Stranger Danger

Chapter 821: Two Qi Fire of Yin and Yang

“Oh? What do you propose?” Goddess Moonview asked curiously. This was the first time she encountered someone who was this calm despite the shadow of inescapable doom looming over his head.

“You all want my fortune, but there is only one of me. So, my suggestion is that you fight each other and decide the victor who will claim all the spoils! What do you say?” Ye Qing asked.

“Do you really think you can drive a wedge between us so easily, mortal? You deserve death!” Goddess Green Lotus uttered coldly.

“How could you twist my good intentions so? I am trying to help you, girls. Man, it’s so hard to be a good guy in this world!” Ye Qing shook his head with a look of feigned sadness on his face. “Since none of you seem to appreciate my kindness, then I think I’ll keep my fortune to myself.”

“As if you have a say in this matter.”

Goddess Moonview let out a light chuckle and curled a finger. The pillar of yellow purple fortune above Ye Qing’s head immediately started surging toward her in earnest.

“Are you trying to monopolize everything, sister Moonview? You’re such a bad sister!”

Goddess White Deer did not hesitate. The white deer underneath her let out a bleat, and part of the river of fortune split off and surged toward her.

Goddess Green Lotus wasn’t going to fall behind, of course. Without a word, she turned the lotus in her hand and shone green light at the river of fortune. A second branch appeared and surged toward the lotus she was holding.

“Unbelievable! How could you force yourself upon an unwilling man?!” Ye Qing tsked disapprovingly. “I might look easy, but I assure you that I’m a man of honor. When I say no, I mean no!”

As soon as he finished, a loud crack shook the ground, and Ye Qing shot into the sky like an error. He was about halfway to the goddesses when he threw out a punch.

Goddess White Deer did not take him seriously whatsoever. A playful smile danced on her lips as she flicked a finger at him.

The flick looked puny and powerless, but in reality, some sort of invisible force pierced right through his astral qi and struck him squarely in the forehead.

Rise like the wind, descend like thunder.


A terrific shockwave washed out from Ye Qing’s forehead. Such was its power that the surrounding clouds were mangled like carcasses. However…


A look of surprise flitted across Goddess White Deer’s face. It was because the shockwaves were, seemingly in defiance of natural order, rolling back toward her at greater force and speed.

Goddess White Deer waved her sleeve lightly, and the encroaching shockwave abruptly scattered like waves crashing against an unassailable mountain.

It was then Goddess White Deer smelled a hint of danger.

A man rose against the flow amidst the scattering shockwaves. In fact, as he soared forward, the shockwaves were turning around and converging around him.

When Ye Qing was thirty meters away from the three goddesses, he slowly clenched his hand behind his back.


The shockwaves vanished into his palm. For a moment, the sky was completely clear, and the world was silent.

But not his palm. Squirming furiously in his palm was something resembling wind and thunder, but worse. It was fist intent strong enough to crush the nine heavens.

Then, his arm the handle and his fist the hammer, he swung upward.

When one wielded wind and thunder, they could split even the sky apart, much less celestials.


The terrifying outburst of fist force and fist intent warped the sky itself. For the first time, the blood drained away from Goddess White Deer, Goddess Green Lotus, and Goddess Moonview’s face. They immediately stopped pulling at Ye Qing’s fortune and mustered their respective defenses to block the attack.

The white deer beneath Goddess White Deer kicked downward with its front hooves. In just one breath, its hooves grew to the size of mountains large enough to suppress heaven and earth.

Goddess Green Lotus turned the lotus in her hand, unleashing a wave of green light and a hail of lotuses. The green light stood in the way of the fist like an impenetrable storm, and the lotuses gave birth to celestials and Buddhas who blocked its path.

Goddess Moonview flipped her palm around and unleashed seemingly infinite moonlight at the incoming attack. It cascaded downward like a galactic waterfall of epic proportions.

None of it worked, however. Despite having to climb upward from the earth, the fist had split the mountains, severed the river, and annihilated the celestials and Buddhas.

The front hooves of the white deer exploded into bits, eliciting a painful scream from the creature.

