SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Chapter 74: Chapter 74: Pro Bending Championship

Chapter 74: Chapter 74: Pro Bending Championship

[3rd POV]

Walking into the pro-bending arena, Gwen let out a small whistle. Every single seat within the stadium was completely full of spectators, many of them excited to see the fight between the "Fire Ferrets" Korra's team, and the "White Falls Wolfbats" the defending champions.n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

"Who do you think is going to win?" M'gann asked as they took their seats, the other girls doing the same.

"Korra and them" Gwen replied without a second of hesitation.

"Wait really? Don't they lose originally?" Artemis asked, surprised with the response.

"They do, but Korra and Bolin are far more skilled than they had been in that situation. Her footwork alone is many times better. Not to mention her metalbending, lavabending, and overall improvements in firebending. Bolin is an even stronger bender as well, with his lavabending and metalbending" Gwen responded with a shrug.

"The other team is going to cheat though, aren't they?" Raven asked, but not entirely surprised with Gwen's answer. As she had expected nothing less of Gwen.

"They are. But even they can't overcome those differences, as cheating in a situation like this, only goes so far" Gwen responded, causing Raven to nod, as it did make sense. Cheating wouldn't do much to someone who is overwhelmingly more skilled in combat. Such as with Gwen. Gwen alone with only water bending could crush dozens with ease, without even blood bending

They were cut off from continuing their conversation, as the stadium dimmed the lights, as spotlights focused on the middle of the stage where the benders fought. Slowly rising from the middle was the announcer.

"Introducing the challengers, the future industries Fire Ferrets!" The man said as a spotlight focused on one side of the stadium, where Korra, Mako, and Bolin were all standing on a platform that moved towards the stage. Loud booming cheers sounded throughout the stadium as the three waved.

During this, Gwen was focused on something else.

'So that's all the equalists then...about 3 dozen of them or so' Gwen thought, as her senses revealed every equalist in the area. Almost all of them had shock gloves and were hiding as members of the crowd.

'Should be easy enough to take care of them. Especially the one behind me that thinks he can attack me without me noticing. Shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes to take them out with firebending and martial arts. Korra can probably take most of the equalists that are going to show up on the stage itself' Gwen thought as she watched Mako give an air kiss to Asami, causing her to cringe.

She smiled slightly at the sight of Pabu, Bolin's fire ferret doing tricks, while M'gann cooed at her side, finding the sight of the small creature to be adorable.

"And their opponents, the three-time defending champions, the White Falls Wolf-Bats!" The announcer yelled out, as the opponents were revealed.

They were wearing these god awful bat costumes and began to howl, causing Gwen to cringe at the sight, with Raven deadpanning, M'gann just giggled, and Artemis cringing just as hard as Gwen.

"Wow that is awful" Artemis said with a snort, as fireworks began to go off within the stadium. Which was...a questionable choice, considering the roof wasn't open.

"The champs and challengers face off at the center line. And here we go!" The sound of the broadcaster's voice sounded out, as the bell rang, and they began.

Immediately at this, Tano, the waterbender on the other team, attempted to use "water boxing" which was basically just boxing but with water surrounding your arm. It was considered dirty/cheap within the sport, but his team was known for cheating and using cheap tricks.

Good thing Korra was trained well though. So, she effortlessly dodged the attack and gave the man no chance to react as the water slammed into his gut, causing him to fly back.

"And Tano has been knocked back! And within only a few seconds of play!" The announcer/broadcaster said as Gwen watched Korra with a small pleased smile.

"She's gotten good, hasn't she?" Artemis asked, noticing the difference in skill from what she remembered.

"She has. Way better than originally, at least" Gwen replied with a smile as she watched Bolin bend a piece of Earth into the opposing earth bender, not giving the man a chance as he was thrown back into zone 2.

There was zone one, which is the closest, and where you start. Zone 2 which was in the middle. Zone 3 which is at the edge of the stage, and then beyond that, you get knocked into the water below.

"Would you look at that, the Wolfbats have all been pushed to Zone 2 and 3! What an incredible show of skill for the Avatar and Bolin, I do wonder who taught them such movement!" The announcer sounded out, causing Gwen to crack a small smile.

Gwen grinned widely as Mako slammed a large burst of firebending against the opposing earthbender, Korra against the fire bender, and Bolin against Tano, the waterbender.

Loud booming cheers sounded out as all three of the Wolfbats were knocked out, into the waters below, meaning it was considered a K.O.

"And the fire ferrets have done it! They have completely and utterly dominated the fight, through impressive movement and superior bending! We have our new Pro Bending Champions, the Fire Ferrets!" The announcer roared out in excitement, as he wasn't much of a fan of the Wolfbats.

