Stray Cat Strut

Glossary: Model Seven

Glossary: Model Seven

Model Seven

Enemy Classification: Parasitic Controller / Low-Threat / Stealth Infiltrator

Elimination Reward: 5 Points

Model Description:

Model Sevens are among the most insidious weapons in the Antithesis arsenal. These small, worm-like creatures, measuring between 5cm to 10cm in length, possess feelers that can extend up to a metre. Their primary function is to infiltrate a host body, typically through small openings or incisions, and navigate towards the central nervous system. Once lodged within the brain stem, Model Sevens take full control over the host's motor functions, effectively turning them into 'zombies' that can be used for combat or transported back to the hive.

Artist Rendition of a Model Seven

Threat Analysis Report: Model Seven

Threat Rating:



The stealth and subtlety of Model Sevens contrast starkly with the more overt aggression of previous models. Their ability to covertly infect and control hosts makes them a paramount threat in any area suspected of their presence.

Threat Capabilities

Neural Hijacking:

Once inside a host, Model Sevens navigate to the brain stem, where they integrate themselves and take over the host's nervous system.

Infiltration: Due to their small size they can enter an area through very small openings, making them nearly impossible to detect preemptively.

Host Utilisation: Controlled hosts can perform various functions, including combat and retrieval of resources, making each infected individual a significant force multiplier.

Survivability and Adaptability: Model Sevens are resilient in their ability to survive within different hosts and environments, enhancing their threat level.

Strategic Threat Assessment

Containment Difficulty:

High. Their small size and method of infection make prevention challenging; once established, there is no known cure.

Military and Civilian Risk: Extremely High. The potential for Model Sevens to turn friendly forces or civilians into enemy combatants without warning makes them a nightmare scenario for security forces. They also pose a distinct psychological threat.

Potential for Expansion: Moderate. Model Sevens can rapidly turn a civilian population or military unit into a de facto extension of the hive.

Mitigation Strategies

Preventive Measures:

Screening for and sealing of small openings in security zones to prevent infiltration. Use of protective suits in high-risk areas.

Detection Technology: Development and deployment of technology capable of detecting the biological signatures of Model Sevens.

Isolation Protocols: Immediate isolation of any individuals suspected of being infected to prevent further spread.

Research and Development: Intensive research into biological and chemical measures to hinder Model Seven's ability to control the nervous system.


The threat posed by Model Sevens requires rigorous security protocols and innovative detection technologies to prevent widespread infiltration and infection. Their ability to hijack host bodies makes them one of the most dangerous models encountered to date.

Addendum M7-1: Transcript of Lab Analysis by Dr. Evelyn "Dagger" Hargrove

Date: [Redacted]

Subject: Model Seven Analysis

Start of Transcript.

Dr. Evelyn Hargrove: "Recording now. Today, we're examining a particularly disturbing specimena Model Seven. Its size and appearance might not seem intimidating, but its capabilities are genuinely horrifying."

[Sound of microscope adjustments]

Dr. Evelyn Hargrove: "The feelers, which are much longer than the body itself, are covered in what appear to be sensory and adhesive cells, allowing it to navigate and adhere inside complex biological environments. The tips are serated, like tiny teeth. Once it finds the brain stem, it injects itself and begins the process of integration."

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[Pause for notes]

Dr. Evelyn Hargrove: "We're testing on live pigs put in a coma and inserted into an active CAT scan. The integration is complex, involving a series of biological mechanisms that effectively override the host's natural neural functions. From this point, the host can be controlled remotely, compelled to execute specific tasks dictated by the Model Seven."

[Machine winds down]

Dr. Evelyn Hargrove: "That was... interesting. And disturbing. I think I'll have to refer a lot of what I've seen to a neurologist. They'll have a field-day studying this thing. Ideally, if w're going to create some sort of contra... hmm, not a contraceptive, exactly, that'll give people the wrong idea. Anyway, some sort of anti-Model Seven agent should be possible. Tests show that the feelers are relatively fragile, and the process of connecting to a foreign nervous system can't be anything but delicate. It'd be interesting to see a live human specimen. Not that we should."

End of Transcript.

Addendum M7-2: Known colloquially among troops as:

- Neural Worms

- Worms

- Zombie Makers

- Brain Jackers

- Hijackers

Addendum M7-3: Ongoing research efforts are focused on understanding the biological processes involved in the neural integration of Model Sevens. The goal is to develop a method to disrupt or reverse the control mechanisms without harming the host, though success has thus far been elusive.

Addendum M7-4:

Note from [][][][][][][], on [][]/[]/[][][][]

The emergence of Model Seven has necessitated a reevaluation of our medical and security protocols, particularly concerning the handling of injured personnel in areas where Model Seven activity has been reported. Extreme caution is advised to prevent accidental infections.

CLASSIFIED Addendum M7-C1: Transcript of Lab Analysis

Date: [Redacted]

Subject: Classified Top Secret PROTECTED CLASS A-MAJORIS

Start of Transcript.

Doctor ID-5816-CA1:

"Hello, I'm back for another dissection of the Model Seven. It seems like more samples have been found, and so we're returning to the dissection table.

[Door sliding open and closed.]

Doctor ID-5816-CA1:

"Pardon, who is... this?"

Proctor ID-748-CA2: "Subject Dennis Jertson, age 37, US citizen, ex Army Marine Corp."

Doctor ID-5816-CA1: "Ah, I see. Hello mister Jertson. Mister Jertson?"

Proctor ID-748-CA2: "He's non-responsive. Please conduct your observation Doctor--

[Section redacted]

Doctor ID-5816-CA1:

"He's... he's alive? Wait, did you infect this man on purpose?"

Proctor ID-748-CA2: "That's irrelevant, please conduct your observations."

Doctor ID-5816-CA1: "This is fucked up. Um... initial observations. Mister Jertson--"

Proctor ID-748-CA2: "The subject."

Doctor ID-5816-CA1: "The subject is male, approximately mid-thirties. He seems to be in good health, though he is sweating. I notice that he's moving. If I approach..."

[Sound of restraints being jangled.]

Doctor ID-5816-CA1:

"Right. Subject is trying to move my way. I don't want to ask the time in infection to cloud my judgement, but from past experience this is at least an hour in. Which begs the question of how to got this deep into a secured site so quickly... I want to log a complaint, by the way."

Proctor ID-748-CA2: "Noted."

[Recording cuts for several minutes. Followed by a long sigh.]

Doctor ID-5816-CA1:

"Alright, so, back to it. Subject is... blinking one eye, interestingly. The other is locked on me but this one... is now looking at me too, interesting.

[A long pause.]

Doctor ID-5816-CA1:

"Mister Jertson... can you... hear me?"

Proctor ID-748-CA2: "He can't."

Doctor ID-5816-CA1: "Blink twice. Blink three times. Now blink... hold it close... blink. Oh fuck. He's responding! He's not dead!"

Proctor ID-748-CA2: "Ma'am, we're removing you from this observation. You're compromised."

End of Transcript

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