Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

"Remarkable indeed."

Despite the scratch on his honorable crown, the voice of the King of Frost Giants was gentle.

His satisfaction stemmed from the challenger's impressive display.

"I wondered how you would penetrate the crown's defense, but to use , an advanced application of the Water element, was unexpected."

Evaporation was a tricky attribute, often not fully understood even by mages specializing in the Water element.

Even with sufficient understanding, the severe mana consumption posed significant constraints on its use.

To think a young mage would master such a difficult attribute, known for both its complexity and immense mana drain.

"You handle the cold element quite skillfully as well. I believe the decision to set aside your pride and choose that path has led to your growth."

Not just , but also the control of the cold element was commendable.

Few mages chose to refine their elemental manipulation, preferring stronger high-circle magic over intricately controlling something as unpredictable as ice shards.

Especially since the cold element, unlike water or earth, wasn't easy to maintain or manipulate.

Controlling dozens of ice shards simultaneously was a testament to the mage's skill, regardless of the abundance of cold energy in the surroundings.


Yi-Han decided to simply listen quietly.

It wasn't just pride that led him to focus on flame magic, but he didn't feel the need to explain that.

"Here, I leave a token for the honorable challenger."

As the King of Frost Giants declared, a blue, luminous stone embedded itself into the tip of Yi-Han's staff. It was a stone condensed with intense cold.

"With the snow melting and spring approaching, manipulating cold will become difficult. This stone will preserve some cold for the mage."

"...Thank you!"

Yi-Han was visibly delighted.

Of course, the King of Frost Giants had no idea.

He didn't suspect that the mage before him intended to use the bestowed coldness to practice flame magic!

'Once the cold subsides, flame magic will become more challenging. Having the ability to summon cold will be a great help.'

There would surely be limits, but even the occasional summoning of cold would be beneficial.

Cold is among the most supreme of elements


Yi-Han hesitated at the King of Frost Giants's words.

It struck him anew that both mages and spirits often exhibited a strong bias towards their chosen element being superior.

'That doesn't seem quite right.'

Still, Yi-Han kept his thoughts to himself. It was only polite to listen after receiving such a gift.

"...If you master this way of manipulation, you will have no equal among the challengers. I shall await our next encounter, honorable challenger."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The King of Frost Giants, true to his regal reputation, turned and departed with a dignified air.

Yi-Han watched his vanishing figure with a mix of respect and gratitude.

'But let's not meet again.'

Grateful as he was, Yi-Han had no intention of another challenge.

He was still reeling from the effort of dodging the King's attacks.

"Well done."

"Thank you."

Professor Boladi dissolved the barrier and approached Yi-Han.

The fourth-year students, witnessing this, sighed in relief.

Although he had seemed almost mad just moments ago (and perhaps still did), the sight of the professor commending the hardworking first-year student assured them that some conscience remained in him.

Had he not offered praise, the seniors might have been even more outraged.

"If you hadn't insisted on using flame magic, you would have succeeded faster."



The fourth-year seniors were stunned.

It was almost unbelievable what they had just heard.

What did he say?

'Isn't that too harsh, really??'

If a first-year had succeeded against the King of Frost Giants, even the skull principal would have shed tears of praise...

"It was my mistake."

However, the freshman, instead of showing anger, readily admitted his mistake.

This confession caused a heart-wrenching pain in the fourth-year seniors.

'As a senior, I feel helpless for not being able to do anything!'

'What exactly have I learned in this magic academy?'

It was unbearable to see the freshman suffer at the hands of the mad professor and not be able to do anything.

Their chests ached with impotence and frustration.

"I should have approached with cold instead of flame."

"Yes. If only you had completed the ."

The fourth-year students glared menacingly, but the Professor and his student remained oblivious.

They were calmly reviewing the recent battle.

'So, he wanted an .'

Yi-Han was not particularly upset.

In fact, considering Professor Boladi's temperament, this was quite the praise. It started with a 'well done,' after all.

To others, the professor might seem mad...

'Using an to block attacks and gain time, then overwhelming with a barrage of ice shards - that's what he meant.'

The battle's end brought clarity to Professor Boladi's expectations.

He had his own hopes for the encounter - using an to buy time and then launching an overwhelming assault with the abundant surrounding cold energy, enough to break through the crown's defenses.

...Let's overlook the expectation of mastering 4th Circle magic in just a week...

"There was a weakness in the crown's defenses. It could have been continuously bombarded from all directions, or penetrated by adding the spin element."

"I will keep that in mind."

Yi-Han stored this advice in his memory.

Regardless of his current thoughts, remembering Professor Boladi's teachings would be crucial for his survival later.

"...Did you just say spin...?"

"Should we report this to the Emperor?"

Upon hearing about adding spin to the already challenging cold element, the fourth-year students became even more agitated.

"But the Evaporation was excellent."

"Thank you!"

Professor Boladi nodded silently and then turned, walking away with heavy steps.

As he disappeared into the darkness of the slowly returning corridor, leaving the intense cold behind, the monstrous presence seemed to vanish with him.

And as soon as the menacing figure was gone, the fourth-year students rushed to Yi-Han.

"...Are you okay!?"

"Are you alright!?"

"Yes? I'm fine."

