Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Chapter 132 

Fortunately, the Aphar Order was not the kind of organization that Yi-Han had feared.

"Oh, you were worried about that. Ha-ha. People who don't know much about us often have such misunderstandings," laughed a priest of the Aphar Order with a carefree chuckle.

"We don't set the world or the empire on fire. If we did, would our order still exist as it does now?"

'Indeed, that makes sense.'

It was a valid point.

Even if the Empire was lenient, it would not be so to the extent of allowing an order that goes around setting fires.

"Our priests simply believe in the fire of Aphar."

"That's right. The fire of Aphar will eventually come to us, so we must live without regrets."

Apart from their gloomy pessimism in believing that the end-of-the-world fire would someday come, the priests of the Aphar Order were generally cheerful and friendly.

Moreover, their strong belief in the fire of Aphar significantly enhanced their flame magic.

In magic, personal belief or mental imagery is as important as mana.

The priests of the order, who sincerely believed in the formidable entity known as the fire of Aphar, naturally had an advantage in flame magic.

As Yi-Han had guessed, many masters of flame magic were among the priests of the Aphar Order, to the extent that the Empire would request their assistance when in need of flame magic.

'Luckily, they are more normal than I thought.'

Yi-Han was relieved.

Apart from their belief in the eventual doom of the world, the Aphar Order was quite normal.

The rules of the order were also relaxed.

Aside from meditations directed towards the fire of Aphar, there were hardly any obligations.

By comparison, they were better off than the Presinga Order, which forced its members to wear cursed items.

"Come over here. It's time to check the flame within your soul."

An Aphar priest approached, holding a large, crudely shaped copper cup.

Feeling more relaxed, Yi-Han asked, "How will you check it?"

According to the explanation, this copper cup was an artifact that drew out the flame from the soul of the person touching it, making it flare up inside the cup.

The priests often used this cup to check how humble and faithful they were in front of the fire of Aphar.

'It seems similar to a flame element magic aptitude test. Does the flame in the cup improve as one becomes more familiar with magic?'

While the Aphar priests would have indignantly responded, 'Thats preposterous! It's about the flame in the soul and devotion...', Yi-Han had no choice but to interpret it through the lens of magic.

Being from the Wardanaz family, like its Patriarch, Yi-Han was not particularly devout.

What the priests interpreted as faith, Yi-Han could only understand as magic.

There was no other way to see it!

Yi-Han placed his hand on the copper cup, feeling a slight tension.

'I hope nothing goes wrong.'

Given what Professor Garcia had said and his past experiences, it was natural to feel nervous.

What if the flame suddenly shot up, burning the surrounding tents...


A flame sprouted within the cup, not too large, and it flickered stably without overflowing.

'I don't know much about this cup, but it seems fine?'

Yi-Han was reassured.

The flame did not surge unusually high, nor was its shape unstable.

Wasn't this average?

"How is it?"

"Now, let's check."

One of the priests blew a puff of air, but Yi-Han's flame did not flicker at all.


The soul's flame is quite strong, indeed.

The priests of the Aphar Order were delighted with the strength of Yi-Han's flame.

The size of the flame inside the cup was not what mattered. What was important was its resilience against any disturbance.

Despite being blown upon, the fact that it did not extinguish but remained steadfast was proof of its strength.

Another priest fetched water and poured it over the cup Yi-Han was holding. With a 'hiss,' the water evaporated.

Yi-Han's flame remained unflinching.


"Bring something else."

As much as they dealt with flames, paradoxically, the priests were also adept at countering them.

They brought out black sand called Black Shadow Sand, a magic reagent that could quickly consume ordinary flames.

However, Yi-Han's flame remained unaffected.



Various other methods were employed magic, reagents, potions, items, and more.

Yet, Yi-Han's flame never extinguished.

The usually jovial faces of the priests turned serious.

"...Is there a problem?"

"Ha-ha. No, not at all."

"Thank goodness..."

Yi-Han was about to feel relieved.

But the priests quickly turned away and whispered among themselves.

"Can we contact another priest of the order?"

"Send a bird immediately, as quickly as possible..."

"We might need to call the Bishop."

Hearing the priests murmur, Yi-Han began to feel uneasy.

Bishop Usoe of the Aphar Order hurriedly arrived upon receiving the news.

It was only natural, given the report of a boy possessing a flame close to the fire of Aphar in his soul.

Wait. Wait. Wait.

"Venerable Os Gonadaltes. It's a pleasure to meet you. But I have urgent matters to attend to..."

Of course, I know what it's about. The priests of Aphar have found a talent, havent they?

The skull principal knew well about the Aphar Order.

Apart from being a bit overly pessimistic and foolish, they were adept at handling flame magic.

The problem was their infatuation with the boy from the Wardanaz family, trying by all means to take him with them.

Yi-Han didnt seem particularly interested in a priestly life, but during the tempestuous period of youth, usually, one is easily swayed by temptations.

