Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

Chapter 128 

The summoned creatures did not particularly perceive the young Wardanaz as selfish. However, they knew all too well that voicing such an opinion when their master was in a foul mood could result in a hundred years of menial tasks, waiting for an intruder who would never come, in the 17th basement floor of the magic academy's main building.

Reluctantly, the summons could only express agreement.

"Indeed, he is selfish."

"He has stolen the learning opportunity from other students, Master."

"Such a wicked boy."

Despite their flattery, the skull principal's anger seemed unabated. He grumbled, puzzled by the boy's actions, for he had not taught him to be this way. The Principal noticed a striking resemblance between the young Wardanaz and his own younger self clever, gutsy, and adept at concealing his true intentions to get what he wanted. Yet, why was he helping students from other towers? It was a habit the Principal found utterly incomprehensible.

While the skull principal was busy making unflattering comparisons, Yi-Han, the young mage, was fully focused. Battling the undead in the dark depths was an experience he questioned the necessity of for a freshman at the magic academy. He wasn't an adventurer or mercenary, after all.


However, the students on the scene had no time for such contemplations. As the light from other students' magic began to fade, Yi-Han swiftly cast his own light spell. Asan, alarmed, cried out.

"Wardanaz, it's dangerous..."

Despite Yi-Han's considerable mana, continuously casting spells from the dormitory to the current water beads had its limits.

"Light, light, light! Heat, distort the air! What's the matter, Asan?"


Asan thought highly of his friend, even as he swung his staff. Yi-Han's spell created heat-laden illusions, conjuring mirage-like doubles around them. The skeleton warriors were baffled, unable to distinguish the real from the illusion.

"This way!"

The Immortal Phoenix students felt a thrill at the sight of Yi-Han, glowing in the darkness, reminiscent of a saint.

"Mr. Wardanaz!"


"Mr. Wardanaz...!"

"Run, I said!"

"Mr. Wardanaz is truly..."


Yi-Han struck a priest's back with his staff.

"Run, you fool! Do you want to get hit?"

"Sorry, sorry!"

A priest student, mesmerized by the halo in the darkness, regained his senses only after being struck.

He's not a saint, he's Wardanaz!

"Run inside! To the barricade!"

Yi-Han used the remaining water beads to topple the pursuing skeleton warriors.

'This will work!'

Seeing the disarray among the undead, Yi-Han felt confident they could evacuate the priests safely. But then, Asan stumbled.



Yi-Han, sensing the magic disturbance, realized what had happened.

'A curse spell!'

Asan struggled, his left leg paralyzed.

"Cramps... cramps..."

"Wardanaz, what do we do?!"

"I'll take Asan. Go inside!"

Yi-Han lifted Asan onto his shoulder. Despite the pain and the paralysis curse, Asan was moved to tears.


In such a situation, finding a friend who would not abandon but care for him was rare. Wardanaz was indeed a noble friend.


Another curse spell flew towards them. Yi-Han quickly positioned Asan in front to shield himself.

"Cough! Wardanaz! Ha ha ha!"

Asan knew all too well that carrying him, Yi-Han wouldn't be able to react swiftly. But the moment he became a shield and took the tickling curse, he couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably.

"Why you... ha ha ha ha!"

"Sorry, Asan."

Thanks to Asan's sacrifice, Yi-Han could spot the enemy. Amidst the skeleton warriors, there was one holding a bone staff, emitting a denser aura of dark magic typical of the undead. Hiding in the darkness among the skeletons, it had thought itself invisible, but to Yi-Han, it was clear as day. Using the curse twice was like shouting to be caught.

"Flash forth!"

Yi-Han's spell erupted, and a bolt of lightning shot toward the skeleton sorcerer. The sorcerer, taken aback, creaked in alarm, but fortunately, other warriors were there to protect it.


The skeleton warriors, sensing danger, shielded the sorcerer with their bodies, blocking the attack with their bones.


It was difficult to target a sorcerer protected by warriors, a lesson Yi-Han was learning the hard way.


This time, the skeleton warriors rushed at Yi-Han. Not to bring him down, but to prevent him from dodging while their sorcerer cast another spell.


Just like before, a curse spell exploded towards Yi-Han along with a wave of magic.

The skeleton warriors, thinking Yi-Han would fall, were pleased.


"These annoying creatures..."


However, instead of collapsing paralyzed, Yi-Han energetically finished off the skeleton warriors. Surprisingly, the direct curse had no effect on him. His overwhelming mana rendered him immune to such mundane curses.

"Magic Missile!"


"Wardanaz! We've come to help!"

The skeleton sorcerer wasn't the only one with friends. The exhausted students of the Immortal Phoenix had entered the barricade, creating a chance for other friends to rush out and aid Yi-Han.

Fist-sized spheres of mana shot out, and flames erupted over the skeletons. Among them, one Immortal Phoenix student stood out in Yi-Han's eyes, fighting admirably.

