SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Chapter 69: Chapter 69: The Revelation

Chapter 69: Chapter 69: The Revelation

[3rd POV]

It was the morning after the date, with Korra interrupting them towards the end, needing aid to find her friend Bolin. The search itself was easy enough, as Korra and her friend Mako, had found Bolin while he was being kidnapped by the Equalists, aka the group that wants to wipe out benders, making everyone "Equal".

They weren't able to stop the kidnapping itself but now knew that Bolin was involved with Amon, not by his own choice, of course.

Gwen during that time, had gotten all the information needed to find the teen, through a pamphlet that had a map on the back of it. This "Map" led to the "Revelation" where Amon would speak to his followers, and reveal some things to them. Bolin would be there, as would several others that had been kidnapped.

At the moment, Gwen was sitting on a bench near a fountain in the local park, waiting for Mako and Korra. Within her hands was the map of where the Revelation would be, but she was focused on something else.

[Quests Received!]

Equalists? More like not existing anymore!

Details - Wipe out the Equalists of Republic City. Be it through killing them, or the much more heroic way of capturing them and handing them to the police.

Rewards - 25 UL Tickets

Total Equalists Numbers - 13,500 and rising.

Wipe out the Criminal Groups in Republic City

Details...Wipe out the criminal groups in Republic City. Most members within these criminal groups are benders, so be warned.

Rewards - 25 UL Tickets.

Total Groups - 75+

Help Korra bend Lightning

Details - ...Help Korra bend lightning. Something no other Avatar has done yet...for some reason.

Rewards 10 UL Tickets.

Help Bolin Lavabend

Details -...Help Bolin Lavabend. Normally he would have done this during season 3, a couple of years from now. But now that the host is here, you might just be able to teach him to do it early.

Rewards 10 UL Tickets.

'That's...not bad. 7 NL Tickets come from that, enough to get me some good characters. I plan on saving up to 150 UL Tickets or so, so this is fine. And...it looks like I'm getting close to the next system evolution, if I'm getting so many UL Tickets now' Gwen thought, knowing that the next System evolution should happen soon.

'The first one is easy enough. As most of those "Equalists" are just followers, most of them will stop following the group after finding out Amon is a bender. The other one is easy enough, as while there are a lot of groups, the groups themselves aren't all that impressive' Gwen thought with a hum, the girls at her sides, each of them sipping on a thing of hot coffee. 'Training Korra and Bolin should be easy enough. As I'm already teaching Korra fire bending to a new level, adding in Bolin won't be too difficult. Plus he's a pretty nice dude, and one of my favorite characters when I was originally watching the show' Gwen thought, not minding the quests at all.

"Wonder what's taking them so long" Artemis said, causing Gwen to turn to her.

"I'm pretty sure they ran into the Equalists. The ones that kidnapped Bolin" Gwen answered, causing Artemis to sigh.

"Why can't anything ever be easy?" Artemis groaned slightly, having wanted to go and sleep. But instead, she was dealing with Equalists and finding Bolin.

"I ask that question every day" Raven said with a sigh, knowing that Gwen was practically a magnet for trouble.

M'gann just giggled at her friend's complaints, finding it kind of funny.

"Looks like they're back" Gwen said, noticing Korra riding in on her pet, Naga.

"Did you guys find anything?" Artemis asked, causing Mako to reply.

"The Equalists have Bolin. Not only him, but Triple Threat Triad too" Mako said.

"Did you guys find out anything?" Korra asked, turning to Gwen.

"Yep. This will lead us right to where Bolin is" Gwen said, handing them the pamphlet.

"A...flier? How will that lead us to Bolin?" Korra asked, noticing the words "The revelation is upon us"

"Look on the back" Gwen said simply, causing them to flip it over, eyebrows furrowed as they looked at it.

"Is this..." "A map? Yep. One that will lead us right to where Bolin is being held" Gwen answered before Mako could continue. The teen smiled at this.

"Thank you" Mako said, knowing that Gwen had just helped him find where his brother will undoubtedly be.

"How are we going to even get in? We're not exactly the most stealthy people" Korra asked, knowing that most of the city knew what she looked like by this point. And tons of people knew Mako, due to his professional Pro Bending.

"Simple, we get some disguises that covers that up. While these three are going back home" Gwen said, giving her girlfriends a look, as she noticed that while not physically tired, they

mentally were tired.

"Bu-" "No buts, Artemis. You three are going home, the three of us can deal with this easily enough" Gwen cut Artemis off, giving both Mako and Korra a nod, which they returned.

"Fine, but if anything happens then you know what to do" Artemis said with a huff, before walking forward and giving her a kiss on the lips, Raven and M'gann doing the same. Both Mako and Korra looked to the side, coughing slightly at the sight.

After the three walked off, Gwen looked back to Mako and Korra.

"So, how do you two want to do this?"

[Later that day]

Later in the day, the three were outside of the meeting spot. Several others slowly walking towards the entrance of what looked to be a large warehouse.

Walking side by side was Korra and Gwen, with Mako sticking right nearby. Within their hands was the pamphlet aka "The Invitation".

Walking up, they found a tall beefy man blocking the entrance, seemingly a bouncer of sorts "This is a private event. No one gets in without an invitation" The man said, crossing his arms

as he stared at them.

