Stray Cat Strut

Stray Cat Strut - Fanfiction List!

Stray Cat Strut - Fanfiction List!


So, to my great amusement and pride, Stray Cat Strut has accumulated a fair amount of fanfiction over its lifetime, and I'm pretty dang proud of it all! So I decided to make a post listing them off right here!

They'll be split along two broad categories. Direct fanction, and indirect.

Direct are stories that take place within the SCS canon. They're in the same world as the main story line, work along the same general rules, and share some common history with Stray Cat Strut. It is entirely possible for these fanfiction to have bump-ins with canon characters and events.

Indirect stories take broad elements of Stray Cat Strut and use them to create a new world. Sometimes it's just the system and early lore, other times it's a collection of storytelling elements from Stray Cat Strut.

If you're a fanfiction writer, and you want your story included on this list, then please comment below! Oh! And include a link! I'll add your story as soon as I can!

Direct Fanfiction

Tinea and Leah (by Eleeyah)

Aden... Aden had an ugly childhood. It taught him how to fight and survive, taught him how to run and hide and cut ties. Taught him that he wasn't born right. It didn't teach him much else. So Aden ran.

Aden grew up. Discovered the world, and crossed an ocean. Made his life his own. Soul-deep pain notwithstanding, he fought to be happy. Aden made due.

Until the aliens invaded his neighborhood.

What to do when you have a rifle in hand, and are damn good with it?

What to do when the rifle isn't enough, when the only way to save a girl and her mother from death, is to die himself?

Aden makes his choice, and is rewarded beyond his wildest dreams. Or perhaps...exactly to his wildest dreams.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Follow Aden as he alters his DNA with the power of Vanguard science to become what, and who, he wishes to be. Accompany Tinea as she greets the world and promptly explores new places, voluntarily or not. Watch as she meets new people; one in particular, one in terrible need of cuddles.

Teddy Bears on Brigade (by TheWackyWombat)

Evelyn "Teddy" Claire is a street kid just trying to make ends meet. That's hard to do when you live in the undercity, a near slum found underneath the foundations of the megacity of Calgary.

Usually, her only concerns are finding a good meal, and avoiding taking a bullet in a gang fight, but that all changes when an Antithesis incursion manages to find its way below.

Empowered by a benevolent alien race, she becomes a Samurai, one of the protectors of humanity. Now, she must work to exterminate the Antithesis stuck below ground. Before the Antithesis exterminate her and everyone else.

Displaced Samurai (by Rabiator)

This tale has been pilfered from Royal Road. If found on Amazon, kindly file a report.

The Antithesis, plant-based monsters that will devour everyone in their way, have been plaguing the galaxy since thousands of years. Twenty-five years ago they reached Earth. The Protectors are an interstellar alliance that opposes the Antithesis.

When the Antithesis attack her graduation party, Caitlin MacCallan is chosen by the Protectors to fight them. She will find more than just Antithesis to fight...

This is a crossover fanfic of Stray Cat Strut and Aest Belequa's Halcyon Nightmares

The Last Legion (by Theswerd)

A former soldier looking for a quiet life becomes a "Samurai," a Vanguard of Humanity to defend against the Antithesis invasions.

Unwillingly thrust back into combat he must work with the new voice in his head, an AI who guides and enables him, to hold the line against the dark. And when the barbarian Antithesis hordes are at the gates, who better to call on than the ancient Vanguards of Civilization?

A Danse to the Death (by BurnedGirlRising)

Things were fucked, and they didn't need alien plant creatures invading to get that way.

Ava Kaminski has known that all her life. Things were particularly bad in the megabuilding she had been born and raised in, where everything was falling apart, the corpos sucked you dry just for the pleasure of experiencing it, and her gang was losing ground fast.

Really, the aliens didn't make things much worse.

Now, armed with the power of a Vanguard to aide and protect those around her, maybe Ava can make things change for the better for once.

How To Nurture Your Sprout (by Dumenoct)

This is a Fanfic of Stray Cat Strut. It follows the exploits of an introverted man with no confidence and even less fighting ability who nonetheless still finds himself transformed into a Samurai, the Elite fighter in the battle against the ravenous plant aliens known as the Antithesis.

Death and Taxes (by Ruat Caelum) Set in the Stray Cat Strut universe. This follows Fredric Francis Fletcher Esq., Tax Attorney in the Helios Arcology in the Glen River Arcology south of old Phoenix.

Indirect Fanfiction

Magical Girl Gunslinger

by (Mikasane)

Would you like to make a contract?

When eldritch horrors known as the Anathema began tearing through reality to invade Earth, aliens calling themselves the Zenith stepped in to protect humanity. Individuals were chosen and gifted with the ability to use magic and advanced technologies to combat the existential threat. Over twenty-one years later, the so-called Magical Guardians are still hard at work keeping the peace. With their flashy outfits, superhuman abilities, and reality-defying spells, they are the part-time heroes and full-time idols of modern society.

But none of that really matters to Mai, whose biggest problems are dealing with her family, classmates, and the ever growing dread of her imminent future. As far as Mai is concerned, mundane problems are more than enough to worry about, and the idea of magic and monsters might as well be nothing more than daydreams. At least, they were until she finds herself in the middle of an Anathema invasion

Halcyon Nightmares (by Aest Belequa)

Alice grew up idolizing Magical Girls. Now, shes one of them!

When murderous machines attack Alice's graduation, she's asked to don the skirt and blazer. Now, shell need to learn how to use her powers and work with a team of other Girls to protect her city from disaster - all while trying to get herself un-grounded!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.