Yi-Han was slightly bewildered.

The fourth-year seniors had suddenly rushed at him as if they had eaten something wrong.

"Are you asking because of the King of Frost Giants earlier? I rolled around a lot, but I'm not seriously injured."

"That's not it... Of course, we were worried about that too... But your conversation just now with the professor! Are you really okay?"

Kumandas was more concerned about Yi-Han's spirit than his physical state.

If Kumandas had been dragged out as a freshman to challenge the King of Frost Giants and then heard those words after succeeding, he would have seriously considered dropping out.

Even endless praise would have been insufficient...

"That was praise, wasn't it?"

"...That just now?"

"Junior. Do you not know what praise is...?"

"It was praise. It seems everyone misunderstood."

Yi-Han spoke indifferently, as if there had been a minor misunderstanding.

At this sight, the fourth-year students experienced the most astonishment among all the emotions they had felt that day.

'This... this guy...'

'How tough is he...?'

It became apparent that the true talent of this freshman wasn't in his mana quantity, magic comprehension, or mana control.

His real talent lay in his unyielding spirit.

A robust spirit that wouldn't waver no matter what absurdity the magic academy's professors threw at him!

"...Junior. I respect you."

"Junior. I admire you."

"Junior... don't fall down."


The fourth-year students patted Yi-Han's shoulder once each and then walked away.

What was that?



As Dolgyu approached, Yi-Han waved his hand as if to say he was okay. It was clear from his face that he was full of worry.

Behind him was Jijel.

Yi-Han hesitated when Jijel, frowning, approached. He wondered if she was about to start another quarrel.

"Go back and make sure you're not injured."

But instead of picking a fight, Jijel left after expressing something akin to concern.


Yi-Han was astonished.

Really, what was that?

"Wardanaz... be careful."

"Wardanaz. That lecture... never mind. Go back and make sure you're not injured."

It wasn't just Jijel. The students of the White Tiger left one by one, each leaving a word of concern for Yi-Han.

Yi-Han asked Dolgyu.

"Can you explain what's going on?"

"Well... um..."

Dolgyu struggled with how to explain.

Even to the students of the White Tiger, who were almost enemies with Yi-Han, Professor Boladi's lecture seemed excessively harsh.

-Is Wardanaz going to die at this rate?-

-Is this even allowed? Even for Wardanaz-

-Isn't this too much?-

It had reached a point where, midway through the challenge, they began worrying and rooting for Yi-Han!

Dolgyu couldn't bring himself to say, 'You were rolling around so badly that everyone got worried.'

That would have been a blow to Yi-Han's pride.

"Maybe... your challenge resonated with the chivalrous spirit of the White Tiger students who come from knightly families?"

"Dolgyu. What nonsense are you spouting? That's impossible."


Dolgyu pursed his lips.

Congratulations. I wondered when you'd solve it.

As they emerged from the twisted realm corridor, the skull principal floated up to greet the students.

The White Tiger students said proudly.

"Yes, Principal. We did it."

Well done.

But the faces of the fourth-year students were pale.

The principal's gaze was fixed on the fourth-year students.

You obviously didn't succeed. Pathetic fools.

"Principal! It's not Direth's fault. It was because of us..."

Kumandas desperately defended her.

Direth was already furious...

Kumandas couldve been killed before even leaving the punishment room.

What naive, ironhead nonsense are you spouting? Choosing wrong friends is the real mistake.


Kumandas immediately retracted his earlier thought of 'Isn't Professor Boladi worse than skull principal?'

The skull principal was indeed worse.

Now. To the punishment room



The skull principal grumbled, looking at Yi-Han.

I had something to say to you anyway. Tell me later.

"It's not that... Didn't we solve this issue?"

Yes. Well done. Is that all?

"No. Normally, there's a reward, right?"


The skull principal felt a sense of foreboding and scowled.

Don't do it. I hate that sort of thing.

"For the seniors..."

Don't. It makes me sick.

"Please don't send them to the punishment room."

"Yes, yes!"

"Please forgive the seniors!"

Yi-Han had thought, 'Saving a leave pass and owing the seniors would be beneficial,' but the simple-minded White Tiger students were quickly swept up in the mood.

At their fervent response, the skull principal looked as though he was in agony.

Take the leave pass. Just take it. I won't set any traps.

"Just forgiving the seniors would be..."

The skull principal sighed deeply, a sigh that seemed to reach the darkest depths of the magic academy's underground.

...Get out of my sight, you fools.

"Tha... Thank you!"

The fourth-year seniors didn't even have the chance to properly express their gratitude to Yi-Han.

They conveyed their heartfelt thanks with their eyes and hurriedly fled.

The skull principal watched their retreating figures with a deep sense of regret.

"Thank you, Principal."

My pleasure. The weekend is just a few hours away.

"Is that so?"

You're going out with me. Wardanaz.


Yi-Han's expression was colder than the King of Frost Giants's crown.

Beside him, Anglago, oblivious, exclaimed in admiration.

Going out with the principal for the weekend.

The rumor that Wardanaz was being personally taught magic by the principal was true!

"Wow, going out with the principal...!"

Yi-Han looked at Anglago indifferently.

It wasn't a glaring look, but Anglago felt his heart freeze and quickly shut his mouth.

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