"You mean these?" Gwen asked, pulling out her pamphlet, with Korra and Mako soon doing

the same.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Seeing the pamphlets, the mans frown turned into a small smile "The revelation is upon us, my brother and sisters" The man said, as he stepped to the side, motioning to the door. Without waiting a beat, the trio walked into the warehouse. Immediately being greeted by large machinery, and a walkway that led to where the crowd was slowly gathering.

As they got to the walkway that was above the crowd, Gwen scanned her eyes over it. There was at least a thousand people within the giant warehouse, all crowded together, ready to hear the "Revelation".

Making their ways to the grounds below, and through the crowd, Gwen quietly whispered to Mako and Korra. "Bolin isn't in the crowd, meaning, they're going to be bringing him out on

the stage soon enough"

"What do we do then?" Korra whispered back, knowing that Gwen was likely right about it.

Gwen couldn't continue as a voice sounded out over the microphone "Please welcome your hero, your savior, Amon!"

As the man said this, a large portion of the floor of the stage split open, as slowly the ground was raised. Revealing a man in a cloak, and wearing a mask.

Behind him were several soldiers with masks on, his most loyal followers, and people trained in chi-blocking, which could momentarily stop a bender from bending. Walking up to the microphone, Amon began "My quest for equality began many years ago.

When I was a boy my family and I lived on a small farm. We weren't rich, and none of us were benders. This made us very easy targets for the firebender who extorted my father. One day, my father confronted this man, but when he did...that firebender took my family from me...then he took my face. I've been forced to hide behind a mask ever since"

"As you know, the avatar has recently arrived in Republic City" The crowd booed loudly at


"And if she were here, she would tell you that bending brings balance to the world, but she is wrong. The only thing bending has brought to the world is suffering. It has been the cause of every war in every era, but that is about to change" Amon said. Gwen agreed with certain things he said, primarily that it was indeed the cause of many wars, and did indeed bring a LOT of suffering, but it also brought a lot of good to the world.

"I know you have been wondering "What is the revelation?" you are about to get your answer" Amon said, causing Gwen to turn.

"We need to go and cause a distraction. The machines over there are powered by water and steam. If you can cause them to explode, it'll create a cover that we can use to grab Bolin"

Gwen said, causing Mako and Korra to nod.

"Sounds good to me" Korra said, before continuing "Good luck, you two"

Both Mako and Gwen gave her a nod, before she walked off briskly.

"We need to get closer to the stage" Gwen whispered to Mako who nodded, as they both

slowly moved through the crowd. Mako's eyes widened as Amon took the bending of Lightning Bolt Zolt, the current leader of the Triple Threat Triad, and a


They didn't have to wait long, as Amon finished getting rid of the bending of yet another

abducted bender, only for a nearby machine to explode, as steam filled the large room.

Without hesitation, Gwen and Mako jumped onto the stage, and ripped the bindings off of


"Oh Mako, you have no idea how happy I am to see yo-" Bolin couldn't continue as Mako grabbed his arm and dragged him with them, as they ran out of a nearby door.

The two brothers ran to a ladder that lead to the ground below, while Gwen stopped and slipped behind the open door. Waiting.

After a few moments, a man ran in, the Lieutenant of the Equalists, and Amon's most trusted

follower. The man was about to electrocute the metal ladder, and therefore Mako and Bolin, but before he could, Gwen slipped behind him. Several attacks landed on the man's pressure points before he could even react, as he was forced into instant unconsciousness, his body flopping to the ground with a soft thud.

Hoping off the small platform onto the ground, Gwen looked to the two "Thank you" Mako said, noticing the unconscious man who was about to electrocute them. "Thanks for that!" Bolin said with a relieved sigh, as another voice sounded out.

"Oh good you guys are okay!" Korra said, coming around a corner to them.

"I'm all for reunions but we should save it until we get out of here!" Bolin said, causing Korra

to whistle and yell "Naga!"

Seeing Naga round the corner, Mako, Gwen, and Korra all hoped onto her back, while Bolin was...gripped by his shirt, being held by Naga's mouth.

Without hesitation, the large polar bear dog began to run off, leaving behind a large group of

Equalists, and Amon himself.

"I'd like to be on your back please!" Bolin yelled out, as he bounced alongside the large

animals movement. A groan escaping his lips as he moved his hands to cover his mouth,

trying not to throw up.

[Hidden Quest Complete!]

Save Bolin

Details - Save Bolin from Amon and the Equalists! Not only that, but save other benders that

were at risk of getting their bending taken away!

Rewards 5 UL Tickets.

'Huh...that's pretty good' Gwen thought with a smile, as she sat behind Korra, with Mako

further behind her, keeping his arms to himself (thankfully).

Korra let out a small sigh of relief as they were growing further and further away from the

warehouse, before she looked to Naga and spoke to her pet/friend.

"Alright Naga, take us home"

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That's the end of the chapter.

Not sure how well this was written, as writing on this episode was a...struggle, to say the

least. Gwen will convert most of those UL Tickets into NL Tickets, probably 100 UL into NL, and then the rest will be used on characters. But, unlike last time, it'll all be used at the same

time, and not in small groups, so that it gets done with quicker.

The next chapter will hopefully be better...hopefully. Anyway, have a good day!

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