Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 164: Second World: Zerg Marriage Alliance

Chapter 164: Second World: Zerg Marriage Alliance

This is when he recalled something crucial and that something was Jolie that haughty system that seemed to forget to do its job at this critical juncture.

"I am here, no need to call me or anything. Now, I know what you are thinking so no need to scold me. Boss reserve your energy and I will scold myself on your behalf. I am a f#^#%&@$^@& and my entire family is a #^$&*$^$##*#&#. Oh, and my future generations are all #%&&$^#* is that? Good enough?" said the system that was so unlucky appearing at the right place at the wrong time.

Wen Qinxi wasn't appeased in the slightest but didn't say a word ignoring the system. If anything went wrong and he had to start this world all over again he was going to really replace Jolie and he meant it this time. Jolie never felt this terrified being given a cold shoulder by the usually talkative Wen Qinxi. It would have preferred being cursed out to high heaven at least it could deduce Wen Qinxi's state of mind but now he was as quiet as a mouse terrifying the living daylights out of the system.

"Everything will be fine boss. I am sure Qie Ranzhe is probably sipping on some afternoon tea with the zerg singing the kumbaya around the campfire," said the system trying to lighten the atmosphere with a joke but it backfired with an overpowering murderous intent coming from a silent Wen Qinxi. After that the system played dead keeping its mouth shut so as not to further infuriate the angry bull otherwise it might get fired for incompetence.

After six hours of warp speed, White Baine finally made a sudden appearance in the zerg territory weapons drawn pointing at in all directions of the planet. The reason why he appeared hostile was just in case the so-called zerg had memories like that of a gold fish and attacked him as soon as he reached their airspace and he was right. As soon as he made his appearance he found a dozen tyranid prowler drone ships and one tyranid razorfield cruiser as big as his own warship heading his way surrounding him.

As expected of the zerg they were already armed ready to blow his warship to bits with no warning. Wen Qinxi hacked their telepathic communication using biotechnology addressing the entire planet. The fact that he could do this meant he could also screw with their brains if he wished disrupting their means of communication making it easy to defeat them but that was only if they didn't comply.

"Yagdra," he said calling out the zerg he let go after the mall incident, "time to pay the piper. Give back what belongs to me," he said in zerg baffling the zerg in the tyranid ships surrounding him.

"Who are you and what do you want with our Overlord?" said the zerg Devourer in the tyranid razorfield cruiser ready to fire at a moments notice. If it were up to him, he would have annihilated this terrain on the spot especially after the arrogant fool infiltrated their telepathic communication and could even speak zerg. This warship was an absolute threat to their existence but he couldn't act without the Overlord's command.

"Salva, stand down. This is not the way to treat our savior," said Yagdra who was currently sitting in the hall of counsellars guarding their last Overmind.

"Your Highness please lower your weapons and join me at these coordinates," he said as the zerg units dispersed.

"Boss he might not habour pure intentions towards you so be careful," said the system trying to score some brownie points with Wen Qinxi but he didn't say anything instructing Meng Huangse to vigilantly watch over White Baine and shot on sight if anyone other than himself approached.

He entered his mecha which transformed into a spaceship. He couldn't enter the zerg territory with White Baine as there was no suitable terrain for it to land. In less than ten minutes, he descended into the zerg planet heading for the coordinates set by Yagdra. As soon as he touched ground he exited his mecha wearing his space suit before returning his mecha back into his interspatal pendant.

He was met by a grey dark planet with an atmosphere only suitable for the zerg race to survive. Surrounding him were terrifying creatures that looked as real as day staring at him, some with curiosity others with anger like they wanted to tear him apart right then and there. Though they were terrifying, Wen Qinxi knew they couldn't do anything to him. The zerg operated on hive based system meaning they wouldn't attack unless instructed by either their Overlord or Overmind.

He soon entered the hall of counselors and as expected their Overmind was heavily guarded by dozens of Devourers as the this small race of zerg wouldn't be able to survive without their Overmind.

"Your Highness you have finally paid us a visit come sit," said Yagdra seeming more buff that the last time they met. Wen Qinxi didn't respond sitting down next to Yagdra his expression sullen as he was not in the mood for some idle chit chat.

"Where is he?" asked Wen Qinxi clearly stating his business.

A flicker of disappointment flashed in Yagdra's eyes before they quickly returned to normal. "I will give him to you but first you need to deliver on your promise. I am sure you can understand our anxiety. We are a dying race with the entire universe gunning for our extinction. I can't give him to you unless you can give me some form of guarantee that our race will be left unharmed."

Wen Qinxi expected this and had a plan in place but he was curious what kind of guarantee the zerg cooked up do he asked.

"And what sort of guarantee do you want?"

"A peace treaty by a marriage alliance," said the Overmind emerging from behind the wall of security formed by the Devourer unit, "Your marriage to the Overlord is the only thing that could make us feel at ease and release the Marshal."

Wen Qinxi, "..."

"You must be shitting me?"

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