SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Chapter 62: Chapter 62: End of the Beginning

Chapter 62: Chapter 62: End of the Beginning

Huge thanks to BMJK, Ralph, and aFlyonthewall for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[3rd POV] [2 weeks later]

A couple of weeks had passed since Gwen had done the deed with the girls, and a few things had happened.

For one, she had a long...very long talk with the girls. Entirely about the multiverse traveling, and her desire for them to travel with her. The response she got was...surprising.

Raven had immediately accepted, siting that it would be an interesting experience, and would be a good way of learning new magics. M'gann had taken a bit longer, but after speaking with J'onn, about her traveling, and learning of the fact that no matter how long Gwen is gone, only a year passes (unless Gwen chooses otherwise), she accepted.

Artemis was also accepting of the idea, but had to have a lengthy talk with her mother. Which was...an experience, as it was the first time Gwen had met the woman. And to say she was...protective of Artemis, would be an understatement. But, after a lot of talking, and some not so subtle threats from Artemis's mother, she was cleared to travel with Gwen.

Gwen explaining her desire to travel to the League, was an entirely different beast.

J'onn, The Green Lanterns, Shazam, Wonder Woman, Flash, Arrow, and several others were okay with it. But Captain Atom and Zatarra had been...annoying.

Captain Atom because "A league member cannot just leave, especially a threat like you" and Zatarra because "Doctor Fate cannot simply leave the world, who would fight against the dimensional threats?"

The latter was much more reasonable, and something Gwen had prepared for. This was done in the form of a very special magical artifact she made, with the help of Nabu, a shit ton of magic, and a teeny tiny bit of Chaos Magic. Through this, she made a globe, a globe that when used, would show the user where interdimensional threats were residing.

Said globe was now in the hands of Zatarra, a man that while not entirely the nicest to Gwen, was trustworthy with the object. Probably more than just about any other magic user.

And of course Captain Atom tried to bring up the idea of using this object for all threats, but Gwen shut him down before he could even think about it. As she knew that he only said that, so that the Government could potentially get their hands on it.

Her father had been...surprisingly quite accepting of her adventuring. Mostly because he knew he couldn't stop her, and because he knew she would go on an adventure eventually. He too had went on his own "adventure" in the past, so he thought it was only right his daughter in every way except blood, would do the same.

Telling the team had been the easy part, as none of them had any sort of problems with it. Mainly because they planned on recruiting new members, that would be able to pick up the flack that M'gann, Artemis, Raven, and Gwen would leave behind. Plus, it was only a year.

Besides the talks, Gwen had given the team a way of fighting better, so that the difference wouldn't be so monumental.

This was of course, in the form of Aura. She had awakened the Aura of each of them easily enough. With Superboy, now known as Connor, having far more aura than the rest of the team.

Kaldur already had signs of developing his semblance, with Dick having already done so. His semblance was...basically just shadowclones. Except he could, at the moment, only make a single clone.

In terms of her girls, Raven had easily the most aura, over a dozen times more than Connor, and many times more than Artemis's or M'gann's. Not surprising in the least for Gwen.

She had written up a manual on Aura and how to learn it, so that they could grow without her. She decided to not give it to the League, besides her father. Entirely because she didn't trust that some of them wouldn't hand it out to someone else, which would cause some serious issues. So, the ones that did have it, had no idea how to share it, something she made sure of.

Her father, like her brother, had awoken his own semblance, a...very powerful one. His semblance? Fear strengthening. Which, makes him stronger the more people fear him. Something very, very strong for someone like him.

She had also made the team some new suits, made out of Unstable Molecules, and some specialized fibers she made. They were practically indestructible, and would grow and change with the wearer. They also boosted the wearers already existing abilities, like super strength, super speed, and stuff like that.

With her upgrading the overall gear of the team, the security of the different bases, giving them aura, and the super soldier serum, Gwen decided it was about time for them to leave. Trusting her friends and father to take care of themselves for the next year.

"Are you three ready to go?" Gwen asked, having everything packed up and put away. Courtesy of her semblance from Fiona Thyme, giving her a pocket dimension to put

everything away in.