"Fire, shoot forth!"

The student's skill with the 2nd Circle spell clearly indicated a talent for fire magic.

'A fire spirit mixed-blood?'

Perhaps a descendant of someone who had made a pact with a fire spirit, the Immortal Phoenix priest's hair and eyes flickered with small flames.

"Already mastering 2nd Circle fire magic..."

"Ha ha ha! Good shot. Ha ha ha!"

"I'm envious."


Still laughing from the curse, Asan was puzzled by Yi-Han's words.

'Why would you, Wardanaz, envy that?'

It was incomprehensible to Asan that Yi-Han, who used much more powerful spells, would envy a simple fire spell.

"Mr. Wardanaz. Thank you. Thanks to you, all our companions could enter."

"I should be thanking you. With your help, we took down the sorcerer."

Yi-Han reached out to shake hands with the priest. Before the priest could withdraw his hand, Yi-Han had already grasped it.


It was only then that Yi-Han realized the hand he was holding was ablaze.

'Dangerous... but it seems not.'

Startled at first, Yi-Han breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the flame did not harm his hand.

"It seems to be just a harmless flame on the surface."

"...Oh, no but..."


Yi-Han hastily withdrew his hand, only then feeling a bit of heat.

'What's this?'

The other's flame wasn't safe after all. Yi-Han had been unconsciously expelling mana from his palm to resist the flame.

Had he not instinctively protected himself as he had when he embraced a burning puppy and rolled around, the outcome might have been different...

"Are you sure you're alright? If you're hurt..."

"Ah, I'm fine. Sorry for acting rashly."

"There's nothing to be sorry about."

The priest introduced himself.

He was Nigisor, a priest of the Aphar Order, A flame-worshipping order, just as Yi-Han had suspected, a priest with blood mixed from an ancestor's pact with a fire spirit.

"Thanks again for your help. If you ever need assistance, just say the word."

Yi-Han highly regarded the departing figure of the priest. In a world where there were many ungrateful people, even after receiving help, Nigisor's politeness was exceptional.

'A good person indeed.'

"Are you talking about Nisigor?"

"He seemed like a good person."

Yi-Han, who met priestess Tijiling inside the barricade, told her the story of Nigisor. His help with the flame magic and not forgetting the favor...

Could it be that all priests are such good people?

"It might be best to keep your distance from him..."


Yi-Han was startled by Tijiling's response. Tijiling was known as one of the kindest priestesses in the Immortal Phoenix.

Such a priestess speaking like this was surprising.

"Did Priest Nigisor cause any trouble in the tower?"

"No, not that..."

Priestess Siana, distributing recovery potions to the weary, approached Yi-Han with delight.

"Mr. Yi-Han of the Wardanaz family, a discerning and understanding alchemist!"

"Priestess Siana of the Flameng Order, a shining talent in alchemy! Your skills always amaze me."


Tijiling looked on in disbelief at their mutual compliments, as extravagant as those at an imperial social gathering.

Curious, Yi-Han asked.

"By the way, Priestess Siana, did Nigisor ever cause any trouble in the tower?"

"No such incident."

"I see. I received Nigisor's help earlier, he fought well and seemed reliable."

"Yes, but it might be best to keep your distance."


Both responding this way, Yi-Han was perplexed.

'Tijiling probably won't speak ill of others.'

Yi-Han decided to probe Siana for more information.

"The most skilled alchemist Sia..."

"Undead are fleeing!!!"

"The dawn is breaking! The dawn is breaking!"

Far away, with the break of dawn, skeleton warriors were seen fleeing beyond the barricade.

Students from all towers felt a sudden emotional surge.

"...Everyone fought bravely."

"You too!"

Students hugged, shook hands, and praised each other everywhere.

They had fought as comrades in this ruthless magic academy.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Gainando burst out of the barricade, eager to shout his feelings.

We've won...

Wait a moment.


Yi-Han grabbed the back of Gainando's neck.

Sharakan. Go ahead and leave first.

Sharakan barked once and then dashed out beyond the barricade.

Upon this, the skeleton warriors who were hiding right up against the barricade, cursing, fled in terror.



The students trembled at the sight.

To have dug such a trap until the very end.

How utterly filthy and despicable!

Thats utterly filthy and despicable.

The skull principal muttered with a sneer.

That guy was incredibly sly to an astonishing degree.

Next time, he would have to set a trap separately...

The sun was rising unkindly.

The skull principal sighed and delivered his verdict.

Perfect score.

Thank you.

Yi-Han bowed deeply as the representative at the front. Then, he thought to himself.

Indeed, helping the students of the Immortal Phoenix made a big difference.

I can't understand why that guy would help the others as well, not just secure a perfect score for himself. Is he trying to provoke me on purpose? Such audacity...

The teacher and the student ended the test warmly.

Each with their own thoughts!

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