Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 146: Second World: How To Rob Another Omega's Alpha 2

Chapter 146: Second World: How To Rob Another Omega's Alpha 2

Zhao Lazhie finally raised his head facing his omega brother. He truly believed Zhao Xieshu was more enchanting than his sister and his personality more refreshing to the eye but he would never say that out loud lest he gets into trouble.

"Watch your back. I overheard mum and Huan-jie planning something. She said the Marshal would soon belong to Huan-jie," said Zhao Lazhie his tone of voice similar to that of a person seeking praise for a job well done.

Wen Qinxi wanted to laugh but couldn't. Whatever evil scheme those two were planning didn't faze him in the slightest. These were the last efforts of a dying fish out of water flipping up and down for nothing. He wasn't worried neither was he concerned so he brushed it off.

"Okay, now scram," said Wen Qinxi closing his door. Zhao Lazhie wanted to say something but kept his mouth shut. Even he had to admit, Zhao Xieshu was cool.

Wen Qinxi didn't think much of it that is until the next morning when pictures of the Marshal and Zhao Huangzhi in bed flooded Valim Network. Qie Ranzhe was sleeping peacefully with his bottom half covered in a quilt and Zhao Huangzhi was lying in his embrace with visible lovebites all over her body. The caption on these images attempted to explain the image as 'omega princess accidental estrus causing the entire network to explode with comments from the entire Valim empire.

OvsO: Yet again another alpha lends a helping hand to an omega in estrus deserting his betrothal. Pathetic

Fraizercradle: Poor Xie come I will make you forget about the Marshal. Let this daddy cure your heartache

Xie Xie's beta: Upstairs cut the crap. Xie Xie's real hubby is here. Xie Xie l can be your love doctor

AdminGu: Blocked Xie Xie's beta.

XieXie's alpha: Admin you are obviously abusing power. That doesn't change the fact that I am Xie Xie's future lover

TooMeng: 782729224 my number Xie Xie call me and I will heal your broken heart

AdminGu: Blocked XieXie's alpha

AdminGu: Blocked TooMeng

CuteOmegaddict: Zoom in on image. Is that a fuckin bite mark at the back of Zhao Huangzhi's neck?????

Wiseman56: The Marshal has no choice. He has to marry Zhao Huangzhi

Shortly after the above comment an error similar to a 404 error appeared on all he sites containing the lewd images. The Marshal successfully took down all the sites but the damage was already done. No matter how many times he called Zhao Xieshu, the omega wasn't accepting his calls that is until his number was blacklisted for ten years. Distressed with an ashen face he set off for the palace to talk things out with Zhao Xieshu.


Wen Qinxi had been reading through the comments with a stern face when he also got a 404 similar message. The site was nolonger available. He tsked sprawled on the bed wondering how he was going to punish Qie Ranzhe. Judging from his face he was neither angry no heart broken just disappointed.

How did the most powerful man in the entire empire get fooled by two women? After the news came out, he did a thorough investigation and knew exactly what happened the previous night, it was all a set up and he had overestimated the Marshal's capabilities. The man was obviously naive when it came to Zhao Huangzhi thus he needed to be taught a lesson otherwise today's events would repeat themselves.

While he was thinking of a suitable punishment he was summoned to Amaryllis Pavilion for a family meeting he didn't even want to attend. When he reached the private living room, Empress Wuzhishu and Zhao Huangzhi were already seated indulging themselves with a bottle of expensive prosecco celebrating their victory.

Wen Qinxi respectfully greeted them and sat at the opposite side of the coffee table that is after pouring himself a glass full of the sparkling wine. Zhao Xieshu's tranquil demeanor wiped the smiles off the two women's faces. His aura was as cool as ever with no traces of crying or frustration. This behavior was vexing in their eyes.

Wen Qinxi took a sip of prosecco before asking, "What are we celebrating?" in an indifferent tone while lazily sitting on the couch.

Seeing how full Zhao Xieshu's glass was with her expensive wine she spat out, "Do you know how expensive that bottle of prosecco is yet you pour an entire glass drinking it like you're drinking water? Plus who gave you permission to take some?"

Wen Qinxi chuckled at her words before guzzling down the entire glass in one go. "Expensive indeed but do you know the money you used to buy this so-called luxurious wine was paid for by the Gu family fortune?"

Blood drained from Empress Wuzhishu's face turning pale at his provocative words. It was no secret to her that her husband was using his late wife's family wealth for them to afford such a lavish lifestyle. Tax money alone wouldn't sustain this kind of lifestyle and if the Gu family fortune wasn't there they wouldn't be sipping such expensive prosecco with floating gold flakes.

"You!" she said but failed to voice out her anger as she couldn't refute his words, "Zhao Xieshu you truly have become bolde and disrespectful. You think I can't punish you just because you are that hoe's child?"

Wen Qinxi despised such vile people but never got the chance to do some face slapping so today he planned on face slapping at a massive scale and teach these women a lesson. He grabbed the entire bottle and drank two mouthfuls before pushing it back to the Empress saying, "Don't waste any of it or I will personally reduce your allowance because other than your husband, I also have access to cash flow and I can change it however I wish," in a voice that seemed serene yet menacing.

"Zhao Xieshu, I will kill you!" she screamed but it was precisely at that moment that Qie Ranzhe made his appearance his presence calming the Empress down.

Zhao Huangzhi who had been silently watching the heated exchange between the two suddenly sprung up dashing towards the Marshal but Qie Ranzhe dodged his eyes as cold as the south pole pacing towards Zhao Xieshu.

Sad but also happy they would soon be getting married, Zhao Huangzhi didn't mind him giving her a cold shoulder. Once they are married he would open up to her and see how much of a better option she was than Zhao Xieshu.

Qie Ranzhe was obviously the least bit concerned for Zhao Huangzhi sitting next to the prince who didn't even spare him a glance. Though calm it was only on the surface. His breathing was rapid and shallow, heart palpitating accompanied by an agonizing chest pain his gaze glued on Zhao Xieshu's side profile.

The prince was evidently shutting him out seeming cold and cavalier about the entire situation. After years of knowing Zhao Xieshu this was the first time he acted this way towards him. Desperate, he subtly moved his hand to touch Zhao Xieshu's that was placed on the couch near him. He seemed to believe a simple touch would determine were they stood. That touch would tell him whether he was going to be dumped or forgiven.

Just as his hand reached Zhao Xieshu's the prince took his hand away in a unfeeling churlish manner leaving behind a bereft Marshal facepalmming in frustration. His hatred for Zhao Huangzhi reached an entirely new level. If he couldn't reconcile with Zhao Xieshu, the first person to die in his hands would be her.

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