Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 136: Second World: First Fight 2

Chapter 136: Second World: First Fight 2

Wen Qinxi tried to wiggle his way out and went as far as asking the mecha's AI to come up with a means of escape but there was only one way and that is to yield. "Are you going to yield?" asked Qie Ranzhe pinning him in place with no intentions of letting go. This feeling of having Zhao Xieshu under him was quite pleasant the kind of feeling that comes from dominating the one you like.

Wen Qinxi looked at him with a deadly glare saying, "Get off first and I will yield." In all honesty, he was going to continue fighting he just had to get Qie Ranzhe to get off him.

"Call me by the name you saved my contact on your communicator then I will let you go," replied Qie Ranzhe with a wolfish grin. Wen Qinxi almost spit out a mouthful of blood. The position they were currently in was ambivalent and dangerous as Qie Ranzhe's bent knees where at either side of his waist his wrists held tightly above his head. He could only be grateful for the giant mechas otherwise his face would be crimson red from embarrassment.

"How do you even know about that?" asked the nervous Wen Qinxi. How was he supposed to call Qie Ranzhe 'Sexy Daddy Ran' to his face. Hell, he hadn't even say it in private so how could he say it out loud.

Qie Ranzhe tightened his hold even further saying, "If you don't say it, I won't let you go," with a thick face that made you question his morals.

After struggling to no avail, Wen Qinxi finally gave in gathering all his courage calling him, "Sexy Daddy Ran," while gritting his teeth. He was so angry but Qie Ranzhe was satisfied letting him go with a beaming smile.

As soon as the hold on his wrists loosened Wen Qinxi played dirty and punched Dark Stallion with enough force to have him fall over to the side. Feeling victorious he was about beat him up until he yields when he heard a tyrannical deep voice calling his name, "Zhao Xieshu!" causing his legs to weaken in fright.

From his voice alone he could tell the Marshal was pissed off and with good reason. He had used underhanded methods to win a fight he shouldn't have agreed to in the first place. As usual, he had seriously underestimated Qie Ranzhe. If it was gun fight he might have stood a chance but this was close combat and his character was in no way as good as the Marshal. He only had two options, stay here and receive his punishment or run and delay the punishment.

"Fuck!" he cursed using his mecha's speed to his advantage taking off into the sky.

Qie Ranzhe didn't think Zhao Xieshu would run so his reaction time was a tad bit slower giving Meng Huangse a head start.

"Oh shit, haha Xie Xie played up Tong you lost," said Teng enjoying the show of the year.

Tong was stubborn refusing to believe the Marshal could actually beat Zhao Xieshu. Shaking his head in refusal he said, "It's not over until he yields. Don't underestimate Xie Xie," refusing to accept defeat.

"No you are definitely overestimating Xie Xie. The Marshal has combat experience and he's a force that can't be reckoned with. Xie Xie should just give up now," said Hauidan

Xiao Hua's brows knitted together searching for the mechas that were here a second ago. The surveillance drone wasn't as fast as the two mechas so now they couldn't see the fight. "Ah fuck it. Xie Xie ran now we can't see the fight," he complained sending the drone after them.

Wen Qinxi really made a break for it confident Qie Ranzhe wouldn't be able to catch up with him. His speed was exceptionally fast that he couldn't see Dark Stallion anymore.

"How was I, was I cool? You see dad was so smart, l left the Marshal eating my dust," said an overconfident Wen Qinxi still flying furtherest away from the hot head of a Marshal.

"No, you weren't cool. Now I will never get to see daddy Marshal. Whats so good about that?" complained the Meng Huangse expressing its displeasure with him.

Wen Qinxi couldn't fathom the obsession this mecha had with the Marshal which was annoying to some extent.

"If you love him so much then you go live with him from now on," retorted Wen Qinxi feeling like a mother whose kid refuses to stay with her after the divorce because daddy is so much fun.

"Okay," said the joyful Meng Huangse excited to stay with Qie Ranzhe and Dark Stallion.

Wen Qinxi felt a prickly pain in his chest being rejected like this. He didn't expect Meng Huangse would actually agree.

"Whatev- oh shiiiiitttt!" the last part was said when Dark Stallion appeared out of thin air and tackled him out of the sky. Neither him no Meng Huangse ever thought Qie Ranzhe would turn on stealth mode so they didn't actively look for him thinking they had left him behind.

The two, omega and mecha fell from the sky at Dark Stallion's inertia hitting the ground with a loud bang causing the sand particles to scatter all over the place. For the second time today Qie Ranzhe was right on top of him. He was saying something but Wen Qinxi wasn't paying attention pissed off as every nook and cranny had sand in it.

Qie Ranzhe was telling him to disengage his mecha but the Marshal didn't even have to ask twice as Meng Huangse did it without permission. In an instant Wen Qinxi's mecha had disappeared hiding in its interspatal storage giving them some privacy. Dark Stallion followed suit and the two were left bare gazing into each other's eyes.

At that moment, Wen Qinxi knew he had already lost and chose to speak the truth. "I am afraid of pain," he said with a pitiful face that touched Qie Ranzhe's heart strings though his face remained unchanged.

"I know and I promise to be gentle, okay?" said the Marshal coaxing Zhao Xieshu who was lying beneath him. Though he never got along with Zhao Xieshu before he knew him like the back of his hand and he would never wrong him in anyway.

Wen Qinxi felt his heart soften his face blushing with hint of shyness. Qie Ranzhe was surprisingly gentle towards him making his jump in elation.

"Xie, I will take good care of you all you have to do is let me," said the Marshal leaning down to kiss Zhao Xieshu's soft lips. Wen Qinxi was willing  permitting Qie Ranzhe's moist tongue to freely explore drowning in a sea of pleasure. His lips were sucked hard as he drew the Marshal closer grasping the fabric on Qie Ranzhe's chest deepening the sensual kiss forgetting where they were.

"What the fuck? What kind of fight is that? The bet is off, how are we supposed to know who won?" said Xiao Hua when the drone had finally caught up with the two.

"Wow, the Marshal is so handsy, nice were.....Hey what did you do that for?" asked Teng when the screen suddenly went black. Captain Rueda had taken it upon herself to cancel their R-rated reality show leaving the rest of them feeling disgruntled.

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