As the crowds continued to roar in excitement, Gwen's senses flared, causing her to rotate out of the way as an equalist attempted to shock her. Without giving them a chance to react, they had their own shock glove slammed back into them, shocking them into unconsciousness. "Alright girls, you know what to do" Gwen said, causing Artemis to grin and nod. While M'gann and Raven gave small nods of their own.

"Be careful" M'gann said, causing Gwen to smirk.

"When am I not?" The girls all rolled their eyes at this, before they each sped off, ready to take out the equalists in the arena.

Spending to the nearest entrance to the seats, Gwen noticed an equalist standing over the downed form of a member of the police.

Without giving the equalist a moment to react, several strikes were thrown, hitting all of their pressure points before they could even fight back, causing them to fall to the floor.

The girls were just as successful as they all began to take out their own groups of equalists, none of them standing a chance against the more skilled Artemis, M'gann, and Raven. "Folks, there is some sort of electrical disturbance in the stands. Metal bender cops are dropping like bumble-flies! There appears to be masked members of the audience wielding strange devices on their hands! And a group of what looks to be 4 girls that are fighting them off!" The announcer sounded out, before a door was heard opening.

"One of them is in the booth with me right now, folks. He is leveling one of those glove devices at me now, and I believe he is about to electrocute me. I am currently wetting my pants" The announcer said, only to blink as the man dropped to the floor.

"Nevermind folks! It seems one of the mystery women has just saved my life! But, I still have wetted my pants, so not a very good trade" The man said, causing Gwen to snort.

"Keep announcing" Gwen said, causing the man to nod.

"The girl has asked me to keep announcing, which I will do. Because...that's my job, and I get paid too little, so this'll be just the thing to get me the raise I deserve!" The man said, causing Gwen to roll her eyes as she ran off.

On the stage, Korra had a frown on her face as slowly, a pedestal raised to reveal Amon, surrounded by 6 chi blockers at his sides.

"It would seem this attack is a result of Amon and the equalists! And it looks like the Avatar and him are about to do battle!" The announcer said, causing Gwen to glance at the stage, as she knocked out the last equalist on her side.

On the other side of the stadium.

"ACK" A equalist chocked as he held his throat, before being slammed onto his back by


"You two okay?" Artemis asked, looking to the downed form of Lin and Tenzin. The two had

strained faces, but nodded.

"I *Grunt* am alright" Tenzin said as he began to get to his feet.

"Who are you?" Lin asked, getting straight to the point.

Artemis, at the question, just smirked "A friend of Gwen's"

"And those two?" Tenzin asked, noticing two other girls beating up the last of the equalists

within the stands. While the other half of the stadium was already clear of them, thanks to


"Also friends of Gwen's. Now, let's get rid of the rest of these assholes so we can help Korra" Artemis said, causing the two to glance at each other before nodding.

Back on the stage, Korra was battling it out with Amon, while Bolin and Mako were taking care of the chi-blockers. The lieutenant was dealing with the Wolfbats in the water, shocking

them with his shock sticks.

"Amon, it's over!" Korra yelled as she, Bolin, and Mako all surrounded the man, the chi- blockers down for the count.

"It's only over when I say it is, Avatar" Amon said, as the sound akin to a helicopter's rotors

spinning began to fill the stadium, and a crash sounded out. Above the stadium, a large blimp with the symbol of the equalists floated, and lowering to the ground of the stage were several more equalists, while the lieutenant finally made it to the stage as well. Growling in anger, Korra launched a blast of water at Amon, only for him to dodge it, as the equalists and lieutenant surged towards them.

The chi blockers didn't last long as they were sent barreling into the waters below, while the lieutenant was overwhelmed by the combined bending of Mako, Bolin, and Korra. Leading to the sight of him unconscious on the stage, bound by ice.

Gwen sighed on the side as she watched Amon slowly rise into the sky, on this rope thing of sorts, with a small metal circular platform on the bottom of it for him to stand. Seeing that Amon was getting away, Korra looked up, as a memory flashed in her mind.


A deeply annoyed Korra growled as she slammed her fist against a wall.

"Why can't I do this!?" Korra yelled, as she failed to lightning bend for what was probably the

25th time.

"What is it your doing when trying to generate lightning?" Gwen asked on the side.

"Doing the same movements as you, why?"

Gwen promptly facepalmed at this, as she heard Korra's reply.