The Tower of Fate had even been fit inside, which was...surprising. But Gwen realized that the semblance was much stronger in her hands, and was seemingly growing with her.

"Mmhmm!" M'gann nodded, excited for her first official out of universe world travel.

"I am more than ready" Raven replied, a small flash of excitement in her eyes. "Yep! You've already got all of our supplies, right?" Artemis asked, wanting to make sure.

"Everything safely put away, Art. No need to worry about that" Gwen replied, knowing that her dimension was absolutely full of supplies, items, technology, and various other things she might need in the future.Nôv(el)B\\jnn

Walking out of the Mountain, the group was met by the rest of the team, and most of the League.

"Wow, I knew the team and pops was coming, but all of you as well?" Gwen said with a raised eyebrow, noticing that the only members of the League that wasn't there, was the Green Lanterns, Zatarra, and Captain Atom.

"You're a member of the League too, Gwen. It's only right we're here to see you off" Clark said with a smile.

"And I promised Artemis's mom to see her off" Green Arrow added, causing Artemis to smile.

"You're not leaving without a hug, right?" Dick asked, causing Gwen to smirk and wrap her arms around him.

"I'm going to miss you, sis" Dick softly muttered, causing Gwen to smile.

"Going soft on me, little bro? We both know I'll be fine" Gwen said with a warm smile, before messing up his hair, causing him to huff.

"Not the hair!" Dick huffed out, trying to fix his hair.

Looking to her dad, she walked forward and softly hugged him. "I'll be alright dad, I


"I know you'll be fine Gwen. But...I'm going to miss you" Bruce softly said, hugging his

daughter close.

"You're a big softie, you know that?" Gwen asked, pulling back and looking at him. Rolling his eyes at his daughter, he gave her one more hug and muttered.

"I love you, my daughter"

"And I love you, Dad"

"Now! Enough of that sappy crap" Gwen said as she pulled back with a smile, causing Bruce to


Looking to the girls, she smiled as they walked closer. Looking back to the League, she

breathed deeply.

"You three ready?" Gwen asked, wanting to make sure. Without hesitation, the three of them nodded, excitement in their eyes.

Hearing this, Gwen breathed in, gave one more smile to the Team and League, before


'System, begin multiverse travel'

[Beginning Multiverse Travel]

As she read those words, a golden glow formed around her, M'gann, Raven, and Artemis. Before, a flash of light filled the area, and they were gone.

[3rd POV] [Location: ?????????????????]

After disappearing from the world of Young Justice, the girls blinked as their surroundings

warped and changed.

Stumbling slightly, Gwen grunted "Wow that fucking sucked" Gwen said, as she noticed the girls also stumbled, groaning at the sensation that they felt, when they underwent the

multiverse travel.

"I feel like I might throw up" Artemis groaned, leaning over.

"I didn't even know I could feel sick" Raven said, also trying not to yack everywhere.

M'gann on the otherhand, just groaned in displeasure.

[Quest Complete!]

First Travel

Details Complete your first multiverse travel

Rewards - 20 UL Tickets, New function Unlocked

[New Function!]

Fusion: Allows the user to fuse 10 UL Tickets into the next tier NL (Nuclear Level)

'Fusion? That...is a very strong ability' Gwen thought happily, before refocusing on the girls.

"You three okay?"

"Mmm, I'm alright, just a little uncomfortable" Raven responded, sighing a the sensation.

The other two nodded, agreeing with her. Hearing this, Gwen smiled 'Might as well just do

this now'

'Combine the 30 UL Ticket'

[30 UL Tickets Fused = 3 NL Tickets]

"Alright loves, let's get out of this little alley" Gwen said, as the group slowly walked out, but

not before M'gann shifted into her human form, and Gwen had them change their clothes to something a bit more appropriate for their location.

As they walked out of the alley, Gwen grinned at the view, as the girls eyes widened slightly.

"Girls, Welcome to..."

"Republic City"

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That's the end of the chapter!

Next arc has begun, and the new system function is officially unlocked!

Hope you like the new function, as it was an idea I was given by a couple commenters, and I

thought it was a good one.

Next chapter will be more or less the same length. So be ready for that.

Anyways, have a good day, see you tomorrow!

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