
Chapter 280: Door of Nothingness

Chapter 280: Door of Nothingness

Unfortunately, although Eve agreed to Bloed's request, it was not something she could fulfill immediately.

Thus, it was decided she would fulfill it when they return to The Great Savannah's capital, after the emperor rewards the group for their results.

Besides that, Eve also wanted to give an extra reward to Liu Ying, but when she asked the demon if she wanted something, Liu Ying shrugged, completely uninterested.

According to her, she had almost anything she could need. Plus, her gloves and armor were designed by Bloed specifically for her use, so unless it was a demigod-level weapon perfectly suited for her, the gloves would be better.

In the end, she ended giving her reward to Bloed, and Bloed ended exchanging it for valuable metals like mithril, orichalcum, and adamantine. Bloed planned to use them when he needed to construct new machines.

By the way, Eve also offered a reward to Regina, but just like the demon, the Valkyrie ceded it to Bloed.

In the end, Bloed ended earning a big amount of valuable metals, enough to manufacture hundreds of mechanical wolves as Leto.

Bloed had already thought of hundreds of ideas to use these metals.

Although none of these ideas was something he could put into action now.

Instead, Bloed decided to focus on an easier goal.

The development of a new technique based on the same ability he used to create [Imaginary Slash].

After talking with Eve, Bloed closed himself inside his lab for the rest to work in his new technique.

The principle behind this technique would be the same that [Imaginary Slash]; but instead of using [Molecular Disintegration] as an attack, he was going to use it as a shield.

Bloed had already done it before. When he uses [Overdrive], he turns Leto into an armor, a lance-like gun, and a protective bubble. The protective bubble, [Svalinn], uses [Molecular Disintegration] to create a layer of disintegrative force around Bloed, able to disintegrate the attacks and enemies coming towards him.

The technique he was going to create this time could be considered a weaker version of that.

Thanks to that, Bloed progress in the new technique was pretty fast. In just three days, he had managed to create the set of magic runes necessary to activate this technique.

After that, Bloed needed to carve these magic runes in an object that would work as a medium to use the ability. In the end, Bloed decided to use Tito.

Hence, his mechanical puppy/armor went through a small upgrade.

Most of Tito's stats remained the same after the upgrade, and its appearance in armor-mode was almost the same as before, with only a small difference.

A metallic bracelet on Bloed's arm.

The bracelet was pretty simple, just a twenty-centimeters-long metallic cylinder on his arm, but the power inside this bracelet was a powerful life-saving card.

Bloed needed three days more to finish these upgrades.

Fortunately, Eve and Aya's father were busy negotiating with the elves and the Sun Kingdom, so Bloed was free to work in his new technique until the negotiations ended.

When he finished upgrading Tito, Bloed asked Regina to help him to test the new technique's performance.

Inside a training room, Bloed sent his psychic energy inside the bracelet and activated it.

Instantly, the bracelet disassembled into four parts that flew in front of Bloed and created a diamond-shaped barrier.

The barrier was completely invisible to the naked eye and seemed nothing like something able to stop a powerful attack. But

"Regina, do it."

Nodding, the Valkyrie created several arrows of energy and shot them towards Bloed.



The arrows disappeared just before touching him.

No, they were disintegrated.

"It looks like it was a success." Bloed smiled satisfied. With this, he had another trump card he could use.

"This technique is pretty good, master." Regina nodded in agreement, looking at the diamond-shaped barrier curiously.

Less than one second later, the barrier disappeared.

Unfortunately I can't keep it for long." Bloed shook his head. "Such a shame."

"It's already pretty amazing."

Bloed smiled and did not refuse Regina's compliments.

In truth, just as [Imaginary Slash], this technique had very harsh limitations.

First, Bloed could only keep it for a bit more than one second each time he used it. In other words, it needed a very good timing to be useful.

And second, he could only use it three times before needing to rest, and that number was shared with [Imaginary Slash].

After all, both techniques needed the 'split mind' ability Bloed just got to work, and Bloed could split his mind only twice, dividing his mind into three parts.

And each part of his mind could use one of these two techniques only once.

But even with these limitations, Bloed still thought this technique was pretty amazing.

It could save his life in an unexpected situation.

"How should I call it?" Bloed asked Regina.

"What do you think about [Door of Nothingness]?" Regina suggested. "It means that everything that passes through that shield is turned into nothing."

Bloed thought for a moment and nodded. " I kinda like the name. Let's go with that then."

"Understood. By the way, master, now that you finished creating the technique, are you finally leaving the laboratory? You practically lived inside it this entire week."

"... Almost. I still need to engrave the new runes on my saber," Bloed said with an apologetic smile, making Regina sigh.

Fortunately, engraving the runes could be done quickly. In less than one hour, the upgrades on his saber were complete as well.

With it, the power and range of [Imaginary Slash] were greatly increased.

When Bloed finished upgrading his gear, it was already dusk.

Bloed and Regina left the laboratory and headed towards the place where they were staying to eat dinner together with Liu Ying.

But to Bloed's surprise, someone else was waiting for him there.

A pointy-eared girl with beautiful and lustrous white hair.

"Mr. Bloed." Elwha bowed slightly when she saw him.

"Miss Elwha? Were you not busy with the negotiations?"

"They finished this afternoon," Elwha revealed with an exhausted smile. "We are leaving tomorrow, so I came to bid you farewell."

" I see." Bloed expression was a bit complicated.

Elwha's expression mirrored his. She seemed even a bit reluctant to part.

In the end, the two of them had fought and overcome several difficulties together. Thanks to that, they could be considered friends.

And although the situation with their connected minds made their relationship a bit awkward, they still considered each other friends.

"Mr. Bloed, if one day you decided to visit the Boerner Forest, I promise you I'll be a great host."

"I'll think about it. I can't deny I'm curious about the land of the elves."

"Is it so?" Elwha chuckled softly. "That is good to hear. Goodbye then, Mr. Bloed, and thanks for your help. I hope we meet again."

"As I do."

The next morning, the elven delegation departed towards the Boerner Forest.

One day later, Bloed and the others returned to the capital of The Great Savannah.

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