"Korra, bending is more than just repeating a movement or motion. Bending is incredibly reliant on emotions, personality, and most of all control" Gwen said, as she began to move. "Lightning is not something you control it is something you guide. No emotion, no rage, no sadness, nothing, simply...peace of mind. You simply feel the lightning build within you, and you guide" Gwen stated, as lightning built around her, and then...KRACKOOOM. Lightning boomed from her finger, obliterating a nearby tree.

'Guide...not control. Peace...of mind'

[Flackback end] Breathing deeply, Korra repeated the teachings within her mind.

'Guide...not control. Peace...of mind' Korra thought, as she began to slowly rotate her arms in

a circular motion.

Gwen's eyes widened on the side, before a wide grin formed on her face 'There you go Korra...you've got it' Gwen thought, as slowly, a blue crackle formed around Korra, and to the

shock of all onlookers...


Lightning boomed from her finger, slamming against Amon, as a loud scream of pain assaulted the ears of all onlookers, as the man dropped, just barely managing not to fall to the

grounds below, as he was lifted into the blimp.

[Quest Complete]

Help Korra bend Lightning

Details - ...Help Korra bend lightning. Something no other Avatar has done yet...for some


Rewards - 10 UL Tickets.

[Hidden Quests Complete] Stop the Attacks

Details - Stop the attack on the Pro Bending Championship.

Rewards 5 UL Tickets.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Details - Help the Fire Ferrets win the Championship.

Rewards - 10 UL Tickets.


Details - Save a total of 1,000 individuals in Republic City.

Rewards - 25 UL Tickets.

'Huh...not bad' Gwen thought with a pleased smile, as she watched Korra jump up and down in


"I did it! I lightning bended!" Korra yelled with a wide grin, causing Gwen to chuckle with a small smile, happy for her student.

"Gwen, did you teach her that?" A voice sounded out, causing Gwen to glance at Tenzin.

"Yep, it took her a while for her to understand the emotional part of it, but I did. Lightning generation is all about guiding the lightning, and "peace of mind" just as much, if not more so than air bending. I know she's struggling with that, so maybe focus more on the emotions

part of it than the actual practicing of it" Gwen said, giving Tenzin a piece of advice. As she knew that airbending was incredibly reliant on emotions and the benders emotional flexiblity and "the path of least resistance".

"Perhaps...perhaps that would be a better way..." Tenzin muttered as he thought about what she said. He had been focusing on the movements and meditation, but not the actual emotional aspects of it.

"Ah, and Tenzin. Instead of just telling her what to do, tell her why you need to do it, and how

it helps her airbend. I've found that that works well for her in terms of learning a new bending style" Gwen added, causing Tenzin to nod, as he began to realize that his teaching style was...not the best. While Gwen was obviously better in the area than he is.

"I can help you with it if you wish. I'm pretty sure I understand the emotional and flexibility

aspects of it easily enough" Gwen offered, causing Tenzin to look at her, before nodding


"I think that would be for the best" Tenzin said, causing Gwen to smile.

[Quest Received]

Airbending teacher

Details - Help Tenzin teach Korra airbending, the last of the primary elements she needs to


Rewards - 25 UL Tickets.


[Later that night]

After the attack at the Pro Bending Championship, a few things had happened. First, Gwen

and the girls were questioned...a lot. Gwen had to deal with Lin, who was much more...not annoying this time, after Gwen basically saved their asses.

Korra had thanked Gwen for her teaching, after she managed to generate lightning for the first time. Mainly because the teachings of Gwen were quite literally exactly what she needed to do and hear in order to properly do it. Bolin had joined her in thanking Gwen in teaching

him/helping him with metalbending. And even Mako had asked for some tips in firebending, which Gwen didn't say no to.

Besides this, the equalist movement had been damaged severely from this attack, as the lieutenent had been apprehended, as well as roughly 50 chi blockers/equalists. All of them were put into maximum security prisons, so it'd be next to impossible for anyone besides

trusted individuals to even talk to them, much less break them out.

At the moment, Gwen was sitting in her bed, the girls asleep around her, as she decided to just

use her UL tickets now and not wait. 'System, convert the UL tickets and use them'

[Converting 50 UL Tickets = 5 NL Tickets]

[NL Characters - Orochimaru (Naruto), Percy Jackson (PJO), Satoru Gojo (JJK), Yasaka (DXD),

Darkness Devil]

Blinking several times at the characters, Gwen's jaw dropped at the rewards. As each and every

one of them were useful and powerful in their own way, ESPECIALLY Gojo, Darkness Devil,

and Percy. At that moment, Gwen only had one thought on her mind.

'...Holy shit'

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That's the end of the chapter!

Next chapter will be a date and assimilation, but will be somewhat short (1.5k words

hopefully, but will be 1.2k words at least). Anyways, have a good day!

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