Stray Cat Strut

Glossary: Model Six

Glossary: Model Six

Model Six

Enemy Classification: Siege Breaker / Medium-Threat / Force Multiplier

Elimination Reward: 30 Points

Model Description: Model Sixes are the behemoths of the Antithesis forces. Their size and mass is similar to the average civilian minivan. They are distinguishable by their six trunk-like legs and a lack of any fur. The robustness of their build is complemented by an array of redundant organs, making them exceptionally difficult to incapacitate. Not typically command units, Model Sixes are nonetheless often found at the heart of Antithesis formations, their mere presence bolstering the offensive capabilities of the surrounding units.

Artist depiction of a Model Six

Threat Analysis Report: Model Six

Threat Rating:



As the living tanks of the Antithesis army, Model Sixes serve as the lynchpin for larger offensive operations. Their role on the battlefield is multifaceted, combining sheer destructive power with an uncanny ability to absorb damage that would obliterate lesser units.

Threat Capabilities

Destructive Power:

The formidable jaw of a Model Six can crush and dismantle even the sturdiest of obstacles, be it structures or vehicles.

Durability: The presence of multiple redundant organs and a tough, resilient hide renders them nearly impervious to standard weaponry.

Leadership by Presence: Though not command units in the traditional sense, their placement at the core of Antithesis formations suggests a strategic purpose, rallying and leading by example.

Survivability: Their incredible resilience, coupled with a formidable size, makes them one of the hardest Antithesis models to effectively neutralise.

Strategic Threat Assessment

Containment Difficulty:

High. Neutralising a Model Six requires significant coordinated efforts and firepower, often at great risk to the attacking forces.

Military and Civilian Risk: Moderate. In addition to being capable of massive destruction, their ability to reinforce and inspire other Antithesis models increases the overall threat level of any engagement. However, they struggle in tighter confines and can be herded to some degree and escaped with relative ease.

Potential for Expansion: Medium. While not explicitly used for territorial expansion, their role in breaking sieges and demolishing defences facilitates the spread of Antithesis influence.

Mitigation Strategies

Heavy Artillery and Airstrikes:

Employ the heaviest available ordnance to overcome their natural resilience. Precision airstrikes may be necessary to ensure minimal collateral damage.

Focused Fire Teams: Specialised units equipped with armour-piercing and high-explosive weaponry can concentrate their efforts on exploiting any perceived weaknesses.

Evacuation Protocols: In areas where Model Sixes are active, civilian evacuation procedures should be prioritised to minimise casualties.

Research and Development: Ongoing analysis of recovered specimens to identify potential vulnerabilities, particularly regarding their redundant organ systems.


The emergence of Model Six on the battlefield marks a critical escalation in Antithesis offensive capabilities. Their combination of brute strength, tactical significance, and near-unparalleled durability presents a formidable challenge, necessitating a strategic response tailored to their unique threat profile.

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Addendum M6-1: Transcript of Dissection Report by Dr. Evelyn "Dagger" Hargrove

Date: [Redacted]

Subject: Model Six Dissection Analysis

Start of Transcript.

Dr. Evelyn Hargrove:

"Recording now. If ever there was a testament to the Antithesis' mastery over life itself, it would be the Model Six lying before me. The creature's size alone is staggering, but it's the internal complexity that truly astonishes. Also, I got to use the big lab today! I bet I'll get to pull out the big saw too. Or that all-stainless chainsaw we have in storage. I've always wanted to use that thing."

[Sound of tools at work]

Dr. Evelyn Hargrove:

"Each organ in the skull seems to have one or more backups, a redundancy that speaks to an incredible will to survive. The skull, devoid of skin, houses a brain protected by what can only be described as an armored casing. The eyes, small and beady, offer minimal visual input but are deeply recessed, likely to protect against damage."

[Pause for notes]

Dr. Evelyn Hargrove: "The jaw's strength is unsurprising, given its visible musculature and bone structure, but the efficiency of its design for maximum force application is a marvel of biological engineering. It's clear this unit was designed to withstand and deliver punishment in equal measure."

[A long pause... a chainsaw revs, then blood splatter]

Dr. Evelyn Hargrove:

"Oh god, wow, that's a smell. Actually, not as bad as any human dissection I've done, but it's overpowering. Like getting a faceful of freshly cut grass. Right, musculature is... dense, and the bones are moreso. Interestingly, there's a lot of musculature on the outside, but the interior is almost empty. There are large organs filled with a sort of... hmm... wait."

[A pause, then something slapping a hard surface]

Dr. Evelyn Hargrove:

"Okay, I can confirm that the organs just inside the Model Six is non-newtonian. Sacs of these surround and coat the interior, and it looks like it has a sort of ventricle system to spread the liquid around. I'll send some off to be tested. And shot. This is an interesting way of providing protection on such a large scale. I'm going to keep digging... tomorrow. My arms hurt from lifting that stupid saw.

[Recording ends]

End of Transcript.

Addendum M6-2: Among the forces facing the Antithesis, Model Sixes have earned numerous nicknames reflecting their daunting presence and role, including:

- Siege Behemoths

- Tanks

- Jaws

- Leviathans

- Behemoths

- Big Daddies

- Big Puppers

- Big Boys

- Stompers

Addendum M6-3: Preliminary research into the redundant organ systems of Model Sixes offers promising avenues for medical and biological sciences, suggesting potential advancements in regenerative medicine and resilience to catastrophic injuries.

Addendum M6-4:

Note from [][][][][][][], on [][]/[]/[][][][]

The strategic deployment of Model Six units has forced a reevaluation of our defensive strategies and fortifications. Their ability to lead and reinforce other models has significantly raised the stakes in confrontations with the Antithesis.

Small-arms are effective against all other single-digit models and work well into the teens. The Model Six's presence forces us to provide anti-tank capabilities to even basic units.

We suggest providing soldiers with an anti-tank weapon.

Addendum M6-5:

Note from [][][][][][][], on [][]/[]/[][][][]

Giving every grunt termite grenades was a bad idea.

We're now suggesting that every squad-sized unit carry at least one expendable anti-tank weapon.

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