Especially students in a magic academy, whose hearts were vulnerable to external allurements.

This had to be prevented at all costs.

This academy was established by His Majesty to cultivate talents for the Empire. I trust you will not forcefully turn future mages into priests of the order.

The bishop nodded as if he understood the principal's warning.

"Of course, Venerable Os Gonadaltes. We have no intention of making talents from the magic academy into priests."

Is that so?

The principal's voice softened.

Indeed, the Aphar Order knew decorum and had a sense of moral integrity.

"But Venerable Os Gonadaltes, the boy from the Wardanaz family is in a dangerous situation now."

...I have done nothing wrong.

"What do you mean?"

Confused by the principal's instinctive defense, the bishop explained further.

"As you know, Venerable Os Gonadaltes, a talent too powerful to control can harm its possessor. And more so with the nature of flame."

Magic was as dangerous as it was powerful.

Flame, in particular, could easily harm its wielder if mishandled.

A boy like Yi-Han, with such a strong flame in his soul, had to be considered very dangerous.

He had to learn to control it as quickly as possible.

"He must learn quickly."

Was it really necessary to go to such lengths?

The skull principal murmured to himself.

He, for one, held the old-fashioned belief that 'A mage should take care of their own life while learning magic', but beyond that, the boy from the Wardanaz family was not so immature that he couldn't control his own abilities.

There were many young mages who harmed themselves because they couldn't control their innate talents, but that was their story...

In the eyes of the skull principal, Yi-Han was the exact opposite.

A boy who controlled his immensely powerful talent with an even stronger spirit.

The Aphar Order need not worry about Yi-Han burning himself up.

If he were the type to do so, wouldn't he have already done it?

"Venerable Os Gonadaltes! Arent you concerned about the student's safety?!"

Ah... No. No.

The principal took a step back at the bishop's outcry.

An offended bishop could be a dangerous entity, potentially running off to the Emperor to tattle.

And if the bishop's words were true, then there was no need to worry.

They weren't trying to make the boy from the Wardanaz family a priest of the Aphar Order, just training him in flame magic.

Of course, the training might be tough for the boy, but that was none of the principal's concern.

I am indeed concerned.

"Ah, I see."

Hurry! Go and teach him quickly!

"So, you're saying that I won't be inheriting the fire of Aphar to set the Empire ablaze or to bring about the world's destruction?"

"Of course, Yi-Han of the Wardanaz family. You jest."

Yi-Han felt relieved.

Seeing the priests' serious expressions while conversing, he had worried, 'What? Have I been chosen as the last successor of the Aphar Order?' But it wasnt that.

It was simply because he possessed an incredibly powerful flame in his soul, and it would be dangerous if he didnt learn to control it.

Hmm. Now that I think about it, it is a matter of concern.

He had become somewhat desensitized after hearing a lot from people like Professor Garcia, but seeing the other priests' concerns made him worry anew.

Am I really okay?



Hearing the title 'bishop,' Yi-Han stiffened.

In any order, the position of a bishop was not one just anyone could occupy.

That such a person had come to find him was unexpected.

"It is an honor to meet you."

Yi-Han automatically resorted to flattery.

No matter where or how he worked in the future, it wouldn't hurt to make a good impression on high-ranking officials of various orders.

"It is I who am honored to meet you. I have not heard of anyone born with such a powerful flame in recent times."

The bishop was a gentle and kind person.

"Surely, in your childhood, you must have suffered from uncontrolled flames."

"...Uh, no?"

At Yi-Han's response, the bishop paused.

Then he seemed to understand.

"Aha. Being from the Wardanaz family, you must have used protective fire magic..."

But I didnt.

Yi-Han had grown up just fine without any fire-related accidents, even without such measures.

After all, if one didn't use flame magic, there usually wasn't a problem.

"But now, away from your family, you cant rely solely on your familys magic. Yi-Han, you must learn to control the flames."

Yi-Han nodded with a determined expression.

After all, the reason he had approached the Aphar Order was to learn more about flame magic.

Controlling flames through normal methods was difficult, but using holy magic might be different.

"That method might be excessively harsh or difficult for a first-year student at the magic academy."

"I am aware of that."

Yi-Han said, recalling Professor Boladi.

Although elemental magic was often said to be familiar and therefore easy, truly mastering it was not simple.

Yi-Han remembered the numerous trials and hardships he had to endure just to properly control a simple water spell.

Thinking back on maintaining form, changing motions, and sensing elements, he realized anew the arduous paths he had walked.

However, what he had done once, he could do again.

He was determined to do it!

'If I don't learn to control flames now, I might suffer manifold later.'

Yi-Han tossed his coat aside and picked up his staff.

Then, he assumed a stance.

"Release the flames. I am ready."

"...Excuse me, but what are you doing?"

The bishop was taken aback by Yi-Han's response.

He couldn't understand what sort of training the boy in front of him was preparing for.

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