Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Despite Professor Garcia's fury, the old mage Eumidiphos remained unfazed.

"In our time, we used to teach magic right in the dungeons. The abundant mana made it easier to cast stronger spells. Plus, the various phenomena that occurred there were useful for reference."

"Modern mages don't learn that way."

Indeed, recalling the educational policies of the magic academy, it didn't seem too far removed from such archaic methods, but Professor Garcia insisted otherwise.

At least, that was how Garcia planned to teach.

"It's not good to raise your disciples too weakly..."

"The principal tried that and failed miserably."

"Gonadaltes was too extreme."

Eumidiphos stated emphatically.

Even to Eumidiphos, known for her strict and harsh educational philosophy, Gonadaltes' methods were excessive.

"It's always important to find the right balance. Boladi Bagrak knows how to maintain that, so there's no need to worry too much."

Though the voice was gentle, like a kind grandmother, Professor Garcia was far from reassured.

Having met her only recently, Garcia sensed that this respected mage Eumidiphos was closer in approach to the skull principal than to herself.

One must be vigilant!

"Are you acquainted with Professor Bagrak?"

"He briefly received instruction under me."

"Was he your disciple?!"

"Not a disciple, just briefly instructed."

'Usually, that would be considered a disciple...'

Professor Garcia thought so but didn't further challenge the point.

Indeed, among mages, there were many who were particular about the definition of a disciple.

Teaching a single spell didn't necessarily constitute a master-disciple relationship.

-A disciple must inherit the mage's vision and enlightenment!-

Intrigued by Eumidiphos's words, Professor Garcia asked,

"Was Professor Bagrak not adequate to be your disciple?"

"Our personalities didn't match. I feared if we spent too much time together, one of us would end up dead."


It was an unexpected reason, but Professor Garcia genuinely understood.

Indeed, Professor Boladi had a talent for infuriating people.


Yi-Han swore and blurted out something unusual as he flew backward.

'Damn it!'

Entering a dark and likely ambush-filled plaza, Yi-Han had prepared as best he could.

To any other mage, his readiness might have seemed excessive for a novice.

He had activated and , and not stopping there, he wrapped himself in and .

Ready to block any surprise attack from any direction.

And Yi-Han's calculations were almost spot-on.


-! !

Indeed, the ghosts appearing all over the plaza couldn't penetrate Yi-Han's defenses.

Some were deceived by the illusion and rushed towards it, while others floundered against the water shield.

Meanwhile, Yi-Han precisely took down the ghosts.

He ignited flames on distant ghosts and shattered the nearby ones with water orbs...

Everything seemed perfect.

Until an unexpected foe appeared.



Faced with the appearance of a Collossal Hungry Ghost, several times larger than the ordinary ones, Yi-Han was at a loss for words.

'Did I... have to face this just because I used multiple spells at once?'

Yi-Han suddenly felt unjustly burdened.

Was it really such a mistake to divide and use the water orbs that he had to face such a creature during a lecture?

Yet, the Colossal Hungry Ghost paid no heed to Yi-Han's sense of injustice and charged.

Gritting his teeth, Yi-Han unleashed a barrage of magic.

Flames burst forth while water orbs flew chaotically from all directions, fiercely striking the Colossal Hungry Ghost.

Unlike the ordinary ghosts which would have fallen, the Colossal Hungry Ghost protected itself with a thick, sticky layer of mucous-like armor.

As the blazing flames died down and the water orbs slid off without causing any impact, Yi-Han was sent flying backward with a dull thud.


Had he not hastily summoned the water shield, he would have likely broken a bone or two.

Yi-Han quickly got back on his feet.

Cursing or complaining could wait; what mattered now was confronting the enemy before him.

"Flash forth!"

The lightning veered off course, not even reaching the Colossal Hungry Ghost.


Yi-Han quickly realized the situation.

A green rock in the plaza was attracting the lightning magic.

'What is this...?!'

In a short span, Yi-Han cursed at Ferkuntra and Professor Boladi.

Although Ferkuntra wasn't really at fault

Eumidiphos and Professor Garcia soon found where Professor Boladi was.

It was the deeper parts of the dungeon connected to the underground classroom.


"Boladi Bagrak. It's been a while."

Despite the unexpected visit, Professor Boladi showed no change in expression, merely nodding his head.

Eumidiphos, not expecting any fuss from Professor Boladi, quickly shifted her gaze elsewhere.

Before Boladi, a vista composed of illusion magic unfolded. Professor Garcia sighed.

She knew who it was without even looking.

It was the boy from the Wardanaz family.

'He really took him to the dungeon?'

She had doubted it, but indeed, Boladi had brought him to the actual dungeon.

Professor Garcia was astounded, but Eumidiphos and Boladi calmly continued their conversation.

"How skilled is this freshman?"

"Elemental control, shape transformation, multi-casting."

"...I was asking which of these he has mastered, Boladi Bagrak."

Eumidiphos sighed.

Even in the past, Boladi had little talent for conversation.

His awkwardness was one thing, but it was his unnecessary self-assurance that made it more frustrating.

He was probably thinking, 'I've answered correctly, why are they behaving like this?'

"All of them, he's skilled in all."

"...Really? Truly?"

Eumidiphos was taken aback.

"Is Gonadaltes trying to deceive me?"