The wall of green light and deities birthed from lotuses were scattered into bits by the fist force, and The green lotus Goddess Green Lotus was holding withered in response.

And finally, the waterfall of moonlight was split in half, and a massive hole appeared at the center of Goddess Moonview’s palm.

Not done yet, the tidal wave of fist force engulfed Goddess White Deer, Goddess Green Lotus and Goddess Moonview right after.

“Brazen mortal! How dare you blaspheme against the gods!”

The clouds were still stirring when a dignified voice boomed, and overwhelming light burst from within. A moon rose into the sky, a green lotus bloomed inside the moon, and Goddess White Deer lowered her hand inside the green lotus.

In an instant, a gigantic hand infused with the almighty power of heaven and earth descended from above.

Ye Qing had just expended his power, and it took time to regenerate new strength. As a result, he was completely helpless when the gigantic hand slammed him into the ground.

The entire city shook as the buildings within tens of meters of Ye Qing were flattened like pancakes, much less the unfortunate humans who failed to escape in time. When the dust clouds scattered, all that was left on the ground was a gigantic palm print.

“Oh dear. Please tell me I haven’t killed him by accident!” Goddess White Deer’s voice came from above.

Right after she said that, a figure burst out of the hand-shaped pit and shot into the sky. Surrounded by dark yellow qi, Ye Qing slammed into the moon before either of the goddesses could react and taunted,

“Don’t worry, it’ll take much more than your love tap to kill a tough guy like me!”

Compared to the moon, Ye Qing was as tiny as an ant. If an ant could not even topple a tree, then what could it possibly do against the moon?

That was the logical statement to make, but life was hardly logical. It was the moon that shattered into pieces against the ant as Goddess White Deer, Goddess Green Lotus, and Goddess Moonview were flung out into the open.

“Feel that, dear? This is what you call an attack!”

Ye Qing grinned savagely before soaring toward Goddess White Deer.

Enraged, Goddess White Deer made a grabbing motion and ripped apart the curtain that was the night sky. Stars began falling toward Ye Qing in earnest.

Despite this, Ye Qing did not slow down even a little. Any star that made contact with his dark yellow aura would shatter instantly, and stars winked out of existence and crumbled into dust wherever he passed through.

“Ooh, that was a little ticklish. You gotta try harder,” Ye Qing taunted as he finally reached Goddess White Deer. He raised a fist and attempted to punch the goddess, but at the last moment, Goddess White Deer let out a hmph and snorted out a pair of qi. One of them was black, and the other white.

As soon as the two qi made contact with Ye Qing, they immediately transformed into ropes that shackled him in place. At the same time, a shining green lotus slowly descended toward his head from above, and a glowing new moon rose toward him from below.

The black qi and the white qi mingled with the green light of the lotus and the silver glow of the moon. When the coalescence of multiple lights made contact with his body, it burst into black-and-white flames and ignited Ye Qing’s fortune on fire.

The two flames of contrasting colors were called the Two Qi Fire of Yin and Yang. The black fire was yin, and the white fire was yang. Yin fire consumed fortune, whereas yang fire extinguished the spirit. What this meant was that the two flames possessed the power to devour fortune and annihilate the mind.

If Ye Qing was an ordinary Trueman, his fortune would’ve been devoured in just a short time, and his mind would be burned into ash.

Unfortunately for the goddesses, Ye Qing was anything but ordinary. Both his fortune and his mind was protected by the Profound Yellow Mother Qi, so the flames could not hurt him at all.

He was intrigued by the black qi and white qi though. Not only did it shackle his body, he found himself unable to use his demonic thought as well.

Still, did they really think this was enough to pin him down?

How naive!

“You’re not the only one who can play with fire. Try this!”

Ye Qing opened his mouth and spat out a purple flame straight at Goddess White Deer, who was right in front of him.

As soon as the purple flame appeared, space warped as if it was crushed by an invisible grip, and the entire city plunged into a fiery hell. Rivers began to dry up, plants began to wither, and ground began to crack from sheer dryness.

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