Qinxi was like a termite relentlessly chipping at the expensive warship for the fun of it.

Meng Huangse had just issued a proximity alert warning Wen Qinxi of the impending danger when an electric beam was shot right at him. He instinctively dodged before firing a laser beam at the other mecha but failed to hit his target. The cloaked man initiated a forced communication channel as his mecha was more advanced than White Eagle attempting to convince Prince Lazhie to stand down.

"Your Highness, I am impressed. Your skills have improved quite well. But I am certain your father won't be pleased with your actions. If you stand down now, will make it our little secret," said the cloaked man but Wen Qinxi made Meng Huangse silence him while launching another attack.

The cloaked man found this rather amusing. The prince was a man worthy to become his disciple, he wanted to be the Yoda to this Skywalker but how was he supposed to talk the kid into it. He was part of the four Grandmasters that practised ancient martial arts paired with mecha technology but hadn't found a worthy successor perfect to pass down his knowledge and now it seemed Prince Lazhie was well suited for that position.

Wen Qinxi's attack was blocked with ease but he wasn't going to yield rushing forward with the White Eagle's right arm transforming into a flaming sabre swiftly slashing at the other mecha. Instead of dodging the cloaked man took out his Saber blocking the attack before grasping White Eagle's left arm slamming the mecha to the ground. Wen Qinxi was slammed so hard on the ground that he left a huge dent on the warship. A sabre was suddenly pointed at his neck with a silver mecha towering above him.

"Acknowledge me as your master or I will have your father deal with you?" he said after forcible opening the communication channel once more but the prince didn't respond. 

Flustered, the cloaked man decided to use an EMP to shut down White Eagle and force the prince out of his mecha. It would be easier to deal with him that way. His mecha began to build up a massive load of electromagnetic energy on its chest cavity aiming at the mecha lying on the ground. 

"What the...Meng Huangse, prepare to take off on my mark," he said unwilling to be held captive by this mad man, "Now!" Wen Qinxi grasped the sabre pointing at his neck twisting it with great force which in turn twisted the other mecha's arm before driving his shin into the silver mecha's groin. Surprisingly this form of attack was effective even on a mecha.

Grimacing in pain, the cloaked man cursed to high heaven as Wen Qinxi made his escape. White Eagle was powerless against that mecha which left him no other choice but to run. If only he had used Meng Huangse he would have won this fight with minimum effort but he couldn't risk exposing his beautiful mecha to these greedy bastards.

The cloaked man wasn't done with him, he relentlessly chased after White Eagle all the way to the capital. "What the hell is wrong with this guy!" he yelled with a panicked voice.

"Wuwuwu mummy, use me instead not this useless piece of trash," said Meng Huangse itching to give that silver mecha a good beat down.

"Will you stop calling me th- fuuuuccckkkkkkkk!" with the last part said as White Eagle was struck by a massive electromagnetic pulse instantly shutting down the entire system. Unfortunately for Wen Qinxi, he was a thousand meters above ground meaning White Eagle took a nose dive pulled down by the force of gravity bracing for impact.

"What's the point of impact?" asked Wen Qinxi with beads of cold sweat on his forehead his body screaming in terror.

"According to my calculations, the impact won't kill you but the problem is where you will crash land," said Meng Huangse worried for its master. This will surely get the omega in trouble.

"Okay, good. I won't die, phew....," he said feeling much more relaxed than before. He was so afraid of dying and having to start this world all over again.

"Mu-, sorry I meant dad, don't you want to know where you will crash land?" it asked while Wen Qinxi strapped in before taking out a small bottle from his interspatial storage. It was Zhao Xieshu's failsafe, he would drink this to eliminate suspicions by claiming that he was drunk. When he crash lands in White Eagle the headlines will be 'drunk omega steals brother's mecha for a joy ride' which was better than exposing his entire operation.

Wen Qinxi gulped down the entire bottle before asking, "Where?"

"The palace,"

Wen Qinxi, "....." internally, 'F@#%$@%@$%@%@%$%@##@$%@$#$$@$$@$k!'

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