Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 230: Nuhatch Tousen [Part 1]

Chapter 230: Nuhatch Tousen [Part 1]


This name was too general because there were only too many middle schools and higher institutions that were called AF3. The only difference lay in who they were affiliated with. Therefore, when Bel claimed that he was from “AF3” everyone automatically thought that he was from a local AF3. No one made the connection and assumed that he was from that greatest “AF3” immediately, but that was understandable.

The Third Affiliated Higher Education Institution of the Royal Academy of Sciences were either filled with top class nobles or monstrous geniuses. Everyone in that place was a genius that could cause any higher education institution to go crazy for them should they be available for transfer.

There were plenty of schools who were willing to fight for the runner up spot of best educational institute in the empire, but no one dared to provoke the champion. The Third Affiliated Higher Education Institution of the Royal Academy of Sciences was publicly acknowledged as the boss of this field. The AF1 and AF2 of the Royal Academy of Sciences didn’t participate in this ranking, however. They were on a whole different level. In fact, they could no longer be considered as a traditional higher education school.

The rain in Baelenbaatar Middle School comes and goes swiftly. A rainbow hung above a nearby artificial lake.

Right now no one was in the mood to watch rainbows, however.

The school’s security guards had already surrounded this place. The school doctors were busy treating the wounded. The damage caused during this fight was more severe than before, and some of the students might very well be in life threatening danger if they failed to treat them in time.

The school doctors cast a glance at the broken knife bits and a couple more bent metal on the ground. Then, then turned their heads back to their patients and focused on giving treatment. It would be wise to stay out of this matter.

This deputy head teacher wasn’t so stupid that he would speak recklessly upon hearing the word “AF3”. There were two good higher education institutions with the wording “AF3” in the local star region, and he was even planning to deliver a batch of graduates to those schools himself. He needed to figure out who this brat really was first. If the brat was well connected with the leaders of those schools then he would have to act with full consideration.

That being said a large group of students were watching him right now, and as the deputy head teacher he couldn’t allow himself to appear weak. And so the deputy head teacher put his hands behind him, straightened his back, gathered his strength and pointed at Bel with his chin. Then, he spoke with a tone that he thought was very imposing, “Which AF3 do you belong to...”

“What is this?!”

The deputy head teacher was cut off by a loud yell before he could finish. In reality, the yell that cut off the deputy head teacher’s words wasn’t all that loud, but it was unusually dignified in a way that was very different from the deputy head teacher’s own false bravado. A sense of reverence automatically sprung in a person’s heart when they listened to this voice.

The imposing air the deputy head teacher spent much effort to gather was gone just like that. In fact, the moment he heard this voice his complexion changed as he swallowed whatever he was going to say immediately. After forcing a smile to appear on his fat and oily face, he looked towards the direction of the voice.

The crowd opened up a path on their own volition. Not far away, a person had gotten out of his flying car and was walking towards their direction. He wore an imperial military uniform, and his shoulder mark revealed him to be a major. He was slightly older than Cillin and Bel, but he was definitely young for his post.

The major was followed by a couple of people that Cillin didn’t recognize, but the students around him did, and he learned of their identities as the students whispered among each other. The people with the major were the headmaster and vice headmaster of this school. The fact that a middle school’s vice headmaster was walking after the major like a meek boy showed that he was no ordinary person*.

*I feel like there is a need to explain this. First, although I translate the word as “middle school” it should really be seen as “middle level education school”. In MB Empire there are primary level, middle level and higher level education schools. Moreover, the academic world of MB Empire is so influential that they literally stand equal with royalty. Therefore, if suppose this “middle school” is like, top 10 within the whole empire, then it is entirely logical for a major to be walking BEHIND the headmaster of said middle school instead.

Some of the people who were involved in the brawl earlier hurriedly lower their heads to lessen their presence the moment they saw the major. However, their actions actually had the opposite effect instead. A few thumps later, the fake children who were not Baelenbaatar students got kicked out of the group. They then turned back to their original appearances.

Just like how Cillin had moved before, none of the students managed to catch the major’s movements. They only heard a series of thumps before these people were kicked out of the crowd and into a pile.

The young major let out two chilly laughs. He didn’t say anything, but his laugh was all it took to make those people tremble.

The deputy head teacher who thought himself oh-so-imposing earlier had also fallen silent; afraid to let out even a little squeak. He cast a glance at the headmaster rushing over towards this direction and broke into a small run towards him. It would seem that he thought that the headmaster was his savior.

The major was aware of the head deputy teacher’s actions, but he couldn’t be bothered to care. He swept his gaze across the crowd before pausing for a moment when it reached Cillin. Then, he continued to look at the rest of the people.

Bel was standing on the other side on the crowd, and he had withdrawn his umbrella. The crowd was hiding his figure, so the major failed to catch sight of him the first time.

There was no “severity” in his eyes, but all those who met the major’s gaze felt so stifled that it was as if a big hand had grabbed them by the throat and pushed them against the ground. Most of the students had lowered their heads to avoid meeting the major’s eyes, and even the bodyguards were doing the same thing - except Cillin.

After roughly scanning the crowd once, the major said, “You have three seconds!”

It didn’t take more than three seconds. The second the major said this, the remaining people who were not Baelenbaatar students walked out of the crowd and stood beside their limp companions like meek mistresses. The fierce energy they displayed when they were fighting earlier was completely gone. None of them dared to provoke this man because he was a man even their boss had to pay respect to. It was no place for lackies like them.

“I’ll deal with you all later. Now roll out of my way!”

They let out a sigh of relief and pulled their prone and incapacitated companions to the side after hearing the major’s words. However, they didn’t move far away from this place because to do so was the equivalent of courting death. While they were moving to the side, they all threw a couple of glances at their companion who was being sat on by Cillin. The poor guy had stopped playing dead and was blinking his eyes non-stop as a way to signal for help.

The group of people who were ‘rolling out of the way’ cast a glance at the major who was standing as straight as a rifle after they received his signal for help. However, they didn’t even have the courage to open their mouths. The second the major turned his heads towards their direction, they immediately threw their poor companion to the back of their minds and got out of the way in strides.

The major looked at Cillin again before walking straight towards him.

“Major Tousen...” The headmaster who rushed over to the scene tried to say something, but he was forced to swallow his words after Tousen shot a glance at him. He stood there awkwardly for a moment before turning around to look at the deputy head teacher making a small run towards him. He finally found the punching bag he needed, but even then he didn’t dare speak in a loud voice.

Bel didn’t walk over to Tousen. Although he hadn’t seen the guy’s face, he knew who had shown up the second he heard the name “Tousen”. Bel had done some research before he came to the 23rd star region, and one of the people he researched was Tousen; Nuhatch Tousen.

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