"No, Eumidiphos."

Professor Garcia clarified.

Naturally, Eumidiphos found it hard to believe Boladi's words.

Who would have thought a freshman could be so adept in elemental magic?

But sadly, it was true.

"Professor Bagrak might have been a bit strict and harsh in his teachings..."


Boladi tilted his head in confusion, not understanding Garcia's implication.

"Well taught, it seems."

"Thank you."


Listening to their conversation, Professor Garcia felt her respect gradually fading.

Unaware of Garcia's inner thoughts, Eumidiphos continued.

"A disciple's achievements can't come without good teaching. I doubted your ability to teach someone, but it seems I underestimated you."

Professor Boladi accepted the praise as if it were a matter of course. Professor Garcia, on the other hand, wished she could flee from the scene.

"What's the purpose today?"

"The embodiment of multi-casting."

"The monster?"

"Hungry Ghost."

Eumidiphos nodded.

Unable to contain herself any longer, Professor Garcia spoke up, realizing she was the only one who would point out the issue here.

"Isn't a Hungry Ghost a bit too dangerous for a freshman?"

Eumidiphos looked at Professor Garcia.

Then, she slowly said, "Freshmen vary. A freshman skilled in elemental control, shape transformation, and multi-casting should be able to handle a Hungry Ghost."


Professor Garcia found herself unable to argue.

...It was too accurate a statement.

Beside her, Professor Boladi nodded in agreement. Garcia clenched her fist.

Eumidiphos turned her gaze back to Yi-Han, finding the boy quite intriguing.

"His magic...?"

"He has a considerable amount of mana."

"That must make it difficult to control, yet he uses so much magic skillfully."

Naturally talented mages often grew slower due to their abundance of mana, which took more time to control.

Yet, the fact that he was using multiple spells indicated immense talent.

It would be impossible to manipulate that much power without a corresponding talent for controlling it.

-Heat, distort the air! Shield, unfold!-



However, even Eumidiphos looked slightly perplexed when Yi-Han cast additional spells before entering the plaza.

"Is it okay for the boy to use that much magic?"


"I wasn't asking you, Boladi Bagrak."

Eumidiphos knew well, as an experienced mage, from whom to expect a useful answer.

Professor Garcia replied reluctantly,

"Yes... It's okay for him to that extent."

"He must have more mana than I thought."


Having prepared, Yi-Han entered inside.

Armed with firepower too excessive for a freshman, the boy from the Wardanaz family slaughtered the ghosts ambush in the plaza.

Eumidiphos genuinely admired the scene, as even the well-concealed ghosts fell without a touch.

"I didn't know you could teach like this."

"Thank you."


Listening in, Professor Garcia gritted her teeth.

Just when it seemed all was over, another monster appeared in the plaza. It was a Colossal Hungry Ghost.

'...Isn't that a bit too extreme?'

Garcia hesitated to point it out, suspecting the two mages would again say it was acceptable.

"Isn't that too much?"

Eumidiphos spoke, seemingly puzzled. Garcia, dumbfounded, stared at the mage Eumidiphos.

"There's no need for such a monster in the embodiment of multi-casting."

Professor Boladi spoke in his usual expressionless manner.

"That's right. This is an unexpected situation."

"...Of course, it is. I'll go take a look."

Eumidiphos responded as if she had expected Boladi's answer.

It seemed Boladi lacked the capacity to properly mentor a disciple.

To Garcia, both seemed the same...

"If you're going to control, do it properly..."

Eumidiphos stopped mid-sentence.

The disciple, caught by an inept master, was taking down the Colossal Hungry Ghost.

In a situation where lightning was ineffective, the options were limited.

Yi-Han swiftly dodged the attacks of the Colossal Hungry Ghost.

Though he didn't want to be grateful to the skull principal, made evasion not too difficult.

With his skills honed in nearly real combat and enhanced by magic, evading a simple charge was manageable.

'Choose the most familiar element.'

Yi-Han opted for the water element.

It was a better choice than the lightning element, which had proven ineffective, or the fire element, in which he was not yet confident.

Of course, he couldn't just shoot it out. He had already realized that the impact of the existing water orbs was ineffective.

'Somehow make them spin. It doesn't need to be perfect!'

Yi-Han began to spin the water orbs floating in the air in unison.

Like when he had defeated the golem, a perfect spin wasn't necessary.

All that was needed was enough penetrative power to bring down the enemy.

While continuously dodging the opponent's attacks, he calmly worked towards completion.

Crackling sounds filled the air.

'Not enough. Let's try again.'

Despite the failure of his first attempt, Yi-Han did not panic or flounder.

He remained as calm as ice.

The second, the third attempt.

As the water orbs started to deliver sharper impacts, the Colossal Hungry Ghost seemed to grow increasingly fearful.

And then...

Thump, thump, thump, thump!


While not as perfect as the spin that defeated the golem, the spinning water orbs struck the Colossal Hungry Ghost with strong impacts.

Watching the opponent stagger and fall, Yi-Han couldn't help but exclaim,

"Go to hell! Bola..." 


"...Hungry Ghost!" Yi-Han quickly changed what he wanted to say upon hearing a voice.

"That's not a Hungry Ghost, it's a Colossal Hungry Ghost, you know?"

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